Papers by Vladimir Krivošejev
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
Common stereotypical attitudes suggest that more extensive organized activities aimed at expandin... more Common stereotypical attitudes suggest that more extensive organized activities aimed at expanding the network of institutions for the protection of cultural assets began to be undertaken only after the end of World War II, under the auspices of the Communist party, when a new socialist social system was established. It was then, in 1947, that the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia was founded, followed by other local institutes of this kind. In that same period, local archives (archival centres) began to be established, increasing the capacity of archival activities initiated in 1898 with the founding of the State Archives of Serbia. At the same time, a series of new laws were passed; in addition, a number of museums were founded throughout Serbia, thus developing the museum network, which had previously – since the founding of the Serbian Museum (Muzeum serbski) in 1844 – expanded mainly in Belgrade, with only a small number of museums in other cities and...
The aim of this paper is to point out the part of different epidemics in the reduction of populat... more The aim of this paper is to point out the part of different epidemics in the reduction of population in Serbia during the First and Second Balkan Wars (1912 - 1913) and the First World War (1914 - 1918). In addition to suffering on the battlefield, the war conditions of life also led to the culmination of various diseases and the appearance of various major and minor, local, regional and world epidemics. By comparing data from the 1910-1913 census and in 1921 there was a population reduction of 526,430. (4,393,315: 3,866,885). Various infectious diseases took significantly more lives than all other causes combined, including war. According to accepted estimates, during the war years, infectious diseases took about 360,000 lives. The typhus epidemic, which affected the whole of Serbia during the first half of 1915, took about 135,000 lives. This paper is largely based on the analysis of church registers of the dead, and it points out several different local epidemics that affected th...
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Dec 30, 2018
Muzejske izložbe i autorsko pravo Apstrakt: Izložbe predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih medija preko ... more Muzejske izložbe i autorsko pravo Apstrakt: Izložbe predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih medija preko kojih muzeji prezentuju rezultate svojih aktivnosti, ali i njihov instrument za ostvarivanje dodanih prihoda. One su delo autora koji su po pravilu zaposleni u muzeju i autorstvo ostvaruju realizujući stalne ili povremene obaveze iz radnog odnosa. Ovakav stav otvara pitanja vezana za zakonsku obavezu i realnu praksu ostvarivanja autorskih prava. U radu su obrađene teme izložbe kao autorskog dela, prava muzeja kao poslodavca i zaposlenih kao autora, analizirani su ključni članovi Zakona o autorskom i srodnim pravima u vezi autorskih dela stvorenih u radnom odnosu, te posebno imovinska prava autora izložbe.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2018
The year 2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Valjevo Hospital foundation. During the century and ... more The year 2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Valjevo Hospital foundation. During the century and a half of active work, the hospital complexes have been at different times in three different locations, from a rented house of a trader of Valjevo in the centre of Kasaba (since 1867), through purpose-built buildings on the edge of the town (since 1884) to the new, also purpose-built facility, on the periphery of the expanded city (since 1954). Of these three locations, the greatest interest of the public and the researchers of the past, especially when the great sufferings of 1914 and 1915 was concerned, was aroused by the second, with the first purpose-built buildings. However, considering this location, special attention was paid exclusively to the surgical pavilion of the hospital complex, built in 1906, while the facilities from 1885 were completely neglected, and they were presumed not even preserved. However, the research carried out in 2015 and 2016 indicated that two of the thr...
Since the nineteenth century, with the massive founding of new institutions, museums also have ha... more Since the nineteenth century, with the massive founding of new institutions, museums also have had a great importance in the independent parallel process of the rapid development of tourist activity - they have been primary tourist attractions bringing a growing number of travellers to a certain destination. With the further tourism development directed towards the „ready-made“ massive offer of the type 3S, but also with the crisis of museums caused by not accepting general changes influencing modern needs of the public, the importance of the museum has decreased and they have become secondary and tertiary tourist attractions, the places that are less and less visited, and often visited without a prior intention. The pathways of the development of a museum and tourist activity crossed once again during the last decades of the twentieth century, when the parallel development of new museology and new tourism brought museums again in the focus of tourist trends. The aim of this paper i...
