Globalno je rak dojk najpogostejše maligno obolenje žensk. Redno in pravilno samopregledovanje do... more Globalno je rak dojk najpogostejše maligno obolenje žensk. Redno in pravilno samopregledovanje dojk omogoči zgodnje odkrivanje sprememb in posledično zdravljenje v zgodnji fazi bolezni. Oblikovan zdrav življenjski slog zmanjšuje dejavnike tveganja za raka dojk. Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati izvajanje samopregledovanja dojk in življenjski slog žensk. Vzorec je zajel 214 priložnostno izbranih žensk v Sloveniji. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela in kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja s pomočjo ankete. Za preverjanje hipotez je bil uporabljen χ2-test v programu IBM SPSS v. 26. Ugotovili smo, da si mesečno samopregleduje dojke le 15 % anketirank in le 16,4 % jih izvaja pravilno samopregledovanje dojk (p < 0,001). Dojke si mesečno samopregledujejo anketiranke, stare 20–29 let (p = 0,020), in anketiranke z dedno obremenjenostjo z rakom dojk (p < 0,001). 55,6 % anketirank je zdravstveno osebje naučilo samopregledovanja dojk. Alkohol pije 79 % anketirank. Zajtrk dnev...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p =.021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p =.014). It is important to rai...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p = .021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p = .014). It is important to ra...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p = .021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p = .014). It is important to ra...
Background/Aim. The use of over-the-counter (OTC) medication is widespread among the adult and st... more Background/Aim. The use of over-the-counter (OTC) medication is widespread among the adult and student populations in Slovenia. The aim of the study was to analyse the prevalence of OTC medicines use among nursing students with respect to sociodemographic characteristics. Methods. A total of 241 nursing students in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, were included in the cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was created for the purposes of the study. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 20. Descriptive statistics, t-test and the contingency coefficient were calculated. Statistical significance was set at the p-value of < 0.05. Results. The study showed that the use of prescription drugs was significantly higher in women (p = 0.029), students living in rural areas (p = 0.005) and students who described themselves as being of bad health (p = 0.008). At the same time, a third of the respondents had been taking one OTC medicine within the last month; those taking seve...
Background/Aim. Central venous catheters (CVC) are at the crucial importance, particulary in the ... more Background/Aim. Central venous catheters (CVC) are at the crucial importance, particulary in the intensive therapy units. In order to handle a CVC safely, nursing students need to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge during the course of their studies. The aim of the study was to establish theoretical knowledge of nursing students about the procedures of nurses in placing and removing a central venous catheter (CVC), dressing the catheter entry point, the reasons for measuring central venous pressure (CVP), possible complications and risk factors for developing infections related to CVC. Methods. The questionnaire developed specifically for this cross-sectionl study was handed out to 87 full-time students and 57 part-time students. Results. The results show that all the surveyed nursing students know why chest radiography is carried out when inserting a catheter, have relatively good knowledge of CVC insertion points, procedures carried out in case of a suspected catheter sep...
Objective: The aim of the research was to discover nursing students´ knowledge on violations of n... more Objective: The aim of the research was to discover nursing students´ knowledge on violations of nursing, describe in article 42 of the according of the Court of Honour Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia, and to examine differences between the violations in the school years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. Methods: The study included 230 nursing students. The questionnaire included violations of nursing, describe in article 42 of the according of the Court of Honour Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia. The statistically significant differences by gender, school year as well as secondary school were used Independent T-test. Data was handled using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Results: The nurses student were too knowledgeable with violations of »to break professional secrecy and protect privately and dignity of patients«. This study showed that nurses students of school year 2008/2009 have
Objective: Empowerment is an important construct because it offers the potential to positively in... more Objective: Empowerment is an important construct because it offers the potential to positively influence outcomes that benefit individuals and organisations. The purpose of the study was to examine the characteristics of individual perceptions of empowerment among part-time nursing students in their work. Methods: The study involved 57 part-time nursing students of the Faculty of Health Science. Survey measures used included the modified Spreitzer empowerment instrument. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the variables of the Psychological Empowerment Instrument. Friedman's test and Spearman's test were used to analyse the data collected. The data was analysed using the statistical package SPSS v. 17.0 for Windows. Results: The results show that the participants expressed a high level of mean score in the areas of competence and meaning. Friedman's test showed a statistically significant difference in the perceived area of meaning, selfdetermination and impact. In the area of competence, there were no significant differences. Spearman's test showed that the scales of competence and self-determination had more correlation rankings between the psychological empowerment items. Conclusion: Employee empowerment is an important organisational issue. The results showed that participants have the capability to perform work activities with the necessary skills and knowledge, as well as valuing the work goals or purposes highly when judged by an individual's perception relative to his or her own personal mission or expectations. The findings also suggest that the participants in the study did not put much emphasis on the importance of impact.
