Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Based on constructivism philosophy, this study investigates to find the learning technique of wri... more Based on constructivism philosophy, this study investigates to find the learning technique of writing, in order to substitute the conventional technique of writing to improve writing skill. Log and conferencing technique has many advantages to reach the needs. In English syllabus of Animal Science program at Universitas Tidar, it is emphasized to apply writing in scientific form, so the use of grammar, diction and idea must be done appropriately. The major discussion is what learning log and conferencing is and how to apply it also how effective the learning model with this technique in improving writing skills for non-English Department students. Specific study has been given to make comfortable the relation and communication between teacher and student gradually and regularly. To get this aim, this study concerns with log and conferences techniques to animals science and using the new steps on writing learning style. The data from students and lecturers were collected and analyzed...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
This research aimed to explore the types and strategies used in translating idiom subtitle from E... more This research aimed to explore the types and strategies used in translating idiom subtitle from English into Indonesian in Black Panther movie. To achieve this aim, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. In clasifying the types of the idiom, the researcher used Jodi Hamed's (2012) theory, where divided the types into 8 main categories. As for knowing the strategies used in translating the idiom, the researcher followed Nida and Taber's (1974) theory, where divided into 3 strategies. The researcher could conclude that, there were 242 idioms found on Black Panther subtitle. There were eight main form of idiom used in the subtitle of "Black Panther subtitle" movie. There were 38 data formed by noun phrase, 6 data formed by transitive verb, 166 data formed by verbal phrase, 11 data formed by alliterative comparison, no data formed by prepositional phrase, 1 data formed by be+prepositional, 7 data formed by pairs of words, and 11 data formed by sentences. As for the strategy used, the most used is idiom to non-idiom then, idiom to idiom the last less used is non-idiom to idiom.
This research is aimed to explore the translation shifts and techniques used in the English-Indon... more This research is aimed to explore the translation shifts and techniques used in the English-Indonesian translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International School students, in terms of (1) the types of shift performed by the students, and (2) the techniques used in the shifts of English-Indonesian translation. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of the research is 18 pieces of translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International High School students. The object of this research is language units consisting of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data were collected using the task-based method and analyzed using the padan translational method to identify the shifts occurring and the techniques used by the students. The findings are as follows. Firstly, there are two major shifts occurring in this research, namely (1) level shift and (2) category shift. Four classifications of category shift are also found, namely (1) structure shift, (2) class s...
This study aims to identify and describe the translation of Indonesian cultural terms in the film... more This study aims to identify and describe the translation of Indonesian cultural terms in the film Battle of Surabaya. It did not intend to pinpoint the exact translation technique used. The animated history of Indonesia and the variety of the language used in the movie, such as Dutch, English, Japanese, Indonesian, and local, motivated the researcher to conduct the research. The research method used mixed-method and translation theory as a ground theory for analyzing the data. The analysis found that 24 vocabularies contain Indonesian culture-each cultural term spread in every aspect. Socio-culture found 17 data or 71% of the total existing data; Material culture only found 1 data, Ecology 3 data, Organization 2 data, Gesture or habits also 1 data. The difference in translating cultural terms was only to equate equivalence in meaning between ST and TT. Bringing cultural aspects in various ways is the same as appreciating a culture, but the way to show it and transfer it becomes a ch...
Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu pertama, menghasilkan produk buku pelajaran menulis tek... more Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu pertama, menghasilkan produk buku pelajaran menulis teks berdasarkan struktur grafis dan kata kunci untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTs; kedua, mendeskripsikan hasil uji kelayakan produk buku pelajaran menulis teks berdasarkan struktur grafis dan kata kunci untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTs. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan (Reasearch and Development) yang mengacu pada langkah-langkah pengembangan Borg and Gall yang telah disederhanakan meliputi (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk awal, dan (4) penilaian dan perevisian produk. Unsur kelayakan produk diuji oleh ahli dan guru, selanjutnya direspon oleh siswa. Penelitian dilakukan di dua sekolah, yaitu SMP Negeri 4 Depok dan SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan angket untuk ahli, guru, dan siswa. Data dalam bentuk skala Likert dianalisis dengan cara kuantitatif. Produk yang dikembangkan diuji berdasarkan lima aspek, yaitu (1) mate...
