RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
A fractal model can deliver the beauty of self-similarity feature to be used in designing artisti... more A fractal model can deliver the beauty of self-similarity feature to be used in designing artistic things such as calligraphic characters. The fractal model can deliver the power of mathematics to be used in modeling the complex things that can be handled by computer programs. This paper delivers the short-cut way to design the artistic calligraphic characters based on the modification of the existing form of the simple rectangle fractal object to construct the stroke form of the calligraphic character as the simple solution of the inverse problem. The upright collage component design of rectangle fractal object can be decomposed into many cells of collage component of a calligraphic character with equal size in the right position of the cells according to the stroke of calligraphic character designed. The short-cut way to encode the fractal object is by copy-editing the representative IFS code based on the position of the cells according to the position of each component of the str...
Gerakan dinamis lengan robot dengan dua jari yang terdiri dari beberapa segmen menjadisesuatu yan... more Gerakan dinamis lengan robot dengan dua jari yang terdiri dari beberapa segmen menjadisesuatu yang menarik jika dapat disimulasikan dan dianimasikan secara baik dengan model fraktalversi iterated function system. Mekanisme degree of freedom pada lengan robot tersebut dapatdisimulasi dan dianimasikan melalui teknik kombinasi rotasi-spin yang merupakan versimodifikasi teknik pergeseran centroid yang digunakan pada penelitian-penelitian terkaitsebelumnya
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
An interesting simulation and animation of a robot arm movement by the iterated function system f... more An interesting simulation and animation of a robot arm movement by the iterated function system fractal model can be used to plan controlling the trajectory path of the very end of a robot arm to reach the target efficiently. The efficient way can be shown by the minimum number of steps and the minimum amount of energy consumption required by the rotation and spin operations of the degree of freedom mechanism. The minimum amount of energy consumption can be obtained not only by planning to choose the path with the minimum number of steps, but also it depends on the choice of the operation mode, in the rotating or spinning mode or in the combination of the rotating and spinning modes without overhead movements.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
A set of artistic characters can be generated by the inverse problem method in the fractal model,... more A set of artistic characters can be generated by the inverse problem method in the fractal model, which has an advantage over the traditional model in recycling the flexible art composition. The code of iterated function systems of a fractal can be generated by composing the interrelated components in the collage composition design iteratively based on the collage theorem which is ruled by a set of self-affine transformations. The fractal result is displayed by means of the partitioned-random iteration algorithm as the decoding process of multi-object of fractals as the collection of the artistic characters. The number of the partition is set based on the number of characters in a composition of the artistic characters accordingly, so the individual self-affine transformation of a character can be modified independently.
JUMANJI (Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika Unjani), Jan 26, 2018
Makalah hasil penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan perancangan motif batik apakah ... more Makalah hasil penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan perancangan motif batik apakah jika perancangan tersebut dilakukan melalui model fraktal IFS akan diperoleh proses perancangan yang lebih sederhana. Secara teori setiap obyek pada umumnya dapat digambarkan dengan model fraktal. Model fraktal IFS sebagai salah satu model fraktal secara sederhana dapat dinyatakan dengan kode IFS dan dibangkitkan dengan algoritma Iterasi acak menjadi obyek fraktal yang diwakilinya. Kelebihan perancangan obyek gambar melalui model fraktal IFS dibandingkan dengan model lain adalah dalam hal kemudahan daur ulang melalui proses Reverse engineering.
2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 2018
An interesting mechanism of DoF on robot arm movement can be simulated and animated by means of n... more An interesting mechanism of DoF on robot arm movement can be simulated and animated by means of non-metamorphic animation method and shifting centroid technique in IFS fractal model. For the sake of simplification, the segments of robot arm are represented as the collection of simple rectangle fractal connected to each other. The simulation of animation can be accomplished by non-metamorphic animation method based on the periodical manipulation of the IFS fractal object identity. The shifting centroid technique is the key to simplify the complexity of DoF mechanism.
