Papers by Teguh Herlambang
Barekeng, May 25, 2024
Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each... more Article History: Logistics distribution is a series of activities that are interconnected in each process. Therefore, an information system is necessary to record, report conditions, and display the current location of items directly. An Android-based application system is vulnerable to spoofing, such as fake GPS. The application is used to falsify the coordinates of digital map locations. This research aims to develop a common tracking system and prevent Fake GPS by employing the System Development Life Cycle method, consisting of several stages, i.e., planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. In this research, a prototype of the tracker tool and its information system were made. It used an RFID Smart Card for courier identity authentication and a GPS module to track position information on a digital map. RFID and GPS were controlled using the ESP32. Furthermore, the Website served as an information system to read and create a QR Code to identify the goods carried. It received data from the RFID Smart Card and GPS, stored it in the Database, and displayed it online. The test results indicated that the tracker prototype succeeded in sending location data throughout the test and gained an average distance of 6.82 meters, which was different from a commercial GPS device. It had a delay of 268.5 seconds when the location was first read. The tracker prototype had an average power consumption of 1.5 watts, an average battery life of 2 hours, 28 minutes, and 40 seconds, as well as an average battery deficiency of 36.79%. In conclusion, the system test was successful.
Indonesia Berdaya, Oct 13, 2023
The grocery store business is currently very promising for entrepreneurs who are currently involv... more The grocery store business is currently very promising for entrepreneurs who are currently involved in the business economy. This business has many enthusiasts due to its unique concept with customers being free to choose the type of product they sell themselves. If you look at the competitors, there are quite a lot and each shop has its own advantages over the others. One of the differences that can be seen is on the management side, various variations or methods are used to increase productivity from the management side, which include recording existing product stock, calculating expenditure and calculating input. This will be the key to the success of management in carrying out processing because when these things are not done well it will result in the emergence of new problems. Therefore, the service activities carried out at the Bu Riya grocery store are to help with these problems using an approach method that includes planning, implementation and evaluation stages. The stages that have been carried out in planning are able to create a plan to resolve problems in stall management such as recording and the flow of money in and out. After that, the implementation method itself is implemented, namely by implementing what has been identified by creating a management application solution. From the entire series of activities carried out, a new management process was obtained by digitizing several aspects such as recording product stock and managing the flow of cash in and out. The digitalization that has been implemented is based on Android and significant results have been obtained, namely that operational shop management is able to use it well.
Zeta-math journal, Nov 6, 2017
Indonesia Berdaya
Perkembangan teknologi modern saat ini sangat pesat khususnya dalam dunia robot sehingga banyak n... more Perkembangan teknologi modern saat ini sangat pesat khususnya dalam dunia robot sehingga banyak negara berlomba-lomba untuk mengembangkan robot. Robot adalah sebuah alat mekanik yang dapat melakukan tugas fisik, baik menggunakan pengawasan dan kontrol manusia, menggunakan program yang telah didefinisikan terlebih dulu atau memanfaatkan prinsip kecerdasan buatan. Robot biasanya digunakan untuk tugas yang berat, berbahaya, pekerjaan yang berulang dan kotor. Kebanyakan robot digunakan dalam bidang produksi, seperti: pembersihan limbah beracun, penjelajahan bawah air dan luar angkasa, pertambangan, pekerjaan search and rescue, dan untuk pencarian lahan tambang. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat tentang sosialisasi penggunaan software system navigasi dan panduan mobile robot sistem ini menjadi signifikan untuk lebih memahami penggunaan software system navigasi dan panduan mobile robot, dimulai dari system gerak mobile robot sampai bagaimana penggunaan pada software sehingga bapak ibu ...
Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development
This community service project aimed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of PT. AJISAKA&#... more This community service project aimed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of PT. AJISAKA's business management through the introduction of a sophisticated software tool for forecasting and profitability estimation. Blending management science with computational science, the project sought to facilitate informed decision-making by leveraging artificial intelligence in profitability ratio prediction. The methods employed involved the execution of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi and extensive socialization of numerical calculation techniques related to the company's profit estimation. The project was well received by the company's management, with the software's potential to enhance business insight and streamline operations being widely appreciated. The result of this endeavor underscores the potential of AI in revolutionizing profitability forecasts and business management. Furthermore, it bolsters the case for technological self-sufficiency in the economic and bus...