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
This study aims to determine the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on the performance o... more This study aims to determine the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on the performance of employees of PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. To find out whether the effectiveness of communication moderates the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on employee performance at PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. The total population in this study amounted to 116 people, and by using a saturated sampling technique, a sample of 116 people was obtained. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and residual MRA technique. The results showed that the quality of work-life had a significant effect on the performance of the employees of PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. Teamwork affects employee performance at PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. The effectiveness of communication proved significant in moderating the quality of work-life on employee performance and the effectiveness of communication proved significant in moderating teamwork on employee performance.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)
The problem of leaders from time to time is still in the spotlight of the mass media. After the n... more The problem of leaders from time to time is still in the spotlight of the mass media. After the new order period is over, the image of the leader is still close to bribery, corruption, and descent credibility in serving the community. This paper aims to describe the character of Hoegeng Iman Santoso and compare with the image of the current leader who is the headline in several mass media. This research is qualitative descriptive, data collection techniques are carried out using note taking techniques and reading techniques used as data analysis techniques. The results show that Hoegeng has an open, honest, simple, and responsible leadership character. While the performance and character of leaders at this time shows a decline. The current performance of leader performance is influenced by a lack of mental awareness and responsibility to have a credible attitude and integrity in his work, that is serving the society, so that it is easy to commit corruption and bribery in the work area.
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
The dictionary is an important reference source for finding the meaning of a word. The dictionary... more The dictionary is an important reference source for finding the meaning of a word. The dictionary presents not only denotative meanings but also displays contextual meanings. This study aims to describe the macrostructure of the lemma in the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the subject of the Big Indonesian Dictionary. The object of research is the lemma in the dictionary. The data is selected and recorded in the data card and then identified based on the macrostructure of the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning to the definition of the lemma and between the entries. This study uses two approaches, namely the lexicographic approach and the semantic approach. The lexicographic approach was used to analyze the data based on the macrostructure and the lemma definition model. The semantic approach is used to determine the analysis of meaning based on the chara...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengungkapkan bidang yang mempunyai kata serapan bahasa Sansk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengungkapkan bidang yang mempunyai kata serapan bahasa Sanskerta dan bahasa Arab, (2) mengungkapkan teknik penyerapan kata serapan dari dua bahasa tersebut, (3) memperkenalkan perubahan bentuk dan makna kata serapan dari dua bahasa tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif, yang menggunakan instrumen manusia dan medote padan. Penelitian ini didesain dengan cara membuat korpus kata serapan bahasa Sanskerta dan bahasa Arab dalam bahasa Indonesia dari beberapa pustaka. Korpus ini berisi dengan enam kolom yang berisi nomor, bentuk asli dalam bahasa donor, bentuk asli yang ditrasnsfer dalam huruf Latin, makna kata asli, bentuk serapan, dan makna kata serapan (diisi dari kiri ke kanan). Kata serapan ditinjau dari aspek ragam kata, teknik penyerapan, perubahan bentuk, dan perubahan makna. Sumber data adalah tiga pustaka, yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (V), Sanskrit Loan-Words in Indonesian An annotated check-list of wo...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN
Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Ta... more Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Pelaku usaha Ummy Nissa belum mengenal dan memahami bagaimana cara berproduksi pangan yang baik, sehingga memerlukan pendampingan dalam penerapan Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan tahapan: (1) evaluasi pelaksanaan GMP pada IKM Ummy Nissa, (2) pelatihan GMP melalui ceramah dan diskusi, dan (3) praktik berproduksi sesuai dengan GMP. Prinsip prinsip GMP mengacu pada surat keputusan menteri RI No: 23/Men.Kes/SK/I/1978 tentang pedoman cara berproduksi makanan yang baik. Pendampingan meningkatkan skor penilaian dari kriteria kurang menjadi cukup, dan kriteria cukup menjadi baik pada butir-butir terpilih dari 13 aspek penilaian penerapan GMP.
