Papers by Umar salisu Isah
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences
IX Congresso Nazionale dei Geologi., 1997

The study analyzed the socio-economic and farm level characteristics influencing adoption of rice... more The study analyzed the socio-economic and farm level characteristics influencing adoption of rice production technologies in Lavun Local Government Area of Niger state. A total of 76 respondents were randomly selected from 24 villages and data were collected using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, adoption index and discriminate analysis were used in the data analysis. The results reveal that the mean age of the respondents was 38.70 years while the average farm size of the respondents was found to be 2.4 hectares. Also 40.78 percent of the respondents acquired one form of formal education or the other ranging from primary to tertiary education. Furthermore, more than half of the respondents (53.95 percent) were not members of any cooperative societies. Majority of the respondents (52.26 percent) were found to be medium adopters of new technologies. It is therefore suggested that an avenue should be provided for favorable price to farmers to increase their farm incom...
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2014
Education as Change, 2006
My paper identifies and elucidates key issues of entrepreneurship education (EE) and entrepreneur... more My paper identifies and elucidates key issues of entrepreneurship education (EE) and entrepreneurial intentions (El). I analyse and critically discuss within the broader context of entrepreneurial activity in South Africa, EE trends. I investigate entrepreneurship as a discipline and field of academic inquiry by examining definitional controversies and pedagogical methodologies, along with their theoretical underpinnings. The impact of EE is
The effectiveness of coconut shell activated carbon on the adsorption of heavy metal using differ... more The effectiveness of coconut shell activated carbon on the adsorption of heavy metal using different activating agents.

The paper analyzes students' attitudes toward self-employment intention. Students have differ... more The paper analyzes students' attitudes toward self-employment intention. Students have different traits which perhaps are responsible for shaping their attitudes. The decision to become self-employed is dependent on so many factors. People become self-employed either because they want to explore an existing opportunity or because there is limited paid employment opportunities. High unemployment rate among graduate is one of the major problems facing government of Nigeria at present. The recent effort by the governments at different levels to encourage youth to become self-employed is an indication of the resolve to redirect students' attitudes toward self-self-employment in the country. At this stage, it is important to ascertain what influence the attitude of students and how they vary in their intention toward self-employment. Survey design was conducted to collect data from final year student of Higher National Diploma (HND) across four schools of Kano State Polytechnic. ...

Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies, 2016
The aim of this paper is to explore the role of Salam finance in the growth of green entrepreneur... more The aim of this paper is to explore the role of Salam finance in the growth of green entrepreneurship education (agriculture) to meet the employment level of the Nigerian youth, income generation to the individual and the government, food security, poverty reduction and increase the supply of raw materials to the industries and export. Almost, 70 percent of the Nigerian youth and able bodies are employed in agriculture and related sectors as their major source income. The paper intends to study this free Shariah financial product in order to recognize how it can contribute to the Nigerian youth entrepreneurship, since, Nigeria is the most populous and agrarian and country on the African continent. It recommends that free interest financial institutions should provide Salam mode of financing to agriculture. It is with the anticipation that Salam finance will be impacted on the agricultural produce, improve youth employment opportunities, and income. It will also promote economic grow...

European Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a parameter of measuring socio-economic developments among... more Entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a parameter of measuring socio-economic developments among nations. Entrepreneurship is helping the growth of economies by creating additional jobs, wealth, and reducing the incidence of abject poverty. Developed countries ascribe their achievements to technological development, scientific break-through, improved communication and information technology, and competitive advantage gained through their entrepreneurial competencies and adventures. The objective of this paper is to examine the significance of entrepreneurial skills and their influence on entrepreneurial career option. Entrepreneurial competencies seek to create awareness among students about entrepreneurship as the appropriate career option to engage after graduation, as well as impart the needed social skills and knowledge of the use of insights and intuitions to identify and exploit opportunities to start a business. A quantitative approach was used involving a total of 505 quest...