The aim of this study was to investigate significant differences in the mean scores for the Carin... more The aim of this study was to investigate significant differences in the mean scores for the Caring Behaviors Inventory between first-year and third-year nursing students. There were two sample groups: group A comprised 117 first-year nursing students and group B included 49 third-year nursing students (n = 166). All participants were from one Slovenian university. Data were collected by questionnaire and ana- lysed using SPSS v. 17.0. Independent sample t-tests were used for the comparison of means for each item in both groups. The results showed that the students in group B (third year) often agreed more significantly with Caring Behaviors Inventory items than the students in group A (first year). Principles of right action indicate how nurses must behave in order to provide good nursing care. Nursing educators can prepare students through demonstrations of their own behaviour in practice
Namen: Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti razlike v stresu in zdravstvenem stanju glede na pogostost... more Namen: Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti razlike v stresu in zdravstvenem stanju glede na pogostost ukvarjanja z gibalno dejavnostjo med zaposlenimi v igralnistvu. Metode: V raziskavo smo zajeli 251 (47,4 % moskih in 52,6 % žensk) ljudi, zaposlenih v Hitovi igralnici Park, v starosti od 18 do 58 let. Vzorec spremenljivk je vseboval socialno demografske znacilnosti, stres, gibalno dejavnost in zdravstveno stanje. Za analizo podatkov so bili uporabljeni osnovni statisticni parametri in CHI2. Za statisticno analizo podatkov smo uporabljali program SPSS - 15.0 za Windows. Rezultati: Redno gibalno dejavnih je 51,4 % anketiranih. Redno gibalno dejavni ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot odlicno ter veliko boljse od drugih enake starosti(p = 0,017). Prav tako statisticno znacilno navajajo manj zdravstvenih težav (p = 0,034). Zakljucek: Redno gibalno dejavni ljudje pogosteje bolje ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot neredno gibalno dejavni ljudje. Redno sportno dejavni ljudje se zavedajo, da so vplivi redne sportne dejavnosti vpleteni v siroke razsežnosti zdravega življenjskega sloga.
The aim of this study was to determine the differences in sociodemographic characteristics such a... more The aim of this study was to determine the differences in sociodemographic characteristics such as sports activity, health condition and lifestyle of Casino Park employees considering the frequency of experiencing stress. The study included 251 employees. Data analysis was performed ...
Background/Aim. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common cause of sexually transmitted in... more Background/Aim. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common cause of sexually transmitted infections. Most HPV infections are transient and asymptomatic. Routine vaccination against HPV is the best prophylaxis against HPV infection. The aim of the study was to determine knowledge and risk factors about HPV infection and the attitudes towards vaccination against HPV among nursing students. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of 175 nursing students. The students were divided into categories according to their year of studying. Statistical data analysis was done using the t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results. Most (93.1%) respondents knew that HPV infection might cause cervical cancer and that it was a sexually transmitted infection (80.0%). Only 31.4% were aware that HPV might cause head and neck cancer, and 22.9% were aware that smoking was a risk factor for HPV infection. Male respondents (p < 0.05) and third-year respondents (p < 0.05...
