Thenumberof larval instars varieswidely across insect species.Although instar number is frequentl... more Thenumberof larval instars varieswidely across insect species.Although instar number is frequently considered to be invariable within species, intraspeciÞc variability in the number of instars is not an exceptional phenomenon. However, the knowledge has remained fragmentary, and there are no recent attempts to synthesize the results of relevant studies. Based on published case studies,we show that intraspeciÞc variability in thenumber of larval instars iswidespread across insect taxa, occurring in most major orders, in both hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects. We give an overview of various factors that have been observed to affect the number of instars. Temperature, photoperiod, foodquality andquantity, humidity, rearing density, physical condition, inheritance, and sex are themost common factors inßuencing the number of instars.We discuss adaptive scenarios that may provide ultimate explanations for the plasticity in instar number. The data available largely support the comp...
Seasonal polyphenisms are cases in which individuals representing generations occurring in differ... more Seasonal polyphenisms are cases in which individuals representing generations occurring in different times of the year systematically differ in their morphological, physiological, and/or behavioral traits. Such differences are often assumed to constitute adaptive responses to seasonally varying environments, but the evidence for this is still scarce. The adaptive character of the response would be corroborated by the pattern in which the decision about choosing a particular seasonal phenotype is made before the onset of respective environmental conditions (anticipatory plasticity). Alternatively, the between-generation differences can be caused by immediate effects of seasonally varying environments (responsive plasticity). Here we reared the larvae of the seasonally polymorphic map butterfly Araschnia levana under two different photoperiodic regimes, which provided different seasonal cues. These two treatments induced direct development and diapause pathways, respectively. Replicat...
The recent "overhead threshold" model for optimal age and body size at maturity (Day and Rowe 200... more The recent "overhead threshold" model for optimal age and body size at maturity (Day and Rowe 2002) predicts that phenotypic variability in adult body size will be low under inferior environmental quality and will increase with improving conditions. The model is, however, based on a potentially restrictive assumption of a monotone increase of fecundity with increasing body size. On the basis of a numerical model, we show that introducing the concept of maximum adult body size changes the predictions of the model. The dependence of variability in adult body size on environmental quality becomes a concave function with a maximum at intermediate values. Depending on the range of environmental conditions considered, one may therefore expect to observe both increasing and decreasing functions. We test the predictions of our model on a literature-based database of 131 insect species covering all major orders. We demonstrate that, in most species, relative phenotypic variation in body size decreases when environment-specific average of adult body size increases. In the majority of cases at least, such a relationship can be interpreted as a decreased relative variation in better growing conditions. With some potentially meaningful exceptions (e.g., females of capital-breeding insects), the general pattern was largely invariable across different taxa, ecological subdivisions, and sexes.
Within a season, successive generations of short-lived organisms experience diVerent combinations... more Within a season, successive generations of short-lived organisms experience diVerent combinations of environmental parameters, such as temperature, food quality and mortality risk. Adult body size of e.g. insects is therefore expected to vary both as a consequence of proximate environmental eVects as well as adaptive responses to seasonal cues. In this study, we examined intraspeciWc diVerences in body size between successive generations in 12 temperate bivoltine moths (Lepidoptera), with the ultimate goal to critically compare the role of proximate and adaptive mechanisms in determining seasonal size diVerences. In nearly all species, individuals developing late in the season (diapausing generation) attained a larger adult size than their conspeciWcs with the larval period early in the season (directly developing generation) despite the typically lower food quality in late summer. Rearing experiments conducted on one of the studied species, Selenia tetralunaria also largely exclude the possibility that the proximate eVects of food quality and temperature are decisive in determining size diVerences between successive generations. Adaptive explanations appear likely instead: the larger body size in the diapausing generation may be adaptively associated with the lower bird predation pressure late in the season, and/or the likely advantage of large pupal size during overwintering.