Teguh Setiawan, Nurlina Syahrir, Hj. Heriyati Yatim. Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik FSD UNM Tegubim... more Teguh Setiawan, Nurlina Syahrir, Hj. Heriyati Yatim. Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik FSD UNM [email protected] ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Latar belakang tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. 2) Bentuk penyajian tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah : (1) Studi pustaka, (2) Observasi partisipatif, (3) wawancara, dan (4) Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa : (1) Latar belakang tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat dulunya Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta berkembang dikalangan masyarakat biasa di Desa Ntori sampai pada abad ke 19 masyarakat menganggap bahwa pernikahan adalah hal yag sangat sakral dan harus di ramaikan, jika Mpa’a Ntumbu di adakan pada prosesi pernikahan, maka yang memiliki hajatan akan merasa bahagia dan merasa terhormat, karena...
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, Nov 29, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic caused everyone to behave beyond normal limits as usual. One of the behavio... more The Covid-19 pandemic caused everyone to behave beyond normal limits as usual. One of the behaviors that can change is deciding the decision to choose a college. The problem that occurs in private universities during covid 19 is the decrease in the number of prospective students who come to campus to get information or register directly to choose the department they want. (Sihombing, E and Nasib, 2020) The world health agency (WHO) has also announced that the corona virus, also called COVID-19, is a global threat worldwide. The outbreak of this virus has an impact especially on the economy of a nation and globally. These unforeseen circumstances automatically revised a scenario that was arranged in predicting an increase in the global economy.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Learning language can be done in formal and informal environment. For children, it can be easier ... more Learning language can be done in formal and informal environment. For children, it can be easier to learn language, especially foreign language learning, in unconscious situation like informal environment which provide some input. The input in informal environment could be gotten from media, such as cartoon movie. This study attempted to describe and analyze the simple codes in Teletubbies Short Cartoon Movie on Rainbow Episode as an input for young foreign language learners. It was administered a descriptive qualitative research. To classify the simple codes, the utterance in this short movie was analyzed by using Observation Method (Metode Simak) and Noting Technique (Teknik Catat) referring to five input features of simple codes, they were rate, lexicon, well-formedness, length, and propositional complexity. For analyzing, it was used Identity Method (Padan Method). The result of this research indicated that this short cartoon movie fulfills all the input features of the simple codes. Hence, it was useful as a learning media to help children in providing sufficient input and also improving their foreign language acquisition.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
This study was aimed to describe and compare the forms and utilizations of Indonesian and the Mal... more This study was aimed to describe and compare the forms and utilizations of Indonesian and the Malay Riau Language of the Teratak Village dialect personal pronouns and indicator pronouns. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method. The sources of the data in this study were represented by Drupadi's novel by Seno Gumira AjiDarma and the oral speech of the Riau Dialect of Teratak. The data in this study were in the form of pronouns in Indonesian and MRLTD.The instrument used in this study is (human instrument). The employed data supply technique comprised fishing techniques, interviews, seeing, recording and noticing. The results of the study showed a comparison between IL and MRLTD in terms of pronouns and Indicator pronouns utilization. Comparison was shown through the utilization of the singular first-person pronouns (saya and den, deyen) the second singular person pronouns (kamu, engaku, dikau, kau,mu and waang, kau) and the third singular person pronouns (dia and inyo, apak, ibuk). The use of a general indicator pronoun (ini, itu and iko, ikye, itu, itan), the pronoun of place (sini, situ, sana and siko, situ, sitan), pronoun (begini begitu and condoko, condotu). The utilization of pronouns for both language srevealed that there were several distinctions in terms of utilization based on gender, age and social status are more commonly shown in MRLTD, while IL was only a sign of age and status. Departing from the results of the comparison, it seems that MRLTD shows more changes due to the influence of cultural traditions and Malays.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that appear in twitter status. The... more The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that appear in twitter status. The source of the data is twitter status which find out from 8-24 August 2018 and the data are sentences boundary that has code mixing. The Data collection techniques used in this research is an Observation Method with writing technique. The instrument of research is human instrument and Musyken's theory as point to classify the type of code mixing. Furthermore, the data analysis technique uses data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion. In the research finding, there was found that three types of code mixing such as insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. The most type which appears in twitter status is insertion and followed by congruent lexicalization and the last is alternation. The English word, phrase and clause are mixed into single sentence that has Indonesian language as a main code.