IFS (Iterated Function Systems) is a method to model fractal object based on affine transformatio... more IFS (Iterated Function Systems) is a method to model fractal object based on affine transformation functions. The star-like object rotation effect in the IFS fractal model could be exhibited by using metamorphical method, as a replacement to the affine rotation method on a non metamorphic animation. The advantage of a metamorphic animation method over the metamorphic animation method is that the object's relative position to the fixed point as an absolute centroid is absolute. Therefore, the rotational effect can be exhibited at any positions. In addition, it can also be combined with rotational effect of the local centroid itself around the absolute centroid as a fixed point by the primitive rotational operation to form an interesting behavior of orbital trajectory Based on the hybrid of both animation methods, the animation simulation could be done on orbital trajectory on a twin stars rotating to each other as a system. Both objects are rotated in the same angular direction, ...
To have the interpolation of metamorphic animation between a pair of objects as the source and ta... more To have the interpolation of metamorphic animation between a pair of objects as the source and target of fractal images in IFS model looked natural, the IFS code form of fractal attractors should be in a family of transitional IFS code with the correct order and the same number of transformation functions and relatively with the same size of attractors. The metamorphic animation of fractal images can be constructed on more than two fractal images. The multi-transitional IFS code can represent the multiple fractal images as the iteration nodes of the cyclical animation. There is a solution needed to have the metamorphic animation of fractal images in IFS model with different number of transformation functions. Keywords Animation, Fractal, IFS model, metamorphic, multi-transitional IFS code, natural
Abstrak-Modul GSM Icomsat berfungsi sebagai perangkat yang menerima dan mengirim SMS yang dikirim... more Abstrak-Modul GSM Icomsat berfungsi sebagai perangkat yang menerima dan mengirim SMS yang dikirimkan dari ponsel. Jika isi SMS tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang diperintahkan, maka Arduino Uno yang tersambung pada GSM Icomsat dapat memerikan instruksi pada perangkat kendali jarak jauh untuk menhidupkan dan mematikan peralatan elektronik yang tersambung. Jadi Arduino Uno dengan tambahan GSM Icomsat dapat memecahkan masalah ketika pengguna yang bepergian lupa tidak mematikan peralatan elektronik yang masih hidup.
There is a tricky way to animate rotational effect of two different fractal objects as parts of a... more There is a tricky way to animate rotational effect of two different fractal objects as parts of a single multi-objectof fractal. From the multi-object point of view, both the individual events are looked like as a single simultaneousevent such as in the rotational simulation of two rotating wheels as the front and rear wheels and a rotated wheelof the pedal wheel in a bicycle. The above rotational effect can be created by metamorphic animation methods onthe fractal object which has IFS code in rotational IFS code family. The identical but differ in position object canbe constructed by means of cloning technique and the identical but differ in size and position can be constructedby means of the cloning and scaling techniques. To accomplish the simulation of cycling event of a bicycle in thefractal model, a combination method between metamorphic animation on multi-object and object is proposed.
Pengenalan pola wajah dapat dipandang mengenali emosi, ras, ataupun pemiliknya berdasarkan fitur-... more Pengenalan pola wajah dapat dipandang mengenali emosi, ras, ataupun pemiliknya berdasarkan fitur-fitur yang dimiliki. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu mengenali emosi berdasarkan segmen dari wajah menggunakan Regions Of Interest (ROI) dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST), sedangkan penelitian lain mengenali jender dari pemilik wajah menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) sebagai pengenalan biometrik menggunakan JST ataupun Eigen Face. Biometrik dapat dijadikan sebagai identitas yang diperlukan seperti untuk kehadiran, akses suatu sistem, dan pencaharian seseorang. Pengenalan citra wajah, retina, sidik jari dapat menunjukkan identitas dari pemiliknya. Penelitian ini telah membangun sistem pengenalan identitas berdasarkan citra wajah untuk otorisasi akses pintu hunian menggunakan JST. Citra wajah disegmentasi atas mata, dan mulut, sebagai masukan dari JST menggunakan metode Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) dengan panjang vektor 10.600. 1-2.80...
