Papers by Tresia Umarianti

Jurnal Ilmiah Maternal, Feb 21, 2019
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) according to Word Health Organization (WHO) is one of the most ... more Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) according to Word Health Organization (WHO) is one of the most common causes of death among children in developing countries. ARI's cause 4 out of 15 million estimated deaths in children aged five years each year. This study aims to determine the effect of health education on ARI to the knowledge of parents caring for children under five in Posyandu Abadi V. This study uses the design of this study is a quasi experimental research with one group pretest and post test design that is done pretest before given intervention to respondents then after intervention and then done post test. Taking data is done twice before and after treatment. Data before and after treatment were analyzed using wilcoxon test. The result of the respondent's characteristic in Posyandu Abadi V, the number of female more than the male is 95 respondents (94,1%), age age 26-35 years 63 respondents (62,4%), as many as 49 respondents (48.5%), and most respondents work as housewives as much as 42 respondents (41,6%). Knowledge of parents in caring for children under five ARI before health education, good category as many as 15 respondents (14,9%), category less as many as 15 respondents (14,9%), and the most is enough category that is 71 respondents (70, 2%). After the health education, the knowledge of the parents in the care of children with good category ARI is 28 respondents (27,7%), enough 62 respondent (61,4%) and less category 11 respondents (10.9%) Influence of health education about ARI to parents' knowledge of caring for toddlers in Posyandu Abadi V (p value 0,000 and Z-8,495).

Jurnal Ilmiah Maternal, Dec 9, 2019
Smoking behavior is more troubling because it has begun from adolescents and even children. Smoki... more Smoking behavior is more troubling because it has begun from adolescents and even children. Smoking has an impact on oneself and others, but the case of adolescent smokers is considered common and normal for young men. All smokers already know that smoking does not provide benefits and even harms but increases with younger age. Smoking is influenced by several things including adolescents who are looking for self-identity and always want to try something new in their environment so that family and peers are people who influence the habits of these teens. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the smoker's environment and smoking behavior in adolescents at SMA N 1 Cawas. This study adopted analytical methods with cross-sectional design conducted at SMA N 1 Cawas, Klaten. The study was conducted from June to August 2017. The research subjects were students in SMA N 1 Cawas. The results of 875 samples showed the p-value of the Pearson Correlation test was smaller α (0.01). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the environment of smokers with smoking behavior in adolescents in SMA N 1 Cawas.

Jurnal Ilmiah Maternal, Dec 6, 2017
Normal humans need about 20-25mg of iron per day to produce red blood cells. It is estimated that... more Normal humans need about 20-25mg of iron per day to produce red blood cells. It is estimated that the amount of iron released by the body is about 1.0 mg / day, for women plus 0.5 mg loss due to menstruation. In meeting the needs of iron, a person usually consume supplements, but one alternative to meet the needs of iron can be done with consumption of vegetables containing iron in the diet for example spinach to prevent the occurrence of anemia. Green spinach has good benefits for the body because it is a source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C, fiber, and also beta-carotene. In addition, spinach also has a high iron content to prevent anemia. Calcium content in spinach can also prevent calcification of bone. Green spinach has a higher content of chlorophyll and beta-carotene than red spinach. Green spinach has antioxidant, anticancer, antihypertensive, and antihyperglycemic properties. The purpose of this research is to know the iron content found in Green Spinach Extract (Amarathus Hybridus l) by maseration method in laboratory of Faculty of Food UNS, Fresh Dryer method at UMS Faculty of Pharmacy, test the content of Fe content in spinach in Faculty of MIPA in UNS AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). The results show that fresh green spinach has a Fe content of 8.3 mg/100 grams of fresh spinach, the extraction process of 3500 grams of dried green spinach powder with 14000 ml of aquadest produces 21 ml/g of Fe content.

