Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 12, 2022
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, the traces of post-Covid-19 online learning in Indonesi... more Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, the traces of post-Covid-19 online learning in Indonesia are still ongoing. This manuscript reports the level of student interest in Islamic higher education in using social media as a means of online learning. The study, which involved 471 students from three Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia, used thematic analysis. The research findings show that the most attractive social media platforms for online learning in Indonesia are Google-Meet, Zoom App, Youtube, Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, and E-Learning Applications created by campuses. However, the lecturers feel that the use of social media as a means of online learning is not effective. This is indicated by the low involvement of students during online learning, as well as the problem of uneven internet access for students living in remote areas in Indonesia. This has an impact on the emergence of boredom to a decrease in student participation and motivation to learn. This study recommends that the findings be used as a basis for consideration in evaluating policies and implementation of online learning in Islamic higher education.
This study aims to execute the meaning of jihad from the perspective of Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Qu... more This study aims to execute the meaning of jihad from the perspective of Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, and Quraih Syihab. By using the literature study method, this study shows that; 1) In the perspective of Ibn Taimiyyah, jihad is defined as a war that is not like today's terrorists. Even in war, one must follow predetermined ethics, namely: not to attack first, not to kill people who have nothing to do with war, and killing is only permitted if there is good for it. Meanwhile, according to Sayyid Quttub jihad is defined as a movement by preaching. Quraish Syihab sees that the most important jihad is against satan and lust. According to him satan is the most dangerous enemy for Muslims. Thus, fighting it is a must for every individual. In addition, even though he also interprets jihad as war. However, the war in question is defensive in nature, namely an effort to carry out self-defense if the enemy first wages war. 2) Both Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, and Quraih Syihab, all three agree that the context of jihad is divided into two definitions. First, the context of jihad is defined as war, and the context of jihad is defined as sincerity in achieving something whose goal is to get closer to Allah, and distance oneself from anything that is forbidden by Him. In the perspective of the arguments in the Qur'an and Hadith, the context of jihad is interpreted in various ways. Jihad can be interpreted as serving parents, helping widows or people in need, and war. However, the war that is carried out also needs to follow the rules applied in Islamic teachings. Even Rasulullah is a spreader of peace. So he prefers the path of peace rather than war. This research contributes to supporting the concept of religious moderation, emphasizing that jihad does not always have to be done with war so that it clears people's minds that terrorism is not part of Islamic jihad.. ABSTRAK Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksekusi pemaknaan jihad dalam perspektif Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, dan Quraih Syihab. Dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka, penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa ; 1) Dalam perspektif Ibnu Taimiyyah, jihad diartikan sebagai perang yang tidak seperti kaum teroris saat ini. Dalam berperang pun harus mengikuti etika yang telah ditentukan, yakni: tidak melakukan penyerangan terlebih dahulu, tidak membunuh orang yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan perang, dan pembunuhan hanya diperbolehkan jika ada kemashlahatannya. Sedangkan menurut Sayyid Quttub jihad di artikan sebagai pergerakan dengan cara berdakwah. Quraish
Nowadays, modern biology has been developing so rapidly that the field can amazingly provide grea... more Nowadays, modern biology has been developing so rapidly that the field can amazingly provide great benefits for human beings’ prosperous life, both in the present time and in the future. However, it might give a negative influence to the ethical aspects due to reductionism. Therefore, bioethics is highly required to control the devastating growth of modern biology and drive it toward persistent commitment upon human benefits (maslahah). This paper suggests that Bioethics–based learning should be implemented in any educational level to develop the students’ critical thinking. Such learning might be put into practice by promoting the ethical decision-making method integrated with religious (Islamic) perspective. The integration would result in the students’ considering the six principles of Islamic bioethics in any modern biology studies so that the students can precisely predict the beneficial or dangerous consequences of their scientific activities. Beberapa kurun waktu terakhir, bi...
