Pokok bahasan dalan tulisan ini adalah bagaimana amal shaleh menurut konsep al-Qur'an. Jenis kaji... more Pokok bahasan dalan tulisan ini adalah bagaimana amal shaleh menurut konsep al-Qur'an. Jenis kajiannya adalah library researct (kajian pustaka) dengan pendekatan maudhu'i. Fungsi Al-Quran adalah hudan li al-nas, yaitu menjadi petunjuk bagi manusia. Dengan fungsi itu, al-Quran berisi tuntunan menuju jalan yang lurus. Petunjuk ke jalan yang lurus tersebut dimaksudkan agar hidup manusia bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Jalan menuju kebahagian hanya dapat dicapai dengan prestasi kebaikan. Prestasi kebaikan itu dalam terminologi moral Islam (akhlaq) disebut dengan al-'amal alshalihat.namun kategori amal shaleh dalam al-Qur'an adalah semua perbuatan baik yang dilakukan dengan landasan iman. Apa yang dituangkan dalam tulisan ini hanya sebatas ijtihad untuk mendekatkan pemahaman terhadap salah satu tema yang diungkap al-Qur'an. Kata Kunci: Amal Shalehi-Konsep-al-Qur'an Pendahuluan Al-Qur'an al-Karim turun sedikit demi sedikit, selama sekitar 22 tahun lebih. Ayat-ayatnya berintegrasi dengan budaya dan perkemmbangan masyarakat yang dijumpainya. Kendati demikian, nilai-nilai yang diamanatkannya dapat diterapkan pada setiap situasi dan kondisi. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh para ulama dalam memahami makna kandungan ayat untuk selanjutnya diterapkan brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
Salah satu fungsi kritik matan adalah untuk memastikan otensititas dan kevalidan hadis. Sasaran k... more Salah satu fungsi kritik matan adalah untuk memastikan otensititas dan kevalidan hadis. Sasaran kritik matan adalah kandungan atau isi sebuah hadis. Analisis historis digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran isi hadis. Analisis historis dalam kaitannya dengan penelitian matan hadis adalah sesuatu yang urgen. Hal ini karena terkait dengan pengakuan otentisitas dan validitas matan hadis. Sebab, gejala sosial kemanusiaan terkait dengan lingkungan dan sejarahnya. Konsekuensinya apabila suatu hadis bertentangan dengan fakta historis, maka matan hadis tersebut tidak memenuhi kaidah kesahihan matan, sehingga hadis tersebut dapat dinyatakan lemah (daif). Dengan demikian, analisis sejarah berguna untuk menunjukkan kelemahan dan kepalsuan hadis. The main function of haditz critic is to ensure originality and validity of the haditz. Its objective is the core content (matan) a haditz. Historical analysis is used to examine validity. Historical analysis therefore is so vipotal. This is because it is associated with recognition of the authenticity and validity of honor haditzs. It is because human social-interaction associated with its environment and history. Consequently, if a hadith contradicts with historical facts, then a haditz does not meet the rules of validity; as result, the haditz can be classiefied weak (daif). Thus, historical analysis is useful to show the weakness and falsehood of a haditz. Kata Kunci: hadits, kritika matan dan analisis sejarah.
