Papers by Veronica Sanchez
The American Journal of Medicine, 1993
The purpose of this study was to determine aspects of the epidemiology of nosocomial infection du... more The purpose of this study was to determine aspects of the epidemiology of nosocomial infection due to Candida parapailosds. Can-&da specie43 are important nosocomial pathogenq however, little epidemiologic information is available. PATIENTS AND =ODSz We prospectively cul-turtxlspecimensfrom98patientsadmittedtothe bonemarrowkanspbmtunitandamedkiueintensivecareunit(ICU)ofatertkycarehospital. &&mensfromhandsofpersonnelandenviron-msncal~W~also-~-tal cxlhalmWere~befOrepe~~Were&dmitted toastudieduniLRe+Wk&m~analysis (RZA)ofchromawwlalDNAwasusedasatyp~ qWt4!!mtodeWmhietherela~of~ RESULTS C. parap&o&was idenMed from five patif3ut8$sixhandl?ultWsfromfour~staff, andtwoen-tall3u&ce%Allfivepatients hadIMgatlvehlitkllc&lllWl#UdaCquhX!dCjW ap?3&J&aft%radmis&mtothestudyunitaThere wereno&ni&xmtdiffer0ncesbelxveenpatien~ and~tE-olsUbje@Jinage,~diclegse,im-m~therapy,andh&nunentation The duration of autibiotic therapy (mediam 328 velw311J3days#p=OS06)andthedurationinthe unit(me4~30.1ve~3us16.1days,p=0.048)was longer in patlenta than in controls. No common sourcewasiden~REAlwealedthreestrahl typee;-,Oll0f3tdltypewaSideolticalh fourpatlentS#threestaffmemberi%andtwoenvironmental-CONCLUSION: Them redts suggest exogenous acquisition of C. pa.ra@osk Based upon isolation of identical patient straius of C. parap~&~& from inanimate surf&es before patients were admitted to a study unit, there is evidence that the organism may have been acquired from the hos-From the Departments of Internal Medicine (VS. JAV. LD. JDS. MJZ) and Biostatistics @B-J). Division of Infectious Disease (VS, JAV. LD, JDS, MJZ).
Papers by Veronica Sanchez