Papers by Tiara Sandra putri

Jurnal Bina Manajemen
The shopping style of people who are shifting from conventional to online has had a major impact ... more The shopping style of people who are shifting from conventional to online has had a major impact on the freight forwarding service industry. Shipping companies cannot be separated from various risks that occur, such as human resources, systems, and internal and external risks. This study aims to determine the most dominant variable and can be a risk for the JNE freight forwarder company. The method used is the descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques were used, namely observation, interviews, and literature study. This case study focuses on the JNE Tasikmalaya expedition which took place on Juanda City of Tasikmalaya. After conducting interviews, it can be found that one of the causes of risks to freight forwarding services is centered on the potential of available human resources. Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be seen that human resources and security have the greatest impact on preventing risk management and can increase customer sat...

JHR (Jurnal Hukum Replik)
The laws and regulations have the provisions for illegal acts or crimes which include domestic vi... more The laws and regulations have the provisions for illegal acts or crimes which include domestic violence. Domestic violence is a form of special crime. This study examines the form than implementing legal protection for women victims of domestic violence based on the criminal justice system in Indonesia as well as how the obstacles that arise in this regard. The existence of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence is expected to be able to provide legal protection for victims of domestic violence significantly, in this case are women. The results showed that the decision Number: 519 K/Pid.Sus/2020 as an example of the implementation of legal protection for wives as victims is appropriate. In relation to the obstacles that arise, among others, law enforcement officers who have various understandings regarding domestic violence, difficulties for legal officers in implementing Law No. 23 of 2004, lack of courage to report incidents of domestic violence from...

Dasar Proses Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian (DPPHP) merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran produktif di ... more Dasar Proses Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian (DPPHP) merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran produktif di SMK pada program keahlian Agribisnis Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian (APHP) yang memiliki berbagai kompetensi dasar, salah satunya melakukan pengawetan. Berdasarkan studi lapangan yang peneliti laksanakan di SMK PPN Tanjungsari, selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) kegiatan praktikum menjadi terhambat, maka dari itu diperlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat membuat peserta didik lebih mudah memahami materi praktikum yang disampaikan, yaitu media pembelajaran berbasis video praktikum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan dan kelayakan, serta pengaruh media pembelajaran video praktikum pada materi melakukan pengawetan terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuasi ekperimen dengan desain 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Penilaian kelayakan terhadap media video praktikum dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media yang masing-masi...

Antropologi adalah salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang mempelajari tentang budaya masy... more Antropologi adalah salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang mempelajari tentang budaya masyarakat suatu etnis tertentu. Antropologi lahir atau muncul berawal dari ketertarikan orang-orang Eropa yang melihat ciri-ciri fisik, adat istiadat, budaya yang berbeda dari apa yang dikenal di Eropa. Terbentuklah ilmu antropologi dengan melalui beberapa fase. Antropologi lebih memusatkan pada penduduk yang merupakan masyarakat tunggal, tunggal dalam arti kesatuan masyarakat yang tinggal daerah yang sama, antropologi mirip seperti sosiologi tetapi pada sosiologi lebih menitik beratkan pada masyarakat dan kehidupan sosialnya. Perkembangan antropologi terdiri atas 4 tahap yaitu ; 1) ➢Fase Pertama (Sebelum tahun 1800-an) Sekitar abad ke-15-16, bangsa-bangsa di Eropa mulai berlomba-lomba untuk menjelajahi dunia. Mulai dari Afrika, Amerika, Asia, hingga ke Australia. Dalam penjelajahannya mereka banyak menemukan hal-hal baru. Mereka juga banyak menjumpai suku-suku yang asing bagi mereka. Kisah...