Suara sangat berpengaruh pada aktifitas di otak, termasuk alunan musik. Beberapa jenis musik memi... more Suara sangat berpengaruh pada aktifitas di otak, termasuk alunan musik. Beberapa jenis musik memiliki pengaruh menenangkan pikiran, bahkan musik dapat membantu mengurangi stres pada seseorang yang sedang dalam kondisi stres. Selain itu musik juga dapat meningkatkan mood seseorang, dan memberikan energi bagi pendengar. Salah satu perangkat yang dapat menangkap kondisi pikiran termasuk pengaruh rangsangan suara adalah Electroencephalogram (EEG), yang menangkap aktivitas listrik di otak. Namun analisis sinyal EEG tidaklah mudah, karena amplitudonya kecil sehingga mudah tertimbuh noise, dan tidak mempunyai bentuk yang baku. Penelitian ini membuat sistem yang dapat mengklasifikasikan sinyal EEG terhadap rangsangan suara menggunakan ekstraksi power spektral dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation dan mengklasifikasikan terhadap 3 kelas yaitu musik klasik, murotal Al-Quran dan musik rock. Ekstraksi menggunakan power spectral dengan lebar window 2 detik dan overlap 50% serta klasifikasi...
Saat ini pengunjung perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” mengisi bukutamu dengan cara mengetik data d... more Saat ini pengunjung perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” mengisi bukutamu dengan cara mengetik data diri secara lengkap baik sebagai member maupun non member. Dan cara tersebut sangat rentan terhadap manipulasi data, sedangkan validasi pengunjung perpustakaan sangat diperlukan untuk rekapituasi laporan pengunjung secara berkala dan pada saat dilakukan akreditasi perpustakaan. Sistem pencatatan pengunjung perpustakaan yang saat ini ada di perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” memerlukan permbaharuan. Karena dampak dari pembaharuan yang dilakukan sangat baik bagi perpustakaan kampus. Maka dari itu, Penulis melakukan penambahan fitur pada aplikasi open source SLiMS. Desain bukutamu yang nantinya akan dibagi menjadi dua tipe yaitu member dan non member. Mahasiswa yang masuk kedalam kategori member hanya memasukan ID member kedalam form pencatatan buku tamu. Dan untuk non member, tetap mengisi data diri nya secara lengkap. Sehingga memudahkan juga petugas perpustakaan untuk melakukan rekapitulasi...
One of the important things that need to be considered in student assessment is the problem of st... more One of the important things that need to be considered in student assessment is the problem of student presence. The student attendance process that is very commonly done by universities is recording attendance manually, as currently applied by STMIK "AMIKBANDUNG". QR Code technology is a technology that can encode and decode all types of data into an image in the form of a code and can be read with a smartphone, this is very suitable for use as data validation, which is usually used for digital payment methods today. With these advantages QR Code technology can be implemented as well as supporting media in the smooth process of lecture attendance, This is interesting to the author to conduct research on lecture presence design using QR Code technology, with QR Code technology, each student is expected to no longer need to sign the form absent because the presence data will be identified automatically via a smartphone that can scan the QR Code and be stored in the system d...
Inventaris secara deskriptif dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kegiatan pencatatan selengkapnya menge... more Inventaris secara deskriptif dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kegiatan pencatatan selengkapnya mengenai barang-barang inventaris yang telah dibeli, diterima, dibagikan dan dipakai dalam suatu lingkup organisasi, baik mengenai barang tahan lama maupun habis pakai. Sistem inventaris di PT. Askes (Persero) masih dilakukan secara manual dengan membagikan blangko pada masing-masing ruangan untuk diisi dan selanjutnya blangko tersebut dikumpulkan di Bagian Umum dan dientry menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Kondisi ini menimbulkan beberapa masalah yaitu sulit mengetahui masa aktif barang, sulit mengetahui posisi barang saat ini karena sering terjadi perpindahan barang dan tidak sesuai antara catatan dengan fisik barang. Kondisi ini yang melatarbelakangi adanya pengembangan sistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi inventaris berbasis web pada PT. Askes (Persero) Cabang Mataram. Metodologi pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle (...
