Papers by Veronika Frantova
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter identifies ten key dominant Islamophobic narratives and the ten key dominant counter... more This chapter identifies ten key dominant Islamophobic narratives and the ten key dominant counter-narratives to Islamophobia operating in the Czech Republic. Islamophobic narratives were found to fix Muslims collectively as, in descending order of prevalence, a threat to security, unassimilable, a demographic threat, an Islamisation threat, a threat to local, national and European identity, responsible for excessive women’s oppression, essentially different and violent, incomplete citizens and a risk to the majority, and essentially homophobic.
Sociální studia / Social Studies, 2014
Autorka v textu nabízí analýzu místních referend v České republice z perspektivy kulturní sociolo... more Autorka v textu nabízí analýzu místních referend v České republice z perspektivy kulturní sociologie Jeffrey C. Alexandera. Referenda jsou obvykle chápána jako součást rozhodování probíhajícího v rámci politické sféry, a jako taková zkoumána pomocí nástrojů politické sociologie. Alternativní výkladový rámec představují Alexanderova koncepce relativně autonomní občanské sféry a jeho teoretický projekt kulturní sociologie, které umožňují tento typ praktik vztahovat k symbolickému kódu občanské společnosti. Kulturní struktura občanské společnosti se projevuje jak na úrovni vyjednávání o konkrétních tématech v rámci lokálních referendových kampaní, tak v rovině obecné diskuse o legitimitě referend jakožto nástrojů přímé demokracie. I na konkrétní úrovni přitom bývá obecnější otázka přímé demokracie silně tematizována. Autorka stručně shrnuje poznatky o dosud proběhlých referendech a na příkladech ukáže možnosti aplikace kulturní sociologie v obou naznačených úrovních diskurzu. Využívá p...
The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective ... more The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Jeffrey C. Alexander’s cultural sociology. Local referendums are usually seen as part of decision-making processes within the political sphere and investigated using the tools of political sociology. The concept of Alexander’s relatively autonomous civil sphere and his theoretical project of cultural sociology offer an explanatory framework relating this type of decision-making practice with the symbolic code of civil society. The cultural structure of civil society is manifested in two levels of discourse – in negotiations on specific issues within local referendum campaigns and in public debate about the legitimacy of referendums as instruments of direct democracy. The author briefly summarizes key findings on past local referendums and shows the relevance of cultural sociology at both of levels of discourse. The author uses Alexander’s original codes based on his analysis of discou...
The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective ... more The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Jeffrey C. Alexander’s cultural sociology. Local referendums are usually seen as part of decision-making processes within the political sphere and investigated using the tools of political sociology. The concept of Alexander’s relatively autonomous civil sphere and his theoretical project of cultural sociology offer an explanatory framework relating this type of decision-making practice with the symbolic code of civil society. The cultural structure of civil society is manifested in two levels of discourse – in negotiations on specific issues within local referendum campaigns and in public debate about the legitimacy of referendums as instruments of direct democracy. The author briefly summarizes key findings on past local referendums and shows the relevance of cultural sociology at both of levels of discourse. The author uses Alexander’s original codes based on his analysis of discou...
Papers by Veronika Frantova