Namen: Ugotavljali smo razlike v značilnostih delovnega mesta in osebni oceni zdravstvenega stanj... more Namen: Ugotavljali smo razlike v značilnostih delovnega mesta in osebni oceni zdravstvenega stanja glede na spol ter pogostost doživljanja stresa med zaposlenimi v igralništvu. Metode: V vzorec je bilo zajetih 251 (47,4 % moških in 52,6 % žensk) zaposlenih v Hitovi igralnici Park, v starosti od 18 do 58 let. Vzorec spremenljivk je vseboval socialno demografske značilnosti, delovno mesto, stres in osebno oceno zdravstvenega stanja. Za analizo podatkovso bili uporabljeni osnovni statistični parametri in CHI2. Za statistično analizo podatkov smo uporabljali program SPSS - 15.0 za Windows. Rezultati: Največ zaposlenih občasno doživlja stres (45,8 %). Svoje zdravstveno stanje ocenjujejo kot odlično tisti ljudje, ki nikoli ne doživljajo stresa (p = 0,014), le-ti tudi navajajo najmanj zdravstvenih težav v osebnem počutju (p = 0,024). Tisti, ki občasno doživljajo stres, ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot veliko boljše od drugih enake starosti (p = 0,000). Zaključek: Osebe, ki pogosto doživljajo stres, morajo dvigniti zavest o pomembnosti lastne dejavne vloge v oblikovanju zdravega življenja.Objective: The aim of the study was to determine differences in the workplace characteristics and self-estimated health status of the Hit Park Casino employees by gender and frequency of stress experiences. Methods: The study included 251 employees, aged 18 to 58 years47.4 % of them were men and 52.6 %, women. The sample of variables included socio-demographic data, workplace characteristics, stress experience and self-evaluated health status. Basic statistical parameters, CHI2 and SPSS 15.0 for Windows were used for statistical analysis. Results: The majority of employees (45.8%) experienced occasional stress. Those individuals who never experienced stress viewed their health as excellent (p = 0.014)and reported less health problems (p = 0.024) than others. The respondents who reported occasional stress rated their health as much better than others their age. Conclusion: Individuals whooften experience stress need to become aware of the importance of being more active in adopting healthy lifestyles
Our self-concept is how we see ourselves in our minds. The goal of this research was to discover ... more Our self-concept is how we see ourselves in our minds. The goal of this research was to discover any significant differences in the dimensions of self-concept between clinical nurses employed in an intensive care unit in Slovenia and Slovenian women from the general population, who represented the control group. The research included 603 women aged 20—40 years (mean 29.94; standard deviation ±6.0) who had a high-school education. To determine the differences between the groups statistically we used one-way analysis of variance. The results revealed that clinical nurses had a more positive self-concept than members of the control group. Self-concept is very important in nursing because it is closely connected to the existing value system of individuals and their behaviour. Self-concept gives nurses a sense of how they use their abilities and how they perform in relation to patients.
The study aimed to establish the frequency of injuries in primary and secondary schools during le... more The study aimed to establish the frequency of injuries in primary and secondary schools during leisure time and physical education classes in school as well as in group and individual sports. The sample included 2842 pupils from nine primary schools and 1235 students from five secondary schools in Slovenia. The data were processed with the SPSS statistical software package and the frequencies and Crosstabs were calculated. The results showed that substantially more pupils and students were injured in their leisure time than during physical education classes. Girls were more frequently injured in group and individual sports practiced during physical education classes and in individual sports practiced in their leisure time, whereas boys suffered more injuries in group sports practiced in their leisure time. As regards group sports, pupils and students were most frequently injured while playing football in their leisure time whereas, during physical education classes, they suffered mo...