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The med... more Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The media play an important role in showing the differences in these language systems. One of the medias exhibiting this language phenomenon is a movie which uses two languages: source language (utterances) and target language (subtitle). One of some Indonesian bilingual movies is Yowis Ben. This research focused on discussing the approaches used in translating and the subtitling strategies on the addressing terms. The data used were lingual units including words, morphemes, or phrases which referred to one's utterances to mention and call the characters in the movie and their translations. The research method used was qualitative descriptive research. The addressing terms applied in the movie were in East Javanese dialects in the forms of pronouns, names, addressing terms, and nouns. All of these addressing terms were translated into Indonesian in the subtitle using various approaches and strategies. The approaches used in translating addressing terms were communicative and semantical approach, while subtitling strategies applied were transferring, deleting, and imitating. An addressing term might be translated using different approaches and different subtitling strategies since it depended on the context.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Swearing word is an interesting object to be researched by language researcher, it occurs because... more Swearing word is an interesting object to be researched by language researcher, it occurs because every language has swearing words which are adjusted with the local factors. Swearing words are usually used to express someone's feelings. This research aims to describe the form and function of swearing words especially found in Yowis Ben movie. The main source of the data in this research was taken from the dialogue in the movie. The data from this research was swearing words from the movie. The method used in this research was simak bebas libat cakap method. The Instrument used in this research was human instrument. The data from this research was analyzed by using padan referential (referential equivalent) method and pragmatics. The result from this research was the form and function of swearing words in Yowis Ben movie.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, and Arts Education (ICLLAE 2019), 2020
There are several Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the Chinese students who are majoring in I... more There are several Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the Chinese students who are majoring in Indonesian. This research is aimed to explain the Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the students, to solve those mistakes, and to give some useful suggestions about Indonesian pronunciation skills to Chinese people. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The techniques that were used to collect data are observation and interview. Analysis used in this research including: collecting data, identifying mistakes, classifying mistakes and descripting mistakes. The mistakes include vowel and consonant pronunciation. The results of this research include five aspects. First, the mistakes of vowel pronunciation about the letter <e>. Second, the mistakes of pronunciation of voiced phonemes [b], [d], and [g]. Third, the mistakes of the phonemes [ñ], [ ʤ ] and [r]. Fourth, the mistakes of pronunciation of the unreleased stops <t>, <d>, <k> and <g>. Fifth, the mistakes of pronouncing the consonant cluster <mb> in the beginning of words and the consonant <h> in the end of words.
This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and l... more This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and learning. The study, carried out in the Regency of Tegal, took 340 kindergarten teachers into the pool of the sample (65% of the population of 523 teachers). Proportional random sampling was used in the selection of the sample. Questionnaires in the form of attitude scale were distributed to the sample to elicit their responses. t-test was used to analyze WKH GLIIHUHQFHV RI WKH DWWLWXGHV DQG &URQFEDFK ¶V Alpha was used to arrive at the reliability index. The study found out that, in general, kindergarten teachers have positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of mathematics.
This study established qualitative design in attempt to reveal impact exceed of obstruction featu... more This study established qualitative design in attempt to reveal impact exceed of obstruction features than construction which occurred in EFL classroom in Indonesia. This present study involved an English teacher and thirty five students. She taught three times lesson meeting, each of lesson carried out ninety minutes. From the present study found obstruction i.e., short wait time, teacher control the interaction, display question and yes/no question, teacher interruptions, ignore student error, overlap and latch turn, and form focused feedback and construction i.e., extended wait time, student initiated talk, referential question and open ended question, speech modification, direct repair, scaffolding, and content feedback. This result provides critical insights that the implementation of communication in the classroom and also fruitful reflection of other FL (foreign language) teachers to be indigenous people who involve students' contribution actively participate in classroom interaction.