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES), 2018
Teacher quality is the teacher who has the ability to realize the goals of national education whi... more Teacher quality is the teacher who has the ability to realize the goals of national education which has a pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence. Autism is a developmental disorder of behavior and talk so they were not able to hold social interaction and living in his own world. Inclusive education is a key method for dealing with children with autistic disorder. The basic principle of inclusive education is all children should have the opportunity to learn together with normal student. Qualitative research is research that aims to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subjects of the study such behavior, perception, motivation and action in a holistic manner and to describe in words and language in a naturally specific context and by utilizing a variety of natural methods. Behavior of students with autism are basically all the same dipend on the difference in rates of autism symptoms. After that, the behavior of ...
Al-Aulia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Islamic educational thought has an important role in counteracting moral decline and identity cri... more Islamic educational thought has an important role in counteracting moral decline and identity crisis. This study aims to examine Zakiyah Darajat's thoughts in Islamic education. This literature-type study shows the result that Zakiah Daradjat's thoughts in the realm of Islamic education encourage the study of progressive environmental aspects of Islamic education. This result is driven by a conceptual study of Islamic education which according to him must support the balance of the world and the hereafter. This balance will have implications for human behavior in developing social relationships. He also concluded that lifelong education which covers all dimensions of life is expected to achieve his rights in this world and the rights in the hereafter. From these findings, this research contributes to the formation of a new concept of Islamic education that is in line with the development of the modern world.
Bayi tabung semakin digemari oleh pasangan suami-isteri yang sulit mendapatkan keturunan meski me... more Bayi tabung semakin digemari oleh pasangan suami-isteri yang sulit mendapatkan keturunan meski mendapatkan pertentangan dari kalangan keagamaan dan hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan hokum Islam pada bayi tabung. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan, diperoleh data bahwa inseminasi setelah putusnya perkawinan, dalam kasus ini ulama sepakat mengharamkannya. Kedua, membekukan embrio, sperma, atau ovum, dalam kasus ini sebagian ulama membolehkan dengan syarat ada kemaslahatan yang nyata dan aman dari penyalahgunaan. Ketiga, memusnahkan embrio yang lebih, dalam kasus ini sebelumnya harus diusahakan agar tidak ada yang lebih. Jikapun ada dapat disimpan atau dibiarkan mati secara alami. Pemanfaatan teknologi bayi tabung disyaratkan hanya dilakukan oleh orang yang terpercaya secara keilmuan dan keagamaan. Dalam pelaksanaan dan pengembangannya perlu diawasi secara ketat oleh pemerintah, organisasi keagamaan khususnya Majelis Ulama Indonesia, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum.
Philosophy that makes reason as a rejection is contrary to religion that comes from revelation. T... more Philosophy that makes reason as a rejection is contrary to religion that comes from revelation. This understanding often leads to ideological resistance. This study aims to determine the relationship between philosophy and Islamic science that uses reason as a role. The purpose of this research is discussed through a literature study that examines problems in Al-Farabi's perspective. From the analysis, it is known that the philosophical theories of Al-Farabi's thoughts such as emanation theory, political theory, and metaphysical theory are able to connect philosophical concepts with religious science. Al-Farabi views science as the result of theorizing on various observations of the five senses and the mind of the many phenomena that are physical in nature. Al-Farabi had also mastered philosophy and believed in Islamic sources, and accepted them with reason and logic. Among the evidence that states the relationship between philosophy and religion according to Al-Farabi is th...
One of characters of modernist Islam organization in Indonesia is the opposition to traditionalis... more One of characters of modernist Islam organization in Indonesia is the opposition to traditionalist Islam practices. Initially, the modernist Islam activist also learned in the traditional Islam culture before they turned around. This study focuses on the roots of the traditional Islam among the modernist Islam organization activists, Islamic Union (Persatuan Islam/PERSIS). The study object is the historical life of the PERSIS chairman, Aceng Zakaria and his magnum opus works, al-Muyassar fî ‘Ilm alNah}w and al-Hidâyah fî Masâ’il Fiqh Muta‘ârid}ah. Through a sociointellectual historical approach, the study shows that the Islamic intellectual tradition of the modernist activists is inseparable from the learning of traditional pesantren. Aceng Zakaria, as a PERSIS ulama, originally learned at the traditional pesantren in the mid-twentieth century. The roots of traditional Islamic science influences his intellectual career which was reflected in his works. Both books, Arabic grammar al-...