Journal of epidemiology and public health, 2019
Background: Uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism. Purines (adenine and guanine) ar... more Background: Uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism. Purines (adenine and guanine) are nucleic acid contituents. Purine rotation occurs continuously in the body along with the synthesis and decomposition of DNA and RNA, although there is no intake of purine, a substantial amount of uric acid will still be formed. Uric acid is synthesized mainly in the liver by the xanthine oxidase enzyme. This study aimed to examine the correlation of age with uric acid. Subjects and method: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Gambirsari Health Center, Kadipiro Village, Mojosongo, Surakarta, Central Java. A sample of 50 gout patients was selected by purposive sampling. The dependent variable was uric acid. The independent variable was age. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation. Results: There was a correlation between age and uric acid (r= 0.37; p= 0.009). Conclusion: There is a correlation between age and uric acid.

Indonesian journal of medicine, 2019
Background: Gout is an antioxidant, the final product that is produced from the metabolism/ break... more Background: Gout is an antioxidant, the final product that is produced from the metabolism/ breakdown of purines, but if in excessive amounts in the blood, it will experience crystallization and can cause gout. Giving cinnamon extract to male white rats with hyperuricemia has the effect of reducing uric acid levels, because the extract of cinnamon contains Polyphenols namely Sinamldehid which is high enough (68.65%) to be a source of antioxidant compounds which can inhibit Xanthine Oxidase Enzine. This study aiméd to analyze the therapy of dekokta cinnamon with honey to reduce uric acid for people with gout. Subjects and method: This was a quasi experiment with pre and post-test design. The study was conducted in Gambirsari Community Health Center, Kadipiro Subdistrict, Mojosongo, Surakarta, Central Java, in May 2018. A sample of of 50 people with gout sufferers were selected by quota sampling and divided into 2 groups. The treatment group of 25 people received cinnamon decoction with honey with a concentration of 15%. The therapy was carried out for 1 week with a dose of once a day. In the control group, Allopurinol 100 mg was given for 1 week, with a dose of once a day. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney est. Results: Uric acid in decoction cinnamon with honey group was lower than in control group and it was statistically significant (p= 0.023). Conclusion: Decoction cinnamon with honey can reduce uric acid level among gout patients.
Jurnal Kebidanan (edisi elektronik), Jan 3, 2018
Anemia sering terjadi akibat defisiensi zat besi karena pada ibu hamil terjadi peningkatan kebutu... more Anemia sering terjadi akibat defisiensi zat besi karena pada ibu hamil terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan zat besi dua kali lipat akibat peningkatan volume darah tanpa ekspansi volume plasma, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ibu. Salah satu alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat besi dapat dilakukan dengan konsumsi sayuran yang mengandung zat besi dalam menu makanan. bayam hijau merupakan salah satu sumber makanan yang mengantung senyawa yang diperlukan dalam sintesis hemoglobin seperti zat besi dan vitamin

Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sep 13, 2022
Background: Premature birth occurs before 37 weeks of complete gestation, weighs less than 2,500 ... more Background: Premature birth occurs before 37 weeks of complete gestation, weighs less than 2,500 grams, and is the main cause of newborn death and the second cause of death in children under five. Premature babies are at higher risk for illness, disability, and death. Changes in heart rate in premature babies can occur after being given a recording of the mother's voice, which contains 3 types: speaking, reading, and singing. The results showed an effect of recording the mother's voice on changes in heart rate in premature infants. This community service activity aims to increase nurses' knowledge about the importance of the mother's voice on changes in the heart rate of premature babies. Methods: Community service activities were carried out twice. The first activity was carried out through a zoom meeting which explained the importance of the mother's voice in premature babies with the help of PowerPoint media. Then continued, the second activity in the form of a demonstration of Mother's voting. Results: The pretest showed that 9 nurses (100%) had less knowledge about the importance of the mother's voice for the heart rate of premature babies. After receiving education and demonstration regarding the mother's voting, the post-test results were that 7 nurses (78%) had good knowledge and 2 nurses (22%) had poor knowledge. Conclusion: Nurses become aware of the importance of the mother's voice in increasing the heart rate of premature babies.