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Based on constructivism philosophy, this study investigates to find the learning technique of wri... more Based on constructivism philosophy, this study investigates to find the learning technique of writing, in order to substitute the conventional technique of writing to improve writing skill. Log and conferencing technique has many advantages to reach the needs. In English syllabus of Animal Science program at Universitas Tidar, it is emphasized to apply writing in scientific form, so the use of grammar, diction and idea must be done appropriately. The major discussion is what learning log and conferencing is and how to apply it also how effective the learning model with this technique in improving writing skills for non-English Department students. Specific study has been given to make comfortable the relation and communication between teacher and student gradually and regularly. To get this aim, this study concerns with log and conferences techniques to animals science and using the new steps on writing learning style. The data from students and lecturers were collected and analyzed...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
This research aimed to explore the types and strategies used in translating idiom subtitle from E... more This research aimed to explore the types and strategies used in translating idiom subtitle from English into Indonesian in Black Panther movie. To achieve this aim, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. In clasifying the types of the idiom, the researcher used Jodi Hamed's (2012) theory, where divided the types into 8 main categories. As for knowing the strategies used in translating the idiom, the researcher followed Nida and Taber's (1974) theory, where divided into 3 strategies. The researcher could conclude that, there were 242 idioms found on Black Panther subtitle. There were eight main form of idiom used in the subtitle of "Black Panther subtitle" movie. There were 38 data formed by noun phrase, 6 data formed by transitive verb, 166 data formed by verbal phrase, 11 data formed by alliterative comparison, no data formed by prepositional phrase, 1 data formed by be+prepositional, 7 data formed by pairs of words, and 11 data formed by sentences. As for the strategy used, the most used is idiom to non-idiom then, idiom to idiom the last less used is non-idiom to idiom.
This research is aimed to explore the translation shifts and techniques used in the English-Indon... more This research is aimed to explore the translation shifts and techniques used in the English-Indonesian translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International School students, in terms of (1) the types of shift performed by the students, and (2) the techniques used in the shifts of English-Indonesian translation. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of the research is 18 pieces of translation work of Budi Mulia Dua International High School students. The object of this research is language units consisting of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The data were collected using the task-based method and analyzed using the padan translational method to identify the shifts occurring and the techniques used by the students. The findings are as follows. Firstly, there are two major shifts occurring in this research, namely (1) level shift and (2) category shift. Four classifications of category shift are also found, namely (1) structure shift, (2) class s...
This study aims to identify and describe the translation of Indonesian cultural terms in the film... more This study aims to identify and describe the translation of Indonesian cultural terms in the film Battle of Surabaya. It did not intend to pinpoint the exact translation technique used. The animated history of Indonesia and the variety of the language used in the movie, such as Dutch, English, Japanese, Indonesian, and local, motivated the researcher to conduct the research. The research method used mixed-method and translation theory as a ground theory for analyzing the data. The analysis found that 24 vocabularies contain Indonesian culture-each cultural term spread in every aspect. Socio-culture found 17 data or 71% of the total existing data; Material culture only found 1 data, Ecology 3 data, Organization 2 data, Gesture or habits also 1 data. The difference in translating cultural terms was only to equate equivalence in meaning between ST and TT. Bringing cultural aspects in various ways is the same as appreciating a culture, but the way to show it and transfer it becomes a ch...
Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu pertama, menghasilkan produk buku pelajaran menulis tek... more Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu pertama, menghasilkan produk buku pelajaran menulis teks berdasarkan struktur grafis dan kata kunci untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTs; kedua, mendeskripsikan hasil uji kelayakan produk buku pelajaran menulis teks berdasarkan struktur grafis dan kata kunci untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTs. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pengembangan (Reasearch and Development) yang mengacu pada langkah-langkah pengembangan Borg and Gall yang telah disederhanakan meliputi (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk awal, dan (4) penilaian dan perevisian produk. Unsur kelayakan produk diuji oleh ahli dan guru, selanjutnya direspon oleh siswa. Penelitian dilakukan di dua sekolah, yaitu SMP Negeri 4 Depok dan SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan angket untuk ahli, guru, dan siswa. Data dalam bentuk skala Likert dianalisis dengan cara kuantitatif. Produk yang dikembangkan diuji berdasarkan lima aspek, yaitu (1) mate...
