Papers by Tatiana Velasco
![Research paper thumbnail of Ischnura graellsii (Insecta: Odonata) a Water Pollution Biovulnerability Indicator - Probability Mapping using Spatial Uncertainty](
Monitoring changes of anthropogenic impacts from a broad scope of species in biodiversity researc... more Monitoring changes of anthropogenic impacts from a broad scope of species in biodiversity research require practical, easy-to-use and efficient assessment as well as monitoring methods. Odonates (Insecta: Odonata) are a valuable tool for assessing freshwater systems' quality and have been used as bioindicators of environmental variety. The Águeda watershed, located in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula, shows an exponential increase in the last 60 years of natural resource exploitation coupled with alterations in consumer habits, causing significant environmental changes and deferred direct effects on the natural habitats. Fourteen river sites, selected a priori, were sampled. Adult odonates were collected using standardized methods. Selected environmental variables and water quality parameters were evaluated in situ. Precipitation and altitude were the most important physical, environmental variables in explaining the assemblage structure. Meaningful abiotic-biotic as well as biotic-biotic relationships were set up. Furthermore, situations in the urbanized watershed area showed to be highly impacted and closely related with damselfly Ischnura graellsii, which should be targeted as a possible vulnerability indicator for polluted fresh waters. A probability map for Ischnura graellsii distribution was performed using indicator kriging with external drift and spatial uncertainty obtain through the calculation of two categorical maps (binary), corresponding to the mean (0.485) and the trimmed mean by discharging the 10% lower distribution tail (0.533). The subsequent overlapping of both categorical maps (binary) allowed the definition of the higher spatial uncertainty map for surface water contamination.
![Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización de lesiones en jugadores de fútbol de las categorías sub 19 y sub 20](
El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar las lesiones de mayor incidencia en futbolistas... more El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar las lesiones de mayor incidencia en futbolistas. Se presenta un estudio de alcance descriptivo y diseño transversal, cuyos criterios de inclusión son: deportistas (hombres), que llevaran con el club más de tres meses continuos de trabajo y asistan a más del 95% de los entrenamientos programados. La población total involucró 47 jugadores de la categoría Sub 19 y Sub 20; la media de edad fue de 16,24 (14-19 años DS ±1,676). El 73,1% del total de los jugadores reportó lesiones de origen osteomuscular durante su práctica deportiva, reportando al trauma directo como el más recurrente. Se encontró relación entre el número de lesiones durante la práctica deportiva y las presentadas en los últimos seis meses (p<0,001); entre el tiempo de práctica deportiva y la presencia de lesiones (p˂0,05). Se determinaron las lesiones osteomusculares como las principales, encontrando relaciones entre el tiempo total de trabajo práctico con la aparición...
Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-0703 / Arrhytmias: The evaluation of the impact on cardiac MRI" b... more Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-0703 / Arrhytmias: The evaluation of the impact on cardiac MRI" by: "E. Yllera Contreras, M. D. L. A. Gutierrez Fuente, C. Jimenez Zapater, J. Crespo del Pozo, J. Arnaiz, T. Piedra Velasco, A. Canga Villegas; Santander/ES"
Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-2166 / Fake tumors in adolescents: MRI findings of lower limb apophysi... more Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-2166 / Fake tumors in adolescents: MRI findings of lower limb apophysitis" by: "A. Salvador Errasti, C. Jimenez, J. Arnaiz, T. Piedra Velasco, A. Garcia Bolado, E. Yllera Contreras; Santander/ES"
Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-2971 / Understanding the effect of k-space processes on the characteri... more Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-2971 / Understanding the effect of k-space processes on the characteristics of MR images" by: "A. Garcia Bolado, V. F Canales, J. Arnaiz, T. Piedra Velasco, A. Salvador Errasti, C. Jimenez Zapater; Santander/ES"
![Research paper thumbnail of Beneficios Econnmicos y Laborales de La Educaciin Media y Acceso a la Educaciin Superior (Economic and Labor Market Returns of High School and Access to Higher Education)](