This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in F... more This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency", with sub-problems, namely: How are the Efforts of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District Gowa Regency and What are the obstacles of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families. The results of this study indicate that the efforts of Islamic religious instructors in fostering families towards sakinah families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, namely: Conducting Routine Counseling, Development of Religious Aspects through Friday 'at worship and the Taklim Assembly. The obstacles experienced by Islamic extension agents in fostering a family towards a sakinah family are: lack of participation from the community, a lack of openness from the community and the community feel that their family is fine
Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam disertasi ini adalah bagaimana konsep Islam dalam menghapu... more Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam disertasi ini adalah bagaimana konsep Islam dalam menghapuskan perbudakan? Sumber utama disertasi ini adalah ayat-ayat dan hadits-hadits tentang perbudakan. Ayat-ayat dan hadits-hadits yang berkaitan dengan perbudakan tersebut dihimpun dengan metode tematik. Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan pendekatan histories berdasarkan prinsip dasar ajaran Islam, yaitu prinsip kemanusiaan, kebebasan, persamaan dan keadilan. Hasil temuan membuktikan ketidakbenaran bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan. Philip K. Hitti misalnya, mengatakan bahwa Islam sebenarnya melanjutkan lembaga perbudakan Arab Kuno, bahkan melegalkannya. Abdullah Ahmad al-Na’im mengatakan bahwa Islam mengakui perbudakan sebagai sebuah institusi, tetapi mengharuskan pembebasannya dengan berbagai cara; tapi sejauh itu tidak ada nash yang secara tegas melarangnya. Setelah mengungkap bagaimana konsep yang diterapkan Rasulullah saw. dalam mengatasi perbudakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Islam tidak melegalkan perbudakan. Bahkan, Rasulullah saw. telah melakukan reformasi sosial terhadap sistem perbudakan. Misalnya, status hamba sahaya pada masa Rasulullah saw. tidak lagi sama dengan status mereka sebelumnya. Mereka telah mengerti hak dan kewajibannya, mereka telah bebas bergerak, bersuara, bahkan bebas menentukan nasib dirinya. Beberapa tulisan sebelumnya turut membantah bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan. Antara lain: Syubhât Hawla al-Islâm (Beirut: 1973) oleh Muhammad Quthub. Ia mengatakan bahwa ada beberapa ajaran Islam yang dipahami secara keliru oleh beberapa kalangan sehingga pengertian yang mereka peroleh bertolak belakang dengan maksud Islam yang sebenarnya. Ajaran yang disalahpahami itu antara lain masalah perbudakan. The Spirit of Islam, A History of The Evaluation an Ideals of Islam with a Life of Prophet (New Delhi: 1978) oleh Sayyed Ameer Ali. Ameer Ali mengatakan, anggapan sebahagian orang bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan muncul karena dipicu oleh ketidakpekaan terhadap substansi ajaran Islam, sejarah sosial masyarakat Arab sebelum kedatangan Rasulullah saw., dan kegagalan kaum muslimin menjelaskan masalah perbudakan. Nizhâm al-Riqqi fi al-Islâm (Yordania: 1984) oleh Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. Ulwan berkesimpulan bahwa Rasulullah saw. sebenarnya telah mengeringkan semua sumber perbudakan kecuali perang syar’i; bahkan telah berhasil memerdekakan budak melalui aneka sarana yang progresif dengan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang cemerlang. Tulisan-tulisan di atas tidak secara khusus membahas masalah perbudakan kecuali Ulwan. Tapi Ulwan lebih banyak mengungkap bagaimana cara Islam membebaskan budak, sehingga dalam beberapa hal terdapat persamaan. Karena disertasi ini difokuskan untuk mengungkap bahwa sesungguhnya Islam tidak melegalkan perbudakan, maka dengan sendirinya memiliki banyak perbedaan terutama cara dan pendekatan yang digunakan.
Pembinaan karakter menjadi perhatian besar Rasulullah saw sebagai mana yang ditegaskan dalam sebu... more Pembinaan karakter menjadi perhatian besar Rasulullah saw sebagai mana yang ditegaskan dalam sebuah pernyataannya: Aku dibangkitkan untuk menyempurnakan akhlak mulia. Beliau berusaha menanamkan karakter kenabian, salah satunya adalah kejujuran. Point penting pembinaan karakter Rasulullah saw adalah keteladanan, bertahap dan konsisten. Pembinaan yang dilakukan lebih menekankan pada sikap mencontohkan. Orang yang menginginkan karakter yang baik harus menjadikan Rasulullah sebagai teladan hidupnya. Aplikasi keteladanan yang beliau anjurkan diantaranya adalah senantiasa jujur dalam setiap perkataan dan perbuatan sebab kejujuran adalah syarat mutlak terbentuknya karakter yang terpuji.
