PurposeThe article analyzes the challenges Slovak businesses and organizations are facing in rela... more PurposeThe article analyzes the challenges Slovak businesses and organizations are facing in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting human resource management solutions they apply.Design/methodology/approachThe authors present a part of their research conducted in six Central Eastern European (CEE) countries. Based on timely data, the article presents socioeconomic characteristics of Slovakia and the results of the research “HRM Challenges in Times of the Covid-19 Crisis” conducted among employers in Slovakia. The survey method encompassed 247 Slovakian organizations.FindingsThe year 2020 was an extraordinary one for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. According to the results of this research, Slovak organizations were not prepared for the Covid-19 crisis. Respondents who had a pandemic action plan at the time of the breakout were hardly found. Measures taken to preserve human health directly impacted the way how work is done and organized. This poses signif...
A munka és a magánélet egyensúlya a felsőoktatásban is fontossá vált, a növekvő hallgatói létszám... more A munka és a magánélet egyensúlya a felsőoktatásban is fontossá vált, a növekvő hallgatói létszám, az elvárások növekedése és a változó szabályozó környezeti feltételek miatt. Ám az egyetemi szférában keveset tudunk a családbarát foglalkoztatásról. A cikk célja a családbarát foglalkoztatási szemlélet vizsgálata a magyar felsőoktatás területén. Ennek megvalósítása érdekében a vonatkozó szakirodalom áttekintése után 31 mélyinterjút folytattak le a szerzők a legnagyobb magyarországi üzleti, felsőoktatási intézményben, bevonva a különböző korú, nemű és a szervezeti hierarchia nem azonos szintjén lévő oktatókat, kutatókat és a nem oktató munkatársakat. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az életminőség kérdésének megítélésben nincs különbség nem, életkor és beosztás alapján, miközben a munka és magánélet érintettségéről ez már nem mondható el.
Research in recent years has shown that IT-enabled companies have higher productivity than their ... more Research in recent years has shown that IT-enabled companies have higher productivity than their competitors. The new and latest technological solutions enrich the range of tools available to workers, ensuring that information is always available, communication is easier, and customers are better served. At the same time, these opportunities also create psycho-social pressures that strain workers’ working and private lives and can lead to further problems of techno-addiction. The study aims to investigate the relationships between the characteristics of technostress and their combined impact on trust within the organization between human-human and human-technology relationships. The quantitative study involved 531 respondents. Responses were analyzed using IBM SPSS 28 and IBM AMOS 27. The results show that there is undoubtedly a close relationship and a mutually generating effect between technostress characteristics, which substantially impact trust within the organization. However,...
BACKGROUND: Soft skills have become more necessary than ever in today’s labour market, and their ... more BACKGROUND: Soft skills have become more necessary than ever in today’s labour market, and their development has become an increasingly key area for companies’ HR departments. Employees with the soft skills required for a given job can perform the tasks assigned to them more efficiently and successfully, therefore all those involved in the process can consider the completion of the task as a positive experience. By strengthening the employees’ soft skills, companies can improve their corporate culture, their market performance and thus their competitiveness. METHODS: The authors conducted a multi-year research in Hungary, the first part of which was a quantitative study to analyse the soft skills of young people leaving school, their awareness of employers’ expectations and the opportunities and tools they consider useful for developing these skills. The second part of the research involved the other side, i.e. the employers, to assess their expectations of the prospective employees...
This study presents the family support systems that operate in the Visegrad Group countries: Hung... more This study presents the family support systems that operate in the Visegrad Group countries: Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. After the collapse of communism, all four countries faced difficulties regarding the willingness of the population to have children, which was due partly to financial problems and to a slow re-evaluation of traditional roles in certain member states. Statistics show that each government strives to apply a number of similar support systems to encourage people to have children. However, these measures are not always efficient, presenting lower-than-expected results. According to the statistics available, fertility rates in the V4 countries still fall below the values of the 1990s.
