Papers by Tri Wahyu Supardi
Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems, Apr 30, 2013
Elemen suhu atau panas merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia industri maupun dalam... more Elemen suhu atau panas merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia industri maupun dalam kegiatan riset atau penelitian. Salah satunya adalah teknik refluks yang sering digunakan baik di industri maupun riset pada laboratorium. Elemen suhu merupakan elemen yang paling penting dalam proses refluks maupun distilasi, sehingga sangatlah penting dilakukan pengendalian suhu tersebut. Pada pengendalian yang manual dan konvensional menyebabkan ketidak stabilan suhu dan dimungkinkan terjadi banyak kesalahan (error). Sehingga dampak yang lebih lanjut adalah kualitas produk hasil proses refluks maupun distilasi yang kurang baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini membuat perancangan sistem pengendalian suhu secara otomatis menggunakan kontroler elektronik dengan mode pengendalian sistem tertutup yang tidak hanya memberikan nilai setpoint saja tetapi juga dengan umpan balik sehingga dapat mengontrol atau mengendalikan sistem dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang bangun/purwarupa dari sistem pengendalian suhu (temperature) pada pemanas (heater) menggunakan kontrol PID untuk proses refluks/distilasi sehingga terjadi kestabilan suhu yang terjaga dan mengurangi nilai kesalahan (error).Hasil dari penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sistem pengendalian suhu dapat menggunakan kontrol PID dengan metode Ziegler-Nichols dengan mode osilasi teredam. Penalaan parameter kontrol didapat dari rumus empiris yang disarankan metode Ziegler-Nichols.
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation System), Apr 30, 2016
Penggunaan motor DC di dunia industri sangat penting. Kecepatan dan torsi motor DC sangat mempeng... more Penggunaan motor DC di dunia industri sangat penting. Kecepatan dan torsi motor DC sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas produk yang dihasilkan. Untuk itu, diperlukan sistem kontrol motor DC yang dapat diatur kecepatan dan torsinya. Banyak pelaku industri mengeluhkan kerusakan pada motor DC disebakan beban yang diangkut motor melebihi kemampuan torsi motornya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dibuatlah sistem kontrol torsi motor DC. Sistem kontrol torsi dibuat dengan cara mengatur arus armaturnya pada motor DC penguat terpisah dengan kondisi arus fieldnya tetap. Sistem kontrol torsi ini bersifat dua level yaitu, sistem kontrol kecepatan dan sistem kontrol arus sehingga sinyal keluaran sistem kontrol kecepatan akan menjadi sinyal reference arus. Pengujian dilakukan dengan beban maksimal 3690 gram dan arus nominal sebesar 0,8 A atau torsi nominal sebesar 0,323 Nm. Hasil menunjukkan torsi efektif motor mampu diatur dengan kisaran 0,182 Nm-0,243 Nm. Diharapkan dengan harga torsi efektif yang diatur mampu menahan beban seberat apapun tanpa merusak motor tersebut.
The need for information becomes a very important requirement these days. No exception informatio... more The need for information becomes a very important requirement these days. No exception information that sourced from local FM radio broadcasts that still has many loyal listeners, various kinds of information provided on them can be used as reference material cheap can be felt by all walks of life. Therefore many new radio stations establishment in the establishment requires a system that can easily make arrangements radiance frequency region. This transmit frequency controller system by applying PLL consists of a series microcontroller ATmega 8 as a system controller and TSA5511 PLL as the PLL system are integrated in a single IC. This system is designed to be able to control the transmit frequency on the radio frequency transmitter that will automatically adjust based on the value of the frequency that has been given to him. Desired frequency value can be set using the control buttons and its value can be seen on the LCD screen. From the test results, the overall system parts can work well as designed. This system can perform frequency locking in the frequency range of 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz. With the value of the applied step size of 100 KHz, then this system has a number of local frequencies can be selected as 206 pieces.