Saint George is one of the most popular Christian saints throughout the world. There are numerous... more Saint George is one of the most popular Christian saints throughout the world. There are numerous and quite diverse customs related to his celebrations. However, the most interesting and wide-spread customs integrated, largely into the national identification, are those traditionally practised among some of the Balkan nations. This research gives insight into such customs: ones that, in fact, represent a mixture of Christian and pagan religious rituals, folklore and tradition. Such ethnographic elements have always had an important role in tourism. Recent UNESCO initiatives for the registration of intangible heritage assets and their protection and presentation highlight the significance of this kind of heritage, indicating the necessity of its protection as something unique and of common interest.
Proceedings of the 26th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management, 2021
Неконвенционални извори финансирања у области културе и очувања културног наслеђа постају све поп... more Неконвенционални извори финансирања у области културе и очувања културног наслеђа постају све популарнији са јачањем светске економске кризе и повећаним суочавањем културних институција и старалаца са недостатком финансијских средстава. Проблем рада је истраживање потенцијала crowdfunding-а ("crowd"-гомила и "funding"-финансирање) за финансирање очувања наслеђа, као релативно новог начина прикупљања финансијских средстава, у виду прецизно осмишљених, структуираних и вођених пројеката, уз помоћ савремених веб платформи. Циљеви рада су да се објасни функционисање овог начина прикупљања средстава у финансирању заштите културног наслеђа, представе основни модели, прикажу предности и недостаци, уради анализа добрих примера и изведу закључци о потенцијалима у овој области. У истраживању ће бити коришћене следеће методе: историјска и компаративна, за приказ развоја и анализу различитих форми краудфандинга, метода анализе садржаја и метода студије случаја, за анализу најпознатијих платформи и успешних кампања у неколико европских земаља. На основу анализе броја и врста пројеката, степена успешности у прикупљању средстава, кључних мотивација за донаторе и других фактора успешности, биће дате смернице које могу бити од користи стараоцима културне баштине, носиоцима културне политике и појединцима у покретању на коришћење овог вида алтернативног финансирања. Кључне речи: финансирање, краудфандинг, културно наслеђе.
EMAN 2019 – Economics & Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2019
Uslužna industrija ili industrija iskustva, kako je danas nazivamo, kao ključni resurs prepoznaje... more Uslužna industrija ili industrija iskustva, kako je danas nazivamo, kao ključni resurs prepoznaje kvalitetno uslužno osoblje. Emocionalna inteligencija 4 postaje sve važnija snaga ovog kvaliteta, ukoliko kognitivne sposobnosti i stručna znanja posmatramo kao podrazumevajuće. Kako se većina usluga proizvodi i troši u interakciji davaoca i korisnika, neretko, i više korisnika u isto vreme, a uslužno osoblje predstavlja deo same usluge, to i određeni elementi konstrukta EI imaju veći ili manji uticaj na uspeh "momenata istine". Cilj ovog rada jeste da se predstave najvažniji elementi EI, njihov uticaj na ukupnost kvaliteta kompetencija uslužnog osoblja i, konačno, na kvalitet isporučene usluge. Kvalitet i nivo EI utiču na intrapersonalne i na interpersonalne regulatorne procese pojedinca. Na unutrašnjem planu, zaposleni sa višim stepenom EI svesniji su svojih emocija i faktora koji ih izazivaju, što im omogućava lakše regulisanje negativnih emocija, postizanje višeg nivoa zadovoljstva životom i poslom, manji stepen izgaranja, efikasnije prepoznavanje i borbu sa stresorima. Na spoljašnjem planu, viši novoi varijabli EI povećavaju potencijal kvaliteta interpersonalnih odnosa i preko empatije omogućavaju pojedincu da shvati emocije drugih, a u višim fazama njima i upravlja. Posmatrana zajedno, ova dva aspekta čine nezaobilaznu platformu za razumevanje problema i potreba drugih i osnovni su uslov za pružanje visokokvalitetne usluge prilagođene korisniku, što je imperativ najvećeg broja grana uslužne industrije.
