Papers by Thomas Hillecke

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 2015
Music therapists are university-trained professionals who invite palliative care patients, and th... more Music therapists are university-trained professionals who invite palliative care patients, and their significant family members and friends, to explore how creative music-based experiences in therapeutic relationships can address biopsychosocial needs and enhance spiritual well-being. The chapter illustrates how music therapists can extend music’s power to help patients across the lifespan live a quality life and support their families. Patients often choose familiar music to listen to, sing, or play that elicits people, places, emotions, and thoughts that they want to connect with. Through music therapy song writing and improvisation, patients and families creatively explore their ‘playful’ musical and unique selves, and potentially experience helpful new awareness, wonder, pride, and accomplishment. Patients’ song composition legacies can also support the bereaved. Music therapists offer guided music and relaxation or imagery interventions, to soothe and help with symptom manageme...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a music therapy relaxation interven... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a music therapy relaxation intervention in healthy population, measuring self-perceiving relaxation and different parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) as a marker of autonomous nervous system (ANS) functioning. We hypothesized that parasympathetic activity – indexed by different time- and frequency-domain measures of HRV - would be greater after 15 minutes listening to relaxing monochord sounds played by a professional therapist.

Abstract.Therapeutic use of music has a very long tradition though music therapy is a young branc... more Abstract.Therapeutic use of music has a very long tradition though music therapy is a young branch of research. In order to get a valid and general idea of the state of the art, reviews and meta-analysis on music therapy are particularly suitable. The review at hand contains ten meta-analyses and four reviews from 1986 to 2005, covering the „typical“ scope of music therapy. For each study, pivotal quality characteristics were recorded and evaluated. An analysis of effectiveness of music therapy reveals a large effect size of d=0,8. This result is comparable with results of established psychotherapeutic strategies. Studies containing more specific disease pattern reported larger effect sized. Nevertheless, these positive results are limited by methodological shortcomings of the primary studies. Therefore this review should be regarded as stopover only. It aims at en-couraging future music therapeutic research in order to move music therapy further main-stream in the health care system.

ABSTRACT Chronische Schmerzen beeinträchtigen motorische, sensorisch, behaviorale, kognitive, emo... more ABSTRACT Chronische Schmerzen beeinträchtigen motorische, sensorisch, behaviorale, kognitive, emotionalen und motivationale Ressourcen des Patienten. Diese Beeinträchtigung kann durch das Konzept des „erstarrten Bezugskorrelats“ beschrieben und für die Musiktherapie diagnostisch und therapeutisch genutzt werden. Ausgangspunkt zur Konzeption des erstarrten Bezugskorrelats war das Konzept der „gehemmten Expressivität“, mit dem Traue et al. den emotional-expressiven Variabilitätsverlust bei (Kopf- und Rücken-) Schmerzpatienten als muskulär-motorische Hemmung des emotionalen Ausdrucksverhaltens (Hemmung von Mimik, Gestik, Expressivität, Aktivität) unter stresshaften Bedingungen empirisch belegen konnten. Dieser emotional-expressive Variabilitätsverlust betrifft die Persönlichkeit bzw. das Leben des Patienten insofern, als seine Flexibilität im Sinne von Handlungsressourcen und Handlungsausdruck durch die andauernde oder rekurrierende Schmerzerfahrung stark eingeschränkt wird und zeigt sich auch im improvisatorischen Ausdruck des Patienten in der Musiktherapie. Nach dem „Four-stage model of pain-processing“ können prozesshaft unterschiedliche Stadien der Schmerzchronifizierung und einhergehenden Erstarrung beschrieben und beobachtet werden. Der Überbegriff der „musikalische Flexibilisierung“ scheint gut geeignet, die „spezifische“ Wirkung der Musiktherapie bei chronischen Schmerzen zu beschreiben. Flexibilisierung kann durch den Einsatz der verschiedensten musiktherapeutischen Techniken, auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen (z. B. emotionale Flexibilisierung) erreicht werden, und vermittelt dem Patienten so plausible die wirkweise der Therapietechniken. Die theoretischen Hintergründe der Konzeption des erstarrten Bezugskorrelats soll in diesem Vortrag erläutert und anhand von Videobeispielen aus der Praxis verdeutlicht werden.

Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 2010
Zusammenfassung. Der Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS; Thomas, Murphy & Hardy, 1999 ) ist ein... more Zusammenfassung. Der Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS; Thomas, Murphy & Hardy, 1999 ) ist ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung psychischer Techniken und Fertigkeiten, die Athleten im Training und Wettkampf verwenden. Auf der Basis einer Stichprobe von 378 Sportlern verfolgt dieser Beitrag das Ziel, die psychometrische Qualität einer deutschsprachigen Adaptation des TOPS (TOPS-D) zu untersuchen. Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen ergeben für den Trainings- sowie den Wettkampfkontext Hinweise für die Angemessenheit der postulierten Acht-Faktoren-Modelle. Die inneren Konsistenzen der Skalen schwanken zwischen .56 und .86 und betragen im Mittel .76. Der TOPS-D diskriminiert zwischen Athleten unterschiedlicher Leistungsstärke und korreliert im erwarteten Sinn mit einer deutschsprachigen Version des Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3*; Durand-Bush, Salmela & Green-Demers, 2001 ). Insgesamt bestätigen die Ergebnisse zum TOPS-D weitgehend jene zur Originalversion. Wenngleich einzelne ...

European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2012
Objective: There are presently no instruments available in German language to assess the therapeu... more Objective: There are presently no instruments available in German language to assess the therapeutic relationship in psychiatric care. This study validates the German version of the Scale to Assess the Therapeutic Relationship in Community Mental Health Care (D-STAR). Method: 460 persons with severe mental illness and 154 clinicians who had participated in a multicenter RCT testing a discharge planning intervention completed the D-STAR. Psychometric properties were established via item analysis, analyses of missing values, internal consistency, and confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, convergent validity was scrutinized via calculating correlations of the D-STAR scales with two measures of treatment satisfaction. Results: As in the original English version, fit indices of a 3-factor model of the therapeutic relationship were only moderate. However, the feasibility and internal consistency of the D-STAR was good, and correlations with other measures suggested reasonable converg...

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009
Autonomic nervous system activity is involved in body weight regulation. We assessed whether the ... more Autonomic nervous system activity is involved in body weight regulation. We assessed whether the body mass index (BMI) is related to the autonomic nervous system activity as assessed by heart rate variability (HRV). Twenty-five adult normotensive, euglycemic healthy males (M) and females (F) were studied (M/F ¼ 13/12). BMI was assessed in each individual. HRV was assessed and the domains of low frequencies (LF, index of the sympathetic modulation) and high frequencies (HF, index of the parasympathetic modulation) were measured. Data were statistically analyzed and are presented as mean±s.d. Mean BMI did not correlate with either HF or LF. It inversely related to HF (r ¼ À0.50, Po0.01), whereas its relationship with LF was marginally significant (r ¼ À0.39, P ¼ 0.05). The HF in individuals with BMI o20 kg/m 2 was significantly higher from those measured in the remaining subjects (Po0.05). The results support the role of parasympathetic activity in influencing BMI through likely modulation of body weight.
Papers by Thomas Hillecke