Az akadémiai tevékenységek szabadsága olyan általánosan elismert és tiszteletben tartott alapelv,... more Az akadémiai tevékenységek szabadsága olyan általánosan elismert és tiszteletben tartott alapelv, amellyel kapcsolatban az exportellenőrzés fogalma és különösen annak korlátozó, tiltó és szankcionáló intézkedései nehezen értelmezhetők. A 21. század globális világgazdaságában azonban az akadémiai szféra mint szenzitív információk létrehozója, megosztója és oktatója az egyre szigorodó exportellenőrzés alanyává vált. Az egyetemeken jelen lévő jelentős számú külföldi hallgató, kutató és oktató miatt egy új fogalmat és szabályt, az exportnak tekintendő, exportként kezelendő jelentésű deemed exportét vezették be az Egyesült Államok és az Európai Unió joganyagába. A cikk áttekinti és elemzi a deemed export szabályait, majd egy illusztratív jellegű, egy- és többváltozós módszerrel, az SPSS 28-as verziójának felhasználásával készült megkérdezés eredményeit mutatja be. Az empirikus adatfelvétel fő következtetése szerint a megkérdezettek számára a deemed export fogalma teljesen új. A kutatási ...
One of the timely topics of today's world is the reconciliation of work and private life. This qu... more One of the timely topics of today's world is the reconciliation of work and private life. This question is especially important in the lives of those women who leave work for a longer or shorter period of time to have children: their big question is how they can return to the world of work and continue their previous career, or perhaps start a completely new one. What chances and alternatives do mothers returning from gyes and gyed have and what kind of help these mothers expect on returning to work? How could these employees be supported and what aims women currently on childcare leave have when re-entering the labour market? What kind of means women possess to achieve their goals and what kind of sacrifices are they willing to make to realize their objectives? To study the present situation, we conducted a questionnaire research this year, and our aim is to present some of the findings of our quantitative research in our current studies and lecture.
A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Ma már nem kérdés, hogy a tudás az egyik legfontosabb humán érték, amelynek meg... more A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Ma már nem kérdés, hogy a tudás az egyik legfontosabb humán érték, amelynek megszerzése, fejlesztése, és megőrzése sokak számára nélkülözhetetlen. A tudás menedzselése alatt olyan tevékenységeket értünk, melyek célja az összegyűjtött ismeretek, a tapasztalatok, a szakértelem dokumentálása, rendszerezése, megosztása, továbbfejlesztése illetve hatékony felhasználása. Nem véletlen, hogy az egyénileg megszerzett, fejlesztett tudásvagyont a legtöbben szeretnék megőrizni. Kérdés azonban, hogy hajlandóak-e a hallgatók a tudásukat másokkal is megosztani. A cikk szerzői ebben a felmérésben egyetemisták körében vizsgálták meg, hogy mennyire nyitottak az ismereteik átadására egymás között. ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A szerzők a felsőoktatási intézményben tanulók tudásátadási hajlandóságát 2021-ben zajlott kutatás keretében vizsgálták. A válaszadóknak egy, az interneten közzétett kérdőívet kellett kitölteniük, anonim és önkéntes módon. LEGFONTOSABB EREDMÉNYEK A vizsgálati eredmény...
It is no question today that human capital is one of the most important corporate assets that emp... more It is no question today that human capital is one of the most important corporate assets that employers need to manage wisely and in line with the company's objectives. Businesses are seeking to employ people with the skills that best match employers' expectations. In the past, companies focused primarily on hard skills, but today there is also a growing focus on the soft skills of employees, which are not easy to acquire or develop. The present study deals with the soft skills that employers expect from their employees, and what employees would do to develop such skills in line with the employees' and the company's goals. Our research results show that, based on a questionnaire survey of 416 Hungarian enterprises, firms, based on size, ownership structure or knowledge orientation, do not differ significantly in terms of their perception of the soft skills of their young employees. Furthermore, the survey also revealed that employers are aware of the need to develop ...
The need for organisational trust as a prerequisite for successful market operation is an area of... more The need for organisational trust as a prerequisite for successful market operation is an area of frequent research today. Our study has examined the thinking and behaviour of organisations operating in minority cultures that live in proximity to the motherland in terms of trust-based organisational functioning, with particular attention to the knowledge management process. The research has tested two neighbouring cultures (Slovak and Romanian) outside their mainland (in Hungary) using a quantitative questionnaire survey. The SPSS 25 program was used to evaluate the results, analysing the connection system within an original model. The evaluation of cultural characteristics was based on the results of Hofstede’s research. The results show that representatives of the minority think about the conditions for forming trust and related necessary norms of behaviour in the way that reflects the values of their motherland. However, the manifestations of human behaviour throughout the organi...