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Apr 1, 2022
BACKGROUND: High maternal and child morbidity and problems related to maternal and child health r... more BACKGROUND: High maternal and child morbidity and problems related to maternal and child health requires increasing the professionalism of the midwife profession through continuing education. The main competencies of midwives as service providers, educators, community leaders, managers, and decision-makers are carried out to provide midwifery services. AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of midwives in continuing education at the professional level. METHODS: This research is qualitative research with a theoretical basis. Collecting data through focus group discussion and followed by in-depth interviews with nine midwives who are continuing their professional education four midwives education and professional organization. Analysis of the data used using fixed comparison analysis. RESULTS: The results of the qualitative analysis produced two themes, namely: internal encouragement with the sub-themes of midwives' understanding of the body of knowledge of professional education, academic progress, self-development, professional recognition; and external encouragement with the sub-themes of career paths, policies, workplace, and professional organization. CONCLUSION: There are internal and external incentives that affect midwives who have worked to continue their education to a higher level.

Indonesia Berdaya, Jan 21, 2022
Keberhasilan masa prakonsepsi terletak di tangan setiap Remaja Putri (Rematri) dan Wanita Usia Su... more Keberhasilan masa prakonsepsi terletak di tangan setiap Remaja Putri (Rematri) dan Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) yang merupakan calon ibu. Remaja putri (Rematri) dan WUS merupakan kelompok yang rentan mengalami anemia sehingga sebagian besar Rematri dan WUS melewati masa prakonsepsi dengan kondisi kesehatan yang buruk. Anemia pada Rematri dan WUS menyebabkan dampak kesehatan buruk pada ibu dan bayi. Pencegahan dan penanganan anemia pada Rematri dan WUS membutuhkan keterlibatan kader dan masyarakat. Pengabdian Masyarakat ini dilakukan di Posyandu Kasih Ibu Colomadu Surakarta pada 13 WUS, 10 kader, dan 5 orang tua. Pengabdian dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2021 melalui kegiatan Sikring Arus yaitu skrining anemia pada Rematri dan WUS, edukasi persiapan kehamilan, dan monitoring. Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan Sikring Arus dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran Rematri, WUS, serta masyarakat tentang pentingnya pencegahan dan penanganan anemia dalam persiapan kehamilan sehat.

Jurnal Pengabdian Harapan Ibu (JPHI), Apr 29, 2021
Ibu hamil selama kehamilannya akan mengalami beberapa perubahan fisik dan juga perubahan secara p... more Ibu hamil selama kehamilannya akan mengalami beberapa perubahan fisik dan juga perubahan secara psikologis .Hal ini dapat menyebabkan rasa ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi paling sering pada kehamilan trimester II dan III. Perubahan ini sudah banyak dilakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi masalah kehamilan salah satunya yaitu dengan teknik prenatal yoga. Tujuan Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil secara fisik, mental dan spiritual sampai proses persalinannya nanti. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan satu minggu sekali selama satu bulan. Peserta prenatal yoga berjumlah 10 orang ibu hamil pada usia kehamilan di Trimester II. Kegiatan Prenatal yoga dilakukan tiap hari minggu mulai jam 08.00 sampai jam. 09.00. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan penyuluhan seputar pengetahuan tentang prenatal yoga, kemudian dilanjutkan pelaksanaan prenatal Yoga. Evaluasi dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang Prenatal Yoga ini adalah ibu hamil merasa tenang, nyaman dan keluhan fisik yang dirasakan mulai berkurang.

Jurnal Kebidanan Indonesia: Indonesian Journal of Midwives, Aug 12, 2020
Background: Breast milk is the first source of nutrition for babies that contain vitamins and min... more Background: Breast milk is the first source of nutrition for babies that contain vitamins and minerals. The low coverage of breastfeeding is caused by several factors including knowledge and motivation related to emotional levels in the desire to breastfeed. Knowledge is the result of knowing after people do something while emotions are the urge to act, immediate plans to overcome, emotions can trigger actions on the desire to react immediately. Actions can motivate their own goals. Therefore, knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding is important for mothers who influence the emotional aspects of the mother during breastfeeding. The Aim: This study aimed to know the relationship between knowledge and emotional level among mothers during breastfeeding. Methods: The method used in this research was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design. The population of this study was all of the mothers who had children aged 6 months to 12 months in Posyandu Lestari Asih, Sector II, Kadipiro Village. The samples were 37 mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months. A closed questionnaire was utilized in this study. Analysis of the data in this research was continuous scale sample data described in the mean and standard deviation (SD) parameters. The categorical scale sample data was described in frequency and percent. The relationship between variables was tested using binary logistic regression. Results: The average age of respondents was > 30 years. The majority of respondents had a senior high school education and worked as housewives. The majority of respondents had 1-2 children and the age of the last child was 0-6 months. There was a relationship between knowledge and emotional level of mothers during breastfeeding with value of p = 0,000 <0.05, means that there was a strong relationship between knowledge and emotional level of mothers (Sommer's test value d = 0.754), and the relationship that occured was a positive relationship (Gamma test value = 0.893). Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge and emotional level among mothers during breastfeeding.