Keluarga sakinah menjadi harapan semua keluarga muslim dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang mempunyai ... more Keluarga sakinah menjadi harapan semua keluarga muslim dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang bertakwa. Menciptakan suasana sakinah dalam keluarga bukanlah semata-mata tugas seorang istri, tetapi harus didukung oleh kedua belah pihak (suami-isteri). Istri dalam peran domestiknya itu hanya bersifat alamiyah, sementara pengasuhan anak untuk menciptakan keluarga sakinah bukan hanya berkisar pada masalah alamiyah saja, tetapi suri tauladan yang baik berdasarkan ajaran Islam, yang diperankan kedua orang tua dalam satu rumah tangga tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Pemahaman tersebut terungkap pada ulasan beberapa hadis dalam tulisan ini. Kata Kunci: Membentuk, Keluarga Sakinah, Hadis Happy family become the hope of all the Muslim family with the assumption that everyone has the ability to be a servant of God fearing. Creating an atmosphere of Vegas in the family is not merely the duty of a wife, but must be supported by both parties (husband and wife). Wife in a domestic role was merely around the globe, while childcare for creating a happy family is not just revolve around the issues around the globe, but good role models based on the teachings of Islam, which is played by both parents in a household can not be abandoned. That understanding was revealed to review some of the traditions in this paper.
Hadis, as the second source of Islamic law, has ben referred by muslims from the early periode of... more Hadis, as the second source of Islamic law, has ben referred by muslims from the early periode of Islam, in dealing with their both social and sprituai life. Due this reason, many parties, either muslim or non-muslim have used hadis not only in line with proper function as second source after the Qur'an but olso for improper usage. In order to deal with this issue, this article aims at providing a clear analysis on hadis position and its function as a source for Islamic legislation. By reffering to both Qur'anic interpretation ad hadis contents, and also dealing with opinions of Muslim. It is found that hadis is inseparable from the Qur'an. Surely, there has been a point in Islamic history when either certain Muslin or non-Muslim group denied to acknowledge hadis. This denial, however, was due to their iguarance towards the real means of the Qur'an and hadis itself.
This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to respo... more This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to response Islam Nusantara discourse. It is library research which takes contextual understanding on hadith and Islam Nusantara as its variables of research. The research result shown that contextual meaning is an approach which done, as an effort to analyze the meaning of hadith. it is done when there is inconsistency between the situation on a society or a certain time of decade. The hadith said that the leader should be taken from Quraisy tribe or the hadith about a nation will never find its prosperous when the leadership is given to woman are two examples which will get difficulties when it will be applied in Indonesia, as long as it is still understood textually. However, both do not find clashes when it is understood contextually. Therefore, all the Islam scientific are demanded to be ready in responding the actual problems on society life, especially in Indonesia archipelago, in order to reflect the elasticity of Islam teaching principle and method on mu'amalah and social relation issues.
Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam, May 31, 2020
Pokok masalah yang akan dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman kontekstual terhadap... more Pokok masalah yang akan dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman kontekstual terhadap nilai kesaksian wanita dalam al-Qur'an? Kajian ini adalah kajian pustaka yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan teologis dan sosiologis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pemahaman kontekstual terhadap ayat-ayat mengenai kesaksian wanita, dapat dikatakan bahwa al-Qur'an tidak pernah membedakan antara pria dan wanita. Al-Qur'an justru sedemikian menghargai dan menjunjung tinggi kemitrasejajaran antara pria dan wanita. Akan tetapi jika dipahami secara tekstual, justru cenderung menunjukkan sebaliknya. Yakni, wanita masih dipersepsikan sebagai "second creature" yang kemudian berimplikasi pada berbagai macam ketidakadilan misalnya dalam hal persaksian. Sebagai implikasi bahwa al-Qur'an tidak cukup dipami secara tekstual, sehingga mengharuskan adanya pemahamn kontekstual dengan berbagai pendekatan yang saling melengkapi. Kata Kunci : kesaksian wanita; Alqur'an; makhluk kedua The main issue to be answered in this paper is how is the contextual understanding of the value of women's testimony in the Qur'an? This study is a literature review analyzed descriptively qualitatively, with theological and sociological approaches. The results show that based on a contextual understanding of the verses regarding women's testimony, it can be said that the Qur'an never distinguishes between men and women. Al-Qur'an is precisely so respect and uphold the parallelism between men and women. However, if understood textually, it tends to show the opposite. Namely, women are still perceived as "second creatures" which then have implications for various kinds of injustice, for example in the case of testimony. As the implication that the Koran is not sufficiently understood textually, so that it requires contextual understanding with complementary approaches. Keywords: women's testimony; Al-Qur'an; second creature PENDAHULUAN Secara sosio-historis, superioritas pria atas wanita telah dikenal dalam agama maupun peradaban pra Islam seperti Yunani, Romawi, Yahudi, Nasrani dan sebagainya. 1 Sejarah pula
International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis, Jul 6, 2023
This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understandi... more This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understanding and practicing the hadith about respecting time. The research was conducted at the DDI al-Abrar Islamic Boarding School, Makassar as the research location. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of Islamic values in the hadith about respecting time is carried out through six strategies. The six strategies have a significant role in increasing student discipline. Students who understand and apply the hadith become more disciplined in carrying out their obligations effectively and efficiently. The implication of this research is that the practice of understanding hadith about respecting time can be an effective solution in increasing student discipline. Methodologically, the strategies found can be tested on a larger and more diverse population of students. Can also combine the strategies found with other learning programs to obtain more optimal results. In addition, you can look for other additional strategies that can help improve the discipline of students.
This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understandi... more This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understanding and practicing the hadith about respecting time. The research was conducted at the DDI al-Abrar Islamic Boarding School, Makassar as the research location. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of Islamic values in the hadith about respecting time is carried out through six strategies. The six strategies have a significant role in increasing student discipline. Students who understand and apply the hadith become more disciplined in carrying out their obligations effectively and efficiently. The implication of this research is that the practice of understanding hadith about respecting time can be an effective solution in increasing student discipline. Methodologically, the strategies found can be tested on a larger and more div...
Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Mar 4, 2021
This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in F... more This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency", with sub-problems, namely: How are the Efforts of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District Gowa Regency and What are the obstacles of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families. The results of this study indicate that the efforts of Islamic religious instructors in fostering families towards sakinah families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, namely: Conducting Routine Counseling, Development of Religious Aspects through Friday 'at worship and the Taklim Assembly. The obstacles experienced by Islamic extension agents in fostering a family towards a sakinah family are: lack of participation from the community, a lack of openness from the community and the community feel that their family is fine
This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to respo... more This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to response Islam Nusantara discourse. It is library research which takes contextual understanding on hadith and Islam Nusantara as its variables of research. The research result shown that contextual meaning is an approach which done, as an effort to analyze the meaning of hadith. it is done when there is inconsistency between the situation on a society or a certain time of decade. The hadith said that the leader should be taken from Quraisy tribe or the hadith about a nation will never find its prosperous when the leadership is given to woman are two examples which will get difficulties when it will be applied in Indonesia, as long as it is still understood textually. However, both do not find clashes when it is understood contextually. Therefore, all the Islam scientific are demanded to be ready in responding the actual problems on society life, especially in Indonesia archipelago, in order t...