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
This study aims to determine the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on the performance o... more This study aims to determine the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on the performance of employees of PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. To find out whether the effectiveness of communication moderates the effect of quality of work-life and teamwork on employee performance at PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. The total population in this study amounted to 116 people, and by using a saturated sampling technique, a sample of 116 people was obtained. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and residual MRA technique. The results showed that the quality of work-life had a significant effect on the performance of the employees of PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. Teamwork affects employee performance at PT Rajawali Properti Mandiri Medan. The effectiveness of communication proved significant in moderating the quality of work-life on employee performance and the effectiveness of communication proved significant in moderating teamwork on employee performance.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018)
The problem of leaders from time to time is still in the spotlight of the mass media. After the n... more The problem of leaders from time to time is still in the spotlight of the mass media. After the new order period is over, the image of the leader is still close to bribery, corruption, and descent credibility in serving the community. This paper aims to describe the character of Hoegeng Iman Santoso and compare with the image of the current leader who is the headline in several mass media. This research is qualitative descriptive, data collection techniques are carried out using note taking techniques and reading techniques used as data analysis techniques. The results show that Hoegeng has an open, honest, simple, and responsible leadership character. While the performance and character of leaders at this time shows a decline. The current performance of leader performance is influenced by a lack of mental awareness and responsibility to have a credible attitude and integrity in his work, that is serving the society, so that it is easy to commit corruption and bribery in the work area.
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
The dictionary is an important reference source for finding the meaning of a word. The dictionary... more The dictionary is an important reference source for finding the meaning of a word. The dictionary presents not only denotative meanings but also displays contextual meanings. This study aims to describe the macrostructure of the lemma in the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the subject of the Big Indonesian Dictionary. The object of research is the lemma in the dictionary. The data is selected and recorded in the data card and then identified based on the macrostructure of the dictionary, the definition of the lemma, and the relation of meaning to the definition of the lemma and between the entries. This study uses two approaches, namely the lexicographic approach and the semantic approach. The lexicographic approach was used to analyze the data based on the macrostructure and the lemma definition model. The semantic approach is used to determine the analysis of meaning based on the chara...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengungkapkan bidang yang mempunyai kata serapan bahasa Sansk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengungkapkan bidang yang mempunyai kata serapan bahasa Sanskerta dan bahasa Arab, (2) mengungkapkan teknik penyerapan kata serapan dari dua bahasa tersebut, (3) memperkenalkan perubahan bentuk dan makna kata serapan dari dua bahasa tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif, yang menggunakan instrumen manusia dan medote padan. Penelitian ini didesain dengan cara membuat korpus kata serapan bahasa Sanskerta dan bahasa Arab dalam bahasa Indonesia dari beberapa pustaka. Korpus ini berisi dengan enam kolom yang berisi nomor, bentuk asli dalam bahasa donor, bentuk asli yang ditrasnsfer dalam huruf Latin, makna kata asli, bentuk serapan, dan makna kata serapan (diisi dari kiri ke kanan). Kata serapan ditinjau dari aspek ragam kata, teknik penyerapan, perubahan bentuk, dan perubahan makna. Sumber data adalah tiga pustaka, yaitu Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (V), Sanskrit Loan-Words in Indonesian An annotated check-list of wo...
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN
Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Ta... more Ummy Nissa, merupakan salah satu IKM yang memproduksi kerupuk kemplang yang terletak di Gedung Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Pelaku usaha Ummy Nissa belum mengenal dan memahami bagaimana cara berproduksi pangan yang baik, sehingga memerlukan pendampingan dalam penerapan Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan dengan tahapan: (1) evaluasi pelaksanaan GMP pada IKM Ummy Nissa, (2) pelatihan GMP melalui ceramah dan diskusi, dan (3) praktik berproduksi sesuai dengan GMP. Prinsip prinsip GMP mengacu pada surat keputusan menteri RI No: 23/Men.Kes/SK/I/1978 tentang pedoman cara berproduksi makanan yang baik. Pendampingan meningkatkan skor penilaian dari kriteria kurang menjadi cukup, dan kriteria cukup menjadi baik pada butir-butir terpilih dari 13 aspek penilaian penerapan GMP.
