Papers by Tommy Apriantono

Background and Aim: The lower extremity pronation syndrome involves foot hyper pronation, knee in... more Background and Aim: The lower extremity pronation syndrome involves foot hyper pronation, knee internal rotation, and adduction. When sport exercises are properly designed and integrated, using a multifaceted training approach can help achieve goals without the need for other interventions. Ankle balance strategy restores balance by moving the body around the ankle joint. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight-weeks of combined corrective exercises on the activity of of involved muscles in girls' ankle strategy with lower extremity pronation syndrome. Materials and Method: In the current semi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design and control group, 30 students, aged 13-16 years old, with lower extremity pronation syndrome were randomly divided into two groups of experimental (n=15) and control (n=15). Prior to and after eight weeks of training for 60 to 80 minutes, three times a week, we evaluated flat foot using Navi drop test, knee valgus using tibiofemoral angle measurement, tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius muscles Electromyography (EMG) activity on Biodex Balance while standing on dominant. Results: Covariance analysis showed a significant difference in tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius muscles EMG between the two groups in the posttests. Also, corrective exercises was found to be significantly different on tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius amount of muscles activity at posttest compared with pretest and had approximately 94% and 62%, respectively, effects on the EMG of these muscles in girls with lower extremity pronation syndrome (p=0,001) (p=0,026). Conclusion: It seems that corrective mixed exercises led to changes such as increased muscles activity in those responsible for balance control such as increase in the tibialis anterior muscle activity and decrease in the gastrocnemius muscle activity, which are related to the ankle strategy. So it is recommended that specialists and researchers consider corrective exercises in order to improve balance strategies in people with pronation syndrome.

Saat ini sedang berkembang pencatatan waktu otomatis yang dijual oleh beberapa perusahan perlatan... more Saat ini sedang berkembang pencatatan waktu otomatis yang dijual oleh beberapa perusahan perlatan olahraga ternama seperti. Namun sayangnya, harga perangkat tersebut sangatlah mahal, dan membuat setiap pelatih ataupun praktisi olahraga terkendala untuk mendapatkannya. Karena fakta dan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prototipe sistem pencatatan waktu untuk pengukuran kecepatan secara otomatis pada sprint 60-meter, dengan menggunakan perangkat sederhana dengan harga yang murah, namun memiliki tingkat presisi dan akurasi yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian research and development, dimana dalam proses pengembangan dan pembuatan pencatatan waktu otomatis, penelitian ini mengambil contoh dari timing gate yang sudah divalidasi sebelumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, kami juga sudah melakukan uji coba kepada 12 atlet sprinter (tinggi badan 172.8 ± 9.31, berat badan 61.05 ± 6.90, BMI 20.38 ± 0.87) terkait kegunaan alat tersebut. Rata-ra...

Sport Sciences for Health, 2021
A fully automatic timing system is expensive and is normally used by recognized athletes or in in... more A fully automatic timing system is expensive and is normally used by recognized athletes or in international competitions. This study aims to develop a new photocell timing gate at an affordable price with a high maximum velocity (Vmax) for junior futsal players. Furthermore, it aims to compare new and validated photocell timing (NPT) gates with validated timing (VT) and manual hand-held timing (MHH). In this study, 12 junior male futsal players between the ages of 18 and 20 recruited from an ITB club were instructed to run as fast as possible. The Vmax during 60 m sprints was calculated using 3 methods: a new photocell timing (NPT) gate, which consists of one start and a three-track timer, manual hand-held timing (MHH) using a stopwatch (Seiko Stopwatch S23601P), and validated timing (VT) using a Smart Speed PT System, which consists of one start and a three-track timer. In addition, one maximum sprint trial of this procedure was conducted. ANOVA showed no significant differences b...

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2020
Background: Interest is the relationship between oneself and something outside oneself. The stron... more Background: Interest is the relationship between oneself and something outside oneself. The stronger or closer the relationship. The measurement of Joint Preparation Stage student interest in taking a sports course has never been measured in research among students. The purpose of this study was to find out how high the students' interest in participating in the Sports Lecture was and how general the fitness of Sports Lecture students was, especially the Sports Lecture lecturers in Semester II 2017/2018. Methods: Subjects in this study were 172 second semester students of ITB 2017/2018 academic year consisting of 90 male groups and 82 female groups. The instrument of interest research used a questionnaire with a validity value> 0.361 and Cronbach's Alpha reliability value of 0.968. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive with a percentage. Results: The mean score of the female and male groups was quite large. The female group had a mean score of 71.01...