Globalno je rak dojk najpogostejše maligno obolenje žensk. Redno in pravilno samopregledovanje do... more Globalno je rak dojk najpogostejše maligno obolenje žensk. Redno in pravilno samopregledovanje dojk omogoči zgodnje odkrivanje sprememb in posledično zdravljenje v zgodnji fazi bolezni. Oblikovan zdrav življenjski slog zmanjšuje dejavnike tveganja za raka dojk. Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati izvajanje samopregledovanja dojk in življenjski slog žensk. Vzorec je zajel 214 priložnostno izbranih žensk v Sloveniji. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela in kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja s pomočjo ankete. Za preverjanje hipotez je bil uporabljen χ2-test v programu IBM SPSS v. 26. Ugotovili smo, da si mesečno samopregleduje dojke le 15 % anketirank in le 16,4 % jih izvaja pravilno samopregledovanje dojk (p < 0,001). Dojke si mesečno samopregledujejo anketiranke, stare 20–29 let (p = 0,020), in anketiranke z dedno obremenjenostjo z rakom dojk (p < 0,001). 55,6 % anketirank je zdravstveno osebje naučilo samopregledovanja dojk. Alkohol pije 79 % anketirank. Zajtrk dnev...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p =.021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p =.014). It is important to rai...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p = .021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p = .014). It is important to ra...
The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-... more The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of awareness regarding safe use of over-the-counter drugs. The study population included nursing students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Slovenia. A cross sectional study was conducted between Feb‘and Apr‘2013. Descriptive statistics were determined to illustrated participant's characteristic. A t-test was used to determined gender-based differences and the contingency coefficient for determining differences per place of residence, age, the consultant for the use of over-the-counter drugs and the number of over-the-counter drugs taken within the last month. The majority of the participants will read instructions for safe use before using the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically significantly higher incidence in women (p = .021). Participants re-read the instructions after deciding to increase the dosage of the over-the-counter drug, with a statistically higher incidence in men (p = .014). It is important to ra...
Background/Aim. The use of over-the-counter (OTC) medication is widespread among the adult and st... more Background/Aim. The use of over-the-counter (OTC) medication is widespread among the adult and student populations in Slovenia. The aim of the study was to analyse the prevalence of OTC medicines use among nursing students with respect to sociodemographic characteristics. Methods. A total of 241 nursing students in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, were included in the cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was created for the purposes of the study. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 20. Descriptive statistics, t-test and the contingency coefficient were calculated. Statistical significance was set at the p-value of < 0.05. Results. The study showed that the use of prescription drugs was significantly higher in women (p = 0.029), students living in rural areas (p = 0.005) and students who described themselves as being of bad health (p = 0.008). At the same time, a third of the respondents had been taking one OTC medicine within the last month; those taking seve...
Background/Aim. Central venous catheters (CVC) are at the crucial importance, particulary in the ... more Background/Aim. Central venous catheters (CVC) are at the crucial importance, particulary in the intensive therapy units. In order to handle a CVC safely, nursing students need to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge during the course of their studies. The aim of the study was to establish theoretical knowledge of nursing students about the procedures of nurses in placing and removing a central venous catheter (CVC), dressing the catheter entry point, the reasons for measuring central venous pressure (CVP), possible complications and risk factors for developing infections related to CVC. Methods. The questionnaire developed specifically for this cross-sectionl study was handed out to 87 full-time students and 57 part-time students. Results. The results show that all the surveyed nursing students know why chest radiography is carried out when inserting a catheter, have relatively good knowledge of CVC insertion points, procedures carried out in case of a suspected catheter sep...