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Spanish Abstract: El objetivo de este capitulo es caracterizar el acceso a la educacion superior ... more Spanish Abstract: El objetivo de este capitulo es caracterizar el acceso a la educacion superior y al mercado laboral e identificar los determinantes de la transicion desde la educacion basica (grado noveno) a la educacion media y a la educacion superior. A partir de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH), se encuentra que existe una relacion positiva y creciente entre el ingreso y el nivel educativo. En adicion, el acceso al mercado laboral aumenta cuando el nivel educativo es mayor. Se observa que los beneficios que reciben los individuos con educacion media completa son apreciables, aunque son sustancialmente menores a los obtenidos con niveles educativos mas altos. Los factores asociados al acceso a la educacion superior se analizan con base en el Sistema Integrado de Matricula (Simat) y al Sistema para la Prevencion de la Desercion en educacion superior (Spadies). Se encuentra que los estudiantes en extraedad y que pertenecen a los estratos socioeconomicos mas bajos tienen menor probabilidad de permanencia en la educacion media y menor probabilidad de acceso a la educacion superior. Estos resultados se contrarrestan con las caracteristicas de las sedes educativas y estan relacionados con mayor calidad tales como la proporcion de docentes de planta y sedes con grado undecimo. Asimismo, la oferta de cupos de educacion superior se asocia positivamente con el acceso a este nivel educativo. English Abstract This chapter aims to characterize access to higher education and labor market, and to identify the determinants of the transition from ninth grade to high school and higher education. Based on information from Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH), we found that there is a positive and growing relationship between income and schooling. In addition, access to the labor market increases when schooling is higher. We found that the benefits received by individuals with complete high school are significant, though substantially lower than those obtained with higher levels of education. Factors associated with access to higher education are analyzed based on data from the Sistema Integrado de Matricula (Simat) and the Sistema para la Prevencion de la Desercion en educacion superior (Spadies). We found that overaged students and those who belong to lower socioeconomic strata have lower probability of persistence in high school and lower access to higher education. Nevertheless, these findings are counteracted by school’s characteristics related to better education quality, such as proportion of civil service teachers and school with eleventh grade. Likewise, the supply of higher education is positively associated with the access to this educational level.
![Research paper thumbnail of Distribución de Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) en el norte de la provincia de Valladolid, España](
Distribución de Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) en el norte d... more Distribución de Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) en el norte de la provincia de Valladolid, España RESUMEN Se analiza la distribución de Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier, 1840) en la mitad norte de la provincia de Valladolid, y la variación del dibujo dorsal del segundo segmento abdominal S2 en machos de poblaciones cercanas. La especie fue detectada en 61 lugares distintos, siendo los arroyos los más numerosos (86,9% de los casos), seguidos de ríos (4,9%), lagunas (3,3%), canales (1,6%), surgencias (1,6%) y pozos (1,6%). Se registraron tres tipos principales de dibujo de S2, dos de ellos en porcentaje similar (43,7% y 42,6%) y otro en el 13,7% de los machos analizados. Puesto que en el área de estudio existen numerosas poblaciones en pequeños arroyos que se secan en verano, se sugiere una mejor gestión del caudal en estos cauces como medida de conservación de la especie. Palabras clave: arroyos, conservación, Odonatos, zigópteros, zonas agrícola...
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 2004
Os autores relatam um caso de obstrução nasal unilateral, rinorréia purulenta e infecção crônica ... more Os autores relatam um caso de obstrução nasal unilateral, rinorréia purulenta e infecção crônica em um mulher de 57 anos causada por rinolito. A patologia mais freqüentemente encontrada em associação com rinolitíase é a sinusite crônica. A rinolitíase é uma concreção calcária estratificada visível ao exame radiológico. O rinolito pode ser um achado acidental em alguns pacientes. Rinolitos são raros e podem ter várias apresentações clínicas. O tratamento de escolha é remoção cirúrgica. Um alto índice de suspeição é necessário para o correto diagnóstico.
