Gestión en el Tercer Milenio, 2013
El Distrito de Mollepata está ubicado en la Provincia de Anta de la Región Cusco, Perú. A partir ... more El Distrito de Mollepata está ubicado en la Provincia de Anta de la Región Cusco, Perú. A partir de los esfuerzos por la puesta en valor de las ruinas de Choquequirao, considerada como la “hermana sagrada de Machu Picchu” y del complejo arqueológico de Quillarumiyoc, se han desarrollado programas de incentivo del turismo alternativo en su modalidad de turismo vivencial. En esta localidad podemos encontrar, además recursos culturales notables como las festividades del Señor Manuel de la Santa Cruz de la Exaltación y la de la Sagrada Cruz de Tillca Mollepata posee una esplendorosa producción agrícola y un circuito turístico que permite al visitante una variedad de experiencias. Éste distrito recibe alrededor de 27.000 turistas al año (según la Dirección Regional de Cultura), que permanecen uno o dos días en el lugar, ya que su objetivo es llegar a Machu Picchu. Sin embargo, presenta carencias a nivel de infraestructura de los servicios básicos que dificultan su desarrollo.
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública, 2010
Se reporta el caso de un recién nacido varón, producto de embarazo de 36 semanas, con diagnóstico... more Se reporta el caso de un recién nacido varón, producto de embarazo de 36 semanas, con diagnóstico de neumonía congénita y examen confirmatorio de infección por el virus de la influenza A (H1N1), sin ningún otro tipo de contacto sospechoso. La madre ingresó al hospital con insuficiencia respiratoria y antecedente de proceso gripal de cinco días de evolución, durante los primeros días de la pandemia en el Perú. Por la evolución grave del proceso respiratorio, se le administró ventilación mecánica para luego ser sometida a cesárea por sufrimiento fetal agudo y oligoamnios. Se confirmó en la madre infección por el virus de la influenza A H1N1 epidémico y tuberculosis pulmonar.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 1995
A friable and transient embryogenic callus was initiated from pinnae removed from leaves in new v... more A friable and transient embryogenic callus was initiated from pinnae removed from leaves in new vegetative flushes of mature Ceratozamia hildae Landry & Wilson, a cycad. Somatic proembryos developed from the callus approximately 3 months after explanting onto plant growth medium consisting of a modified B5 formulation with 60 g 1-1 sucrose, 400 mg 1-1 glutamine, 100 mg 1-l arginine, 100 mg 1-1 asparagine, 4.5 ~tM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with either 1.2 IxM or 4.6 ~tM kinetin and 1.75 g 1-1 gellan gum. Following subculture of somatic proembryos at this time onto medium without plant growth regulators, they continued to proliferate by a process resembling cleavage embryony or polyembryogenesis for several months. Proliferating embryogenic cultures consisted of hyperhydric somatic proembryos. Some 15 months after explanting, the somatic proembryos began to change in appearance; the suspensors became white and opaque, but were usually highly branched due to cleavage embryony. A single cotyledonary somatic embryo usually developed from the tip of each of the suspensors. Somatic embryos were primarily dicotyledonous, and less frequently monocotyledonous. Fewer than 10 % of the somatic embryos appeared to be morphologically abnormal. Germination occurred in vitro whereby the coleorhiza elongated and a tap root emerged; however, plantlet recovery has not been demonstrated because the shoot axis failed to elongate.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2001
To determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), we screened 107 human immuno... more To determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), we screened 107 human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients in Peru, where the virus is predominantly sexually transmitted. Patients had multiple risk factors for STDs, and 38% of women and 50% of men had at least 1 STD (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex, anogenital warts, or syphilis seropositivity). No chlamydial infection was detected, even though infection rates in the general population are 5%-12%. Patients receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) for prophylaxis or treatment of respiratory infections were least likely to have cervicitis and/or urethritis (odds ratio, 0.37; 95% confidence interval, 0.15-0.89). Although not optimal treatment, administration of TMP-SMZ is effective against chlamydial infection. We speculate that the use of concomitant medications, such as TMP-SMZ, may be inadvertently preventing chlamydial infection in this population. Another finding was the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis in pharyngeal specimens of 3 men with histories of orogenital activity. This has not been previously reported and requires further study. Chlamydia trachomatis is a major cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and infected patients may present with urethritis or cervicitis. Complications of untreated infections include pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility in women, Reiter's syndrome, and epididymitis in men [1]. It has also
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 1999
A 69-year-old male cigarette smoker with bullous emphysema presented with progressive dyspnea, ch... more A 69-year-old male cigarette smoker with bullous emphysema presented with progressive dyspnea, chest pain, and hemoptysis. Chest radiograph revealed 100% right-sided pneumothorax. A 28 F chest tube was inserted through the fifth intercostal space in the ...