Objective: The aim of the research was to discover nursing students´ knowledge on violations of n... more Objective: The aim of the research was to discover nursing students´ knowledge on violations of nursing, describe in article 42 of the according of the Court of Honour Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia, and to examine differences between the violations in the school years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. Methods: The study included 230 nursing students. The questionnaire included violations of nursing, describe in article 42 of the according of the Court of Honour Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia. The statistically significant differences by gender, school year as well as secondary school were used Independent T-test. Data was handled using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Results: The nurses student were too knowledgeable with violations of »to break professional secrecy and protect privately and dignity of patients«. This study showed that nurses students of school year 2008/2009 have
Objective: Empowerment is an important construct because it offers the potential to positively in... more Objective: Empowerment is an important construct because it offers the potential to positively influence outcomes that benefit individuals and organisations. The purpose of the study was to examine the characteristics of individual perceptions of empowerment among part-time nursing students in their work. Methods: The study involved 57 part-time nursing students of the Faculty of Health Science. Survey measures used included the modified Spreitzer empowerment instrument. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the variables of the Psychological Empowerment Instrument. Friedman's test and Spearman's test were used to analyse the data collected. The data was analysed using the statistical package SPSS v. 17.0 for Windows. Results: The results show that the participants expressed a high level of mean score in the areas of competence and meaning. Friedman's test showed a statistically significant difference in the perceived area of meaning, selfdetermination and impact. In the area of competence, there were no significant differences. Spearman's test showed that the scales of competence and self-determination had more correlation rankings between the psychological empowerment items. Conclusion: Employee empowerment is an important organisational issue. The results showed that participants have the capability to perform work activities with the necessary skills and knowledge, as well as valuing the work goals or purposes highly when judged by an individual's perception relative to his or her own personal mission or expectations. The findings also suggest that the participants in the study did not put much emphasis on the importance of impact.
The aim of this study was to investigate significant differences in the mean scores for the Carin... more The aim of this study was to investigate significant differences in the mean scores for the Caring Behaviors Inventory between first-year and third-year nursing students. There were two sample groups: group A comprised 117 first-year nursing students and group B included 49 third-year nursing students (n = 166). All participants were from one Slovenian university. Data were collected by questionnaire and ana- lysed using SPSS v. 17.0. Independent sample t-tests were used for the comparison of means for each item in both groups. The results showed that the students in group B (third year) often agreed more significantly with Caring Behaviors Inventory items than the students in group A (first year). Principles of right action indicate how nurses must behave in order to provide good nursing care. Nursing educators can prepare students through demonstrations of their own behaviour in practice
Namen: Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti razlike v stresu in zdravstvenem stanju glede na pogostost... more Namen: Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti razlike v stresu in zdravstvenem stanju glede na pogostost ukvarjanja z gibalno dejavnostjo med zaposlenimi v igralnistvu. Metode: V raziskavo smo zajeli 251 (47,4 % moskih in 52,6 % žensk) ljudi, zaposlenih v Hitovi igralnici Park, v starosti od 18 do 58 let. Vzorec spremenljivk je vseboval socialno demografske znacilnosti, stres, gibalno dejavnost in zdravstveno stanje. Za analizo podatkov so bili uporabljeni osnovni statisticni parametri in CHI2. Za statisticno analizo podatkov smo uporabljali program SPSS - 15.0 za Windows. Rezultati: Redno gibalno dejavnih je 51,4 % anketiranih. Redno gibalno dejavni ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot odlicno ter veliko boljse od drugih enake starosti(p = 0,017). Prav tako statisticno znacilno navajajo manj zdravstvenih težav (p = 0,034). Zakljucek: Redno gibalno dejavni ljudje pogosteje bolje ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot neredno gibalno dejavni ljudje. Redno sportno dejavni ljudje se zavedajo, da so vplivi redne sportne dejavnosti vpleteni v siroke razsežnosti zdravega življenjskega sloga.
The aim of this study was to determine the differences in sociodemographic characteristics such a... more The aim of this study was to determine the differences in sociodemographic characteristics such as sports activity, health condition and lifestyle of Casino Park employees considering the frequency of experiencing stress. The study included 251 employees. Data analysis was performed ...
Background/Aim. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common cause of sexually transmitted in... more Background/Aim. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common cause of sexually transmitted infections. Most HPV infections are transient and asymptomatic. Routine vaccination against HPV is the best prophylaxis against HPV infection. The aim of the study was to determine knowledge and risk factors about HPV infection and the attitudes towards vaccination against HPV among nursing students. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of 175 nursing students. The students were divided into categories according to their year of studying. Statistical data analysis was done using the t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results. Most (93.1%) respondents knew that HPV infection might cause cervical cancer and that it was a sexually transmitted infection (80.0%). Only 31.4% were aware that HPV might cause head and neck cancer, and 22.9% were aware that smoking was a risk factor for HPV infection. Male respondents (p < 0.05) and third-year respondents (p < 0.05...
