Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits ... more This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits in South Buru Regency, many events are more caused by disobedient behavior. In this study, the approach taken is the Juridical Empires approach, namely research that uses primary data and secondary data by extracting data directly from the source. This research is also supported by a normative approach by examining library materials by examining and examining theories, concepts and regulations related to the problem. The results show that there are still many things that happen by the community due to ignorance and indifference to the regulations that have been set. Examples shown by officers who carry out their duties often open up opportunities for violations to occur. This research refers to several incidents in the field so that the compilation of references to facts in the field shows that people's disobedience to building regulations (building permits) is more caused by a factor of awareness. the intended awareness refers to the implementer of the rules as well as the object of the rules.
Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justificat... more Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justification for Islamophobia escalates following the great tragedy of the WTC bombing in New York on September 11 2001. Islamophobia is not a rootless issue but a scheme of trying to break the trust of the west against Islam. Islamophobia is an issue raised in the campaign for elections in the European countries and the United States to win votes. Islamic people should make efforts to fight against this issue by using the media to show the true peaceful Islamic life and should not make violence as the only choice to resolve clash of civilizations. Keywords: Islamohobia, Clash of Civilizations
World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the communit... more World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the community grows, World Cup becomes a sporting event and a political encounter. Each country is trying to be the best, and in order to achieve this, many seek mutual profit or increase power value during the event. Multivector Analysis was used to analyse social media content related to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. With the help of social media and Political Correctness, it becomes visible that these countries are trying to obtain their goals and match victory. Vulnerabilities, powers, and many faces accompany the condiments of the Qatar World Cup 2022. With a historical ancestry in FIFA, Political Correctness is like their anthems. Having a non-Western host would be a struggle against a larger country, resulting in a player exchange that allows them to become immigrants embroiled in heated political tensions because any country by nature still has a strong bias towards its land and its race.
Modernization that creates secularism became a historical fact in the life of modern western soci... more Modernization that creates secularism became a historical fact in the life of modern western society. The focus of this research is to reveal the social interaction of Hizbut tahrir organization in the implementation of the pattern and strategy of social interaction, especially relating to the religion and the State. This study used qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The location of the research was in the city of Makassar area. The research used purposive sampling technique. The process of data collection used in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of the data is by using descriptive-interpretative techniques. The findings of this study show that Hizbut-Tahrir has built social relationships with other groups intensively. Construction theory is made by composing two sets of propositions. First, if a religion designs and conducts social interaction in the context of the relationship between religion and the state, it should have the a...
This study aimed to determine whether digital the use of folktales increases the vocabulary maste... more This study aimed to determine whether digital the use of folktales increases the vocabulary mastery of the seventh-year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru. This research was a quantitative study by using experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The samples consisted of 20 students from a total population of 320 students and were determined through a one-stage cluster sampling technique. Fifty items of multiple-choice tests were used to measure the vocabulary mastery of the students in the pre-test and post-test. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine the mean score and standard deviation between the pre-test and the post-test. A paired sample t-test through SPSS Version 20 was utilized to determine differences in the students' vocabulary mastery before and after receiving treatment. There is a significant difference between the mean scores in the pre-test and the post-test, namely (1.172 <1.438), which indicates that there are differences in students' vocabulary mastery before and after treatment. The results of hypothesis testing proved that the value of t count = 7.528 is higher than t table = 2.093 (p = 0.05, df = 19). The comparison between the two values shows that the value of t count is greater than T table, which means that Ho: digital folktales does not improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru, is rejected, and H1: digital folktales increase vocabulary mastery of the seventh year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru, is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that digital use of folktales improved the vocabulary mastery of the seventh-year students' of SMP Negeri 9 Buru.
Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justificat... more Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justification for Islamophobia escalates following the great tragedy of the WTC bombing in New York on September 11 2001. Islamophobia is not a rootless issue but a scheme of trying to break the trust of the west against Islam. Islamophobia is an issue raised in the campaign for elections in the European countries and the United States to win votes. Islamic people should make efforts to fight against this issue by using the media to show the true peaceful Islamic life and should not make violence as the only choice to resolve clash of civilizations. Keywords: Islamohobia, Clash of Civilizations
ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Civilitymasyarakat madani ... more ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Civilitymasyarakat madani perspektif Nurcholish Madjid dalam memacu kultur demokrasi. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, yaitu; jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), dengan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi, menghimpun, mengola data berupa buku-buku karangan Nurcholish Madjid sebagai sumber data primer dan literatur lain sebagai sumber data sekunder. Analisis data yang gunakan ialah analisis data kualitatif dengan bertolak pada hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, civility sebagai paranata kehidupan demokrasi. Ia memberi formasi subjek warga negara untuk bertindak secara penuh (full citizens). Semangat civility mencerminkan sikap warga negara untuk menerima berbagai pandangan politik dan tingkah laku sosial. Internalisasi semangat civility akanmewujudkan keterbukan dan pengakuan akan hak-hak asasi dan hak-hak partikuler dalam arena demokrasi. Langkah utama memacu kultur demokrasi perlu di...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the communit... more World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the community grows, World Cup becomes a sporting event and a political encounter. Each country is trying to be the best, and in order to achieve this, many seek mutual profit or increase power value during the event. Multivector Analysis was used to analyse social media content related to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. With the help of social media and Political Correctness, it becomes visible that these countries are trying to obtain their goals and match victory. Vulnerabilities, powers, and many faces accompany the condiments of the Qatar World Cup 2022. With a historical ancestry in FIFA, Political Correctness is like their anthems. Having a non-Western host would be a struggle against a larger country, resulting in a player exchange that allows them to become immigrants embroiled in heated political tensions because any country by nature still has a strong bias towards its land and its race.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Education - "Multicultural Transformation in Education, Social Sciences and Wetland Environment" (ICSSE 2017), 2018
Multicultural society is a reality of a society that cannot be rebutted in the era of globalizati... more Multicultural society is a reality of a society that cannot be rebutted in the era of globalization. It is composed of various models of communities. Every community model has its own character and history. Indonesia is a multicultural country spreading from Sabang to Merauke, from Mianggas to Rote Island. For Indonesian, a good understanding of the multicultural community concept is a basic necessity to get better knowledge as a basic foundation for the government to manage a good multicultural society in the globalization era. Thus, this study tries to make the religion of Islam as a framework of scientific thinking in explaining the multicultural society. It tries to get the paradigm of secular thinking. It understands that religion only limits on faith to the strength the supernatural which is realized in the form of worship. Through the methodology of history and the approach of mentality study assisted, it is found that the religion of Islam is potential to be a framework of scientific thinking that can be used in explaining the phenomenon of multicultural society. This study also finds that Islam is not only able to explain the reality of multicultural society, but it is also able to give the solution to a better condition for the modern men in managing multicultural society. As a result, they are happy, prosperous, humane, enjoying life, and living in peace on the complexity of life problems in the globalization era.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits ... more This research is an analysis study of the implementation of the rules regarding building permits in South Buru Regency, many events are more caused by disobedient behavior. In this study, the approach taken is the Juridical Empires approach, namely research that uses primary data and secondary data by extracting data directly from the source. This research is also supported by a normative approach by examining library materials by examining and examining theories, concepts and regulations related to the problem. The results show that there are still many things that happen by the community due to ignorance and indifference to the regulations that have been set. Examples shown by officers who carry out their duties often open up opportunities for violations to occur. This research refers to several incidents in the field so that the compilation of references to facts in the field shows that people&#39;s disobedience to building regulations (building permits) is more caused by a factor of awareness. the intended awareness refers to the implementer of the rules as well as the object of the rules.
Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justificat... more Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justification for Islamophobia escalates following the great tragedy of the WTC bombing in New York on September 11 2001. Islamophobia is not a rootless issue but a scheme of trying to break the trust of the west against Islam. Islamophobia is an issue raised in the campaign for elections in the European countries and the United States to win votes. Islamic people should make efforts to fight against this issue by using the media to show the true peaceful Islamic life and should not make violence as the only choice to resolve clash of civilizations. Keywords: Islamohobia, Clash of Civilizations
World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the communit... more World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the community grows, World Cup becomes a sporting event and a political encounter. Each country is trying to be the best, and in order to achieve this, many seek mutual profit or increase power value during the event. Multivector Analysis was used to analyse social media content related to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. With the help of social media and Political Correctness, it becomes visible that these countries are trying to obtain their goals and match victory. Vulnerabilities, powers, and many faces accompany the condiments of the Qatar World Cup 2022. With a historical ancestry in FIFA, Political Correctness is like their anthems. Having a non-Western host would be a struggle against a larger country, resulting in a player exchange that allows them to become immigrants embroiled in heated political tensions because any country by nature still has a strong bias towards its land and its race.
Modernization that creates secularism became a historical fact in the life of modern western soci... more Modernization that creates secularism became a historical fact in the life of modern western society. The focus of this research is to reveal the social interaction of Hizbut tahrir organization in the implementation of the pattern and strategy of social interaction, especially relating to the religion and the State. This study used qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The location of the research was in the city of Makassar area. The research used purposive sampling technique. The process of data collection used in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of the data is by using descriptive-interpretative techniques. The findings of this study show that Hizbut-Tahrir has built social relationships with other groups intensively. Construction theory is made by composing two sets of propositions. First, if a religion designs and conducts social interaction in the context of the relationship between religion and the state, it should have the a...