Teguh Setiawan, Nurlina Syahrir, Hj. Heriyati Yatim. Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik FSD UNM Tegubim... more Teguh Setiawan, Nurlina Syahrir, Hj. Heriyati Yatim. Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik FSD UNM [email protected] ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Latar belakang tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. 2) Bentuk penyajian tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah : (1) Studi pustaka, (2) Observasi partisipatif, (3) wawancara, dan (4) Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa : (1) Latar belakang tari Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta pada prosesi pernikahan masyarakat Desa Ntori Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat dulunya Mpa’a Ntumbu Tuta berkembang dikalangan masyarakat biasa di Desa Ntori sampai pada abad ke 19 masyarakat menganggap bahwa pernikahan adalah hal yag sangat sakral dan harus di ramaikan, jika Mpa’a Ntumbu di adakan pada prosesi pernikahan, maka yang memiliki hajatan akan merasa bahagia dan merasa terhormat, karena...
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, Nov 29, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic caused everyone to behave beyond normal limits as usual. One of the behavio... more The Covid-19 pandemic caused everyone to behave beyond normal limits as usual. One of the behaviors that can change is deciding the decision to choose a college. The problem that occurs in private universities during covid 19 is the decrease in the number of prospective students who come to campus to get information or register directly to choose the department they want. (Sihombing, E and Nasib, 2020) The world health agency (WHO) has also announced that the corona virus, also called COVID-19, is a global threat worldwide. The outbreak of this virus has an impact especially on the economy of a nation and globally. These unforeseen circumstances automatically revised a scenario that was arranged in predicting an increase in the global economy.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Learning language can be done in formal and informal environment. For children, it can be easier ... more Learning language can be done in formal and informal environment. For children, it can be easier to learn language, especially foreign language learning, in unconscious situation like informal environment which provide some input. The input in informal environment could be gotten from media, such as cartoon movie. This study attempted to describe and analyze the simple codes in Teletubbies Short Cartoon Movie on Rainbow Episode as an input for young foreign language learners. It was administered a descriptive qualitative research. To classify the simple codes, the utterance in this short movie was analyzed by using Observation Method (Metode Simak) and Noting Technique (Teknik Catat) referring to five input features of simple codes, they were rate, lexicon, well-formedness, length, and propositional complexity. For analyzing, it was used Identity Method (Padan Method). The result of this research indicated that this short cartoon movie fulfills all the input features of the simple codes. Hence, it was useful as a learning media to help children in providing sufficient input and also improving their foreign language acquisition.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
This study was aimed to describe and compare the forms and utilizations of Indonesian and the Mal... more This study was aimed to describe and compare the forms and utilizations of Indonesian and the Malay Riau Language of the Teratak Village dialect personal pronouns and indicator pronouns. This study employed a qualitative descriptive method. The sources of the data in this study were represented by Drupadi's novel by Seno Gumira AjiDarma and the oral speech of the Riau Dialect of Teratak. The data in this study were in the form of pronouns in Indonesian and MRLTD.The instrument used in this study is (human instrument). The employed data supply technique comprised fishing techniques, interviews, seeing, recording and noticing. The results of the study showed a comparison between IL and MRLTD in terms of pronouns and Indicator pronouns utilization. Comparison was shown through the utilization of the singular first-person pronouns (saya and den, deyen) the second singular person pronouns (kamu, engaku, dikau, kau,mu and waang, kau) and the third singular person pronouns (dia and inyo, apak, ibuk). The use of a general indicator pronoun (ini, itu and iko, ikye, itu, itan), the pronoun of place (sini, situ, sana and siko, situ, sitan), pronoun (begini begitu and condoko, condotu). The utilization of pronouns for both language srevealed that there were several distinctions in terms of utilization based on gender, age and social status are more commonly shown in MRLTD, while IL was only a sign of age and status. Departing from the results of the comparison, it seems that MRLTD shows more changes due to the influence of cultural traditions and Malays.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that appear in twitter status. The... more The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that appear in twitter status. The source of the data is twitter status which find out from 8-24 August 2018 and the data are sentences boundary that has code mixing. The Data collection techniques used in this research is an Observation Method with writing technique. The instrument of research is human instrument and Musyken's theory as point to classify the type of code mixing. Furthermore, the data analysis technique uses data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion. In the research finding, there was found that three types of code mixing such as insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. The most type which appears in twitter status is insertion and followed by congruent lexicalization and the last is alternation. The English word, phrase and clause are mixed into single sentence that has Indonesian language as a main code.