Pokok bahasan dalan tulisan ini adalah bagaimana amal shaleh menurut konsep al-Qur'an. Jenis kaji... more Pokok bahasan dalan tulisan ini adalah bagaimana amal shaleh menurut konsep al-Qur'an. Jenis kajiannya adalah library researct (kajian pustaka) dengan pendekatan maudhu'i. Fungsi Al-Quran adalah hudan li al-nas, yaitu menjadi petunjuk bagi manusia. Dengan fungsi itu, al-Quran berisi tuntunan menuju jalan yang lurus. Petunjuk ke jalan yang lurus tersebut dimaksudkan agar hidup manusia bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Jalan menuju kebahagian hanya dapat dicapai dengan prestasi kebaikan. Prestasi kebaikan itu dalam terminologi moral Islam (akhlaq) disebut dengan al-'amal alshalihat.namun kategori amal shaleh dalam al-Qur'an adalah semua perbuatan baik yang dilakukan dengan landasan iman. Apa yang dituangkan dalam tulisan ini hanya sebatas ijtihad untuk mendekatkan pemahaman terhadap salah satu tema yang diungkap al-Qur'an. Kata Kunci: Amal Shalehi-Konsep-al-Qur'an Pendahuluan Al-Qur'an al-Karim turun sedikit demi sedikit, selama sekitar 22 tahun lebih. Ayat-ayatnya berintegrasi dengan budaya dan perkemmbangan masyarakat yang dijumpainya. Kendati demikian, nilai-nilai yang diamanatkannya dapat diterapkan pada setiap situasi dan kondisi. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh para ulama dalam memahami makna kandungan ayat untuk selanjutnya diterapkan brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
Salah satu fungsi kritik matan adalah untuk memastikan otensititas dan kevalidan hadis. Sasaran k... more Salah satu fungsi kritik matan adalah untuk memastikan otensititas dan kevalidan hadis. Sasaran kritik matan adalah kandungan atau isi sebuah hadis. Analisis historis digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran isi hadis. Analisis historis dalam kaitannya dengan penelitian matan hadis adalah sesuatu yang urgen. Hal ini karena terkait dengan pengakuan otentisitas dan validitas matan hadis. Sebab, gejala sosial kemanusiaan terkait dengan lingkungan dan sejarahnya. Konsekuensinya apabila suatu hadis bertentangan dengan fakta historis, maka matan hadis tersebut tidak memenuhi kaidah kesahihan matan, sehingga hadis tersebut dapat dinyatakan lemah (daif). Dengan demikian, analisis sejarah berguna untuk menunjukkan kelemahan dan kepalsuan hadis. The main function of haditz critic is to ensure originality and validity of the haditz. Its objective is the core content (matan) a haditz. Historical analysis is used to examine validity. Historical analysis therefore is so vipotal. This is because it is associated with recognition of the authenticity and validity of honor haditzs. It is because human social-interaction associated with its environment and history. Consequently, if a hadith contradicts with historical facts, then a haditz does not meet the rules of validity; as result, the haditz can be classiefied weak (daif). Thus, historical analysis is useful to show the weakness and falsehood of a haditz. Kata Kunci: hadits, kritika matan dan analisis sejarah.