Generalization has been recognized as a challenge for students as a part of mathematical abstract... more Generalization has been recognized as a challenge for students as a part of mathematical abstraction. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe the mathematical abstraction type generalization in exponential problem. The subjects in this research were 3 students of one of the junior high school in Palembang. The students were at grade IX. This study was design research which consists: preliminary design, focus group discussion, trial, interview, and retrospective analysis. The problems are the creative problem solving. Problem 1 show that subject 1 succeed in indicator of perception of generality, expression of generality, symbolic expression of generality and manipulation of generality. Subject 2 only succeed in indicator of perception of generality. Subject 3 succeed in indicator of perception of generality and expression of generality. Problem 2 show that subject 1 and 3 succeed in indicator of perception of generality, symbolic expression of generality, expression of generality, and manipulation of generality. Subject 2 succeed in indicator of perception of generality. Problem 3 show that subject 1 and subject 2 succeed in indicator of perception of generality, expression of generality, and manipulation of generality. Subject 3 can't answer the problem 3.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan efektifitas program Pendidikan Ke... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan efektifitas program Pendidikan Kecakapan Wirausaha (PKW) menjahit aneka fashion busana muslimah di SKB Gudo Jombang.Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek data berasal dari peserta didik, penyelenggara, serta masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi partisipatif , wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi. Sedangkan dalam uji keabsahan data peneliti menggunakan kredibilitas, transferability, dependability dan konfirmability. Hasil dari penelitian dalam merekrut tutor disyaratkan memiliki sertifikat kompetensi pendidik, mahir dan berpengalaman dalam bidang menjahit, rekruitmen peserta melalui sosialisasi dan seleksi, dan materi yang diberikan meliputi kewirausahaan dan keterampilan. Adapun hasil belajar peserta memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan menjahitdengan baik, sebagai bukti d...

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan Pembelajaran Tari Tenun Santri di Sanggar Surya B... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan Pembelajaran Tari Tenun Santri di Sanggar Surya Budaya Kabupaten Pekalongan. Tari Tenun Santri merupakan tarian khas Kabupaten Pekalongan yang telah diciptakan oleh seniman Pekalongan yaitu Cahya Ari Safira pada tahun 2013. Tari Tenun Santri menceritakan adat kebiasaan atau budaya Kabupaten Pekalongan sebagai Kota Santri yang berpenduduk pada umumnya memeluk agama Islam dan diajarkan membuat kain tenun yang merupakan salah satu unggulan dari Kabupaten Pekalongan. Sanggar Seni Surya Budaya merupakan tempat dimana Tari Tenun Santri mulai diajarkan kepada masyarakat Kabupaten Pekalongan. Upaya-upaya perkembangan Tari Tenun Santri terus dilakukan Sanggar Surya Budaya melalui pembelajaran di Sanggar dan di sekolah-sekolah serta pementasan di berbagai acara penting di Kabupaten Pekalongan maupun diluar Kabupaten Pekalongan. The purpose of this study is to sow learning of Tenun Santri Dance in Surya Budaya Studio Art Pekalongan. Tenun Santri...

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengetahui pengaruh komposisi zat warna dispersi terhadap h... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengetahui pengaruh komposisi zat warna dispersi terhadap hasil jadi jumputan, dan 2) mengetahui zat warna dispersi terbaik untuk jumputan pada kain organdy. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimen dengan variabel bebas; komposisi zat warna dispersi yaitu 40 gram, 60 gram dan 80 gram. Variabel terikat; hasil jadi jumputan pada kain organdi polyester yang ditinjau dari daya serap kain organdi polyester terhadap zat warna dispersi, hasil jadi jumputan dan tingkat kesukaan terhadap hasil jadi jumputan yang diterapkan dalam bentuk selendang. Variabel kontrol; teknik ikat, teknik celup, alat dan orang yang mengerjakan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah anava tunggal. Berdasarkan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) ada pengaruh komposisi zat warna dispersi 40 gram, 60 gram dan 80 gram terhadap hasil jadi jumputan pada kain organdi polyester, dan 2) kom...

Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical, 2020
Background: The emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan, China in December 2019 ... more Background: The emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan, China in December 2019 has caused coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and created a confusing situation. COVID-19 is considered responsible for an increase in psychological problems including anxiety, depression, and even mass hysteria. However, along with these conditions, orders to minimize direct contact and time spent in public were implemented to prevent the spread COVI-19, so many psychiatrists turned face-to-face care to tele mental health. This paper will provide the effectiveness of tele mental health compared with face-to-face care in regards to psychiatric services in a setting of quarantine or isolation. A manual search was conducted to select articles published between 2005 and 2020 using the PubMed database. We included full-text articles published in English that reported the effectiveness of telepsychiatry in a setting of quarantine or isolation. Among 557 articles, only 5 studies met all criteria and were included in the review. These articles reported the effectiveness of tele mental health for those who are in a setting of quarantine or isolation. Tele mental health helps those who need psychiatric services, but are not able to have a face-to-face consultation. This review shows equivalent overall effects between tele mental health or face-to-face care in psychiatric services. While the results are equivalent, few studies were obtained. Thus, more research is needed to establish equivalence.

Journal of Public Policy and Management Review, 2014
Tourism is one of the national industry which have not thoroughly developed in Indonesia yet. In ... more Tourism is one of the national industry which have not thoroughly developed in Indonesia yet. In the efforts to developing Indonesia’s tourism which also related with increasing nation foreign exchange, the government establishing a tourism developing programme based on community empowerment called Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis). One of the oldest Pokdarwis in Semarang is Pokdarwis Pandanaran located in Kelurahan Kandri, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang which also the only Pokdarwis that can survive since established in 1993, so it’s interesting to see about how is the development process of the programme implementation and what is the not only motivating but also limiting factors in this implementation process. The purpose of this study is to learn about the programme implementation especially in Kelurahan Kandri including the motivating and limiting factors so the result can help to improve not only Pokdarwis Pandanaran but also other Pokdarwis. This study used a qualitative...

Perkembangan kawasan perkotaan di Indonesia terjadi dengan sngat pesat dalam kurun waktu empat da... more Perkembangan kawasan perkotaan di Indonesia terjadi dengan sngat pesat dalam kurun waktu empat dasawarsa terakhir yang diindikasikan oleh semakin besarnya jumlah penduduk yang tinggal dan beraktivitas di kawasan perkotaan. Kota Manado merupakan salah satu kota yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Namun perkembangan kota Manado tidak hanya memberikan keuntungan bagi pemerintah, tetapi juga memberikan dampak lain yaitu munculnya permukiman kumuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kekumuhan pada permukiman kumuh di kota Manado dan menganalisis sebaran lokasi permukiman kumuh di kota Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu analisis tingkat derajat permukiman kumuh dan analisis tetangga terdekat.Variabel-variabel yang digunakan adalah kerapatan bangunan, tata letak bangunan, kondisi rumah/bangunan, kepadatan penduduk dan kualitas prasarana lingkungan.Kemudian variable-variabel ini dibagi menjadi tiga klasifikasi, yaitu rendah, sedang d...

Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia, 2021
This article discusses the philosophy of science and the development of the scientific method, be... more This article discusses the philosophy of science and the development of the scientific method, between the philosophy of science and the scientific method has a close relationship. Philosophy of science cannot be separated from scientific rules relating to the scientific method used, and the scientific method is the key word in science. Some of the problems that can become material for the study of scientific activity thinking are all activities related to the universe and its contents while it can be observed (observable) indirectly or directly by utilizing methods and means of assistance, as well as measurable. In order for a science to have an object and scientific method, it must meet several requirements which include the following dimensions/aspects. namely: (1) the ontological aspect (2) the epistemological aspect (3) the axiological aspect. The mindset in the scientific approach consists of an inductive mindset and a deductive mindset. The steps in the scientific method incl...

Jurnal Eksplora Informatika, 2021
Tingkat pemahaman masyarakat di Kota Cirebon mengenai mental yang sehat dan cara penangannya masi... more Tingkat pemahaman masyarakat di Kota Cirebon mengenai mental yang sehat dan cara penangannya masih rendah karena minimnya sosialisasi sehingga banyak mitos, stigma negatif, anggapan sepele, dan mispersepsi. Pengetahuan penanganan kesehatan mental merupakan faktor yang penting untuk dipahami karena menurut data kementrian kesehatan Indonesia masyarakat modern di perkotaan dan usia remaja lebih rentan mengalami resiko gangguan mental. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membangun chatbot sebagai media informasi edukasi pada platform LINE yang bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan kesehatan mental pada masyarakat dan membantu masyarakat dalam mendapatkan informasi layanan konsultasi offline (tatap muka) yang berlokasi di Cirebon dan konsultasi online yang merupakan konsultasi dengan konselor secara online melalui WhatsApp, LINE, E-mail, atau website diluar Cirebon. Metode yang diterapkan pada chatbot adalah algoritma jaro-winkler sebagai pemrosesan string penco...