The outlook against women defining her role in the domestic sector still prevails to this day in ... more The outlook against women defining her role in the domestic sector still prevails to this day in Islamic society, especially in Middle East countries where some consider that Islam is against women's role in the public sector. Therefore, this study concludes that the expansion of Islamic empire and the conquest of new lands in the caliphate era, especially in the era of 'Uthmân ibn 'Affân has affected some. For example the uncontrollably rise of Jawârî in the center of Islamic government Medina, conquering new territories, the impossibility of identifying women and other neighbors, the limited activity for women in domestic sector, as well as the Prophet PBUH’s duty to marry his wives to reduce the women’s role in that era. This study attempts to prove that social class system in society has significant impact on social role played by Arab women at that time. It also affects the formation of social relation pattern for women. The higher the social classes of women, the m...
Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée, 1960
A u cours des vacances 1959, passées en Corse, nous avons eu l'occa sion de récolter 4.346 larves... more A u cours des vacances 1959, passées en Corse, nous avons eu l'occa sion de récolter 4.346 larves d'Anophèles, dont 1.395 étaient au stade IV. Seules ces dernières furent retenues pour la présente étude. Les gîtes visités se situent dans la presque totalité de l'île, sauf tou tefois dans la zone montagneuse que, faute de temps, nous n'avons pu visiter. Cependant, le plus grand nombre de gîtes prospectés se trouvent sur la côte orientale, principalement dans la région de Porto-Vecchio. Nous indiquons succinctement ci-dessous les différents espèces et biotypes rencontrés.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 12, 2022
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, the traces of post-Covid-19 online learning in Indonesi... more Although the COVID-19 pandemic has ended, the traces of post-Covid-19 online learning in Indonesia are still ongoing. This manuscript reports the level of student interest in Islamic higher education in using social media as a means of online learning. The study, which involved 471 students from three Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia, used thematic analysis. The research findings show that the most attractive social media platforms for online learning in Indonesia are Google-Meet, Zoom App, Youtube, Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, and E-Learning Applications created by campuses. However, the lecturers feel that the use of social media as a means of online learning is not effective. This is indicated by the low involvement of students during online learning, as well as the problem of uneven internet access for students living in remote areas in Indonesia. This has an impact on the emergence of boredom to a decrease in student participation and motivation to learn. This study recommends that the findings be used as a basis for consideration in evaluating policies and implementation of online learning in Islamic higher education.