This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in F... more This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency", with sub-problems, namely: How are the Efforts of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District Gowa Regency and What are the obstacles of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families. The results of this study indicate that the efforts of Islamic religious instructors in fostering families towards sakinah families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, namely: Conducting Routine Counseling, Development of Religious Aspects through Friday 'at worship and the Taklim Assembly. The obstacles experienced by Islamic extension agents in fostering a family towards a sakinah family are: lack of participation from the community, a lack of openness from the community and the community feel that their family is fine
Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam disertasi ini adalah bagaimana konsep Islam dalam menghapu... more Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam disertasi ini adalah bagaimana konsep Islam dalam menghapuskan perbudakan? Sumber utama disertasi ini adalah ayat-ayat dan hadits-hadits tentang perbudakan. Ayat-ayat dan hadits-hadits yang berkaitan dengan perbudakan tersebut dihimpun dengan metode tematik. Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan pendekatan histories berdasarkan prinsip dasar ajaran Islam, yaitu prinsip kemanusiaan, kebebasan, persamaan dan keadilan. Hasil temuan membuktikan ketidakbenaran bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan. Philip K. Hitti misalnya, mengatakan bahwa Islam sebenarnya melanjutkan lembaga perbudakan Arab Kuno, bahkan melegalkannya. Abdullah Ahmad al-Na’im mengatakan bahwa Islam mengakui perbudakan sebagai sebuah institusi, tetapi mengharuskan pembebasannya dengan berbagai cara; tapi sejauh itu tidak ada nash yang secara tegas melarangnya. Setelah mengungkap bagaimana konsep yang diterapkan Rasulullah saw. dalam mengatasi perbudakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Islam tidak melegalkan perbudakan. Bahkan, Rasulullah saw. telah melakukan reformasi sosial terhadap sistem perbudakan. Misalnya, status hamba sahaya pada masa Rasulullah saw. tidak lagi sama dengan status mereka sebelumnya. Mereka telah mengerti hak dan kewajibannya, mereka telah bebas bergerak, bersuara, bahkan bebas menentukan nasib dirinya. Beberapa tulisan sebelumnya turut membantah bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan. Antara lain: Syubhât Hawla al-Islâm (Beirut: 1973) oleh Muhammad Quthub. Ia mengatakan bahwa ada beberapa ajaran Islam yang dipahami secara keliru oleh beberapa kalangan sehingga pengertian yang mereka peroleh bertolak belakang dengan maksud Islam yang sebenarnya. Ajaran yang disalahpahami itu antara lain masalah perbudakan. The Spirit of Islam, A History of The Evaluation an Ideals of Islam with a Life of Prophet (New Delhi: 1978) oleh Sayyed Ameer Ali. Ameer Ali mengatakan, anggapan sebahagian orang bahwa Islam melegalkan perbudakan muncul karena dipicu oleh ketidakpekaan terhadap substansi ajaran Islam, sejarah sosial masyarakat Arab sebelum kedatangan Rasulullah saw., dan kegagalan kaum muslimin menjelaskan masalah perbudakan. Nizhâm al-Riqqi fi al-Islâm (Yordania: 1984) oleh Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. Ulwan berkesimpulan bahwa Rasulullah saw. sebenarnya telah mengeringkan semua sumber perbudakan kecuali perang syar’i; bahkan telah berhasil memerdekakan budak melalui aneka sarana yang progresif dengan prinsip-prinsip hukum yang cemerlang. Tulisan-tulisan di atas tidak secara khusus membahas masalah perbudakan kecuali Ulwan. Tapi Ulwan lebih banyak mengungkap bagaimana cara Islam membebaskan budak, sehingga dalam beberapa hal terdapat persamaan. Karena disertasi ini difokuskan untuk mengungkap bahwa sesungguhnya Islam tidak melegalkan perbudakan, maka dengan sendirinya memiliki banyak perbedaan terutama cara dan pendekatan yang digunakan.
Pembinaan karakter menjadi perhatian besar Rasulullah saw sebagai mana yang ditegaskan dalam sebu... more Pembinaan karakter menjadi perhatian besar Rasulullah saw sebagai mana yang ditegaskan dalam sebuah pernyataannya: Aku dibangkitkan untuk menyempurnakan akhlak mulia. Beliau berusaha menanamkan karakter kenabian, salah satunya adalah kejujuran. Point penting pembinaan karakter Rasulullah saw adalah keteladanan, bertahap dan konsisten. Pembinaan yang dilakukan lebih menekankan pada sikap mencontohkan. Orang yang menginginkan karakter yang baik harus menjadikan Rasulullah sebagai teladan hidupnya. Aplikasi keteladanan yang beliau anjurkan diantaranya adalah senantiasa jujur dalam setiap perkataan dan perbuatan sebab kejujuran adalah syarat mutlak terbentuknya karakter yang terpuji.
