Papers by Vanessa Armendáriz
Construire des politiques alimentaires urbaines Concepts et démarches

This paper discusses how a complex-systems perspective can shed light on the analysis of complex ... more This paper discusses how a complex-systems perspective can shed light on the analysis of complex food-systems meeting urban food needs. The common features between complex systems and Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS) are explored. A brief review of the major approaches - agent-based models (ABM), social network analysis (SNA), and system dynamics (SD) - is developed in order to make an assessment on the analysis performance of different complex system methodologies while dealing with FSDS. After sifting out the most suitable methodology for the study of FSDS, a system archetype analysis of the FSDS dynamics is elicited from the methodological guide of FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. To finalize, three basic points for the analysis of FSDS obtained from the current research are explained. This content is part of the content leading the SD updates to FAO’s FSDS methodological guide.

Closing down a transportation system for one or more days due to a potential terrorist attack is ... more Closing down a transportation system for one or more days due to a potential terrorist attack is not a measure that decision-makers tend to take lightly. However, despite its importance, the EU currently has no common framework or an organization, to deal with such issues in the transportation sector. The ATTACS project aims at providing a tool that will help decisionmakers to evaluate the effects (direct and indirect and under economic terms) of a public transportation system closedown. The aim of this paper is to present an initial qualitative mapping of those effects. The approach that will be used is System Dynamics, since it offers a lot of advantages in comparison to other methodologies. The ATTACS project will account for effects in different sectors (transportation, economy, business and the public), across different time horizons (shortand long-term), across different spatial dimensions and for different types of events (terrorist attacks and terrorist threats). The provide...

Agriculture, 2016
The world is continuously transforming to supply growing cities and urbanization processes are st... more The world is continuously transforming to supply growing cities and urbanization processes are still driving important changes in our current food systems. Future sustainability constraints are emphasizing that Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS) are deeply embedded in city-region systems with specific technical and socio-ecological characteristics. This paper aims to provide a systemic understanding on FSDS focusing the integration of urban and rural structures considering the system biophysical boundaries and societal targets. A qualitative framework model, based on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)'s FSDS literature, has been developed by using Systems Thinking (ST) and System Dynamics (SD) approaches. The model analysis suggested that to increase sustainability and resilience of food systems large emphasis has to be maintained on: (i) estimation of local territorial carrying capacities; (ii) land use planning to enhance connections among rural supplies and city needs; (iii) city policies, to regulate emergent market size and local scale of production; (iv) technological efficiency at farm, distribution and market levels; (v) urban, peri-urban and rural functional linkages that considers social metabolic balances; (vi) rural development as a core point for building sustainable food systems and counteracting the urbanization growth. These key areas are relevant to test new paths of cities-regions reconfiguration towards the transition to resilient agri-food systems.
Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'état générée par l'Agence nationale de la recherche au tit... more Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'état générée par l'Agence nationale de la recherche au titre du programme « Investissements d'avenir » portant la référence ANR-10-LABX-001-01 Labex Agro, coordonné par Agropolis Fondation (Montpellier).
Papers by Vanessa Armendáriz