Jurnal Akuakultur Rawa Indonesia, 2020
The study aimed to determine how the growth and survival capabilities of vaname shrimp larvae (Li... more The study aimed to determine how the growth and survival capabilities of vaname shrimp larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei) are affected by different feeding methods and thereby the most efficient method. The study was conducted at the PT. Citra Larva Cemerlang, South of Kalianda in Lampung Province. For the experiment Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was utilized with 3 feeding methods and each was replicated 3 times. The feeding methods tested were: fozen, liquid and powdered Artemia feed. The experiments were done with up to 5000 shrimps on Zoea 1 stadia per month, which were kept in rearing tanks for 17 days.The test parameters observed were absolute growth, specific growth rate, efficiency of feed utilization, survival rate and water quality. Based on the results of statistical analysis (Anova) feeding frozen Artemia gave the best results with absolute growth of 5,6 mg, daily growth rate of 0,33 mg/hari, efficiency of feed utilization of 0,27%, and survival rate of 72,9%. Water qual...

Archives have an important role in an agency or company to support administrative processes or ac... more Archives have an important role in an agency or company to support administrative processes or activities carried out in the company. If the records are not well managed, it will be difficult to find the information that has been stored so that it can hinder further work processes. Therefore archives should be managed using a good and correct management system. The IT study program at the Catur Insan Cendekia Cirebon University does not yet have a filing system for data on rules, guidelines and SOP, so currently a system is needed that can help performance related to data archiving of rules, guidelines and SOP. In this study the authors implemented data archiving rules, guidelines and web-based SOP using the index field method to make it easier to search for data and maintain document security and was carried out using a codeigniter framework, using MYSQL as database management which is popularly used to build web applications that source. and data management using a database. The r...

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2020
Purpose of the study: This study is a literature review on cyberbullying from 2004-2017. Topics c... more Purpose of the study: This study is a literature review on cyberbullying from 2004-2017. Topics covered in the review have been categorized starting with the definition of cyberbullying; factors causing cyberbullying; and measurement tools of cyberbullying in adolescents. The purpose of this literature review is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current research on cyberbullying as it relates to cyberbullying intervention/prevention programs further. Methodology: This study applied the method of literature review that related to cyberbullying and other related journals from EBSCO Database. Main Findings: This study found that there is a need to determine a more consistent definition of cyberbullying criteria in order to establish more accurate measurement methods. Furthermore, factors causing cyberbullying are not only the personal factors and situational factors, but also the social-ecological (factors) theory. Applications of this study: The cyberbullying handling progra...
Kebidanan adalah segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan kebidana... more Kebidanan adalah segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan kebidanan kepada perempuan selama masa sebelum hamil, masa kehamilan, persalinan, pascapersalinan, masa nifas, bayi baru lahir, bayi, balita, dan anak prasekolah, termasuk kesehatan reproduksi perempuan dan keluarga berencana sesuai dengan tugas dan wewenangnya. Bidan adalah seorang perempuan yang telah menyelesaikan program pendidikan Kebidanan baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri yang diakui secara sah oleh Pemerintah Pusat dan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk melakukan praktik Kebidanan.