Gambar simetris dapat dibangkitkan dengan algoritma iterasi acak pada modelfraktal IFS (iterated ... more Gambar simetris dapat dibangkitkan dengan algoritma iterasi acak pada modelfraktal IFS (iterated function systems) dengan menggunakan teknik rotasikuadran. Teknik rotasi dilakukan mulai dari kuadran ketiga ke kuadran kedua,pertama dan keempat atau mulai dari kuadran ketiga ke kuadran keempat,pertama dan kedua secara berturut-turut. Pada kuadran ketiga dilakukanperancangan collage dimulai dengan pemanfaatan komponen fraktal IFS yangtidak memiliki sifat keserupaan-diri seperti bentuk garis, sedangkan pada kuadranlainnya dilakukan perancangan collage dengan pemanfaatan komponen fraktal IFSyang memiliki sifat keserupaan-diri. Teknik rotasi kuadran dilakukan dalam duafase. Pada fase pertama dilakukan perancangan collage dengan rotasi kuadransearah jarum jam sebagai varian rancangan pertama, dan dilakukan rotasiberlawanan arah jarum jam sebagai varian rancangan kedua. Demikian pula padafase kedua, rotasi dilakukan searah jarum jam untuk varian rancangan pertamadan rotasi dilakukan berlawa...
Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fract... more Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fractal form as basic animation method can be implemented by a modified version of the random iteration algorithm as basic algorithm. In this way it is possible to create an attractive animation based on the combination of both animation methods as a generic animation method, as discussed in this paper. The proposed method can be used as an alternative for or as an extension of the existing animation methods in classical geometry, which are restricted to objects with regular forms. The proposed method can be used to produce more attractive media for interactively learning about the behavior of manipulated objects of any form.
Animation of two celestial objects as a pair moving around a fixed point and one of them is as a ... more Animation of two celestial objects as a pair moving around a fixed point and one of them is as a satellite of another as a planet is very interesting to be simulated, so the orbital trajectory of the satellite rotating around the planet which is rotating around a fixed point can be observed, predicted and explained for educational purpose. Compared to the conventional animation, the fractal animation model is easier to be handled just by calling the rotation procedure for the satellite object around the planet object and the same revolution procedure around a fixed point for both objects with a certain parameter to determine the speed of rotation and revolution.
The metamorphic technology is very important to make an animation exhibits the gradually changes ... more The metamorphic technology is very important to make an animation exhibits the gradually changes from the source image into the target images. If the source and target image that represent the same circle-like fractal object are slightly different, then the metamorphic animation can exhibits the rotational and zooming effects. If the order of functions in the 2D IFS code of circle-like fractal as a node in the multitransitional IFS code differ compared to the next node by shifting one function, then the rotational effect is occurred. But if the order of functions in the 2D IFS code of circlelike fractal as a node in the multi-transitional IFS code differ compared to the next node by shifting more than one function, then the rotational and zooming effects are occurred. Keywords Zooming and rotational effects, metamorphic animation, circle-like fractal, multi-transitional IFS code
In this paper, the growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractals are presented.... more In this paper, the growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractals are presented. The metamorphic animation technique is always interesting, especially the animation which is involving objects in the nature that can be represented by fractals. Through the inverse problem process, objects in nature can be encoded into IFS fractals form by means of the collage theorem and self-affine function. Multidirectional, bidirectional and unidirectional growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractal can be simulated based on a family of transitional IFS code naturally between the source and target objects by an IFS rendering algorithm.
RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences, 2021
A fractal model can deliver the beauty of self-similarity feature to be used in designing artisti... more A fractal model can deliver the beauty of self-similarity feature to be used in designing artistic things such as calligraphic characters. The fractal model can deliver the power of mathematics to be used in modeling the complex things that can be handled by computer programs. This paper delivers the short-cut way to design the artistic calligraphic characters based on the modification of the existing form of the simple rectangle fractal object to construct the stroke form of the calligraphic character as the simple solution of the inverse problem. The upright collage component design of rectangle fractal object can be decomposed into many cells of collage component of a calligraphic character with equal size in the right position of the cells according to the stroke of calligraphic character designed. The short-cut way to encode the fractal object is by copy-editing the representative IFS code based on the position of the cells according to the position of each component of the str...
Gerakan dinamis lengan robot dengan dua jari yang terdiri dari beberapa segmen menjadisesuatu yan... more Gerakan dinamis lengan robot dengan dua jari yang terdiri dari beberapa segmen menjadisesuatu yang menarik jika dapat disimulasikan dan dianimasikan secara baik dengan model fraktalversi iterated function system. Mekanisme degree of freedom pada lengan robot tersebut dapatdisimulasi dan dianimasikan melalui teknik kombinasi rotasi-spin yang merupakan versimodifikasi teknik pergeseran centroid yang digunakan pada penelitian-penelitian terkaitsebelumnya
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
An interesting simulation and animation of a robot arm movement by the iterated function system f... more An interesting simulation and animation of a robot arm movement by the iterated function system fractal model can be used to plan controlling the trajectory path of the very end of a robot arm to reach the target efficiently. The efficient way can be shown by the minimum number of steps and the minimum amount of energy consumption required by the rotation and spin operations of the degree of freedom mechanism. The minimum amount of energy consumption can be obtained not only by planning to choose the path with the minimum number of steps, but also it depends on the choice of the operation mode, in the rotating or spinning mode or in the combination of the rotating and spinning modes without overhead movements.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2021), 2021
A set of artistic characters can be generated by the inverse problem method in the fractal model,... more A set of artistic characters can be generated by the inverse problem method in the fractal model, which has an advantage over the traditional model in recycling the flexible art composition. The code of iterated function systems of a fractal can be generated by composing the interrelated components in the collage composition design iteratively based on the collage theorem which is ruled by a set of self-affine transformations. The fractal result is displayed by means of the partitioned-random iteration algorithm as the decoding process of multi-object of fractals as the collection of the artistic characters. The number of the partition is set based on the number of characters in a composition of the artistic characters accordingly, so the individual self-affine transformation of a character can be modified independently.
JUMANJI (Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika Unjani), Jan 26, 2018
Makalah hasil penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan perancangan motif batik apakah ... more Makalah hasil penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana melakukan perancangan motif batik apakah jika perancangan tersebut dilakukan melalui model fraktal IFS akan diperoleh proses perancangan yang lebih sederhana. Secara teori setiap obyek pada umumnya dapat digambarkan dengan model fraktal. Model fraktal IFS sebagai salah satu model fraktal secara sederhana dapat dinyatakan dengan kode IFS dan dibangkitkan dengan algoritma Iterasi acak menjadi obyek fraktal yang diwakilinya. Kelebihan perancangan obyek gambar melalui model fraktal IFS dibandingkan dengan model lain adalah dalam hal kemudahan daur ulang melalui proses Reverse engineering.
2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), 2018
An interesting mechanism of DoF on robot arm movement can be simulated and animated by means of n... more An interesting mechanism of DoF on robot arm movement can be simulated and animated by means of non-metamorphic animation method and shifting centroid technique in IFS fractal model. For the sake of simplification, the segments of robot arm are represented as the collection of simple rectangle fractal connected to each other. The simulation of animation can be accomplished by non-metamorphic animation method based on the periodical manipulation of the IFS fractal object identity. The shifting centroid technique is the key to simplify the complexity of DoF mechanism.