Seasonal generations of short-lived organisms often differ in their morphological, behavioural an... more Seasonal generations of short-lived organisms often differ in their morphological, behavioural and life history traits, including body size. These differences may be either due to immediate effects of seasonally variable environment on organisms (responsive plasticity) or rely on presumably adaptive responses of organisms to cues signalizing forthcoming seasonal changes (anticipatory plasticity). When directly developing individuals of insects are larger than their overwintering conspecifics, the betweengeneration differences are typically ascribed to responsive plasticity in larval growth. We tested this hypothesis using the papilionid butterly Iphiclides podalirius as a model species. In laboratory experiments, we demonstrated that seasonal differences in food quality could not explain the observed size difference. Similarly, the size differences are not likely to be explained by the immediate effects of ambient temperature and photoperiod on larval growth. The qualitative pattern of natural size differences between the directly developing and diapausing butterflies could be reproduced in the laboratory as a response to photoperiod, indicating anticipatory character of the response. Directly developing and diapausing individuals followed an identical growth trajectory until the end of the last larval instar, with size differences appearing just a few days before pupation. Taken together, various lines of evidence suggest that between-generation size differences in I. podalirius are not caused by immediate effects of environmental factors on larval growth. Instead,
Different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have usually been explained by selective forces ... more Different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have usually been explained by selective forces operating in the adult stage. Developmental mechanisms leading to SSD during the juvenile development have received less attention. In particular, it is often not clear if the individuals of the ultimately larger sex are larger already at hatching/birth, do they grow faster, or do they grow for a longer time. In the case of insects, the question about sexually dimorphic growth rates is still open because most previous studies fail to adequately consider the complexity of larval growth curve, the existence of distinct larval instars in particular. Applying an instar-specific approach, we analysed ontogenetic determination of female-biased SSD in a number of distantly related species of Lepidoptera. The species studied showed a remarkable degree of similarity: SSD appeared invariably earlier than in the final instar, and tended to accumulate during development. The higher weight of the females was shown to be primarily a consequence of longer development within several larval instars. There was some evidence of higher instantaneous growth rates of females in the penultimate instar but not in the final instar. Egg size, studied in one species, was found not to be sexually dimorphic. The high across-species similarity may be seen as an indication of constraints on the set of possible mechanisms of size divergence between the two sexes. The results are discussed from the perspective of the evolution of insect body size in general. In particular, this study confirms the idea about limited evolvability of within-instar growth increments. An evolutionary change towards larger adult size appears always to be realised via moderate changes in relative increments of several larval instars, whereas a considerable change in just one instar may not be feasible.
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to express different phenotypes in resp... more Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to express different phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli. Polyphenisms constitute special cases of plasticity being defined by the discrete character of the environmentally induced phenotypes
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Sex-specific mechanisms of the determination of insect body sizes are insufficiently understood. ... more Sex-specific mechanisms of the determination of insect body sizes are insufficiently understood. Here we use the common heath moth, Ematurga atomaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) to examine how larval growth trajectories differ between males and females. We monitored the development of 1379 larvae in controlled laboratory conditions. Sexually dimorphic development times during the first four instars were associated with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in the beginning of the fifth (last) instar, when females were on average 15% heavier than males. Similarly, the duration of the last instar was about 13% longer in females. Further, we specifically focussed on the estimates of differential (instantaneous) growth rates of the larvae based on 24h mass increments of the 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th day in the beginning of the last instar. We calculated 'allometric' differential growth rates as the per-day increase in cube-root-transformed mass of the larvae. We found that allometric growth rates were slightly but significantly larger in females than in males. As this measure of growth rate (in contrast to the relative growth rate, based on the ratio of masses recorded at consecutive measurements) did not depend on body size, it allows an unambiguous separation of the effects of sex and size. We conclude that in accordance with an emerging general pattern, larger female body size in E. atomaria is achieved primarily by means of a longer growth period. Furthermore, our study shows that the differential growth rate can also be sexually dimorphic and contribute to SSD. This contribution, however, is lower than that of the development time by an order of magnitude. In addition to development periods and growth rates, other parameters of the non-linear growth curves of insect larvae also need to be considered in the context of SSD determination. In particular, weight loss prior to pupation was shown to be considerably larger in females than in males.
1. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can vary drastically across environments, demonstrating pronounce... more 1. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can vary drastically across environments, demonstrating pronounced sex-specific plasticity. In insects, females are usually the larger and more plastic sex. However, the shortage of taxa with male-biased SSD hampers the assessment of whether the greater plasticity in females is driven by selection on size or represents an effect of the female reproductive role. Here, we specifically address the role of sex-specific plasticity of body size in the evolution of SSD reversals to disentangle sex and size effects. 2. We first investigate sex-specific body size plasticity in Sepsis punctum and Sepsis neocynipsea as two independent cases of intraspecific SSD reversals in sepsid flies. In both species, directional variation in SSD between populations is driven by stronger sexual selection on male size. Using controlled laboratory breeding, we find evidence for sex-specific plasticity and increased condition dependence of male size in populations with male-biased SSD, but not of female size in populations with female-biased SSD. 3. To extend the comparative scope, we next estimate sex-specific body size plasticity in eight additional fly species that differ in the direction of SSD under laboratory conditions. In all species with male-biased SSD we find males to be the more plastic sex, while this was only rarely the case in species with female-biased SSD, thus suggesting a more general trend in Diptera. 4. To examine the generality of this pattern in holometabolous insects, we combine our data with data from the literature in a meta-analysis. Again, male body size tends to be more plastic than female size when males are the larger sex, though female size is now also generally more plastic when females are larger. 5. Our findings indicate that primarily selection on size, rather than the reproductive role per se, drives the evolution of sex-specific body size plasticity. However, sepsid flies, and possibly Diptera in general, show a clear sexual asymmetry with greater male than female plasticity related to SSD, likely driven by strong sexual selection on males. Although further research controlling for phylogenetic and ecological confounding effects is needed, our findings are congruent with theory in suggesting that condition dependence plays a pivotal role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism.
... Correspondence: Toomas Esperk, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences ... We thank Juhan Jav... more ... Correspondence: Toomas Esperk, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences ... We thank Juhan Javoi, Freerk Molleman, Triinu Remmel, Siiri-Lii Sandre, Anu Sang, Tiit Teder and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments on the earlier drafts of this manuscript. ...
Thenumberof larval instars varieswidely across insect species.Although instar number is frequentl... more Thenumberof larval instars varieswidely across insect species.Although instar number is frequently considered to be invariable within species, intraspeciÞc variability in the number of instars is not an exceptional phenomenon. However, the knowledge has remained fragmentary, and there are no recent attempts to synthesize the results of relevant studies. Based on published case studies,we show that intraspeciÞc variability in thenumber of larval instars iswidespread across insect taxa, occurring in most major orders, in both hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects. We give an overview of various factors that have been observed to affect the number of instars. Temperature, photoperiod, foodquality andquantity, humidity, rearing density, physical condition, inheritance, and sex are themost common factors inßuencing the number of instars.We discuss adaptive scenarios that may provide ultimate explanations for the plasticity in instar number. The data available largely support the comp...
Seasonal polyphenisms are cases in which individuals representing generations occurring in differ... more Seasonal polyphenisms are cases in which individuals representing generations occurring in different times of the year systematically differ in their morphological, physiological, and/or behavioral traits. Such differences are often assumed to constitute adaptive responses to seasonally varying environments, but the evidence for this is still scarce. The adaptive character of the response would be corroborated by the pattern in which the decision about choosing a particular seasonal phenotype is made before the onset of respective environmental conditions (anticipatory plasticity). Alternatively, the between-generation differences can be caused by immediate effects of seasonally varying environments (responsive plasticity). Here we reared the larvae of the seasonally polymorphic map butterfly Araschnia levana under two different photoperiodic regimes, which provided different seasonal cues. These two treatments induced direct development and diapause pathways, respectively. Replicat...