Scientific Journal of Informatics, 2014
Dalam memasarkan produk minuman dan makanan ringan, Indonesia masih banyak menggunakan tenaga man... more Dalam memasarkan produk minuman dan makanan ringan, Indonesia masih banyak menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk menyalurkan produk tersebut dari pabrik sampai ke konsumen akhir. Jika setiap toko membeli produk dalam jumlah banyak, maka didapatkan keuntungan yang besar dalam penjualan produk tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan harga penjualan produk yang sampai ke konsumen akhir lebih mahal daripada harga asli yang diberikan oleh pabrik. Dengan permasalahan tersebut, penulis mencoba membuat aplikasi mesin penjual otomatis (vending machine). Pada umumnya vending machine tidak memberikan uang kembalian. Disini penulis mencoba membuat vending machine dengan menerapkan algoritma Greedy agar dapat memberikan uang kembalian sehingga harga penjualan produk sesuai dengan harga asli pabrik. Algoritma Greedy diterapkan untuk menentukan pecahan berapa saja yang muncul dalam proses pengembalian uang dengan meminimalkan jumlah uang logamnya. Penulis menggunakan aplikasi Visual Basic untuk menerapkan progra...

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019
One of the cost-effective approaches to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is by de... more One of the cost-effective approaches to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is by developing iron fortified food. However, adding iron directly into food will not only affect the organoleptic quality of the food, but will also reduce the effectiveness, stability and bioavailability of the iron added. Chitosan as linear polysaccharide, that is biodegradable and biocompatible, can be used as a protective wall material to encapsulate iron by adding tripolyphosphate (TPP) as the crosslinking agent. The aims of this study were to formulate an extended release system of chitosan microspheres loaded with iron gluconate using spray drying method. The physicochemical characteristics and the stability of iron microspheres in simulated gastrointestinal fluids were also evaluated. Various concentrations of TPP (0%, 1%, 2%, 3% w/v) were used for this investigation. The results indicated that the yield, loading capacity, encapsulation efficiency, particle size, particle morphology, and release profile of iron microparticles were influenced by the interaction of chitosan and TPP as cross linking agent. The mean iron loading, maximum yield, and encapsulation efficiency were 2.51%, 43.47%, and 38.19%, respectively. Preparation of iron microparticles using spray drying method resulted in smooth spherical particles with the average diameter ranged from 1.000-12.554 µm. The increase concentration of TPP formed larger size of particles. Furthermore, the release analysis of microparticles loaded iron was conducted using synthetic gastric fluids (SGF) and synthetic intestine fluids (SIF) for 2 and 4 hours, simultaneously. The burst release profile was obtained in the absence of TPP, while the controlled profile was shown in the presence of TPP. Increasing amount of TPP in the solution reduces the release in the first 1-2 hours, as well as at the end of the 7 hour period of release. Using TPP 3% the release in one hour reached 50% and about 60% in 7 hours. Compared to chitosan solution without TPP, the release in one hour reached 80% and in 7 hours it was 100% release. The presence of TPP is thus an important factor to be addressed when preparing iron-loaded chitosan microspheres with extended release characteristics.One of the cost-effective approaches to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia is by developing iron fortified food. However, adding iron directly into food will not only affect the organoleptic quality of the food, but will also reduce the effectiveness, stability and bioavailability of the iron added. Chitosan as linear polysaccharide, that is biodegradable and biocompatible, can be used as a protective wall material to encapsulate iron by adding tripolyphosphate (TPP) as the crosslinking agent. The aims of this study were to formulate an extended release system of chitosan microspheres loaded with iron gluconate using spray drying method. The physicochemical characteristics and the stability of iron microspheres in simulated gastrointestinal fluids were also evaluated. Various concentrations of TPP (0%, 1%, 2%, 3% w/v) were used for this investigation. The results indicated that the yield, loading capacity, encapsulation efficiency, particle size, particle morphology, and release profile of i...
Jurnal Sains Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia, 2018
Redaksi menerima sumbangan tulisan yang relevan dengan pengembangan ilmu bidang Manajemen dan Bis... more Redaksi menerima sumbangan tulisan yang relevan dengan pengembangan ilmu bidang Manajemen dan Bisnis. Tulisan harus asli (bukan plagiat) hasil pemikiran, penelitian dan pendapat disertai acuan/pustaka sebagaiamana tulisan ilmiah, dan belum pernah dipublikasikan pada penerbitan lain. Tulisan yang tidak dimuat dalam dua nomor penerbitan berturut-turut dianggap tidak memenuhi syarat dan tidak dikembalikan.
Papers by Tiara Sandra putri