Latar belakang : Proses menyusui merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi seorang ibu, karena... more Latar belakang : Proses menyusui merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi seorang ibu, karena dengan lancarnya produksi ASI seorang wanita dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi negara. Cikal bakal suatu negara adalah bayi yang sehat dan tumbuh berkembang dengan sempurna. Untuk mencapai optimalisasi kesehatan bayi kunci utamanya adalah kesuksesan seorang ibu dalam memberikan ASI ekslusive, sedangkan kesuksesan ASI ekslusive di awali dengan kesuksesan dalam proses menyusui. Maka dari itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengambil judul penelitian “Pengaruh Pengetahuan dan Hypnobreastfeeding pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Terhadap Proses menyusui” Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan dan hypnobreastfeeding pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III terhadap proses menyusui Metode : Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 30 ibu hamil trimester III. Analisa yang digunakan yaitu regresi linier berganda. Hasil : Perhitungan dari penelitian ini di dapatkan bahwa uji F sebesar 5.957 dengan taraf signifikan 0.007, di mana angka tersebut lebih kecil dari taraf signifikan 5%. Simpulan : ternyata pengetahuan dan hypnobreastfeeding pada ibu hamil trimester III berpengaruh pada proses menyusui. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Hipnobreastfeeding

Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada, Jun 29, 2015
Proses menyusui merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi seorang ibu, karena dengan lancarnya... more Proses menyusui merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi seorang ibu, karena dengan lancarnya produksi ASI seorang wanita dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi negara. Cikal bakal suatu negara adalah bayi yang sehat dan tumbuh berkembang dengan sempurna. Untuk mencapai optimalisasi kesehatan bayi kunci utamanya adalah kesuksesan seorang ibu dalam memberikan ASI ekslusive, sedangkan kesuksesan ASI ekslusif diawali dengan kesuksesan dalam proses menyusui. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III menuju proses menyusui. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskripsi observasi. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini secara univariat yaitu pada variabel pengetahuan didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu hamil trimester III tentang menyusui berkategori baik terdapat 56% dan yang berpengetahuan kurang terdapat 44%.

Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sep 13, 2022
Background: Premature birth occurs before 37 weeks of complete gestation, weighs less than 2,500 ... more Background: Premature birth occurs before 37 weeks of complete gestation, weighs less than 2,500 grams, and is the main cause of newborn death and the second cause of death in children under five. Premature babies are at higher risk for illness, disability, and death. Changes in heart rate in premature babies can occur after being given a recording of the mother's voice, which contains 3 types: speaking, reading, and singing. The results showed an effect of recording the mother's voice on changes in heart rate in premature infants. This community service activity aims to increase nurses' knowledge about the importance of the mother's voice on changes in the heart rate of premature babies. Methods: Community service activities were carried out twice. The first activity was carried out through a zoom meeting which explained the importance of the mother's voice in premature babies with the help of PowerPoint media. Then continued, the second activity in the form of a demonstration of Mother's voting. Results: The pretest showed that 9 nurses (100%) had less knowledge about the importance of the mother's voice for the heart rate of premature babies. After receiving education and demonstration regarding the mother's voting, the post-test results were that 7 nurses (78%) had good knowledge and 2 nurses (22%) had poor knowledge. Conclusion: Nurses become aware of the importance of the mother's voice in increasing the heart rate of premature babies.