The recent "overhead threshold" model for optimal age and body size at maturity (Day and Rowe 200... more The recent "overhead threshold" model for optimal age and body size at maturity (Day and Rowe 2002) predicts that phenotypic variability in adult body size will be low under inferior environmental quality and will increase with improving conditions. The model is, however, based on a potentially restrictive assumption of a monotone increase of fecundity with increasing body size. On the basis of a numerical model, we show that introducing the concept of maximum adult body size changes the predictions of the model. The dependence of variability in adult body size on environmental quality becomes a concave function with a maximum at intermediate values. Depending on the range of environmental conditions considered, one may therefore expect to observe both increasing and decreasing functions. We test the predictions of our model on a literature-based database of 131 insect species covering all major orders. We demonstrate that, in most species, relative phenotypic variation in body size decreases when environment-specific average of adult body size increases. In the majority of cases at least, such a relationship can be interpreted as a decreased relative variation in better growing conditions. With some potentially meaningful exceptions (e.g., females of capital-breeding insects), the general pattern was largely invariable across different taxa, ecological subdivisions, and sexes.
Within a season, successive generations of short-lived organisms experience diVerent combinations... more Within a season, successive generations of short-lived organisms experience diVerent combinations of environmental parameters, such as temperature, food quality and mortality risk. Adult body size of e.g. insects is therefore expected to vary both as a consequence of proximate environmental eVects as well as adaptive responses to seasonal cues. In this study, we examined intraspeciWc diVerences in body size between successive generations in 12 temperate bivoltine moths (Lepidoptera), with the ultimate goal to critically compare the role of proximate and adaptive mechanisms in determining seasonal size diVerences. In nearly all species, individuals developing late in the season (diapausing generation) attained a larger adult size than their conspeciWcs with the larval period early in the season (directly developing generation) despite the typically lower food quality in late summer. Rearing experiments conducted on one of the studied species, Selenia tetralunaria also largely exclude the possibility that the proximate eVects of food quality and temperature are decisive in determining size diVerences between successive generations. Adaptive explanations appear likely instead: the larger body size in the diapausing generation may be adaptively associated with the lower bird predation pressure late in the season, and/or the likely advantage of large pupal size during overwintering.
Seasonal generations of short-lived organisms often differ in their morphological, behavioural an... more Seasonal generations of short-lived organisms often differ in their morphological, behavioural and life history traits, including body size. These differences may be either due to immediate effects of seasonally variable environment on organisms (responsive plasticity) or rely on presumably adaptive responses of organisms to cues signalizing forthcoming seasonal changes (anticipatory plasticity). When directly developing individuals of insects are larger than their overwintering conspecifics, the betweengeneration differences are typically ascribed to responsive plasticity in larval growth. We tested this hypothesis using the papilionid butterly Iphiclides podalirius as a model species. In laboratory experiments, we demonstrated that seasonal differences in food quality could not explain the observed size difference. Similarly, the size differences are not likely to be explained by the immediate effects of ambient temperature and photoperiod on larval growth. The qualitative pattern of natural size differences between the directly developing and diapausing butterflies could be reproduced in the laboratory as a response to photoperiod, indicating anticipatory character of the response. Directly developing and diapausing individuals followed an identical growth trajectory until the end of the last larval instar, with size differences appearing just a few days before pupation. Taken together, various lines of evidence suggest that between-generation size differences in I. podalirius are not caused by immediate effects of environmental factors on larval growth. Instead,
Different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have usually been explained by selective forces ... more Different levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) have usually been explained by selective forces operating in the adult stage. Developmental mechanisms leading to SSD during the juvenile development have received less attention. In particular, it is often not clear if the individuals of the ultimately larger sex are larger already at hatching/birth, do they grow faster, or do they grow for a longer time. In the case of insects, the question about sexually dimorphic growth rates is still open because most previous studies fail to adequately consider the complexity of larval growth curve, the existence of distinct larval instars in particular. Applying an instar-specific approach, we analysed ontogenetic determination of female-biased SSD in a number of distantly related species of Lepidoptera. The species studied showed a remarkable degree of similarity: SSD appeared invariably earlier than in the final instar, and tended to accumulate during development. The higher weight of the females was shown to be primarily a consequence of longer development within several larval instars. There was some evidence of higher instantaneous growth rates of females in the penultimate instar but not in the final instar. Egg size, studied in one species, was found not to be sexually dimorphic. The high across-species similarity may be seen as an indication of constraints on the set of possible mechanisms of size divergence between the two sexes. The results are discussed from the perspective of the evolution of insect body size in general. In particular, this study confirms the idea about limited evolvability of within-instar growth increments. An evolutionary change towards larger adult size appears always to be realised via moderate changes in relative increments of several larval instars, whereas a considerable change in just one instar may not be feasible.