This study aims to execute the meaning of jihad from the perspective of Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Qu... more This study aims to execute the meaning of jihad from the perspective of Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, and Quraih Syihab. By using the literature study method, this study shows that; 1) In the perspective of Ibn Taimiyyah, jihad is defined as a war that is not like today's terrorists. Even in war, one must follow predetermined ethics, namely: not to attack first, not to kill people who have nothing to do with war, and killing is only permitted if there is good for it. Meanwhile, according to Sayyid Quttub jihad is defined as a movement by preaching. Quraish Syihab sees that the most important jihad is against satan and lust. According to him satan is the most dangerous enemy for Muslims. Thus, fighting it is a must for every individual. In addition, even though he also interprets jihad as war. However, the war in question is defensive in nature, namely an effort to carry out self-defense if the enemy first wages war. 2) Both Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, and Quraih Syihab, all three agree that the context of jihad is divided into two definitions. First, the context of jihad is defined as war, and the context of jihad is defined as sincerity in achieving something whose goal is to get closer to Allah, and distance oneself from anything that is forbidden by Him. In the perspective of the arguments in the Qur'an and Hadith, the context of jihad is interpreted in various ways. Jihad can be interpreted as serving parents, helping widows or people in need, and war. However, the war that is carried out also needs to follow the rules applied in Islamic teachings. Even Rasulullah is a spreader of peace. So he prefers the path of peace rather than war. This research contributes to supporting the concept of religious moderation, emphasizing that jihad does not always have to be done with war so that it clears people's minds that terrorism is not part of Islamic jihad.. ABSTRAK Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksekusi pemaknaan jihad dalam perspektif Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sayyid Quttub, dan Quraih Syihab. Dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka, penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa ; 1) Dalam perspektif Ibnu Taimiyyah, jihad diartikan sebagai perang yang tidak seperti kaum teroris saat ini. Dalam berperang pun harus mengikuti etika yang telah ditentukan, yakni: tidak melakukan penyerangan terlebih dahulu, tidak membunuh orang yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan perang, dan pembunuhan hanya diperbolehkan jika ada kemashlahatannya. Sedangkan menurut Sayyid Quttub jihad di artikan sebagai pergerakan dengan cara berdakwah. Quraish
Nowadays, modern biology has been developing so rapidly that the field can amazingly provide grea... more Nowadays, modern biology has been developing so rapidly that the field can amazingly provide great benefits for human beings’ prosperous life, both in the present time and in the future. However, it might give a negative influence to the ethical aspects due to reductionism. Therefore, bioethics is highly required to control the devastating growth of modern biology and drive it toward persistent commitment upon human benefits (maslahah). This paper suggests that Bioethics–based learning should be implemented in any educational level to develop the students’ critical thinking. Such learning might be put into practice by promoting the ethical decision-making method integrated with religious (Islamic) perspective. The integration would result in the students’ considering the six principles of Islamic bioethics in any modern biology studies so that the students can precisely predict the beneficial or dangerous consequences of their scientific activities. Beberapa kurun waktu terakhir, bi...
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES), 2018
Teacher quality is the teacher who has the ability to realize the goals of national education whi... more Teacher quality is the teacher who has the ability to realize the goals of national education which has a pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence. Autism is a developmental disorder of behavior and talk so they were not able to hold social interaction and living in his own world. Inclusive education is a key method for dealing with children with autistic disorder. The basic principle of inclusive education is all children should have the opportunity to learn together with normal student. Qualitative research is research that aims to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subjects of the study such behavior, perception, motivation and action in a holistic manner and to describe in words and language in a naturally specific context and by utilizing a variety of natural methods. Behavior of students with autism are basically all the same dipend on the difference in rates of autism symptoms. After that, the behavior of ...
Al-Aulia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Islamic educational thought has an important role in counteracting moral decline and identity cri... more Islamic educational thought has an important role in counteracting moral decline and identity crisis. This study aims to examine Zakiyah Darajat's thoughts in Islamic education. This literature-type study shows the result that Zakiah Daradjat's thoughts in the realm of Islamic education encourage the study of progressive environmental aspects of Islamic education. This result is driven by a conceptual study of Islamic education which according to him must support the balance of the world and the hereafter. This balance will have implications for human behavior in developing social relationships. He also concluded that lifelong education which covers all dimensions of life is expected to achieve his rights in this world and the rights in the hereafter. From these findings, this research contributes to the formation of a new concept of Islamic education that is in line with the development of the modern world.
Bayi tabung semakin digemari oleh pasangan suami-isteri yang sulit mendapatkan keturunan meski me... more Bayi tabung semakin digemari oleh pasangan suami-isteri yang sulit mendapatkan keturunan meski mendapatkan pertentangan dari kalangan keagamaan dan hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan hokum Islam pada bayi tabung. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan, diperoleh data bahwa inseminasi setelah putusnya perkawinan, dalam kasus ini ulama sepakat mengharamkannya. Kedua, membekukan embrio, sperma, atau ovum, dalam kasus ini sebagian ulama membolehkan dengan syarat ada kemaslahatan yang nyata dan aman dari penyalahgunaan. Ketiga, memusnahkan embrio yang lebih, dalam kasus ini sebelumnya harus diusahakan agar tidak ada yang lebih. Jikapun ada dapat disimpan atau dibiarkan mati secara alami. Pemanfaatan teknologi bayi tabung disyaratkan hanya dilakukan oleh orang yang terpercaya secara keilmuan dan keagamaan. Dalam pelaksanaan dan pengembangannya perlu diawasi secara ketat oleh pemerintah, organisasi keagamaan khususnya Majelis Ulama Indonesia, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum.