Al-Insyirah Midwifery: Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwifery Sciences)
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Nyeri menstruasi merupakan terjadi sebelum dan selama menstruasi yang dap... more ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Nyeri menstruasi merupakan terjadi sebelum dan selama menstruasi yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas. Prevalensi dysmenorrhea di Indonesia sebesar 60-70% wanita. Menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan, mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari, Penanganan nyeri menstruasi farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas kompres dingin dan kompres hangat terhadap penurunan nyeri menstruasi, Metode: Penelitian ini eksperimen semu. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah 52 santriwati. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi NRS 0-10. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon dan Uji Mann Whitney. Hasil: Rata-rata nyeri menstruasi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan kompres dingin didapatkan adalah (4,3) menjadi (3,92). Sedangkan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan kompres hangat diberikan adalah (3,69) menjadi (1,92). Selanjutnya di Uji Wilcoxon disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan teknik kompres hangat d...

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
BACKGROUND: High maternal and child morbidity and problems related to maternal and child health r... more BACKGROUND: High maternal and child morbidity and problems related to maternal and child health requires increasing the professionalism of the midwife profession through continuing education. The main competencies of midwives as service providers, educators, community leaders, managers, and decision-makers are carried out to provide midwifery services. AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of midwives in continuing education at the professional level. METHODS: This research is qualitative research with a theoretical basis. Collecting data through focus group discussion and followed by in-depth interviews with nine midwives who are continuing their professional education four midwives education and professional organization. Analysis of the data used using fixed comparison analysis. RESULTS: The results of the qualitative analysis produced two themes, namely: internal encouragement with the sub-themes of midwives’ understanding of the body of knowledge of pro...

Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2022
Background: BOM massage is a combination of ways to treat breasts so that breast milk can produce... more Background: BOM massage is a combination of ways to treat breasts so that breast milk can produce and provide relaxation to postpartum mothers. Mothers after giving birth may experience psychological fatigue related to anxiety or depression which can hinder the smooth flow of breast milk. The support of the husband and close family will greatly help the process of comfort and relaxation of the mother during the process of undergoing the postpartum period. This study aims to determine the effect of husband's assistance in the implementation of BOM messages on the level of fatigue of postpartum mothers. Subjects and Method: This research is an analytic experimental study with RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial) design. The research was conducted at PMB Ngudi Saras Palur Karanganyar. The research subjects were 44 postpartum mothers, which were divided into 22 with husband's assistance and 22 others without husband's assistance. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Data ...
ABSTRAK Risiko kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan kehamilan dan kelahiran di dunia yang sedang berke... more ABSTRAK Risiko kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan kehamilan dan kelahiran di dunia yang sedang berkembang Kata kunci: ABSTRACT Keywords:

Strengthening Hospital Competitiveness to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Better Health Outcomes
Background: Postpartum women with spontaneous rupture or episiotomy experience excessive pain. Th... more Background: Postpartum women with spontaneous rupture or episiotomy experience excessive pain. This pain may harm maternal condition such as lack of rest and postpartum blues. There are numerous pharmacologic pain relievers that can be used to treat labor pain. However, they may present the risk of toxic side effects and adverse reaction. Studies have shown that acupressure therapy is a safe and cost-effective alternative for pain reliever. However, little is known about the effectiveness of acupressure at HE KUK (Co4) point to reduce spontaneous labor pain. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of acupresure at HE KUK point in relieving labor pain. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized controlled trial with a sample of 34 postpartum women. The sample was divided into 17 subjects receiving acupressure at HE KUK (Co4) point in the experimental group, and 17 subjects receiving paracetamol in the control group. The independent variable was pain reliever (accupressure compared with paracetamol). The intervention was administered within 24 hours post delivery. The dependent variable was pain intensity (measured by Numeric Rating Scale). Initial pain comparability between both groups before intervention was tested by t-test. Effectiveness of acupresure relative to paracetamol in reducing pain was determined by comparing mean difference of pain intensity between both groups by ttest. Results: Pain intensity was comparable between both groups before the intervention (p>0.05) confirming the success of randomization. After intervention, pain intensity was lower in the experimental group (Mean= 4.41; SD= 1.33) than the control group (Mean= 7.18; SD= 0.95), with Effect Size=-2.40, indicating significant effectiveness of acupressure relative to paracetamol. Conclusion: Acupressure at HE KUK (Co4) point is more effective than parasetamol to relieve spontaneous labor pain.
Papers by Tresia Umarianti