In a radio frequency communications, we need an instrument for measuring the mismatch between the... more In a radio frequency communications, we need an instrument for measuring the mismatch between the transmission line to the load on the communications radio antenna typically used SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) meter. In general, the SWR meter in the market use a system analogous with a directional needle . The weakness of this system is not easy to reading because the scale on the meter pointer does not show the positions per unit mass , and increase the possibility of reading errors . SWR meter and power meter is a measuring instrument that designed to measure of transmit power and SWR values in a transmitter that is displayed on the LCD character . In this system the amount of transmit power that moves forward and backward read by a converter through a circuit directional coupler . The result of power conversion then will be process by the Arduino to calculate the value of transmit power and SWR . For testing, performed by comparing the results of measurements between SWR meter measured with SWR meter standard is Power and SWR Meter Wellz SP - 300 as a reference. From the test results and analysis , the error values of measurement with the SWR radiated power is ± 0.0038 Watt with 99.93 % accuracy measurement. As for measuring the value of SWR measurement accuracy ± 0.0068 with 99.91 %
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems)
Data Acquisition Device (DAQ) is an electronic component used in formula student vehicles. To opt... more Data Acquisition Device (DAQ) is an electronic component used in formula student vehicles. To optimize the performance of the formula student vehicle and its driver, it is necessary to analyze and monitor the data acquisition system. Parameters acquired on the car include the position of the brake pedal/throttole and wheel speed.DAQ system has 5 input channels namely 3 analog input pins and 2 digital input pins, and 3 output channels, which is the controller pin, fault pin, and brake light pin. The DAQ system in this research is designed and made using Teensy 3.6, a signal conditioning circuit consisting of an RC low pass filter, voltage follower, non-inverting amplifier, and logic level shifter. DAQ system uses CANBUS to read and process sensor data. DAQ system can acquire data from the KTC Linear Motion Position sensor PZ-12-A-50P with an accuracy value of 99,91%; Hall-effect Rotary Position sensor RTY120LVNAX with an accuracy value of 99,94% for both the first and sec...
Indonesia is a country that is passed by the equator so gets good radiance of sunlight. This sunl... more Indonesia is a country that is passed by the equator so gets good radiance of sunlight. This sunlight can be converted into electrical energy by solar cells and produces enough energy to suffice the electricity needs of the people that most of them are now supplied by non-renewable energy sources. To optimize the electrical energy which is produced by solar cells, we need a tool that can orient the solar cells into the sun. Prototype of dual-axis sun tracker is a tool that is designed to direct the solar cells into the sun. Sun tracker works by using four sensors LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) and two Tower Pro MG90 servo motors as driver actuators. The system is controlled by arduino uno that run program which is implanted by Arduino IDE Integrated Development Environment) software. The result of outdoor testing showed the comparison of the open circuit voltage (Voc) and the short circuit current (Isc) of the solar cell that is mounted on a sun tracker to the fixed position solar c...
In a wireless communication, a signal power amplifier is needed to carry signals over a long dist... more In a wireless communication, a signal power amplifier is needed to carry signals over a long distance. Many signal amplifiers are made of tube as the amplifying component and as such they suffer low efficiency. This study presents results of the research on designing and implementing solid state 144MHz signal amplifier employing MOSFET BLF278 as the active component of the amplifier. The amplifier has an automatic activation switch, an input terminal, a 50 ohm impedance output terminal and a bypass system for two way communication. This amplifier has been tested on frequencies between 144.00 MHz to 146.90 MHz in 100 KHz steps without adjusting the tuning. It is found that the signal amplifier delivers RF powers up to 500 watt at the working voltage of 48 volt with the efficiency of 77%. The amplifier has a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of 1:1 when amplifying and 1.1:1.0 when in bypass mode. The signal amplifier has been tested successfully for radio communication between Sukoharjo in Ce...
Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems, 2013
Abstrak Elemen suhu atau panas merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia industri maup... more Abstrak Elemen suhu atau panas merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam dunia industri maupun dalam kegiatan riset atau penelitian. Salah satunya adalah teknik refluks yang sering digunakan baik di industri maupun riset pada laboratorium. Elemen suhu merupakan elemen yang paling penting dalam proses refluks maupun distilasi, sehingga sangatlah penting dilakukan pengendalian suhu tersebut. Pada pengendalian yang manual dan konvensional menyebabkan ketidak stabilan suhu dan dimungkinkan terjadi banyak kesalahan (error). Sehingga dampak yang lebih lanjut adalah kualitas produk hasil proses refluks maupun distilasi yang kurang baik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini membuat perancangan sistem pengendalian suhu secara otomatis menggunakan kontroler elektronik dengan mode pengendalian sistem tertutup yang tidak hanya memberikan nilai setpoint saja tetapi juga dengan umpan balik sehingga dapat mengontrol atau mengendalikan sistem dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang...
Pada proses pembuatan benda padat seperti beton dan benda padat lainnya tidak lepas dari ketidaks... more Pada proses pembuatan benda padat seperti beton dan benda padat lainnya tidak lepas dari ketidaksempurnaan seperti timbulnya kecacatan dalam benda tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu sistem untuk mendeteksi ukuran kecacatan benda padat menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik. Sinyal pantul ultrasonik adalah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Gelombang ultrasonik dipancarkan transmitter terhadap benda padat uji dan gelombang hasil pantulan akan dibaca oleh receiver berdasarkan perbedaan medium yang di temui. Digital oscilloscope berperan sebagai pembaca sekaligus penampil dari gelombang ultrasonik hasil pantulan terhadap benda padat uji sebagai acuan dalam proses analisa ukuran kecacatan pada benda padat uji. Uji coba sistem dengan memancarkan gelombang ultrasonik dengan frekuensi kurang lebih 40KHz dari AFG yang sebelumnya dikuatkan terlebih dahulu dengan penguat LM386 dan trafo sebelum dipancarkan oleh transmitter pada permukaan benda p...