![Research paper thumbnail of Socio-economic inequalities in malnutrition among children and adolescents in Colombia: the role of individual-, household- and community-level characteristics](
Public Health Nutrition, 2012
ObjectiveTo examine socio-economic inequalities in malnutrition among Colombian children and adol... more ObjectiveTo examine socio-economic inequalities in malnutrition among Colombian children and adolescents, and to assess the contribution of individual-, household- and community-level factors to those inequalities.DesignCross-sectional data were used from two sources: 2005 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey and 2005 Colombian census. Malnutrition outcomes included stunting and overweight. Multilevel Poisson models were used to estimate the association between individual, household and contextual characteristics and malnutrition. Changes in prevalence ratios of the poorest quintile (v. richest) were compared to assess the contribution of different characteristics to inequalities in malnutrition.SettingPopulation-based, representative of Colombia.SubjectsChildren and adolescents <18 years of age (n 30 779) from the Colombian Demographic and Health Survey.ResultsChildren and adolescents living in the poorest households were close to five times more likely to be stunted, while t...
![Research paper thumbnail of 461 the Relationship Between Hip Impairments and Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Preliminary Study](
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2011
Purpose: Among older adults, low back pain (LBP) is the most frequently reported musculoskeletal ... more Purpose: Among older adults, low back pain (LBP) is the most frequently reported musculoskeletal problem. From a clinical perspective, rehabilitation professionals have often noted a link between hip dysfunction and LBP among older adults. Offierski and McNab originally described hip-spine syndrome as the presence of symptoms due to an abnormal biomechanical relationship between the hip joint and spine likely related to degenerative pathology in one or both joints; but, little work has been done to elucidate this relationship. The purpose of this study was to preliminarily assess whether clinical hip impairments, which are indicative of hip osteoarthritis (OA), were associated with the presence of chronic LBP among older adults. Methods: We have conducted a preliminary comparative study of community-dwelling older adults with and without chronic LBP, including 82 participants (mean age: 71.53±6.57 years) of whom 43 had CLP and 42 were pain-free. Participants were included if they were between 60 and 85 years old and had not experienced recent trauma, spinal surgery or recent treatment for LBP. Participants with chronic LBP were included if (1) he/she had experienced LBP on most days for at least the past three months, (2) reported pain severity >3 on the Pain Thermometer, and (3) reported no other bodily pain greater than their LBP. Individuals in the control group were included if they had no current LBP and had not had any LBP for the previous six months. We examined clinical hip impairments that were proposed predictors of radiographic hip OA according to American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines, including hip joint pain, morning stiffness in the hip that lasts /=15 degrees. Participants were also asked to self-report whether they had been given a radiographic diagnosis of hip OA by a physician. Chisquare analysis was used to determine differences in the prevalence of hip impairments between older adults with and without chronic LBP. A series of logistic regression models were also fit with LBP group as the response variable and the clinical hip impairment variables from the ACR clinical prediction rules as the criterion variables. Logistic regression models were adjusted for age, sex and race. Results: Hip joint pain (37.2% vs. 11.9%, p = 0.01), morning stiffness (30.2% vs. 11.9%, p = 0.06) and pain with hip IR (16.3% vs. 2.4%, p = 0.03) were more common among older adults with chronic LBP. In fact, 53.5% of all participants with chronic LBP had at least one hip symptom as compared to only 16.7% of the pain-free group (p < 0.0001). The presence of at least one clinical hip symptom (joint pain, pain with IR or morning stiffness) was significantly associated with more than a 7-fold greater odds of having chronic LBP [OR (95% CI): 7.15 (2.30-22.21)]. Individually, hip internal rotation ROM was not significantly associated with CLBP status (p > 0.05). For each additional clinical hip impairment present (including symptom and ROM variables), there was more than a 2-fold increase in the odds of having chronic LBP [OR (95% CI): 2.20 (1.17-4.12)]. Finally, 14% of the participants with LBP reported a radiographic diagnosis of hip OA compared to 2.4% of the group without LBP (p = 0.06). Conclusions: Clinical hip impairments are more prevalent among older adults with chronic LBP as compared to their peers without pain. There has long been consensus that researchers should focus on classifying patients into clinically relevant subgroups that share similar clinical characteristics to improve treatment outcomes. It appears that one such subgroup among older adults with chronic LBP consists of those with co-existing hip impairments. Our preliminary data suggests that the relationship between LBP and co-existing hip impairments should be systematically studied in order to determine if hip joint dysfunction should be a potential treatment target for some older adults with chronic LBP.
Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-1167 / Adrenal mases: Usefulness MRI tissue differentation" by: &... more Poster: "ECR 2010 / C-1167 / Adrenal mases: Usefulness MRI tissue differentation" by: "J. Crespo del Pozo, E. Yllera Contreras, A. Salvador Errasti, C. Jimenez Zapater, T. Piedra Velasco, A. Garcia Bolado, R. Garcia-Barredo Perez, A. Canga; Santander/ES"
![Research paper thumbnail of Trayectorias de Permanencia, Deserciin y Repitencia en la Educaciin Secundaria Colombiana y Sus Factores Asociados (Trajectories of Persistence, Grade Repetition and Dropout in Colombia's Secondary Education System and Its Associated Factors)](
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Spanish Abstract: Este documento examina las caracteristicas que determinan el paso de la secunda... more Spanish Abstract: Este documento examina las caracteristicas que determinan el paso de la secundaria basica a la media y los factores asociados a la repitencia de grado en estos niveles. Con base en la informacion del Sistema Integrado de Matricula (Simat), se encuentra que menos del 70 % de los estudiantes que se observan en sexto grado alcanzan grado undecimo, aunque esta cifra ha aumentado en anos recientes. Factores como el estrato socioeconomico del estudiante, estar en extraedad, ser beneficiario de Familias en Accion, la calidad de los docentes de los colegios, estudiar en un colegio de jornada completa o estudiar en uno que tenga grado undecimo son claves para la permanencia a lo largo de la secundaria. Al analizar la desercion se encuentra que no existen grandes diferencias en las tasas entre los diferentes grados. En particular, no se ve evidencia de que la tasa de desercion sea mas alta entre noveno y decimo grado — es decir, en el paso de secundaria basica a educacion media —, como generalmente se afirma. En contraste, la tasa de desercion si es significativamente mas alta cuando se pasa de primaria a secundaria, es decir, de quinto a sexto grado. Este resultado indica que se deben implementar intervenciones que fomenten la permanencia desde etapas tempranas del ciclo educativo. Finalmente, se encuentra que el 29 % de los estudiantes en secundaria repite al menos un grado y que los factores que estan asociados a una menor tasa de desercion tienen una correlacion positiva con la tasa de repitencia. English Abstract This document analyzes the characteristics that determine the transition from middle school to high school and the factors associated with grade retention at these educational levels. Based on information from the Sistema Integrado de Matricula (Simat), we find that less than 70 % of the students observed in sixth grade reach eleventh grade, though this number has increased in recent years. Characteristics such as student’s socioeconomic stratum, being overage, being beneficiary of Familias en Accion, the quality of school’s teachers, attending a full-time school or attending a school that has eleventh grade, are key to the persistence through secondary school. When analyzing dropout rates, we find that there are not significant differences in the rates between grades. In particular, we do not find evidence that dropout rates are higher between ninth and tenth grade — that is, in the transition from middle to high school — as is usually argued. In contrast, we find that dropout rate is in fact higher in the transition from primary to secondary school, that is, from fifth to sixth grade. This finding indicates that interventions that promote persistence at early stages of schooling should be implemented. Finally, we find that 29 % of the students in secondary repeat at least one grade, and that the factors associated to lower dropout rates are positively correlated with grade retention.
Papers by Tatiana Velasco