Absztrakt: Napjainkban a munkaerőpiac egyre magasabb szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkező m... more Absztrakt: Napjainkban a munkaerőpiac egyre magasabb szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkező munkavállalókat igényel. A piac igényei konkrétak, de kérdés, hogy a leendő munkavállalók vagy a munkaerőpiacon már aktívan jelen lévők mennyiben tudják teljesíteni ezt a követelményt. A felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkezők körében 2019-ben felvett online kérdőíves felmérésünkben arra kerestük a választ, hogy a válaszadók munkahelyükön és otthon miként használják a kor digitális eszközeit, és miként értékelik a saját digitális kompetenciájukat. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy a diplomások magas szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkeznek és képesek ezeket az ismereteket otthon és a munkahelyen is alkalmazni.
Currently, competition surrounds us everywhere, whether we talk about our professional car... more Currently, competition surrounds us everywhere, whether we talk about our professional career or about our private life. We already learn it as a small child that we need to compete quite often in order to stand out from the crowd, to become successful or to become popular in a given community. The ancient Greeks already respected those who triumphed over others in a competition, due to either their physical or mental excess skills. This tendency has remained stable so far. We already socialize in accordance with constant presence of competitions as pupils. This effect follows us while growing up and becomes an organic part of our everyday life, even in the workplace. Of course it is a question who is affected by competitive spirit and how much. The authors conducted an overall empirical research last year in order to get to know how contests demanding either physical strength, skilfulness or intellectual capabilities affect the individual. Researchers discuss in this current...
The judgment of workers with family is a very popular topic in the management research. Many resu... more The judgment of workers with family is a very popular topic in the management research. Many results show that some family commitments may take effect on the performance of employees, and perhaps on their workplace attitudes. In 2007, a question of the doctoral dissertation of author was that how the employees with family commitment were judged on the Hungarian labor market: there were positive or negative stereotypes against this type of workers. Studies at that time did not demonstrate any negative prejudices towards employees with children. According to the opinion of author it was a very good information for employers and employees. Of course the author could not examine that the Hungarian Labour Code had any effect on this result. That is the respondents were influenced by that fact as the employers are obligated by Labour Code not to make any discrimination between the employees considering sex, age, family commitment, etc. 10 years later, in 2017, the author of the study appl...
The question of knowledge management has become a highlighted issue in the companies' everyday li... more The question of knowledge management has become a highlighted issue in the companies' everyday life. Knowledge itself is the most important capital of organizations and acquiring, developing and preserving it means a lot of tasks and requirements for the companies. The complex activities of the knowledge management system appear with different priorities in the practice of companies, which depend on the company's circle of activities, its organizational structure, its innovative willingness, the content of HR, leadership approach and on the organizational culture, etc. However, it is a fact that preservation and sharing of employees' knowledge, and to find the most successful methods are the most emphasized areas of a knowledge management system in companies. On the basis of the above mentioned facts, our research was motivated by the following question: how do the employees want to share their knowledge and what features influence them? We observed whether the most traditional method, mentor practice as a corporate practice aiming knowledge sharing is widespread and what opinion the questioned people have about the method. Last year a survey was conducted by the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and its results show that a mentoring system is a well-known and often used method in companies' practice, but its effect is debatable. Employees' willingness to share their knowledgeindependently from the used methodsis influenced by the employees' age, attitude and corporate culture. Thus the mentoring activity as a knowledge sharing method is influenced by the above mentioned employees' features, which determine the success of this method.
The study presents potential family friendly employment tools from the point of view of companies... more The study presents potential family friendly employment tools from the point of view of companies. It is about their frequency and usages. The related empirical studies were conducted in two periods. Firstly, it was in 2008-2009 during the crisis, and in 2017, about7 years after the crisis. The question is whether the practice of companies has changed with regard to the issue and, if so, in what direction? brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by SZTE OJS Journals (University of Szeged / Szegedi...
Research on generations examine and analyse the similarities and differences between various age ... more Research on generations examine and analyse the similarities and differences between various age groups, and their opportunities for cooperation in the labour market, from various perspectives. According to the research, the behaviour and preparedness of each generation are different, the coordination and proper management of which poses challenges for all organisations. This is especially true when staff from national cultures with very distant values work together. The recognition of this problem was the pretext to the present research. The aim of the research is to examine the perception of the under 30 age group socialised and employed in two largely different cultures (Hungarian–Pakistani). Contrary to our assumption, the results of the quantitative research based on an online questionnaire confirm that the respondents do not perceive differently the behaviour, attitudes, expectations regarding work, workplace and employers of Pakistani and Hungarian young people at work. Emplo...
