Papers by Uqwatul Alma Wizsa

Knowbase : International Journal of Knowledge in Database
The KIP scholarship is one of the scholarships available at IAIN Bukittinggi, and prospective rec... more The KIP scholarship is one of the scholarships available at IAIN Bukittinggi, and prospective recipients will be chosen based on the number of quotas available. Thus far, the selection process has been carried out by calculating the total value based on the sum of the percentages of each criterion arranged according to the level of importance. The procedure does not include a decision-making system for determining whether or not to accept the KIP scholarship. As a result, a decision support system is required to quickly and accurately determine which students are eligible for scholarships. In this research, the decision-making system compares the SAW and TOPSIS methods, with the latter using normalized weights in calculating the preference value as a determining value for alternative scholarship recipients to be selected. The SAW method was found to be more sensitive than the TOPSIS method in the data for the KIP scholarship 2020 recipients at IAIN Bukittinggi, with a sensitivity va...

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Statistics and Analytics, ICSA 2019, 2-3 August 2019, Bogor, Indonesia, 2020
Mixture design is known as experimental design which is often used. The total number of component... more Mixture design is known as experimental design which is often used. The total number of components in the mixture is 100% and the value of each component must be greater than or equal to 0%. The industry sector is usually used the mixture design. Then, the D-optimality criterion can help to determine the possible compositions of the mixture to conduct some trial and error composition of the product. However, this criterion very depend on the assumption of the model. To reduce its dependence, the Bayesian approximation is used. The Bayesian D-optimal algorithm applied to a mixture consisting of two components with constraint functions. Ten design points formed from eleven candidate points. By applying the Bayesian D-optimal algorithm on two components of the mixture, the design has no convergent design as the result. So, to find the result, the classical D-optimal was used and three different points was formed.

Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Matematika (JRAM), 2019
A mixture experiment is a special case of response surface methodology in which the value of the ... more A mixture experiment is a special case of response surface methodology in which the value of the components are proportions. In case there are constraints on the proportions, the experimental region can be not a simplex. The classical designs such as a simplex-lattice design or a simplex-centroid design, in some cases, cannot fit to the problem. In this case, optimal design come up as a solution. A D-optimal design is seeking a design in which minimizing the covariance of the model parameter. Some model parameters are important and some of them are less important. As the priority of the parameters, the prior information of parameters is needed in advance. This brings to a Bayesian D-optimal design. This research was focus on a baking experiment in which consisted of three ingredients with lower bounds on the proportion of the ingredients. The assumption model was a quadratic model. Due to the priority of the model parameters, the Bayesian D-optimal design was used to solve the prob...
Papers by Uqwatul Alma Wizsa