Indonesian Journal of Cultural and Community Development
This study aims to explore the effectiveness of e-marketing training in increasing the sales reve... more This study aims to explore the effectiveness of e-marketing training in increasing the sales revenue of coffee products in Al Muin Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School. Using qualitative research methods, the study collected and analyzed data from interviews with students and school officials, as well as observations of the e-marketing implementation in the coffee production business. The results show that e-marketing can significantly increase the sales revenue of the boarding school's coffee products. The study concludes that e-marketing training is necessary to optimize the utilization of the internet and social media platforms for promotional purposes. The implication of this study is that e-marketing competence can be enhanced among Islamic boarding school students, contributing to the promotion of their institutions and improving their skills and knowledge of digital media. This study highlights the importance of using social media platforms for marketing purposes i...
Indonesia Berdaya
PT. Multi Aneka Pangan Nusantara is one of the producers in Indonesia engaged in the chocolate pr... more PT. Multi Aneka Pangan Nusantara is one of the producers in Indonesia engaged in the chocolate processing industry and has presented a variety of premium quality products. The company office has many rooms that can be borrowed for meeting purposes. The company has an IT section whose job is to control all parts related to media and communications. PT. Multi Aneka Pangan Nusantara, whose center is in Surabaya, has a logistics unit whose one of its tasks is to manage meeting room loans and manage equipment at the PT. Multi Aneka Pangan Nusanatara. This web-based room loan application plan aims to make it easier for consumers to borrow rooms in a structured manner so that companies are able to create new innovations and can be used in the future. The design that will be carried out is the creation of a room lending application as access to meeting rooms and other activities where this application uses an online PHP and MySQL-based website that is more efficient and scheduled in detail....
Indonesia Berdaya
The huge increase in the number of hotels has led to stiff competition. In the past, competition ... more The huge increase in the number of hotels has led to stiff competition. In the past, competition generally emphasized the quality of hotel services and facilities, but now it is also necessary to improve the ability to manage hotels efficiently. The Covid pandemic has forced hotel management to think and work hard to increase revenue and reduce costs without reducing the quality of service to guests who stay overnight. Hotels that are managed efficiently will be able to win the competition. Therefore, making forecast models and accurate estimates will help hotel managers manage hotels effectively and efficiently, so it is necessary to develop software for forecasting and estimation systems. In this community service activity, we synergize management knowledge with mathematics so that it can be used more easily, accurately, effectively and efficiently in hotel management. In this activity socialization of simulations or numerical calculations related to hotel visitor forecasting is c...
JMM17 : Jurnal Ilmu ekonomi dan manajemen
Islam sees economic activity as one way to accumulate and increase the reward for falah (happines... more Islam sees economic activity as one way to accumulate and increase the reward for falah (happiness of the world and the hereafter). The motive for consuming in Islam is basically mashlahah, needs and obligations. Satisfaction of a Muslim is not based on market more or less items that can be consumed, but based on how religious values are obtained from what it does. In the teachings of the Islamic religion for the purpose of consumption is the biggest maslahah, so that he can achieve victory in duina and hereafter. Satisfaction in Islam includes consumer satisfaction and creative satisfaction, consumer satisfaction will produce the ready creation of satisfaction, because the consumption made by a Muslim will give his physical strength, so he can be more creative. To measure the satisfaction of a Muslim we can use the concept of conventional utilities.
Pattimura International Journal of Mathematics (PIJMath), Apr 24, 2023
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform... more ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) is a product of technological development, functioning to perform tasks in the water. Big tasks such as coral reef exploration, oil refineries, underwater monitoring, and sea accident rescue are carried out by such technology. ROV or unmanned submarines have 6 degrees of freedom, but for diving it requires only 3 movements, that is, surge, heave, and pitch motions. In its operation, the ROV requires a navigation system in the form of estimation of the ROV position under diving conditions. In this study, two methods were used to estimate the ROV position under diving conditions, that is, the H-infinity method and the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Both methods proved reliable on other platforms. The simulation results in this study showed that the EnKF method was more accurate than the H-Infinity method. The H-Infinity method had an accuracy of around 87%, while the EnKF method reached an accurate of 99 %.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2022
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023
AIP Conference Proceedings
Blood transfusion service is a health service utilizing human blood as a basic material for human... more Blood transfusion service is a health service utilizing human blood as a basic material for humanitarian purposes and not for commercial purposes. So, blood transfusion health services include planning and preservation of blood donors, blood providers, blood distribution, and medical actions for giving blood to patients for the purpose of curing disease and restoring health. The blood distribution to hospitals by the PMI Blood Donor Unit is a pickup system if carried out in the vicinity of the PMI concerned. Therefore, the request for blood by the recipient to the hospital or the PMI Blood Donor Unit takes before the hospital makes a blood request to the PMI Blood Donor Unit. The hospital blood bank makes an offer to the patient or the patient's family in need for blood. whereas the hospital blood bank is a service unit in the hospital responsible for the availability of blood for safe, good quality, and sufficient transfusion in supporting health services in hospitals and other health care facilities. One way to reduce the risk of a shortage and excess of blood needs is by applying an estimation algorithm to determine future blood needs and supplies. The objective of this paper is to apply an estimation algorithm to estimate the supply of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) at PMI Gresik, whereas FFP is a yellowish blood component. FFP is a blood product processed from whole blood. This paper used a reliable estimation method, that is, the Ensemble Kalman Filter method and the Extended Kalman Filter method. The simulation results show that both methods had good accuracy, but the EnKF method was more accurate with an error of about 4%.