PurposeThe article analyzes the challenges Slovak businesses and organizations are facing in rela... more PurposeThe article analyzes the challenges Slovak businesses and organizations are facing in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting human resource management solutions they apply.Design/methodology/approachThe authors present a part of their research conducted in six Central Eastern European (CEE) countries. Based on timely data, the article presents socioeconomic characteristics of Slovakia and the results of the research “HRM Challenges in Times of the Covid-19 Crisis” conducted among employers in Slovakia. The survey method encompassed 247 Slovakian organizations.FindingsThe year 2020 was an extraordinary one for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. According to the results of this research, Slovak organizations were not prepared for the Covid-19 crisis. Respondents who had a pandemic action plan at the time of the breakout were hardly found. Measures taken to preserve human health directly impacted the way how work is done and organized. This poses signif...
A munka és a magánélet egyensúlya a felsőoktatásban is fontossá vált, a növekvő hallgatói létszám... more A munka és a magánélet egyensúlya a felsőoktatásban is fontossá vált, a növekvő hallgatói létszám, az elvárások növekedése és a változó szabályozó környezeti feltételek miatt. Ám az egyetemi szférában keveset tudunk a családbarát foglalkoztatásról. A cikk célja a családbarát foglalkoztatási szemlélet vizsgálata a magyar felsőoktatás területén. Ennek megvalósítása érdekében a vonatkozó szakirodalom áttekintése után 31 mélyinterjút folytattak le a szerzők a legnagyobb magyarországi üzleti, felsőoktatási intézményben, bevonva a különböző korú, nemű és a szervezeti hierarchia nem azonos szintjén lévő oktatókat, kutatókat és a nem oktató munkatársakat. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az életminőség kérdésének megítélésben nincs különbség nem, életkor és beosztás alapján, miközben a munka és magánélet érintettségéről ez már nem mondható el.
Research in recent years has shown that IT-enabled companies have higher productivity than their ... more Research in recent years has shown that IT-enabled companies have higher productivity than their competitors. The new and latest technological solutions enrich the range of tools available to workers, ensuring that information is always available, communication is easier, and customers are better served. At the same time, these opportunities also create psycho-social pressures that strain workers’ working and private lives and can lead to further problems of techno-addiction. The study aims to investigate the relationships between the characteristics of technostress and their combined impact on trust within the organization between human-human and human-technology relationships. The quantitative study involved 531 respondents. Responses were analyzed using IBM SPSS 28 and IBM AMOS 27. The results show that there is undoubtedly a close relationship and a mutually generating effect between technostress characteristics, which substantially impact trust within the organization. However,...
BACKGROUND: Soft skills have become more necessary than ever in today’s labour market, and their ... more BACKGROUND: Soft skills have become more necessary than ever in today’s labour market, and their development has become an increasingly key area for companies’ HR departments. Employees with the soft skills required for a given job can perform the tasks assigned to them more efficiently and successfully, therefore all those involved in the process can consider the completion of the task as a positive experience. By strengthening the employees’ soft skills, companies can improve their corporate culture, their market performance and thus their competitiveness. METHODS: The authors conducted a multi-year research in Hungary, the first part of which was a quantitative study to analyse the soft skills of young people leaving school, their awareness of employers’ expectations and the opportunities and tools they consider useful for developing these skills. The second part of the research involved the other side, i.e. the employers, to assess their expectations of the prospective employees...
This study presents the family support systems that operate in the Visegrad Group countries: Hung... more This study presents the family support systems that operate in the Visegrad Group countries: Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. After the collapse of communism, all four countries faced difficulties regarding the willingness of the population to have children, which was due partly to financial problems and to a slow re-evaluation of traditional roles in certain member states. Statistics show that each government strives to apply a number of similar support systems to encourage people to have children. However, these measures are not always efficient, presenting lower-than-expected results. According to the statistics available, fertility rates in the V4 countries still fall below the values of the 1990s.