Namen: Ugotavljali smo razlike v značilnostih delovnega mesta in osebni oceni zdravstvenega stanj... more Namen: Ugotavljali smo razlike v značilnostih delovnega mesta in osebni oceni zdravstvenega stanja glede na spol ter pogostost doživljanja stresa med zaposlenimi v igralništvu. Metode: V vzorec je bilo zajetih 251 (47,4 % moških in 52,6 % žensk) zaposlenih v Hitovi igralnici Park, v starosti od 18 do 58 let. Vzorec spremenljivk je vseboval socialno demografske značilnosti, delovno mesto, stres in osebno oceno zdravstvenega stanja. Za analizo podatkovso bili uporabljeni osnovni statistični parametri in CHI2. Za statistično analizo podatkov smo uporabljali program SPSS - 15.0 za Windows. Rezultati: Največ zaposlenih občasno doživlja stres (45,8 %). Svoje zdravstveno stanje ocenjujejo kot odlično tisti ljudje, ki nikoli ne doživljajo stresa (p = 0,014), le-ti tudi navajajo najmanj zdravstvenih težav v osebnem počutju (p = 0,024). Tisti, ki občasno doživljajo stres, ocenjujejo svoje zdravstveno stanje kot veliko boljše od drugih enake starosti (p = 0,000). Zaključek: Osebe, ki pogosto doživljajo stres, morajo dvigniti zavest o pomembnosti lastne dejavne vloge v oblikovanju zdravega življenja.Objective: The aim of the study was to determine differences in the workplace characteristics and self-estimated health status of the Hit Park Casino employees by gender and frequency of stress experiences. Methods: The study included 251 employees, aged 18 to 58 years47.4 % of them were men and 52.6 %, women. The sample of variables included socio-demographic data, workplace characteristics, stress experience and self-evaluated health status. Basic statistical parameters, CHI2 and SPSS 15.0 for Windows were used for statistical analysis. Results: The majority of employees (45.8%) experienced occasional stress. Those individuals who never experienced stress viewed their health as excellent (p = 0.014)and reported less health problems (p = 0.024) than others. The respondents who reported occasional stress rated their health as much better than others their age. Conclusion: Individuals whooften experience stress need to become aware of the importance of being more active in adopting healthy lifestyles
Our self-concept is how we see ourselves in our minds. The goal of this research was to discover ... more Our self-concept is how we see ourselves in our minds. The goal of this research was to discover any significant differences in the dimensions of self-concept between clinical nurses employed in an intensive care unit in Slovenia and Slovenian women from the general population, who represented the control group. The research included 603 women aged 20—40 years (mean 29.94; standard deviation ±6.0) who had a high-school education. To determine the differences between the groups statistically we used one-way analysis of variance. The results revealed that clinical nurses had a more positive self-concept than members of the control group. Self-concept is very important in nursing because it is closely connected to the existing value system of individuals and their behaviour. Self-concept gives nurses a sense of how they use their abilities and how they perform in relation to patients.
The study aimed to establish the frequency of injuries in primary and secondary schools during le... more The study aimed to establish the frequency of injuries in primary and secondary schools during leisure time and physical education classes in school as well as in group and individual sports. The sample included 2842 pupils from nine primary schools and 1235 students from five secondary schools in Slovenia. The data were processed with the SPSS statistical software package and the frequencies and Crosstabs were calculated. The results showed that substantially more pupils and students were injured in their leisure time than during physical education classes. Girls were more frequently injured in group and individual sports practiced during physical education classes and in individual sports practiced in their leisure time, whereas boys suffered more injuries in group sports practiced in their leisure time. As regards group sports, pupils and students were most frequently injured while playing football in their leisure time whereas, during physical education classes, they suffered mo...
Papers by Suzana Mlinar