Entrepreneurial career is the ultimate career option (ECO) for graduating students. An individual... more Entrepreneurial career is the ultimate career option (ECO) for graduating students. An individual’s decision to become an entrepreneur is the most fundamental aspect of entrepreneurship and signifies an individual’s decision to engage entrepreneurship as a career option. However, it has been indicated that entrepreneurshipeducation (EE)imparted to students and the youth in most of the developing countries is inadequate to prepare them for ECO and Nigeria is not an exception. Hence, non-commitment to ECO among Nigerian youth resultedin the emergence of unemployment and poverty in Nigeria which consequentially leads social crimes. The main objective of this paper is to explore therole of entrepreneurship education as well asto establish a relationship between EE, creativity, and ECO as variables. The empirical findings of this paper establisheda significant relationship between independent and dependents variables. It also hopesto contributein relation to the growth of ECO inNigeria. ...

Formulation Bentonite Drilling , 2010
This project aimed at formulation of bentonite drilling mud using local bentonite clay. Barite an... more This project aimed at formulation of bentonite drilling mud using local bentonite clay. Barite and moldstar (starch) as additives. The research work was carried out to produce a mud that will serve as best alternative to the drilling operation, and find out the best proportion of bentonite (clay), barite and moldstar (starch) for the formulation of bentonite , drilling mud. Distilled water was measured using measuring cylinder and poured in to laboratory bowl. Bentonite clay, barite and moldstar (starch) were measured using digital weighing balance and each of the factors were then poured on to the surface of the measured distilled water. The content in the bowl was stirred thoroughly until there was , complete hydration by the three factors and the solution was left for ten minute. After ten minute it was discovered that the solution become completely homogeneous and thickened (viscous). This was done for six run at different variation of the three factors and the volume of water w...

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 1982
INTRODUCTION / It has long been recognized that proteins are dynamic systems. Although the three-... more INTRODUCTION / It has long been recognized that proteins are dynamic systems. Although the three-dimensional structures, which have been determined for an increasing number of proteins, provide some basic insight into the architecture of these molecules, taken alone they cannot explain the observed properties and functions in any mechanistic sense. To quote an example, Perutz & Mathews first noted that the equilibrium structure of hemoglobin leaves no room for a ligand to reach the buried heme binding site (1); the same observation applies to the 02 storage protein myoglobin (Mb), as revealed by x-ray diffraction at 2 A resolution (2). There is ample evidence that the substrate gains access to the interior of Mb as a result of the thermal motion of the polypeptide chain (3). Chain mobility is obviously essential in protein folding (4, 5), but the question that concerns us here is the dynamics of the folded, native form. Conforma tional transitions (6-8), allostery (9), active transport (10), enzymatic activity (6, 11), and motility (12, 13) are processes that obviously depend on internal mobility. To delineate the driving forces and pathways of protein reactions is still a distant goal (14). Much progress has been made, however, in the description of the internal dynamics of proteins. While theory makes important predictions about the fluctuations in the thermodynamic parameters of macromolecules (15), a deeper under standing of protein dynamics has come from experiments and model calculations (16, 17) on several globular, water soluble proteins. There is hope that the results are representative for this class of proteins, but t�e methods used do not yet provide a comprehensive picture of protein dynamics. The problem is that the characteristic frequencies of the interatomic forces have an enormously wide spectrum, from 10-13 sec to
International Journal of Environment, 2015
Biosorption of the lead ions from aqueous solutions using dum palm kernel was studied, the lead i... more Biosorption of the lead ions from aqueous solutions using dum palm kernel was studied, the lead ion removal depends on the contact time, pH and adsorbent dosage. The optimum contact time, pH and adsorbent mass with in the experimental limit of this work were 100 minutes, 6-7, and 2.5g/L respectively. The maximum percentage of lead ions removed was 87%. The data fitted well with Temkin and Langmuir models, the regression correlation were obtained to be 0.9660 and 0.8667, respectively. The biosorbent may be economical if developed further for industrial wastewater and natural contaminated water treatment. DOI: International Journal of Environment Vol.4(2) 2015: 68-75
Papers by Umar salisu Isah