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2016
Introduction: Sports education is not only beneficial for physical health but also has a proven p... more Introduction: Sports education is not only beneficial for physical health but also has a proven positive effect on academic achievement. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between fitness and health profiles, and academic achievement of ITB students. Methods: The study subjects were ITB students of the Matriculation Stage. Their fitness was assessed using a 2.4 km run-test, the health profile using a National Wellness Institute questionnaire, and the learning achievement scores taken from the end of the semester GPA. The relationship between the variables was analysed using descriptive statistics. Result: Students who participated in a sports course during a semester, and those with better fitness levels achieved better GPAs at the end of the semester. The students’ fitness levels, body mass index (BMI), leg strength, and health profile influenced their GPA. Furthermore, for both the first and second semester students, their body mass index, leg strength, and h...

The influences of coconut water and white sugar enriched coconut water compared to commercial sup... more The influences of coconut water and white sugar enriched coconut water compared to commercial supplement beverage to heal dehydration, have been investigated. Method used in this assesment was double blind cross over design in four times experiment and one week washout period. After conditioning athletes’ hydration, athletes ran at 75% VO2max for one hour until reached dehydration state. Then body fluid loss recovered during rehydration period equal to 120% fluid lost during exercise. Rehydration used coconut water recovered athletes’ condition back to normal through body weight and hematocrit recovery, with rehydration index better than control, which were 2,09±0,32, 2,40±0,45, 2,14±0,38 and 3,02±0,52 respectively for coconut water, enriched coconut water, “X” supplement beverage and plain water (control). Coconut water induced urine production less than sugar enriched coconut water and “X” supplement beverage, but enriched coconut water was better in maintaining athletes blood sug...

Futsal sangat diminati oleh berbagai kalangan di zaman ini. Banyak orang memainkan olahraga ini u... more Futsal sangat diminati oleh berbagai kalangan di zaman ini. Banyak orang memainkan olahraga ini untuk prestasi maupun rekreasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisiologi diantaranya denyut jantung, kadar asam laktat, pengeluaran energi, dan jumlah langkah para pemain futsal profesional dalam dua pertandingan berturut-turut. Sebanyak 8 pemain futsal profesional yang berasal dari salah satu klub futsal di Indonesia (22,50±0,25 tahun, 61,90±1,66 kg, 171±6,14 cm, 13,81±2,92 % lemak) dengan rata-rata pengalaman bermain 3 tahun, berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Para pemain bertanding dua kali dalam dua hari. Pengambilan data antropometri dan VO2 max (di luar pertandingan) serta pemantauan denyut jantung, kadar asam laktat, pengeluaran energi, dan jumlah langkah. Pengukuran VO2 max menggunakan bleep test. Denyut jantung dan pengeluaran energi menggunakan polar RC3 GPS. Kadar asam laktat menggunakan accutrend plus portable Jumlah langkah menggunakan step pedometer. D...

Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports, 2019
Physical activity is one of the things that affect one's fitness. Lack of physical activity a... more Physical activity is one of the things that affect one's fitness. Lack of physical activity and low levels of fitness in adolescents at the senior high school level have an impact on their low fitness levels at the college level. The presence of athletes at the senior high school level or at the pre-teaching program (PPLP) is interesting and therefore research on the level of physical activity and VO2 Max between senior high school students and PPLP students in West Java was conducted. the sample in this study consisted of 46 high school students (average age, height and weight) and 46 PPLP students (average age, height and weight). The samples’ physical activity was identified through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) whereas VO2 Max was identified using 2.4 KM Cooper test. This research is descriptive, so there was no treatment and the data retrieval was only conducted once. Overall, male students possessed the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 21.80 ± 3....

This research was conducted to design and build a shuttlecock launcher using local materials and ... more This research was conducted to design and build a shuttlecock launcher using local materials and components. The shuttlecock launcher was constructed by taking advantage of the various scientific skills of human resources at Institut Teknologi Bandung. The research focused on the design and construction of shuttlecock launcher as a training aid for badminton trainers. The advantages of this device are: 1. able to shoot shuttlecock with high accuracy; 2. able to shoot shuttlecock at the maximum speed of 150 km/h; 3. having total mass of the structure of less than 20 kg; 4. low production cost; 5. having feeding speed of one shuttlecock per two seconds.This device was constructed in the research group (KK) of Sport Sciences Laboratory of the School of Farmacy and Machinery and Aeronautics Faculty Laboratory at ITB while the experiment was conducted in Badminton Arena, GSG ITB . The research started from September to November 2011. The subjects of this research were the materials and ...
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of muscle fatigue on the soccer instep kicking mo... more The aim of this study was to examine the effect of muscle fatigue on the soccer instep kicking motion. The muscle fatigue was induced by repeated knee extension and flexion until exhaustion. The kicking motions of seven players were captured at 500 Hz using a three-dimensional cinematographic technique before and immediately after the fatigue protocol. We found the muscle fatigue declined the peak linear and angular velocity of the distal segment during kicking. This was most likely attributed to the reduced peak magnitudes of resultant moment and motion-depended interactive moment acting at the knee joint. These results indicated that the muscle fatigue not only declined the muscle force but also induced a worse inter-segmental coordination during kicking.