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The med... more Every language has its own addressing system, including Javanese and Indonesian language. The media play an important role in showing the differences in these language systems. One of the medias exhibiting this language phenomenon is a movie which uses two languages: source language (utterances) and target language (subtitle). One of some Indonesian bilingual movies is Yowis Ben. This research focused on discussing the approaches used in translating and the subtitling strategies on the addressing terms. The data used were lingual units including words, morphemes, or phrases which referred to one's utterances to mention and call the characters in the movie and their translations. The research method used was qualitative descriptive research. The addressing terms applied in the movie were in East Javanese dialects in the forms of pronouns, names, addressing terms, and nouns. All of these addressing terms were translated into Indonesian in the subtitle using various approaches and strategies. The approaches used in translating addressing terms were communicative and semantical approach, while subtitling strategies applied were transferring, deleting, and imitating. An addressing term might be translated using different approaches and different subtitling strategies since it depended on the context.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Language, Literature and Education (ICILLE 2018), 2019
Swearing word is an interesting object to be researched by language researcher, it occurs because... more Swearing word is an interesting object to be researched by language researcher, it occurs because every language has swearing words which are adjusted with the local factors. Swearing words are usually used to express someone's feelings. This research aims to describe the form and function of swearing words especially found in Yowis Ben movie. The main source of the data in this research was taken from the dialogue in the movie. The data from this research was swearing words from the movie. The method used in this research was simak bebas libat cakap method. The Instrument used in this research was human instrument. The data from this research was analyzed by using padan referential (referential equivalent) method and pragmatics. The result from this research was the form and function of swearing words in Yowis Ben movie.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, and Arts Education (ICLLAE 2019), 2020
There are several Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the Chinese students who are majoring in I... more There are several Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the Chinese students who are majoring in Indonesian. This research is aimed to explain the Indonesian pronunciation mistakes of the students, to solve those mistakes, and to give some useful suggestions about Indonesian pronunciation skills to Chinese people. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The techniques that were used to collect data are observation and interview. Analysis used in this research including: collecting data, identifying mistakes, classifying mistakes and descripting mistakes. The mistakes include vowel and consonant pronunciation. The results of this research include five aspects. First, the mistakes of vowel pronunciation about the letter <e>. Second, the mistakes of pronunciation of voiced phonemes [b], [d], and [g]. Third, the mistakes of the phonemes [ñ], [ ʤ ] and [r]. Fourth, the mistakes of pronunciation of the unreleased stops <t>, <d>, <k> and <g>. Fifth, the mistakes of pronouncing the consonant cluster <mb> in the beginning of words and the consonant <h> in the end of words.
This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and l... more This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and learning. The study, carried out in the Regency of Tegal, took 340 kindergarten teachers into the pool of the sample (65% of the population of 523 teachers). Proportional random sampling was used in the selection of the sample. Questionnaires in the form of attitude scale were distributed to the sample to elicit their responses. t-test was used to analyze WKH GLIIHUHQFHV RI WKH DWWLWXGHV DQG &URQFEDFK ¶V Alpha was used to arrive at the reliability index. The study found out that, in general, kindergarten teachers have positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of mathematics.
This study established qualitative design in attempt to reveal impact exceed of obstruction featu... more This study established qualitative design in attempt to reveal impact exceed of obstruction features than construction which occurred in EFL classroom in Indonesia. This present study involved an English teacher and thirty five students. She taught three times lesson meeting, each of lesson carried out ninety minutes. From the present study found obstruction i.e., short wait time, teacher control the interaction, display question and yes/no question, teacher interruptions, ignore student error, overlap and latch turn, and form focused feedback and construction i.e., extended wait time, student initiated talk, referential question and open ended question, speech modification, direct repair, scaffolding, and content feedback. This result provides critical insights that the implementation of communication in the classroom and also fruitful reflection of other FL (foreign language) teachers to be indigenous people who involve students' contribution actively participate in classroom interaction.
Papers by Teguh Setiawan