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to express different phenotypes in resp... more Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to express different phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli. Polyphenisms constitute special cases of plasticity being defined by the discrete character of the environmentally induced phenotypes
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Sex-specific mechanisms of the determination of insect body sizes are insufficiently understood. ... more Sex-specific mechanisms of the determination of insect body sizes are insufficiently understood. Here we use the common heath moth, Ematurga atomaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) to examine how larval growth trajectories differ between males and females. We monitored the development of 1379 larvae in controlled laboratory conditions. Sexually dimorphic development times during the first four instars were associated with sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in the beginning of the fifth (last) instar, when females were on average 15% heavier than males. Similarly, the duration of the last instar was about 13% longer in females. Further, we specifically focussed on the estimates of differential (instantaneous) growth rates of the larvae based on 24h mass increments of the 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th day in the beginning of the last instar. We calculated 'allometric' differential growth rates as the per-day increase in cube-root-transformed mass of the larvae. We found that allometric growth rates were slightly but significantly larger in females than in males. As this measure of growth rate (in contrast to the relative growth rate, based on the ratio of masses recorded at consecutive measurements) did not depend on body size, it allows an unambiguous separation of the effects of sex and size. We conclude that in accordance with an emerging general pattern, larger female body size in E. atomaria is achieved primarily by means of a longer growth period. Furthermore, our study shows that the differential growth rate can also be sexually dimorphic and contribute to SSD. This contribution, however, is lower than that of the development time by an order of magnitude. In addition to development periods and growth rates, other parameters of the non-linear growth curves of insect larvae also need to be considered in the context of SSD determination. In particular, weight loss prior to pupation was shown to be considerably larger in females than in males.
1. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can vary drastically across environments, demonstrating pronounce... more 1. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can vary drastically across environments, demonstrating pronounced sex-specific plasticity. In insects, females are usually the larger and more plastic sex. However, the shortage of taxa with male-biased SSD hampers the assessment of whether the greater plasticity in females is driven by selection on size or represents an effect of the female reproductive role. Here, we specifically address the role of sex-specific plasticity of body size in the evolution of SSD reversals to disentangle sex and size effects. 2. We first investigate sex-specific body size plasticity in Sepsis punctum and Sepsis neocynipsea as two independent cases of intraspecific SSD reversals in sepsid flies. In both species, directional variation in SSD between populations is driven by stronger sexual selection on male size. Using controlled laboratory breeding, we find evidence for sex-specific plasticity and increased condition dependence of male size in populations with male-biased SSD, but not of female size in populations with female-biased SSD. 3. To extend the comparative scope, we next estimate sex-specific body size plasticity in eight additional fly species that differ in the direction of SSD under laboratory conditions. In all species with male-biased SSD we find males to be the more plastic sex, while this was only rarely the case in species with female-biased SSD, thus suggesting a more general trend in Diptera. 4. To examine the generality of this pattern in holometabolous insects, we combine our data with data from the literature in a meta-analysis. Again, male body size tends to be more plastic than female size when males are the larger sex, though female size is now also generally more plastic when females are larger. 5. Our findings indicate that primarily selection on size, rather than the reproductive role per se, drives the evolution of sex-specific body size plasticity. However, sepsid flies, and possibly Diptera in general, show a clear sexual asymmetry with greater male than female plasticity related to SSD, likely driven by strong sexual selection on males. Although further research controlling for phylogenetic and ecological confounding effects is needed, our findings are congruent with theory in suggesting that condition dependence plays a pivotal role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism.
... Correspondence: Toomas Esperk, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences ... We thank Juhan Jav... more ... Correspondence: Toomas Esperk, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences ... We thank Juhan Javoi, Freerk Molleman, Triinu Remmel, Siiri-Lii Sandre, Anu Sang, Tiit Teder and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments on the earlier drafts of this manuscript. ...
Papers by Toomas Esperk