Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many comp... more Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many competitions on these searches area. One of them is Human Exoskeleton Assistance System Prototype (HEASP) that is developed at Dokuz Eylül University. HEASP's goal is to assist one leg extremity persons. In this paper, the capturing of human walking parameters on sagittal plane is introduced. These parameters used for walking pattern generation and making pattern decision control strategies on HEASP.
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2017
This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and ex... more This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and experimental results about biped walking. Walking trajectory generation is one of the deterministic factors in walking robot applications. Different approaches for stable walking trajectory are worked on in robotic research. The linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM) is an effective method used with the zero moment point (ZMP) criteria. Biped robot trunk and feet moving patterns are generated depending on these fundamental methods. In this study, generated trajectories were tested by a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) biped robot RUBI built at Dokuz Eylül University. In the experimental work, the joint angles obtained by using inverse kinematics from the generated trajectories were implemented on the robot. The results showed that even with a simple control system implementation of generated trajectories is very promising in terms of stability and reducing complexity.
Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (Io... more Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) show a rapid development and effect the industry and many areas of our lives. There are very important technological developments in many fields, especially in robots, electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous systems, smart home applications and 3D printers. Technical workers with high technical knowledge and skills are needed for the development, installation, and operation of these systems. Vocational and technical education institutions, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate departments of universities contribute to the manpower trained in this field. Mechatronics discipline is one of the most important fields that can meet the required technical human resources. At this point, mechatronics associate degree programs in Turkey draw attention. In this study, mechatronics associate degree programs of state universities with a base score of 300 points above the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) in 2022 and the universities with these programs were examined. Considering whether the universities are research universities and the 2022-2023 URAP rankings prepared by the Middle East Technical University Informatics Institute, their relationship with university preference priority was examined. The academic profile of the regular academicians who teach in the relevant programs has been researched. In the next stage, students' preference and placement data were analyzed using the YÖK atlas data for the year 2019-2021. The base scores of the determined programs and the changes in the rankings of these programs were examined. The quotas of the programs and the initial placement rates in these quotas were investigated. The preference of the program in terms of gender was investigated by looking at the gender distribution of the students placed in the programs. The effects of universities and cities on preferences were examined by examining how many candidates preferred the programs in total and the number of candidates per quota. The situation of vocational high schools was revealed by looking at the placement rates of students coming from vocational high schools and different high school types by investigating the number of students whose Secondary Education Achievement Scores (OÖBP) were calculated as normal and additional scores. By looking at the TYT exam ranking of the person who was placed last in the programs, the ranking differences between the candidates placed in the schools were examined.
Son yıllarda genell kle nöroloj k hastalıklar le ortaya çıkan denge ve postural kontrol bozuklukl... more Son yıllarda genell kle nöroloj k hastalıklar le ortaya çıkan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluklarının sev yes n n bel rlenmes nde ve rehab l tasyonunda pas f yöntemler n yer n çeş tl alanlarda ölçüm yapab len d nam k test c hazları almıştır. Bu alanda değerlend rme ve ölçümler, sab t veya g yd r leb l r sensörler aracılığı le yapılmakta ve kayded lmekted r. Mevcut s stemlerdek kl n k deneyler n sonuçlarından, elde ed len ver ler n k ş den k ş ye değ şt ğ görülmekted r. Yen gel şt r len c hazların gel şt rme ve test aşamalarında, ver tekrarlanab l rl ğ sağlamak ç n nsan yer ne aynı hareketler yapab lecek robotlar terc h ed leb l r. Bu çalışmada Dokuz Eylül Ün vers tes bünyes nde gel şt r lmekte olan denge platformunun deneysel çalışmalarında kullanılmak amacıyla gel şt r len tek serbestl k derecel robot le "Balance Master" s ml denge ve performans test c hazında yapılan test sonuçlarına yer ver lm şt r.
Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (Io... more Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) show a rapid development and effect the industry and many areas of our lives. There are very important technological developments in many fields, especially in robots, electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous systems, smart home applications and 3D printers. Technical workers with high technical knowledge and skills are needed for the development, installation, and operation of these systems. Vocational and technical education institutions, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate departments of universities contribute to the manpower trained in this field. Mechatronics discipline is one of the most important fields that can meet the required technical human resources. At this point, mechatronics associate degree programs in Turkey draw attention. In this study, mechatronics associate degree programs of state universities with a base score of 300 points above the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) in 2022 and the universities with these programs were examined. Considering whether the universities are research universities and the 2022-2023 URAP rankings prepared by the Middle East Technical University Informatics Institute, their relationship with university preference priority was examined. The academic profile of the regular academicians who teach in the relevant programs has been researched. In the next stage, students' preference and placement data were analyzed using the YÖK atlas data for the year 2019-2021. The base scores of the determined programs and the changes in the rankings of these programs were examined. The quotas of the programs and the initial placement rates in these quotas were investigated. The preference of the program in terms of gender was investigated by looking at the gender distribution of the students placed in the programs. The effects of universities and cities on preferences were examined by examining how many candidates preferred the programs in total and the number of candidates per quota. The situation of vocational high schools was revealed by looking at the placement rates of students coming from vocational high schools and different high school types by investigating the number of students whose Secondary Education Achievement Scores (OÖBP) were calculated as normal and additional scores. By looking at the TYT exam ranking of the person who was placed last in the programs, the ranking differences between the candidates placed in the schools were examined.
2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2015
Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many comp... more Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many competitions on these searches area. One of them is Human Exoskeleton Assistance System Prototype (HEASP) that is developed at Dokuz Eylül University. HEASP's goal is to assist one leg extremity persons. In this paper, the capturing of human walking parameters on sagittal plane is introduced. These parameters used for walking pattern generation and making pattern decision control strategies on HEASP.
Bu çalışmada, tek alt ekstremite bozukluğu olan insan için bir dış iskelet sisteminin tasarımı ve... more Bu çalışmada, tek alt ekstremite bozukluğu olan insan için bir dış iskelet sisteminin tasarımı ve yapay sinir ağları ile kontrolü amaçlanmaktadır. Dış iskelet sistemi, SolidWorks yazılımı kullanılarak üç boyutlu modellenmiştir. Eş zamanlı olarak insan üzerinden yürüme verileri alınmış ve ayak tabanı dörde bölünerek zeminden etkiyen tepki kuvvetleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler kullanılarak yürüme modellenip dış iskelet sisteminde oluşan gerilme ve şekil değiştirme dağılımı elde edilmiştir. Bu analizler ile kontrol aşamasında kullanılmak üzere yürüme verileri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca ayak tepki kuvvetinin mevcut olduğu durumlar için motor güç ihtiyaçları belirlenmiştir.
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2017
This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and ex... more This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and experimental results about biped walking. Walking trajectory generation is one of the deterministic factors in walking robot applications. Different approaches for stable walking trajectory are worked on in robotic research. The linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM) is an effective method used with the zero moment point (ZMP) criteria. Biped robot trunk and feet moving patterns are generated depending on these fundamental methods. In this study, generated trajectories were tested by a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) biped robot RUBI built at Dokuz Eylül University. In the experimental work, the joint angles obtained by using inverse kinematics from the generated trajectories were implemented on the robot. The results showed that even with a simple control system implementation of generated trajectories is very promising in terms of stability and reducing complexity.
Son yillarda genellikle norolojik hastaliklar ile ortaya cikan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluk... more Son yillarda genellikle norolojik hastaliklar ile ortaya cikan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluklarinin seviyesinin belirlenmesinde ve rehabilitasyonunda pasif yontemlerin yerini cesitli alanlarda olcum yapabilen dinamik test cihazlari almistir. Bu alanda degerlendirme ve olcumler, sabit veya giydirilebilir sensorler araciligi ile yapilmakta ve kaydedilmektedir. Mevcut sistemlerdeki klinik deneylerin sonuclarindan, elde edilen verilerin kisiden kisiye degistigi gorulmektedir. Yeni gelistirilen cihazlarin gelistirme ve test asamalarinda, veri tekrarlanabilirligi saglamak icin insan yerine ayni hareketleri yapabilecek robotlar tercih edilebilir. Bu calismada Dokuz Eylul Universitesi bunyesinde gelistirilmekte olan denge platformunun deneysel calismalarinda kullanilmak amaciyla gelistirilen tek serbestlik dereceli robot ile “Balance Master” isimli denge ve performans test cihazinda yapilan test sonuclarina yer verilmistir.
Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many comp... more Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many competitions on these searches area. One of them is Human Exoskeleton Assistance System Prototype (HEASP) that is developed at Dokuz Eylül University. HEASP's goal is to assist one leg extremity persons. In this paper, the capturing of human walking parameters on sagittal plane is introduced. These parameters used for walking pattern generation and making pattern decision control strategies on HEASP.
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2017
This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and ex... more This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and experimental results about biped walking. Walking trajectory generation is one of the deterministic factors in walking robot applications. Different approaches for stable walking trajectory are worked on in robotic research. The linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM) is an effective method used with the zero moment point (ZMP) criteria. Biped robot trunk and feet moving patterns are generated depending on these fundamental methods. In this study, generated trajectories were tested by a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) biped robot RUBI built at Dokuz Eylül University. In the experimental work, the joint angles obtained by using inverse kinematics from the generated trajectories were implemented on the robot. The results showed that even with a simple control system implementation of generated trajectories is very promising in terms of stability and reducing complexity.
Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (Io... more Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) show a rapid development and effect the industry and many areas of our lives. There are very important technological developments in many fields, especially in robots, electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous systems, smart home applications and 3D printers. Technical workers with high technical knowledge and skills are needed for the development, installation, and operation of these systems. Vocational and technical education institutions, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate departments of universities contribute to the manpower trained in this field. Mechatronics discipline is one of the most important fields that can meet the required technical human resources. At this point, mechatronics associate degree programs in Turkey draw attention. In this study, mechatronics associate degree programs of state universities with a base score of 300 points above the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) in 2022 and the universities with these programs were examined. Considering whether the universities are research universities and the 2022-2023 URAP rankings prepared by the Middle East Technical University Informatics Institute, their relationship with university preference priority was examined. The academic profile of the regular academicians who teach in the relevant programs has been researched. In the next stage, students' preference and placement data were analyzed using the YÖK atlas data for the year 2019-2021. The base scores of the determined programs and the changes in the rankings of these programs were examined. The quotas of the programs and the initial placement rates in these quotas were investigated. The preference of the program in terms of gender was investigated by looking at the gender distribution of the students placed in the programs. The effects of universities and cities on preferences were examined by examining how many candidates preferred the programs in total and the number of candidates per quota. The situation of vocational high schools was revealed by looking at the placement rates of students coming from vocational high schools and different high school types by investigating the number of students whose Secondary Education Achievement Scores (OÖBP) were calculated as normal and additional scores. By looking at the TYT exam ranking of the person who was placed last in the programs, the ranking differences between the candidates placed in the schools were examined.
Son yıllarda genell kle nöroloj k hastalıklar le ortaya çıkan denge ve postural kontrol bozuklukl... more Son yıllarda genell kle nöroloj k hastalıklar le ortaya çıkan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluklarının sev yes n n bel rlenmes nde ve rehab l tasyonunda pas f yöntemler n yer n çeş tl alanlarda ölçüm yapab len d nam k test c hazları almıştır. Bu alanda değerlend rme ve ölçümler, sab t veya g yd r leb l r sensörler aracılığı le yapılmakta ve kayded lmekted r. Mevcut s stemlerdek kl n k deneyler n sonuçlarından, elde ed len ver ler n k ş den k ş ye değ şt ğ görülmekted r. Yen gel şt r len c hazların gel şt rme ve test aşamalarında, ver tekrarlanab l rl ğ sağlamak ç n nsan yer ne aynı hareketler yapab lecek robotlar terc h ed leb l r. Bu çalışmada Dokuz Eylül Ün vers tes bünyes nde gel şt r lmekte olan denge platformunun deneysel çalışmalarında kullanılmak amacıyla gel şt r len tek serbestl k derecel robot le "Balance Master" s ml denge ve performans test c hazında yapılan test sonuçlarına yer ver lm şt r.
Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (Io... more Today, technological transformation processes such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) show a rapid development and effect the industry and many areas of our lives. There are very important technological developments in many fields, especially in robots, electric vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous systems, smart home applications and 3D printers. Technical workers with high technical knowledge and skills are needed for the development, installation, and operation of these systems. Vocational and technical education institutions, associate degree, undergraduate and graduate departments of universities contribute to the manpower trained in this field. Mechatronics discipline is one of the most important fields that can meet the required technical human resources. At this point, mechatronics associate degree programs in Turkey draw attention. In this study, mechatronics associate degree programs of state universities with a base score of 300 points above the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) in 2022 and the universities with these programs were examined. Considering whether the universities are research universities and the 2022-2023 URAP rankings prepared by the Middle East Technical University Informatics Institute, their relationship with university preference priority was examined. The academic profile of the regular academicians who teach in the relevant programs has been researched. In the next stage, students' preference and placement data were analyzed using the YÖK atlas data for the year 2019-2021. The base scores of the determined programs and the changes in the rankings of these programs were examined. The quotas of the programs and the initial placement rates in these quotas were investigated. The preference of the program in terms of gender was investigated by looking at the gender distribution of the students placed in the programs. The effects of universities and cities on preferences were examined by examining how many candidates preferred the programs in total and the number of candidates per quota. The situation of vocational high schools was revealed by looking at the placement rates of students coming from vocational high schools and different high school types by investigating the number of students whose Secondary Education Achievement Scores (OÖBP) were calculated as normal and additional scores. By looking at the TYT exam ranking of the person who was placed last in the programs, the ranking differences between the candidates placed in the schools were examined.
2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2015
Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many comp... more Researchers have been worked on exoskeletons and active orthoses since 1960s. There are many competitions on these searches area. One of them is Human Exoskeleton Assistance System Prototype (HEASP) that is developed at Dokuz Eylül University. HEASP's goal is to assist one leg extremity persons. In this paper, the capturing of human walking parameters on sagittal plane is introduced. These parameters used for walking pattern generation and making pattern decision control strategies on HEASP.
Bu çalışmada, tek alt ekstremite bozukluğu olan insan için bir dış iskelet sisteminin tasarımı ve... more Bu çalışmada, tek alt ekstremite bozukluğu olan insan için bir dış iskelet sisteminin tasarımı ve yapay sinir ağları ile kontrolü amaçlanmaktadır. Dış iskelet sistemi, SolidWorks yazılımı kullanılarak üç boyutlu modellenmiştir. Eş zamanlı olarak insan üzerinden yürüme verileri alınmış ve ayak tabanı dörde bölünerek zeminden etkiyen tepki kuvvetleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler kullanılarak yürüme modellenip dış iskelet sisteminde oluşan gerilme ve şekil değiştirme dağılımı elde edilmiştir. Bu analizler ile kontrol aşamasında kullanılmak üzere yürüme verileri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca ayak tepki kuvvetinin mevcut olduğu durumlar için motor güç ihtiyaçları belirlenmiştir.
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2017
This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and ex... more This paper presents the design of a biped robot, the walking trajectory generation method, and experimental results about biped walking. Walking trajectory generation is one of the deterministic factors in walking robot applications. Different approaches for stable walking trajectory are worked on in robotic research. The linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM) is an effective method used with the zero moment point (ZMP) criteria. Biped robot trunk and feet moving patterns are generated depending on these fundamental methods. In this study, generated trajectories were tested by a 12 degree of freedom (DOF) biped robot RUBI built at Dokuz Eylül University. In the experimental work, the joint angles obtained by using inverse kinematics from the generated trajectories were implemented on the robot. The results showed that even with a simple control system implementation of generated trajectories is very promising in terms of stability and reducing complexity.
Son yillarda genellikle norolojik hastaliklar ile ortaya cikan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluk... more Son yillarda genellikle norolojik hastaliklar ile ortaya cikan denge ve postural kontrol bozukluklarinin seviyesinin belirlenmesinde ve rehabilitasyonunda pasif yontemlerin yerini cesitli alanlarda olcum yapabilen dinamik test cihazlari almistir. Bu alanda degerlendirme ve olcumler, sabit veya giydirilebilir sensorler araciligi ile yapilmakta ve kaydedilmektedir. Mevcut sistemlerdeki klinik deneylerin sonuclarindan, elde edilen verilerin kisiden kisiye degistigi gorulmektedir. Yeni gelistirilen cihazlarin gelistirme ve test asamalarinda, veri tekrarlanabilirligi saglamak icin insan yerine ayni hareketleri yapabilecek robotlar tercih edilebilir. Bu calismada Dokuz Eylul Universitesi bunyesinde gelistirilmekte olan denge platformunun deneysel calismalarinda kullanilmak amaciyla gelistirilen tek serbestlik dereceli robot ile “Balance Master” isimli denge ve performans test cihazinda yapilan test sonuclarina yer verilmistir.
Papers by Tolga Olcay