IFS (Iterated Function Systems) is a method to model fractal object based on affine transformatio... more IFS (Iterated Function Systems) is a method to model fractal object based on affine transformation functions. The star-like object rotation effect in the IFS fractal model could be exhibited by using metamorphical method, as a replacement to the affine rotation method on a non metamorphic animation. The advantage of a metamorphic animation method over the metamorphic animation method is that the object's relative position to the fixed point as an absolute centroid is absolute. Therefore, the rotational effect can be exhibited at any positions. In addition, it can also be combined with rotational effect of the local centroid itself around the absolute centroid as a fixed point by the primitive rotational operation to form an interesting behavior of orbital trajectory Based on the hybrid of both animation methods, the animation simulation could be done on orbital trajectory on a twin stars rotating to each other as a system. Both objects are rotated in the same angular direction, ...
To have the interpolation of metamorphic animation between a pair of objects as the source and ta... more To have the interpolation of metamorphic animation between a pair of objects as the source and target of fractal images in IFS model looked natural, the IFS code form of fractal attractors should be in a family of transitional IFS code with the correct order and the same number of transformation functions and relatively with the same size of attractors. The metamorphic animation of fractal images can be constructed on more than two fractal images. The multi-transitional IFS code can represent the multiple fractal images as the iteration nodes of the cyclical animation. There is a solution needed to have the metamorphic animation of fractal images in IFS model with different number of transformation functions. Keywords Animation, Fractal, IFS model, metamorphic, multi-transitional IFS code, natural
Abstrak-Modul GSM Icomsat berfungsi sebagai perangkat yang menerima dan mengirim SMS yang dikirim... more Abstrak-Modul GSM Icomsat berfungsi sebagai perangkat yang menerima dan mengirim SMS yang dikirimkan dari ponsel. Jika isi SMS tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang diperintahkan, maka Arduino Uno yang tersambung pada GSM Icomsat dapat memerikan instruksi pada perangkat kendali jarak jauh untuk menhidupkan dan mematikan peralatan elektronik yang tersambung. Jadi Arduino Uno dengan tambahan GSM Icomsat dapat memecahkan masalah ketika pengguna yang bepergian lupa tidak mematikan peralatan elektronik yang masih hidup.
There is a tricky way to animate rotational effect of two different fractal objects as parts of a... more There is a tricky way to animate rotational effect of two different fractal objects as parts of a single multi-objectof fractal. From the multi-object point of view, both the individual events are looked like as a single simultaneousevent such as in the rotational simulation of two rotating wheels as the front and rear wheels and a rotated wheelof the pedal wheel in a bicycle. The above rotational effect can be created by metamorphic animation methods onthe fractal object which has IFS code in rotational IFS code family. The identical but differ in position object canbe constructed by means of cloning technique and the identical but differ in size and position can be constructedby means of the cloning and scaling techniques. To accomplish the simulation of cycling event of a bicycle in thefractal model, a combination method between metamorphic animation on multi-object and object is proposed.
Pengenalan pola wajah dapat dipandang mengenali emosi, ras, ataupun pemiliknya berdasarkan fitur-... more Pengenalan pola wajah dapat dipandang mengenali emosi, ras, ataupun pemiliknya berdasarkan fitur-fitur yang dimiliki. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu mengenali emosi berdasarkan segmen dari wajah menggunakan Regions Of Interest (ROI) dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST), sedangkan penelitian lain mengenali jender dari pemilik wajah menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) sebagai pengenalan biometrik menggunakan JST ataupun Eigen Face. Biometrik dapat dijadikan sebagai identitas yang diperlukan seperti untuk kehadiran, akses suatu sistem, dan pencaharian seseorang. Pengenalan citra wajah, retina, sidik jari dapat menunjukkan identitas dari pemiliknya. Penelitian ini telah membangun sistem pengenalan identitas berdasarkan citra wajah untuk otorisasi akses pintu hunian menggunakan JST. Citra wajah disegmentasi atas mata, dan mulut, sebagai masukan dari JST menggunakan metode Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) dengan panjang vektor 10.600. 1-2.80...