Philosophy that makes reason as a rejection is contrary to religion that comes from revelation. T... more Philosophy that makes reason as a rejection is contrary to religion that comes from revelation. This understanding often leads to ideological resistance. This study aims to determine the relationship between philosophy and Islamic science that uses reason as a role. The purpose of this research is discussed through a literature study that examines problems in Al-Farabi's perspective. From the analysis, it is known that the philosophical theories of Al-Farabi's thoughts such as emanation theory, political theory, and metaphysical theory are able to connect philosophical concepts with religious science. Al-Farabi views science as the result of theorizing on various observations of the five senses and the mind of the many phenomena that are physical in nature. Al-Farabi had also mastered philosophy and believed in Islamic sources, and accepted them with reason and logic. Among the evidence that states the relationship between philosophy and religion according to Al-Farabi is th...
One of characters of modernist Islam organization in Indonesia is the opposition to traditionalis... more One of characters of modernist Islam organization in Indonesia is the opposition to traditionalist Islam practices. Initially, the modernist Islam activist also learned in the traditional Islam culture before they turned around. This study focuses on the roots of the traditional Islam among the modernist Islam organization activists, Islamic Union (Persatuan Islam/PERSIS). The study object is the historical life of the PERSIS chairman, Aceng Zakaria and his magnum opus works, al-Muyassar fî ‘Ilm alNah}w and al-Hidâyah fî Masâ’il Fiqh Muta‘ârid}ah. Through a sociointellectual historical approach, the study shows that the Islamic intellectual tradition of the modernist activists is inseparable from the learning of traditional pesantren. Aceng Zakaria, as a PERSIS ulama, originally learned at the traditional pesantren in the mid-twentieth century. The roots of traditional Islamic science influences his intellectual career which was reflected in his works. Both books, Arabic grammar al-...
The outlook against women defining her role in the domestic sector still prevails to this day in ... more The outlook against women defining her role in the domestic sector still prevails to this day in Islamic society, especially in Middle East countries where some consider that Islam is against women's role in the public sector. Therefore, this study concludes that the expansion of Islamic empire and the conquest of new lands in the caliphate era, especially in the era of 'Uthmân ibn 'Affân has affected some. For example the uncontrollably rise of Jawârî in the center of Islamic government Medina, conquering new territories, the impossibility of identifying women and other neighbors, the limited activity for women in domestic sector, as well as the Prophet PBUH’s duty to marry his wives to reduce the women’s role in that era. This study attempts to prove that social class system in society has significant impact on social role played by Arab women at that time. It also affects the formation of social relation pattern for women. The higher the social classes of women, the m...
Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée, 1960
A u cours des vacances 1959, passées en Corse, nous avons eu l'occa sion de récolter 4.346 larves... more A u cours des vacances 1959, passées en Corse, nous avons eu l'occa sion de récolter 4.346 larves d'Anophèles, dont 1.395 étaient au stade IV. Seules ces dernières furent retenues pour la présente étude. Les gîtes visités se situent dans la presque totalité de l'île, sauf tou tefois dans la zone montagneuse que, faute de temps, nous n'avons pu visiter. Cependant, le plus grand nombre de gîtes prospectés se trouvent sur la côte orientale, principalement dans la région de Porto-Vecchio. Nous indiquons succinctement ci-dessous les différents espèces et biotypes rencontrés.
Papers by Ulul Albab