Papers by Tetiana Druzhchenko
Innovate Pedagogy, 2020
Постановка проблеми в загальному вигляді. Створення європейського простору вищої школи передбачає... more Постановка проблеми в загальному вигляді. Створення європейського простору вищої школи передбачає широку професійну підготовку студентів до міжнародного глобального ринку праці, включаючи розвиток професійно-орієнтованої іншомовної компетентності та встановлення безпосереднього зв'язку між діловими якостями та професійними перспективами студентів. Зважаючи на це, особливої актуальності набуває пошук шляхів підвищення ефективності навчання іноземної мови у немовних вищих закладах освіти, де наявність різнорівневих груп при вивченні студентами іноземної мови є об'єктивною умовою педагогічного процесу.
У статті проаналізовані етапи та результати методичного експерименту, в умовах якого відбувалося ... more У статті проаналізовані етапи та результати методичного експерименту, в умовах якого відбувалося навчання майбутніх правовиків усного монологічного мовлення на засадах диференційованого підходу. Експеримент мав горизонтально- вертикальний характер, тривав 70 годин і складався з трьох етапів - передекспериментального зрізу, експериментального навчання та двох проміжних зрізів. Мета експерименту полягала в перевірці ефективності авторської методики навчання студентів спеціальності «Право» першого курсу англійського усного монологічного мовлення на засадах диференційованого підходу (з урахуванням рівня навченості та рівня автономності студентів) на основі визначених принципів, методів, етапів навчання та підсистеми вправ та завдань. Перспективу подальшого дослідження вбачаємо в розробленні методики навчання мовних аспектів та інших видів мовленнєвої діяльності студентів ВНЗ (а також учнів середньої школи) на основі інших критеріїв їх диференціації.The article analyzes the results of th...
Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, Sep 25, 2017
This paper is the first attempt to present the implementation results of the language-learning tu... more This paper is the first attempt to present the implementation results of the language-learning tutorial based on intercultural and communicative approaches in a classical university in Ukraine. The authors present a new tutorial method for teaching English at Departments of the Far East Languages in Classical Universities of Ukraine. This method is aimed to facilitate the acquisition of essential aspects of knowledge about a country as a regional and cultural subject as well as to improve students' English speaking and conversational skills. The experimental research involved 2nd and 3rd year university students majoring in the Japanese and English languages. The authors proposed the original design of the tutorial to be used both for English speaking practice and as a part of the course content. Considering the psycholinguistic peculiarities of Ukrainian students to percept and understand the English and East Asian languages, the tutorial under review stimulates students' cognitive activity during the English learning process and when developing sociocultural competence with regard to the Far East. Compare and Contrast activities in the English language classroom can create a favourable learning environment resulting in students gaining knowledge and acquiring skills necessary for proficient English users. At the same time, they get the opportunity to pick up more information about Japan using the sources about the country available in the English language. The ability to categorise and compare things in terms of their differences and similarities corresponds to the main stages of cognitive development. Compare and contrast as teaching and learning strategies can be applied when teaching monologic and dialogic production, in particular when discussing similarities and differences of cultural, natural, geographical, historical, political and art objects of Ukraine and Japan. In this article, the interdependence between the use of the tutorial method and academic achievements in English speaking competence has been proved, since the students have significantly improved their speaking fluency in English about the Far East.
Pedagogika ta psyhologiya vyshchoyi shkoly: navchalnyi posibnyk dlya studentiv vyshchyh navchalny... more Pedagogika ta psyhologiya vyshchoyi shkoly: navchalnyi posibnyk dlya studentiv vyshchyh navchalnyh zakladiv // (Туркот Т. І. Педагогіка та психологія вищої школи: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / Т. І. Туркот, О. А. Коновал.-Херсон : Олді-плюс, 2013.-466 с.).
The publication is a detailed lesson plan on the topic «Clothes and Fashion. Dress code» within t... more The publication is a detailed lesson plan on the topic «Clothes and Fashion. Dress code» within the course of the English language currently taught in a distance learning environment. The lesson focuses on developing reading skills such as scanning and reading for details in the second-year students majoring in Secondary Education (CEFR level B1). The lesson is also aimed at developing students’ speaking and writing skills as well as enhancing vocabulary. It has been demonstrated how traditional peer interaction can be brought into the digital space via Zoom breakout rooms, enabling an essential increase in student talk time in the English classroom. The importance of giving clear task instructions followed by ICQs during the online class has been highlighted. The techniques for providing feedback during accuracy work and fluency work have been differentiated and applied.
Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, 2020
The purpose of the study is to identify how the differentiated teaching of reading used in teachi... more The purpose of the study is to identify how the differentiated teaching of reading used in teaching the German Language influences the development of information search autonomy in the tertiary students majoring in Philology. The study employed quasi-experimental research that used mixed-methods to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The study was of a one-group only type. German Language proficiency, reading skills, students' self-efficacy were the variables for the study. The study found that The differentiated teaching of reading used in teaching the German Language had positively influenced the development of information search autonomy in the tertiary students majoring in Philology which was measured at the pre-treatment and post-treatment stages through the variables such as German Language proficiency, reading skills, and students’ self-efficacy. Due to the approach used in the study, the sampled students experienced a statistically significant change in all the va...
Background: Among numerous issues of differentiated teaching, the problem of building competence ... more Background: Among numerous issues of differentiated teaching, the problem of building competence in oral monologic production in Law students – considering the level of independence and knowledge of students – has not been studied in depth yet. This causes difficulties for providing qualitative foreign language (FL) education to Law majors who have not attained the appropriate level in FL communicative competence in conditions of homogenous training groups. Purpose. The article aims to prove the effectiveness of the system of exercises and tasks designed to enhance English monologic production skills in Law students based on differentiated approach with regard to individual and psychological characteristics of learners, their cognitive needs, communicative abilities, motivation, independence, professional mindset and professional activity. Results. The system of exercises and tasks for building the competence under discussion requires specification of phases in the teaching process....
Background: Among numerous issues of differentiated teaching, the problem of building competence ... more Background: Among numerous issues of differentiated teaching, the problem of building competence in oral monologic production in Law students – considering the level of independence and knowledge of students – has not been studied in depth yet. This causes difficulties for providing qualitative foreign language (FL) education to Law majors who have not attained the appropriate level in FL communicative competence in conditions of homogenous training groups. Purpose. The article aims to define objectives and content of differentiated teaching of English oral monologic production to Law students. Results. The paper has proved that Law students shall be able to make up monologues in the genre of report-presentation of the three functional types, i.e. narration, description, reasoning (justification and retraction), having mastered their lingual and extralingual peculiarities. Lexico-semantic and grammatical characteristics of each of the three functional types of monologues have been d...
Papers by Tetiana Druzhchenko