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems), 2019
The need for fuel oil has increased along with the increase of population, the number of vehicles... more The need for fuel oil has increased along with the increase of population, the number of vehicles and industries. An increase in demand for fuel oil is used by some people to make a profit by selling mixed fuel oil at the same price as the price set by the government. The purpose of this study is to create a prototype device that can characterize the type of fuel oil and create a classification system to determine the level of fuel purity with 40 kHz ultrasonic waves based on the parameters of wave velocity using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm.This device works by using a 40 kHz ultrasonic wave that is connected to an ultrasonic transmitter. The propagated wave will be received by the ultrasonic receiver. The wave received by the receiver will be amplified and connected to the comparator circuit so that it can be processed by a microcontroller. Data obtained using this tool are wave travel time, wave velocity, density, and attenuation. The data used for classification system...
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 2019
Implementation of automation technology for grading tobacco leaf was very promising. In Indonesia... more Implementation of automation technology for grading tobacco leaf was very promising. In Indonesia, grading tobacco leaf was done manually and relied on the skill and experience of tobacco leaf graders. Large tobacco plantation needed many graders, and the workers needed to be trained, to become a skilled grader. It would take a long time and substantial cost to prepare sufficient graders. Even if the plantation had enough graders, monotonous and long duration of work would raise the human error. Therefore, we proposed a method for grading tobacco leaf based on color and quality using image processing techniques. This work covered quality inspection of tobacco leaf, namely leaf defect detection and classification of tobacco leaf based on color. Image processing techniques such as image thresholding, morphological operation, blob detection, and color analysis of tobacco leaf were employed to determine the grade of tobacco leaf. From the experiment, the proposed method was able to dete...
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems), 2016
AbstrakProses pembuatan benda padat pada umumnya, tidak tercetak dengan bagus sehingga bagian lub... more AbstrakProses pembuatan benda padat pada umumnya, tidak tercetak dengan bagus sehingga bagian lubang tidak bisa dilihat langsung secara visual. NDT (Non Desctructive Testing) adalah metode untuk mendeteksi lubang serta menguji kualitas benda padat tanpa merusak benda padat tersebut salah satunya menggunakan ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi lubang benda padat yang terdapat pada bagian internal benda padat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun alat untuk mengukur jarak lubang pada benda padat menggunakan sensor ultrasonik dan osiloskop.Metode yang digunakan penulis untuk pengujian merupakan metode pulsa pantul yang menghasilkan keluaran berupa amplitudo gelombang yang ditampilkan osiloskop. AFG sebagai masukkan pulsa 40 KHz ke rangkaian penguat kemudian pulsa tersebut dikuatkan transformator dan dilanjutkan ke transmitter ultrasonik. Transmitter mengeluarkan pulsa ke objek dan mengalami pemantulan karena memiliki lubang pada internal bendanya. Pantulan tersebut diterima oleh rec...
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems), 2016
Abstrak Proses pembuatan material benda padat sering terjadi masalah berupa kecacatan ... more Abstrak Proses pembuatan material benda padat sering terjadi masalah berupa kecacatan yang timbul di dalam benda padat tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu sistem untuk mendeteksi bentuk kecacatan di dalam benda padat menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik. Komponen yang digunakan pada sistem adalah generator fungsi, penguat, sensor ultrasonik, oscilloscope dan benda padat uji berbentuk silinder. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pantul gelombang ultrasonik. Gelombang ultrasonik dari transmitter dipancarkan ke benda padat dan receiver akan membaca gelombang hasil pantulan yang terjadi karena perbedaan medium benda. Oscilloscope akan membaca gelombang ultrasonik hasil pantulan. Pembacaan ini dilakukan untuk dapat menentukan bentuk dari kecacatan benda padat berbentuk silinder. Uji coba sistem dengan cara unit transmitter memancarkan gelombang ultrasonik ke benda padat. Benda padat diputar atau digerakkan setiap kelipatan 20˚ dari 0-180˚ untuk menda...