Introduction: Since years ago the first coconut water has been used as tradicional medicine to cu... more Introduction: Since years ago the first coconut water has been used as tradicional medicine to cure various diseases. The content of glucose, electrolytes, vitamins, and proteins in the coconut water can serve as a replacement of body fluitds, as an energy source, and rehydration enhancer. Today there are a lot of isotonic drinks products marketed in the community. The drinks usually contain glucose, sodium, and potassium. Isotonic drinks are used in this study is almost the same composition with coconut "genjah salak" water. Objective: to know when the glucose levels increase and decrease after administration of coconut "genjah salak" water and the provision of isotonic drinks. The results of this study is expected to initiate the development of natural isotonic beverage as the replacement of body fluids Method: The research method is the human clinical trials testing using double-blind cross-over design of the experiment. The measured parameter is the measurem...

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2019), 2020
Nowadays Futsal is in great demand by various circles. Many people play this sport for leisure or... more Nowadays Futsal is in great demand by various circles. Many people play this sport for leisure or for achievement. Aim of the study to compare the characteristics of physiology, heart rate, blood lactate levels, the number of steps, and energy expenditure for amateur futsal players in two consecutive matches. Total of eight amateur futsal players (23.75±0.71 years, 67.57±3.16 kg, 170±4.30 cm, 19.80±5.18 % fat mass). The players compete in two consecutive matches. The research method used in this study is the experimental method. The results were obtained an average VO2 max 43.90±5.48 ml /kg/min. Mean heart rate of amateur team in first day 170±10 and second day 174±10 bpm (p<0.05), the blood lactate level after the game in first day 6,35±2,67 and second day 10.10±1.90 mmol/L (p<0.05), the number of steps in first day 3285±877 and second day 2864±494,64 times (p<0.05), energy expenditure in first day 551±96,27 and second day 578±81.89 kcal (p<0.05). Physical fitness of amateur team are in good category. The activity of the futsal match for the amateur team are heavy activity. Distance covered the amateur team in second day is more less than first day, but the energy expenditure of amateur team in second day were larger than in the first day. The effect of two consecutive matches for amateur players is higher fatigue.
Jurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan
Hockey 5's merupakan format baru dari permainan hockey, belum ada penelitian yang memaparkan tent... more Hockey 5's merupakan format baru dari permainan hockey, belum ada penelitian yang memaparkan tentang karakteristik fisiologi pemain Hockey 5's. Karakteristik fisiologi permainan Hockey 5's penting diketahui untuk membantu para pelatih membuat program latihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rata-rata denyut jantung, kecepatan berlari, jarak tempuh dan pengeluaran energi pemain Hockey 5's saat pertandingan.

The study purpose was to examine the anaerobic and aerobic performance and also determine the inf... more The study purpose was to examine the anaerobic and aerobic performance and also determine the influence of the anaerobic performance on specific movements during a match-play. Materials and methods. A total of 12 Indonesian professional female players from Bandung district female futsal club were recruited and enrolled to participate in this study. They were required to complete one familiarization and two experimental sessions. During the first session (laboratory test), all players performed a treadmill test to ascertain their maximum rate of oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and a running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST) to measure their anaerobic performance. For the second session (on-court test), the participants played a simulated match on the court. A training team of 5 experts carried out an investigation regarding each player’s competitive performance per match. Furthermore, the blood lactate concentration and Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) were assessed in the preand postt...