Suara sangat berpengaruh pada aktifitas di otak, termasuk alunan musik. Beberapa jenis musik memi... more Suara sangat berpengaruh pada aktifitas di otak, termasuk alunan musik. Beberapa jenis musik memiliki pengaruh menenangkan pikiran, bahkan musik dapat membantu mengurangi stres pada seseorang yang sedang dalam kondisi stres. Selain itu musik juga dapat meningkatkan mood seseorang, dan memberikan energi bagi pendengar. Salah satu perangkat yang dapat menangkap kondisi pikiran termasuk pengaruh rangsangan suara adalah Electroencephalogram (EEG), yang menangkap aktivitas listrik di otak. Namun analisis sinyal EEG tidaklah mudah, karena amplitudonya kecil sehingga mudah tertimbuh noise, dan tidak mempunyai bentuk yang baku. Penelitian ini membuat sistem yang dapat mengklasifikasikan sinyal EEG terhadap rangsangan suara menggunakan ekstraksi power spektral dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation dan mengklasifikasikan terhadap 3 kelas yaitu musik klasik, murotal Al-Quran dan musik rock. Ekstraksi menggunakan power spectral dengan lebar window 2 detik dan overlap 50% serta klasifikasi...
Saat ini pengunjung perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” mengisi bukutamu dengan cara mengetik data d... more Saat ini pengunjung perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” mengisi bukutamu dengan cara mengetik data diri secara lengkap baik sebagai member maupun non member. Dan cara tersebut sangat rentan terhadap manipulasi data, sedangkan validasi pengunjung perpustakaan sangat diperlukan untuk rekapituasi laporan pengunjung secara berkala dan pada saat dilakukan akreditasi perpustakaan. Sistem pencatatan pengunjung perpustakaan yang saat ini ada di perpustakaan STMIK “AMIKBANDUNG” memerlukan permbaharuan. Karena dampak dari pembaharuan yang dilakukan sangat baik bagi perpustakaan kampus. Maka dari itu, Penulis melakukan penambahan fitur pada aplikasi open source SLiMS. Desain bukutamu yang nantinya akan dibagi menjadi dua tipe yaitu member dan non member. Mahasiswa yang masuk kedalam kategori member hanya memasukan ID member kedalam form pencatatan buku tamu. Dan untuk non member, tetap mengisi data diri nya secara lengkap. Sehingga memudahkan juga petugas perpustakaan untuk melakukan rekapitulasi...
One of the important things that need to be considered in student assessment is the problem of st... more One of the important things that need to be considered in student assessment is the problem of student presence. The student attendance process that is very commonly done by universities is recording attendance manually, as currently applied by STMIK "AMIKBANDUNG". QR Code technology is a technology that can encode and decode all types of data into an image in the form of a code and can be read with a smartphone, this is very suitable for use as data validation, which is usually used for digital payment methods today. With these advantages QR Code technology can be implemented as well as supporting media in the smooth process of lecture attendance, This is interesting to the author to conduct research on lecture presence design using QR Code technology, with QR Code technology, each student is expected to no longer need to sign the form absent because the presence data will be identified automatically via a smartphone that can scan the QR Code and be stored in the system d...
Inventaris secara deskriptif dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kegiatan pencatatan selengkapnya menge... more Inventaris secara deskriptif dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kegiatan pencatatan selengkapnya mengenai barang-barang inventaris yang telah dibeli, diterima, dibagikan dan dipakai dalam suatu lingkup organisasi, baik mengenai barang tahan lama maupun habis pakai. Sistem inventaris di PT. Askes (Persero) masih dilakukan secara manual dengan membagikan blangko pada masing-masing ruangan untuk diisi dan selanjutnya blangko tersebut dikumpulkan di Bagian Umum dan dientry menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Kondisi ini menimbulkan beberapa masalah yaitu sulit mengetahui masa aktif barang, sulit mengetahui posisi barang saat ini karena sering terjadi perpindahan barang dan tidak sesuai antara catatan dengan fisik barang. Kondisi ini yang melatarbelakangi adanya pengembangan sistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi inventaris berbasis web pada PT. Askes (Persero) Cabang Mataram. Metodologi pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle (...