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems), 2016
AbstrakPenggunaan motor DC di dunia industri sangat penting. Kecepatan dan torsi motor DC sangat ... more AbstrakPenggunaan motor DC di dunia industri sangat penting. Kecepatan dan torsi motor DC sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas produk yang dihasilkan. Untuk itu, diperlukan sistem kontrol motor DC yang dapat diatur kecepatan dan torsinya. Banyak pelaku industri mengeluhkan kerusakan pada motor DC disebakan beban yang diangkut motor melebihi kemampuan torsi motornya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dibuatlah sistem kontrol torsi motor DC.Sistem kontrol torsi dibuat dengan cara mengatur arus armaturnya pada motor DC penguat terpisah dengan kondisi arus fieldnya tetap. Sistem kontrol torsi ini bersifat dua level yaitu, sistem kontrol kecepatan dan sistem kontrol arus sehingga sinyal keluaran sistem kontrol kecepatan akan menjadi sinyal reference arus.Pengujian dilakukan dengan beban maksimal 3690 gram dan arus nominal sebesar 0,8 A atau torsi nominal sebesar 0,323 Nm. Hasil menunjukkan torsi efektif motor mampu diatur dengan kisaran 0,182 Nm - 0,243 Nm. Diharapkan dengan harga ...
In a radio frequency communications, we need an instrument for measuring the mismatch between the... more In a radio frequency communications, we need an instrument for measuring the mismatch between the transmission line to the load on the communications radio antenna typically used SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) meter. In general, the SWR meter in the market use a system analogous with a directional needle . The weakness of this system is not easy to reading because the scale on the meter pointer does not show the positions per unit mass , and increase the possibility of reading errors . SWR meter and power meter is a measuring instrument that designed to measure of transmit power and SWR values in a transmitter that is displayed on the LCD character . In this system the amount of transmit power that moves forward and backward read by a converter through a circuit directional coupler . The result of power conversion then will be process by the Arduino to calculate the value of transmit power and SWR . For testing, performed by comparing the results of measurements between SWR meter measured with SWR meter standard is Power and SWR Meter Wellz SP - 300 as a reference. From the test results and analysis , the error values of measurement with the SWR radiated power is ± 0.0038 Watt with 99.93 % accuracy measurement. As for measuring the value of SWR measurement accuracy ± 0.0068 with 99.91 %
The need for information becomes a very important requirement these days. No exception informatio... more The need for information becomes a very important requirement these days. No exception information that sourced from local FM radio broadcasts that still has many loyal listeners, various kinds of information provided on them can be used as reference material cheap can be felt by all walks of life. Therefore many new radio stations establishment in the establishment requires a system that can easily make arrangements radiance frequency region. This transmit frequency controller system by applying PLL consists of a series microcontroller ATmega 8 as a system controller and TSA5511 PLL as the PLL system are integrated in a single IC. This system is designed to be able to control the transmit frequency on the radio frequency transmitter that will automatically adjust based on the value of the frequency that has been given to him. Desired frequency value can be set using the control buttons and its value can be seen on the LCD screen. From the test results, the overall system parts can work well as designed. This system can perform frequency locking in the frequency range of 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz. With the value of the applied step size of 100 KHz, then this system has a number of local frequencies can be selected as 206 pieces.
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2011
Many industrial, sciencetific, medical, communication and defence equipments require 32 or 48 vol... more Many industrial, sciencetific, medical, communication and defence equipments require 32 or 48 volt power suppply. These equipments can be operated in a fixed placed as well as in a mobile unit. Unfortunately, many power supply, especially in a mobile unit, available only in 12 volts. These 12 volt power may come from car battery or solar cell. In this research, a 12 volt DC to 48 volt DC converter is designed, implemented and tested. The power supply is designed as a swithcing mode power supply (SMPS) with feedbcak regulator for efficiency and operasional flexibility. This way, the output voltage can be adjusted by the user to meet their need. The performance of the power supply is obtained by varying the input voltage and varying the output voltage. The power supply is also tested by applying the converter using car battery as its input and loading the power supply. Test results show that the power supply could deliver power from 26.6 to 55 volt DC for input voltage of 9.8 to 12 volt. For output of 48 volt, the converter yields an efficiency of 85% with ripple voltage of 50 milli volt peak to peak.
Journal of Computer Science, 2013
In a wireless communication, a signal power amplifier is needed to carry signals over a long dist... more In a wireless communication, a signal power amplifier is needed to carry signals over a long distance. Many signal amplifiers are made of tube as the amplifying component and as such they suffer low efficiency. This study presents results of the research on designing and implementing solid state 144MHz signal amplifier employing MOSFET BLF278 as the active component of the amplifier. The amplifier has an automatic activation switch, an input terminal, a 50 ohm impedance output terminal and a bypass system for two way communication. This amplifier has been tested on frequencies between 144.00 MHz to 146.90 MHz in 100 KHz steps without adjusting the tuning. It is found that the signal amplifier delivers RF powers up to 500 watt at the working voltage of 48 volt with the efficiency of 77%. The amplifier has a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of 1:1 when amplifying and 1.1:1.0 when in bypass mode. The signal amplifier has been tested successfully for radio communication between Sukoharjo in Central Jawa and Surabaya in East Jawa.
Papers by Tri Wahyu Supardi