Pattimura International Journal of Mathematics (PIJMath)
The travel and hotel industry is one of the industries experiencing rapid growth. As the populati... more The travel and hotel industry is one of the industries experiencing rapid growth. As the population grows, the need for travel and accommodation services gets higher. This is one of the factors contributing a rapid increase in such service industry. Competition in the economy and business world is getting tougher from year to year both within a country and abroad. Considering that Indonesia is a country comprised of many islands with a variety of natural beauty, it has the very potential for tourist resort attraction. This kind of thing leads to the growth of the Hotel and Travel industry to support tourism development. With such rapid service industry development, supported by promising business opportunities, investors for such sector are encouraged. The right way to reduce risk for investors interested is to develop a system for estimating the stock prices. Therefore, in this study, the stock price estimation method applied for travel companies adopted Advanced Kalman Filter, a c...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security an... more The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security and defense of a country. The need of NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia) for an applicable and multifunctional technology for highly improved unmanned submarines is urgent considering the current necessity of unmanned technology modernization functioning as The Main Weapon System Equipments (ALUTSISTA) to be applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon. This paper focus is on a motion control system design with the motion equation of 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) applied to an unmanned submarine system or also called a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV requires a control system to control its maneuvering motion when underwater, especially in a straight line motion. The ROV motion equation of 2-DOF consisting of surge and roll motions is in the form of a nonlinear equation. The system control design applied to the ROV system used the Proportional Controller method combined with Sliding Mode C...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
Post-stroke is a stage a patient undergoes if the patient has had a previous stroke. Stroke is a... more Post-stroke is a stage a patient undergoes if the patient has had a previous stroke. Stroke is a big and serious problem. As the second most common cause of disability of people at age of over 60 years. For patients having experienced a stroke, rehabilitation is a way to make them able to do activities of daily living as before. Stroke Rehabilitation is a comprehensive medical management and rehabilitation (in medical, emotional, social, and vocational aspects) concerning disabilities caused by stroke through a neuro-rehabilitation approach with the aim of optimizing recovery. The finger prosthetic arm robot is one of the results of the health technology development to help accelerate the rehabilitation process specifically for finger movements. One of the efforts to develop a finger robot is to estimate the movement of the fingers, in this case the finger size used is taken from those of Javanese people in Indonesia as the data to be simulated. In this paper is an estimation of th...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nu... more The eggs of purebred chickens always become the major choice for satisfying people’s needs for nutrients. The way to process them is easy, and the prices are relatively cheap for all people. Since the eggs of purebred chickens are in high demand, a device that can detect their qualities more correctly and accurately is needed, compared to the conventional method. Objective: An automatic egg quality detector was developed through a camera module of pixy cmucam5 by employing ROI and template RGB methods. The implementation of the ROI method could optimize the system performance, thereby accelerating the process of egg quality detection carried out by the preprocessor of the pixy camera. ROI analyzed the egg image only on the desired pixel area, not the whole pixel. As a result, the ROI method yielded a device and system that could detect the egg quality within the average speed of detection time -/+ 2ms per egg out of 4 trial categories. Meanwhile, the template RGB method was able to ...
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan
Missiles are military rocket weapons having an automatic control system to locate its targets or ... more Missiles are military rocket weapons having an automatic control system to locate its targets or adjust its direction. Indonesia itself, which is a country of archipelago, covers air area of its largest territory, followed by sea area and land area. Logically, the existence of missile defense equipment (the main weapon system) or precisely the type of long-range missile is acceptable to support the defense and security of the Republic of Indonesia, but its consequences to be operated in the territory of Indonesia itself, in case of an occufanct of an error in targeting the target, will fall on of harm to its own national territory. Therefore, trajectory estimation for guided missiles is the basic requirement for guided missiles to be aimed at the precise targets. The trajectory is used as a guide to direct that the missile reach the target by following the given path. To maintain the accuracy of the trajectory continuously, the missile trajectory estimation was made by using Unscent...
Papers by Teguh Herlambang