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2020
The Spanish flu appeared at the end of the First World War and spread around the world in three w... more The Spanish flu appeared at the end of the First World War and spread around the world in three waves: spring-summer in 1918, which was mild; autumn fatal wave, in the same year; and winter wave in 1919, which also had great consequences. From the United States of America, as the cradle of its origin, the Spanish flu spread to all the inhabited continents, and it did not bypass Serbia either. Research on the Spanish flu, as the deadliest and most widespread pandemic in the human history, was mostly based on statistical researches. The development of the geographic information systems and spatial analyses has enabled the implementation of the information of location in existing researches, allowing the identification of the spatial patterns of infectious diseases. The subject of this paper is the spatial patterns of the share of deaths from the Spanish flu in the total population in Valjevo Srez (in Western Serbia), at the settlement level, and their determination by the geographical...
Istorija 20. veka, 2021
Zahvatajući skoro celu planetu, pandemija španske groznice 1918/19. godine nije zaobišla ni stano... more Zahvatajući skoro celu planetu, pandemija španske groznice 1918/19. godine nije zaobišla ni stanovništvo okupirane Srbije, ni vojnike na Solunskom frontu. Eskalirala je neposredno po proboju fronta, a vrhunac je dostigla u trenucima euforije zbog oslobođenja. Cilj ovoga rada jeste da ukaže na mogući put dolaska i hronologiju razvoja epidemije u Valjevskom srezu, kao i na broj žrtava koje je ona tu odnela. Rezultati analize crkvenih knjiga umrlih, i to na skoro stopostotnom uzorku, ukazuju da je masovno umiranje od posledica epidemije otpočelo tokom druge polovine oktobra u ravničarskim delovima sreza, ali da je tu mortalni udar bio relativno slab. Odatle se epidemija širila na udaljenija i nepristupačnija brdsko-planinska sela, gde je smrtnost bila veoma visoka, u pojedinim naseljima umrlo je više od 9% stanovništva. Glavni mortalni udar epidemije je trajao do pred kraj 1918. godine, a posle toga se u naseljima gde je prethodno smrtnost bila veća uočavaju slabije posledice u odnosu ...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2020
It is estimated that the Spanish flu pandemic, which affected the entire planet from 1918 to 1919... more It is estimated that the Spanish flu pandemic, which affected the entire planet from 1918 to 1919, affected about five hundred million people, or one-third of the world's population at the time, and killed about fifty million people. The disease was noticed among Serbian soldiers in Corfu in April 1918, and in May among soldiers on the Salonika Front, but without fatal consequences. During the summer, fatalities were also reported, mainly due to lung compaction. Then the epidemic was reported in occupied Serbia as well. Just at the time of the breakthrough of Salonika Front on the 15th of September, a new wave of the epidemic started, this time fatal. Many soldiers remained lying and dying in military hospitals set up along the way. Some soldiers made it home but then passed away, and some found their homes empty. In occupied Serbia, mass dying began before liberation. In the region of Valjevo, the first deaths occurred in early October, but mass deaths started in late October. ...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2018
Izložbe predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih medija preko kojih muzeji prezentuju rezultate svojih akt... more Izložbe predstavljaju jedan od osnovnih medija preko kojih muzeji prezentuju rezultate svojih aktivnosti, ali i njihov instrument za ostvarivanje dodanih prihoda. One su delo autora koji su po pravilu zaposleni u muzeju i autorstvo ostvaruju realizujući stalne ili povremene obaveze iz radnog odnosa. Ovakav stav otvara pitanja vezana za zakonsku obavezu i realnu praksu ostvarivanja autorskih prava. U radu su obrađene teme izložbe kao autorskog dela, prava muzeja kao poslodavca i zaposlenih kao autora, analizirani su ključni članovi Zakona o autorskom i srodnim pravima u vezi autorskih dela stvorenih u radnom odnosu, te posebno imovinska prava autora izložbe.