This study aimed to determine whether digital the use of folktales increases the vocabulary maste... more This study aimed to determine whether digital the use of folktales increases the vocabulary mastery of the seventh-year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru. This research was a quantitative study by using experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The samples consisted of 20 students from a total population of 320 students and were determined through a one-stage cluster sampling technique. Fifty items of multiple-choice tests were used to measure the vocabulary mastery of the students in the pre-test and post-test. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine the mean score and standard deviation between the pre-test and the post-test. A paired sample t-test through SPSS Version 20 was utilized to determine differences in the students' vocabulary mastery before and after receiving treatment. There is a significant difference between the mean scores in the pre-test and the post-test, namely (1.172 <1.438), which indicates that there are differences in students' vocabulary mastery before and after treatment. The results of hypothesis testing proved that the value of t count = 7.528 is higher than t table = 2.093 (p = 0.05, df = 19). The comparison between the two values shows that the value of t count is greater than T table, which means that Ho: digital folktales does not improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru, is rejected, and H1: digital folktales increase vocabulary mastery of the seventh year students of SMP Negeri 9 Buru, is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that digital use of folktales improved the vocabulary mastery of the seventh-year students' of SMP Negeri 9 Buru.
Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justificat... more Islamophobia is a symptom of a doctrine that has existed in the Western societies. The justification for Islamophobia escalates following the great tragedy of the WTC bombing in New York on September 11 2001. Islamophobia is not a rootless issue but a scheme of trying to break the trust of the west against Islam. Islamophobia is an issue raised in the campaign for elections in the European countries and the United States to win votes. Islamic people should make efforts to fight against this issue by using the media to show the true peaceful Islamic life and should not make violence as the only choice to resolve clash of civilizations. Keywords: Islamohobia, Clash of Civilizations
ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Civilitymasyarakat madani ... more ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Civilitymasyarakat madani perspektif Nurcholish Madjid dalam memacu kultur demokrasi. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, yaitu; jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), dengan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi, menghimpun, mengola data berupa buku-buku karangan Nurcholish Madjid sebagai sumber data primer dan literatur lain sebagai sumber data sekunder. Analisis data yang gunakan ialah analisis data kualitatif dengan bertolak pada hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, civility sebagai paranata kehidupan demokrasi. Ia memberi formasi subjek warga negara untuk bertindak secara penuh (full citizens). Semangat civility mencerminkan sikap warga negara untuk menerima berbagai pandangan politik dan tingkah laku sosial. Internalisasi semangat civility akanmewujudkan keterbukan dan pengakuan akan hak-hak asasi dan hak-hak partikuler dalam arena demokrasi. Langkah utama memacu kultur demokrasi perlu di...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the communit... more World Cup is a mega sports event enjoyed and built in the name of sport. However, as the community grows, World Cup becomes a sporting event and a political encounter. Each country is trying to be the best, and in order to achieve this, many seek mutual profit or increase power value during the event. Multivector Analysis was used to analyse social media content related to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. With the help of social media and Political Correctness, it becomes visible that these countries are trying to obtain their goals and match victory. Vulnerabilities, powers, and many faces accompany the condiments of the Qatar World Cup 2022. With a historical ancestry in FIFA, Political Correctness is like their anthems. Having a non-Western host would be a struggle against a larger country, resulting in a player exchange that allows them to become immigrants embroiled in heated political tensions because any country by nature still has a strong bias towards its land and its race.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Education - "Multicultural Transformation in Education, Social Sciences and Wetland Environment" (ICSSE 2017), 2018
Multicultural society is a reality of a society that cannot be rebutted in the era of globalizati... more Multicultural society is a reality of a society that cannot be rebutted in the era of globalization. It is composed of various models of communities. Every community model has its own character and history. Indonesia is a multicultural country spreading from Sabang to Merauke, from Mianggas to Rote Island. For Indonesian, a good understanding of the multicultural community concept is a basic necessity to get better knowledge as a basic foundation for the government to manage a good multicultural society in the globalization era. Thus, this study tries to make the religion of Islam as a framework of scientific thinking in explaining the multicultural society. It tries to get the paradigm of secular thinking. It understands that religion only limits on faith to the strength the supernatural which is realized in the form of worship. Through the methodology of history and the approach of mentality study assisted, it is found that the religion of Islam is potential to be a framework of scientific thinking that can be used in explaining the phenomenon of multicultural society. This study also finds that Islam is not only able to explain the reality of multicultural society, but it is also able to give the solution to a better condition for the modern men in managing multicultural society. As a result, they are happy, prosperous, humane, enjoying life, and living in peace on the complexity of life problems in the globalization era.
Papers by Syahrir Ibnu