Az akadémiai tevékenységek szabadsága olyan általánosan elismert és tiszteletben tartott alapelv,... more Az akadémiai tevékenységek szabadsága olyan általánosan elismert és tiszteletben tartott alapelv, amellyel kapcsolatban az exportellenőrzés fogalma és különösen annak korlátozó, tiltó és szankcionáló intézkedései nehezen értelmezhetők. A 21. század globális világgazdaságában azonban az akadémiai szféra mint szenzitív információk létrehozója, megosztója és oktatója az egyre szigorodó exportellenőrzés alanyává vált. Az egyetemeken jelen lévő jelentős számú külföldi hallgató, kutató és oktató miatt egy új fogalmat és szabályt, az exportnak tekintendő, exportként kezelendő jelentésű deemed exportét vezették be az Egyesült Államok és az Európai Unió joganyagába. A cikk áttekinti és elemzi a deemed export szabályait, majd egy illusztratív jellegű, egy- és többváltozós módszerrel, az SPSS 28-as verziójának felhasználásával készült megkérdezés eredményeit mutatja be. Az empirikus adatfelvétel fő következtetése szerint a megkérdezettek számára a deemed export fogalma teljesen új. A kutatási ...
One of the timely topics of today's world is the reconciliation of work and private life. This qu... more One of the timely topics of today's world is the reconciliation of work and private life. This question is especially important in the lives of those women who leave work for a longer or shorter period of time to have children: their big question is how they can return to the world of work and continue their previous career, or perhaps start a completely new one. What chances and alternatives do mothers returning from gyes and gyed have and what kind of help these mothers expect on returning to work? How could these employees be supported and what aims women currently on childcare leave have when re-entering the labour market? What kind of means women possess to achieve their goals and what kind of sacrifices are they willing to make to realize their objectives? To study the present situation, we conducted a questionnaire research this year, and our aim is to present some of the findings of our quantitative research in our current studies and lecture.
A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Ma már nem kérdés, hogy a tudás az egyik legfontosabb humán érték, amelynek meg... more A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Ma már nem kérdés, hogy a tudás az egyik legfontosabb humán érték, amelynek megszerzése, fejlesztése, és megőrzése sokak számára nélkülözhetetlen. A tudás menedzselése alatt olyan tevékenységeket értünk, melyek célja az összegyűjtött ismeretek, a tapasztalatok, a szakértelem dokumentálása, rendszerezése, megosztása, továbbfejlesztése illetve hatékony felhasználása. Nem véletlen, hogy az egyénileg megszerzett, fejlesztett tudásvagyont a legtöbben szeretnék megőrizni. Kérdés azonban, hogy hajlandóak-e a hallgatók a tudásukat másokkal is megosztani. A cikk szerzői ebben a felmérésben egyetemisták körében vizsgálták meg, hogy mennyire nyitottak az ismereteik átadására egymás között. ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A szerzők a felsőoktatási intézményben tanulók tudásátadási hajlandóságát 2021-ben zajlott kutatás keretében vizsgálták. A válaszadóknak egy, az interneten közzétett kérdőívet kellett kitölteniük, anonim és önkéntes módon. LEGFONTOSABB EREDMÉNYEK A vizsgálati eredmény...
It is no question today that human capital is one of the most important corporate assets that emp... more It is no question today that human capital is one of the most important corporate assets that employers need to manage wisely and in line with the company's objectives. Businesses are seeking to employ people with the skills that best match employers' expectations. In the past, companies focused primarily on hard skills, but today there is also a growing focus on the soft skills of employees, which are not easy to acquire or develop. The present study deals with the soft skills that employers expect from their employees, and what employees would do to develop such skills in line with the employees' and the company's goals. Our research results show that, based on a questionnaire survey of 416 Hungarian enterprises, firms, based on size, ownership structure or knowledge orientation, do not differ significantly in terms of their perception of the soft skills of their young employees. Furthermore, the survey also revealed that employers are aware of the need to develop ...
The need for organisational trust as a prerequisite for successful market operation is an area of... more The need for organisational trust as a prerequisite for successful market operation is an area of frequent research today. Our study has examined the thinking and behaviour of organisations operating in minority cultures that live in proximity to the motherland in terms of trust-based organisational functioning, with particular attention to the knowledge management process. The research has tested two neighbouring cultures (Slovak and Romanian) outside their mainland (in Hungary) using a quantitative questionnaire survey. The SPSS 25 program was used to evaluate the results, analysing the connection system within an original model. The evaluation of cultural characteristics was based on the results of Hofstede’s research. The results show that representatives of the minority think about the conditions for forming trust and related necessary norms of behaviour in the way that reflects the values of their motherland. However, the manifestations of human behaviour throughout the organi...