Kultura, 2018
Са же так: Те жи ште члан ка је по ста вље но на пи та њу: да ли На род ни му зеј Ва ље во сво ји... more Са же так: Те жи ште члан ка је по ста вље но на пи та њу: да ли На род ни му зеј Ва ље во сво јим ра дом еко ном ски до при но си раз во ју окру же ња. Да би се од го во ри ло на то пи та ње у два на вра та, 2013. и 2017. го ди не, су оба в ље на ком плек сна ис тра жи ва ња ко ји ма је ана ли зи ра на струк ту ра по се те му зе ју, кон стан то ва ни ње го ви при хо ди, ан ке ти ра ни пред став ни ци гру па ко је у му зеј до ла зе ор га ни зо ва но и ин тер в ју и са ни ру ко во ди о ци уго сти тељ ских обје ка та ко ји по се ти о ци ма му зе ја пру жа ју до дат не услу ге. Ис тра жи ва ње је по ка за ло да му зеј пред ста вља при мар ну ту ри стич ку атрак ци ју гра да, основ ни раз лог за до ла зак ве ћи не од око 30.000 ту ри ста го ди шње, и да они за раз ли чи те на ме не у гра ду по тро ше ви ше нов ца (око 25 ми ли о на ди на ра) не го што му зеј до би је из град ског бу џе та (око 20 ми ли о на). Са дру ге стра не, ис тра жи ва ње је ука за ло да ап со лут ну ве ћи ну по се ти ла ца му зе ја чи не уче ни ци на екс кур зи ја ма, док су дру ги сег мен ти пу бли ке (ло кал но ста нов ни штво и од ра сли ту ри сти) знат но ма ње за сту пље ни, што мо же да пред ста вља еко ном ску опасност у слу ча ју тур бу лен ци ја на тр жи шту екс курзи ја. Кључ не ре чи: му зе ји, по се ти о ци, еко ном ска до бит, про фит, локал на за јед ни ца, Ва ље во Тре ну так ко ји на исто риј ској ле стви ци од ре ђу је вре ме на стан каса вре ме нихму зе јаиодва јаиходра ни јепо сто је ћих вла дар ских,ве ли ка шкихина у че њач кихзбир киди рект ноје по ве зансапро це сомде мо кра ти за ци једру штва.Ускладуса 6 Bo witz,E.andIben holt,K.(2009)Eco no micim pactsofcul tu ralhe ri ta ge: Re se arch and per spec ti ves,
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2017
In a short period of the late 1860s, three significant new institutions were founded in Valjevo: ... more In a short period of the late 1860s, three significant new institutions were founded in Valjevo: the hospital (1867), the grammar school (1869) and the pharmacy (1870). In the early stages of development of all three institutions, a big role was played by immigrants from Slavonia: medical doctor Jovan Sieber, pharmacist Klaudije Prikelmajer, and professor Djuro Kozarac. This paper aims to clarify the connections between these individuals that caused their relocation from the territories of the Habsburg Monarchy to Serbia and Valjevo, as well as to resolve the confusion caused by imprecise family memories and written chronicles that have been collected. Moreover, this paper additionally focuses on the origins of the Sieber family, which included Jovan Sieber, and the later arrival of other members of the family to Valjevo. Another member of the family was Jovan?s nephew Dr. Stevan Sieber, father of Dr. Djordje Sieber, who went on to become a general in the Medical Corps of the Royal ...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
The purpose of this paper is to fully observe the differences in the structure of the audiences a... more The purpose of this paper is to fully observe the differences in the structure of the audiences attending permanent museum collections and to point to museums’ present day tasks. While the introductory part examines the problematic concerning museum audiences and the varieties of museum programs, the main portion of the paper presents the results of an analysis of the numbers and the structure of museum visitors in two periods set half a century apart: 1951–1961 and 2001– 2011, with a control group: a more complete analysis of 2013’s visitors. The analysis of attendance during the fifties and the beginning of the 21st century was conducted on the basis of existing physical materials from the museum’s internal archive, while the control analysis of 2013 attendance was conducted by a search of an electronic database. The research pointed to significant differences in the structure of the visitor body in different periods, whether they were concerning the company arriving (individuals ...
Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
The Republic of Serbia is one of the few, if not the only country in the world that, at ratificat... more The Republic of Serbia is one of the few, if not the only country in the world that, at ratification and translation of the term „baština“– heritage which appears in two significant and related international conventions of UNESCO, used different terms: „baština“– „heritage“, with regard to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and „nasledje“ –inheritance in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. One of the reasons for the subsequent rejection of the term heritage could lay in the opinion that it was the case of (end of 20th and beginning of the 21st century) political bureaucratic introduction of an old, forgotten word, which also contains the notion of gender incorrectness based on pointing out the inheritance through the male line, which could be in conflict with international law. The views expressed in this paper suggest the unsustainability of these claims, as well as greater suitability of the ter...
Papers by Vladimir Krivošejev