Physiotherapy Quarterly
Introduction. The increase of air pollution in indonesian big cities has resulted in serious heal... more Introduction. The increase of air pollution in indonesian big cities has resulted in serious health problems of their inhabitants. doing physical exercises in such conditions may affect health quality. This study aims to investigate the effects of physical exercises at public sports facilities exposed to particulate matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) on forced vital capacity (FVC) and blood lead levels among visitors of public sports centres in Bandung. Methods. A pretest-posttest randomized-group design was applied. overall, 30 people who visited public sports facilities were selected to participate on the basis of the inclusion criteria. The subjects were divided into 2 equal groups, the control and the experimental group. The experimental group performed physical exercises for an hour 3 times a week for 6 weeks under high PM 2.5 conditions. Meanwhile, the control group did not perform any physical exercise. The participants underwent anthropometric measurements at baseline, as well as spirometry (FVC) and blood lead tests before and after the intervention. PM 2.5 levels were also evaluated. Results. There was a significant increase (p < 0.001) in FVC and blood lead levels in the experimental group after 6 weeks of exercising in the evening at public sports facilities which were highly exposed to PM 2.5. Conclusions. Six weeks of routine and regular physical exercises at public sports facilities highly exposed to PM 2.5 increased blood lead levels, with no negative effect to body function in accordance with standard lead level values by the local health department.

Human Movement
Purpose. Foam rolling (Fr) is a known recovery method based on self-myofascial release. Detailed ... more Purpose. Foam rolling (Fr) is a known recovery method based on self-myofascial release. Detailed data on Fr to reduce muscle fatigue and enhance performance in futsal athletes are still limited. The study aimed to assess whether Fr was a suitable recovery method for futsal athletes to enhance performance and reduce their lactic acid concentration. Methods. A total of 30 male futsal athletes participated in this study. They were randomly divided into 2 groups: 15 subjects assigned to the experimental (Fr) group practised foam roller exercises, while 15 individuals assigned to the control group were given slow jogging recovery. Both groups completed pre-and post-recovery tests for anaerobic capacity and agility. Blood lactate was measured before the experiment, immediately after the tests, and immediately after recovery. A 2 × 2 repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to calculate each parameter results. Results. In the post-recovery lactate concentration, the independent t-test revealed a significant decrease between pre-and post-test values in the Fr group (p = 0.033). conversely, an increase in lactate between pre-and post-test measurements occurred in the control group (p = 0.058). Furthermore, ANOVA revealed significant time × group interactions (p = 0.002) and a significant main effect for group (p = 0.001). Conclusions. Fr after exercise-induced muscle fatigue had an effect on the recovery of elite futsal players by increasing the rate of blood lactate clearance. There was no increase in performance in 20-m sprint or agility (t-test).

Physical Activity Review
Introduction: Because of the fact that detailed data on the physiological characteristics of Penc... more Introduction: Because of the fact that detailed data on the physiological characteristics of Pencak Silat are still limited. The primary purpose of this study to assess the physiological responses of Pencak Silat athletes and a secondary aim is to compare the physiological responses of Pencak Silat athletes with physiological responses of Taekwondo athletes. Material and Methods: This study has included 17 male junior martial art athletes (aged 15–16 years). This study requires all participants to completed one familiarization session and two experimental sessions. During the first session (laboratory condition), anthropometry was measured in the laboratory, and during the second session (on-court condition), the participants completed tests for anaerobic capacity (sprint test 60-m, vertical jump, push-ups, and sit-ups) and VO2max test. Results: The statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in anthropometry, vertical-jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and 60-m sprint results am...

Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia
Taekwondo dan Pencak silat merupaka dua contoh cabang olahraga seni bela diri yang saat ini sedan... more Taekwondo dan Pencak silat merupaka dua contoh cabang olahraga seni bela diri yang saat ini sedang berkembang saat ini. Maka dari itu, tujuan daripada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur serta mengetahui korelasi antara performa lompat vertikal dengan sprint 60 meter pada atlet Taekwondo dan Pencak silat. Seluruh peserta, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok berdasarkan kecabangan mereka, yaitu kelompok Taekwondo (TKW), dan kelompok Pencak silat (PKS). Seluruh peserta diwajibkan untuk melakukan pemanasan secara statis dan dinamis selama minimal 15 menit. Setelah sesi pemanasan selesai, kelompok TKW memulai pertama untuk sesi pengukuran anthropometry, lompat vertikal, dan sprint. Kelompok PKS lebih unggul dalam melakukan performa loncatan, yaitu 57,33 (± 7,73) cm dibandingkan dengan kelompok TKW sebesar 55,78 (± 4,30) cm. Sedangkan untuk hasil sprint 60 meter, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sprint 60 meter antara kelompok TKW dan PKS (p = 0,007), dimana kelompok ...
Papers by Tommy Apriantono