Gambar simetris dapat dibangkitkan dengan algoritma iterasi acak pada modelfraktal IFS (iterated ... more Gambar simetris dapat dibangkitkan dengan algoritma iterasi acak pada modelfraktal IFS (iterated function systems) dengan menggunakan teknik rotasikuadran. Teknik rotasi dilakukan mulai dari kuadran ketiga ke kuadran kedua,pertama dan keempat atau mulai dari kuadran ketiga ke kuadran keempat,pertama dan kedua secara berturut-turut. Pada kuadran ketiga dilakukanperancangan collage dimulai dengan pemanfaatan komponen fraktal IFS yangtidak memiliki sifat keserupaan-diri seperti bentuk garis, sedangkan pada kuadranlainnya dilakukan perancangan collage dengan pemanfaatan komponen fraktal IFSyang memiliki sifat keserupaan-diri. Teknik rotasi kuadran dilakukan dalam duafase. Pada fase pertama dilakukan perancangan collage dengan rotasi kuadransearah jarum jam sebagai varian rancangan pertama, dan dilakukan rotasiberlawanan arah jarum jam sebagai varian rancangan kedua. Demikian pula padafase kedua, rotasi dilakukan searah jarum jam untuk varian rancangan pertamadan rotasi dilakukan berlawa...
Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fract... more Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fractal form as basic animation method can be implemented by a modified version of the random iteration algorithm as basic algorithm. In this way it is possible to create an attractive animation based on the combination of both animation methods as a generic animation method, as discussed in this paper. The proposed method can be used as an alternative for or as an extension of the existing animation methods in classical geometry, which are restricted to objects with regular forms. The proposed method can be used to produce more attractive media for interactively learning about the behavior of manipulated objects of any form.
Animation of two celestial objects as a pair moving around a fixed point and one of them is as a ... more Animation of two celestial objects as a pair moving around a fixed point and one of them is as a satellite of another as a planet is very interesting to be simulated, so the orbital trajectory of the satellite rotating around the planet which is rotating around a fixed point can be observed, predicted and explained for educational purpose. Compared to the conventional animation, the fractal animation model is easier to be handled just by calling the rotation procedure for the satellite object around the planet object and the same revolution procedure around a fixed point for both objects with a certain parameter to determine the speed of rotation and revolution.
The metamorphic technology is very important to make an animation exhibits the gradually changes ... more The metamorphic technology is very important to make an animation exhibits the gradually changes from the source image into the target images. If the source and target image that represent the same circle-like fractal object are slightly different, then the metamorphic animation can exhibits the rotational and zooming effects. If the order of functions in the 2D IFS code of circle-like fractal as a node in the multitransitional IFS code differ compared to the next node by shifting one function, then the rotational effect is occurred. But if the order of functions in the 2D IFS code of circlelike fractal as a node in the multi-transitional IFS code differ compared to the next node by shifting more than one function, then the rotational and zooming effects are occurred. Keywords Zooming and rotational effects, metamorphic animation, circle-like fractal, multi-transitional IFS code
In this paper, the growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractals are presented.... more In this paper, the growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractals are presented. The metamorphic animation technique is always interesting, especially the animation which is involving objects in the nature that can be represented by fractals. Through the inverse problem process, objects in nature can be encoded into IFS fractals form by means of the collage theorem and self-affine function. Multidirectional, bidirectional and unidirectional growing effects in metamorphic animation of plant-like fractal can be simulated based on a family of transitional IFS code naturally between the source and target objects by an IFS rendering algorithm.
Papers by Tedjo Darmanto