Absztrakt: Napjainkban a munkaerőpiac egyre magasabb szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkező m... more Absztrakt: Napjainkban a munkaerőpiac egyre magasabb szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkező munkavállalókat igényel. A piac igényei konkrétak, de kérdés, hogy a leendő munkavállalók vagy a munkaerőpiacon már aktívan jelen lévők mennyiben tudják teljesíteni ezt a követelményt. A felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkezők körében 2019-ben felvett online kérdőíves felmérésünkben arra kerestük a választ, hogy a válaszadók munkahelyükön és otthon miként használják a kor digitális eszközeit, és miként értékelik a saját digitális kompetenciájukat. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy a diplomások magas szintű digitális kompetenciával rendelkeznek és képesek ezeket az ismereteket otthon és a munkahelyen is alkalmazni.
Currently, competition surrounds us everywhere, whether we talk about our professional car... more Currently, competition surrounds us everywhere, whether we talk about our professional career or about our private life. We already learn it as a small child that we need to compete quite often in order to stand out from the crowd, to become successful or to become popular in a given community. The ancient Greeks already respected those who triumphed over others in a competition, due to either their physical or mental excess skills. This tendency has remained stable so far. We already socialize in accordance with constant presence of competitions as pupils. This effect follows us while growing up and becomes an organic part of our everyday life, even in the workplace. Of course it is a question who is affected by competitive spirit and how much. The authors conducted an overall empirical research last year in order to get to know how contests demanding either physical strength, skilfulness or intellectual capabilities affect the individual. Researchers discuss in this current...
The judgment of workers with family is a very popular topic in the management research. Many resu... more The judgment of workers with family is a very popular topic in the management research. Many results show that some family commitments may take effect on the performance of employees, and perhaps on their workplace attitudes. In 2007, a question of the doctoral dissertation of author was that how the employees with family commitment were judged on the Hungarian labor market: there were positive or negative stereotypes against this type of workers. Studies at that time did not demonstrate any negative prejudices towards employees with children. According to the opinion of author it was a very good information for employers and employees. Of course the author could not examine that the Hungarian Labour Code had any effect on this result. That is the respondents were influenced by that fact as the employers are obligated by Labour Code not to make any discrimination between the employees considering sex, age, family commitment, etc. 10 years later, in 2017, the author of the study appl...
The question of knowledge management has become a highlighted issue in the companies' everyday li... more The question of knowledge management has become a highlighted issue in the companies' everyday life. Knowledge itself is the most important capital of organizations and acquiring, developing and preserving it means a lot of tasks and requirements for the companies. The complex activities of the knowledge management system appear with different priorities in the practice of companies, which depend on the company's circle of activities, its organizational structure, its innovative willingness, the content of HR, leadership approach and on the organizational culture, etc. However, it is a fact that preservation and sharing of employees' knowledge, and to find the most successful methods are the most emphasized areas of a knowledge management system in companies. On the basis of the above mentioned facts, our research was motivated by the following question: how do the employees want to share their knowledge and what features influence them? We observed whether the most traditional method, mentor practice as a corporate practice aiming knowledge sharing is widespread and what opinion the questioned people have about the method. Last year a survey was conducted by the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and its results show that a mentoring system is a well-known and often used method in companies' practice, but its effect is debatable. Employees' willingness to share their knowledgeindependently from the used methodsis influenced by the employees' age, attitude and corporate culture. Thus the mentoring activity as a knowledge sharing method is influenced by the above mentioned employees' features, which determine the success of this method.
The study presents potential family friendly employment tools from the point of view of companies... more The study presents potential family friendly employment tools from the point of view of companies. It is about their frequency and usages. The related empirical studies were conducted in two periods. Firstly, it was in 2008-2009 during the crisis, and in 2017, about7 years after the crisis. The question is whether the practice of companies has changed with regard to the issue and, if so, in what direction? brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by SZTE OJS Journals (University of Szeged / Szegedi...
Research on generations examine and analyse the similarities and differences between various age ... more Research on generations examine and analyse the similarities and differences between various age groups, and their opportunities for cooperation in the labour market, from various perspectives. According to the research, the behaviour and preparedness of each generation are different, the coordination and proper management of which poses challenges for all organisations. This is especially true when staff from national cultures with very distant values work together. The recognition of this problem was the pretext to the present research. The aim of the research is to examine the perception of the under 30 age group socialised and employed in two largely different cultures (Hungarian–Pakistani). Contrary to our assumption, the results of the quantitative research based on an online questionnaire confirm that the respondents do not perceive differently the behaviour, attitudes, expectations regarding work, workplace and employers of Pakistani and Hungarian young people at work. Emplo...
Papers by Tímea Juhász