Keluarga sakinah menjadi harapan semua keluarga muslim dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang mempunyai ... more Keluarga sakinah menjadi harapan semua keluarga muslim dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang bertakwa. Menciptakan suasana sakinah dalam keluarga bukanlah semata-mata tugas seorang istri, tetapi harus didukung oleh kedua belah pihak (suami-isteri). Istri dalam peran domestiknya itu hanya bersifat alamiyah, sementara pengasuhan anak untuk menciptakan keluarga sakinah bukan hanya berkisar pada masalah alamiyah saja, tetapi suri tauladan yang baik berdasarkan ajaran Islam, yang diperankan kedua orang tua dalam satu rumah tangga tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Pemahaman tersebut terungkap pada ulasan beberapa hadis dalam tulisan ini. Kata Kunci: Membentuk, Keluarga Sakinah, Hadis Happy family become the hope of all the Muslim family with the assumption that everyone has the ability to be a servant of God fearing. Creating an atmosphere of Vegas in the family is not merely the duty of a wife, but must be supported by both parties (husband and wife). Wife in a domestic role was merely around the globe, while childcare for creating a happy family is not just revolve around the issues around the globe, but good role models based on the teachings of Islam, which is played by both parents in a household can not be abandoned. That understanding was revealed to review some of the traditions in this paper.
Hadis, as the second source of Islamic law, has ben referred by muslims from the early periode of... more Hadis, as the second source of Islamic law, has ben referred by muslims from the early periode of Islam, in dealing with their both social and sprituai life. Due this reason, many parties, either muslim or non-muslim have used hadis not only in line with proper function as second source after the Qur'an but olso for improper usage. In order to deal with this issue, this article aims at providing a clear analysis on hadis position and its function as a source for Islamic legislation. By reffering to both Qur'anic interpretation ad hadis contents, and also dealing with opinions of Muslim. It is found that hadis is inseparable from the Qur'an. Surely, there has been a point in Islamic history when either certain Muslin or non-Muslim group denied to acknowledge hadis. This denial, however, was due to their iguarance towards the real means of the Qur'an and hadis itself.
This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to respo... more This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to response Islam Nusantara discourse. It is library research which takes contextual understanding on hadith and Islam Nusantara as its variables of research. The research result shown that contextual meaning is an approach which done, as an effort to analyze the meaning of hadith. it is done when there is inconsistency between the situation on a society or a certain time of decade. The hadith said that the leader should be taken from Quraisy tribe or the hadith about a nation will never find its prosperous when the leadership is given to woman are two examples which will get difficulties when it will be applied in Indonesia, as long as it is still understood textually. However, both do not find clashes when it is understood contextually. Therefore, all the Islam scientific are demanded to be ready in responding the actual problems on society life, especially in Indonesia archipelago, in order to reflect the elasticity of Islam teaching principle and method on mu'amalah and social relation issues.
Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam, May 31, 2020
Pokok masalah yang akan dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman kontekstual terhadap... more Pokok masalah yang akan dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman kontekstual terhadap nilai kesaksian wanita dalam al-Qur'an? Kajian ini adalah kajian pustaka yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan teologis dan sosiologis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pemahaman kontekstual terhadap ayat-ayat mengenai kesaksian wanita, dapat dikatakan bahwa al-Qur'an tidak pernah membedakan antara pria dan wanita. Al-Qur'an justru sedemikian menghargai dan menjunjung tinggi kemitrasejajaran antara pria dan wanita. Akan tetapi jika dipahami secara tekstual, justru cenderung menunjukkan sebaliknya. Yakni, wanita masih dipersepsikan sebagai "second creature" yang kemudian berimplikasi pada berbagai macam ketidakadilan misalnya dalam hal persaksian. Sebagai implikasi bahwa al-Qur'an tidak cukup dipami secara tekstual, sehingga mengharuskan adanya pemahamn kontekstual dengan berbagai pendekatan yang saling melengkapi. Kata Kunci : kesaksian wanita; Alqur'an; makhluk kedua The main issue to be answered in this paper is how is the contextual understanding of the value of women's testimony in the Qur'an? This study is a literature review analyzed descriptively qualitatively, with theological and sociological approaches. The results show that based on a contextual understanding of the verses regarding women's testimony, it can be said that the Qur'an never distinguishes between men and women. Al-Qur'an is precisely so respect and uphold the parallelism between men and women. However, if understood textually, it tends to show the opposite. Namely, women are still perceived as "second creatures" which then have implications for various kinds of injustice, for example in the case of testimony. As the implication that the Koran is not sufficiently understood textually, so that it requires contextual understanding with complementary approaches. Keywords: women's testimony; Al-Qur'an; second creature PENDAHULUAN Secara sosio-historis, superioritas pria atas wanita telah dikenal dalam agama maupun peradaban pra Islam seperti Yunani, Romawi, Yahudi, Nasrani dan sebagainya. 1 Sejarah pula
International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis, Jul 6, 2023
This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understandi... more This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understanding and practicing the hadith about respecting time. The research was conducted at the DDI al-Abrar Islamic Boarding School, Makassar as the research location. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of Islamic values in the hadith about respecting time is carried out through six strategies. The six strategies have a significant role in increasing student discipline. Students who understand and apply the hadith become more disciplined in carrying out their obligations effectively and efficiently. The implication of this research is that the practice of understanding hadith about respecting time can be an effective solution in increasing student discipline. Methodologically, the strategies found can be tested on a larger and more diverse population of students. Can also combine the strategies found with other learning programs to obtain more optimal results. In addition, you can look for other additional strategies that can help improve the discipline of students.
This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understandi... more This study aims to examine the increase in student discipline through the practice of understanding and practicing the hadith about respecting time. The research was conducted at the DDI al-Abrar Islamic Boarding School, Makassar as the research location. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research show that the application of Islamic values in the hadith about respecting time is carried out through six strategies. The six strategies have a significant role in increasing student discipline. Students who understand and apply the hadith become more disciplined in carrying out their obligations effectively and efficiently. The implication of this research is that the practice of understanding hadith about respecting time can be an effective solution in increasing student discipline. Methodologically, the strategies found can be tested on a larger and more div...
Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Mar 4, 2021
This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in F... more This research raises the main problem of "How the Role of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency", with sub-problems, namely: How are the Efforts of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District Gowa Regency and What are the obstacles of Islamic Religious Instructors in Fostering Families Towards Sakinah Families. The results of this study indicate that the efforts of Islamic religious instructors in fostering families towards sakinah families in Tompobalang Village, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency, namely: Conducting Routine Counseling, Development of Religious Aspects through Friday 'at worship and the Taklim Assembly. The obstacles experienced by Islamic extension agents in fostering a family towards a sakinah family are: lack of participation from the community, a lack of openness from the community and the community feel that their family is fine
This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to respo... more This writing tries to show the importance of contextual understanding on hadith in order to response Islam Nusantara discourse. It is library research which takes contextual understanding on hadith and Islam Nusantara as its variables of research. The research result shown that contextual meaning is an approach which done, as an effort to analyze the meaning of hadith. it is done when there is inconsistency between the situation on a society or a certain time of decade. The hadith said that the leader should be taken from Quraisy tribe or the hadith about a nation will never find its prosperous when the leadership is given to woman are two examples which will get difficulties when it will be applied in Indonesia, as long as it is still understood textually. However, both do not find clashes when it is understood contextually. Therefore, all the Islam scientific are demanded to be ready in responding the actual problems on society life, especially in Indonesia archipelago, in order t...
Papers by Tasbih Tasbih