Papers by Susana Valencia Avalos
Abstract: Background and Aims: Loganiaceae is a group of tropical plants, which have been poorly ... more Abstract: Background and Aims: Loganiaceae is a group of tropical plants, which have been poorly studied in Mexico. Some of the taxa are little known in terms of their taxonomy and distribution, such as the genus Mitreola, where additionally some of the species have nomenclatural problems. This work focuses on a taxonomic review of Mitreola petiolata and solves the nomenclatural problems that the species has had over the years. Methods: A review of specimens in different herbaria was carried out, specialized literature to obtain descriptions and taxonomic keys, the number of species of the genus and their distribution, as well as the circumscription and nomenclatural problems of the taxon. To obtain the palynological data, material from mature flowers was acetylated and revised with the scanning electron microscope. From these data an evaluation of the conservation situation was obtained. Key results: Mitreola petiolata has a pantropical distribution and is the only species of the g...
Madera y Bosques, 2016
El conocimiento sobre la riqueza de especies de Quercus en México, aún es incompleto debido princ... more El conocimiento sobre la riqueza de especies de Quercus en México, aún es incompleto debido principalmente a su amplia distribución, alta variabilidad morfológica intraespecífica y a la capacidad de formar híbridos, lo cual dificulta su taxonomía. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la composición florística de las especies del género Quercus en el Parque Nacional Los Mármoles (PNM), así como su distribución en el área de estudio. Este parque es la segunda Área Natural Protegida con mayor extensión territorial del estado de Hidalgo. Se recolectaron ejemplares de encinos en 36 localidades a lo largo de gradientes altitudinales. La identificación de este material permitió el reconocimiento de 18 especies de encinos que crecen en el parque, destacando Quercus furfuracea Liebm., como nuevo registro para el estado de Hidalgo. Las especies con mayor distribución dentro del parque fueron Quercus affinis Scheidw., Q. crassifolia Humb. and Bonpl., Q. laeta Liebm. y Q. mexicana Bonpl...
Se generó una base de datos que contiene 4 139 registros. Se citan 1 384 especies, 570 géneros y ... more Se generó una base de datos que contiene 4 139 registros. Se citan 1 384 especies, 570 géneros y 150 familias de plantas vasculares, así como cinco tipos de vegetación principales: bosque tropical caducifolio, bosque de Quercus (incluyendo asociaciones con coníferas), bosque de coníferas, bosque mesófilo de montaña y bosque de galería. Las familias mas representativas son Asteraceae (209 especies y 79 géneros), Fabaceae (152 y 50) y Poaceae (80 y 39).
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2017
Antecedentes y Objetivos: El estado de Tamaulipas se ubica en el noreste de México, región consid... more Antecedentes y Objetivos: El estado de Tamaulipas se ubica en el noreste de México, región considerada con alta riqueza de encinos, pero carente de inventarios y de herramientas para identificar las especies de Quercus. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la riqueza específica del género Quercus en Tamaulipas y proporcionar herramientas para su identificación.Métodos: Se revisaron los ejemplares de Quercus depositados en los herbarios CHAP, ENCB, FCME, HUAP, INEGI, INIF y MEXU; así como los ejemplares escaneados del género Quercus de Tamaulipas de los herbarios MO y K disponibles en la página electrónica de Trópicos y los tipos de las especies en JSTOR Global Plants. Paralelamente se revisaron las publicaciones de Tamaulipas, particularmente las listas florísticas que incluyen el género Quercus, resultando en una lista preliminar de especies colectadas y reportadas. La revisión de ejemplares y el reconocimiento de los sinónimos permitió depurar la lista de especies. Con base en l...
Novon, 2003
... Guerrero: Municipio Atoyac de Alvarez, Atoyac, Palacios 1 (MEXU); E1 Molote, huerta de DonMar... more ... Guerrero: Municipio Atoyac de Alvarez, Atoyac, Palacios 1 (MEXU); E1 Molote, huerta de DonMargarito Valladares, E. Le6n 177 (FCME); E1 Molote, 1 km del poblado, J. Roias 121 (FCME); Muni-cipio Coyuca de Catalan, Las Palancas, X. Madrigal S. 2482 (MEXU); Municipio ...
Anales del Instituto de Biología …, 2009
Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Autón. México, Ser. Bot. 68(2):107-133.1997 FLORA DE PAPALUTLA, GUE... more Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Autón. México, Ser. Bot. 68(2):107-133.1997 FLORA DE PAPALUTLA, GUERRERO Y DE SUS ALREDEDORES Martha Martínez Gordillo* Susana Valencia á valos*Jorge Calónico Soto* RESUMEN Se analiza la flora vascular de Papalutla, Gro. ...
Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 2011
... Nicolás, 20°19′59″N, 98°12′49″W, 27 June 1993, O. Alcantara A. & E. Ortiz B. 1140... more ... Nicolás, 20°19′59″N, 98°12′49″W, 27 June 1993, O. Alcantara A. & E. Ortiz B. 1140, 1142 (FCME); El Damo, 2 km SE ... A. 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356 (FCME), 29 June 1997, S. Valencia A. 1352 (FCME, MO). ...
The tree of life is highly reticulate, with the history of population divergence buried amongst p... more The tree of life is highly reticulate, with the history of population divergence buried amongst phylogenies deriving from introgression and lineage sorting. In this study, we test the hypothesis that there are regions of the oak (Quercus, Fagaceae) genome that are broadly informative about phylogeny and investigate global patterns of oak diversity. We utilize fossil data and restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) for 632 individuals representing ca. 250 oak species to infer a time-calibrated phylogeny of the world's oaks. We use reversible-jump MCMC to reconstruct shifts in lineage diversification rates, accounting for among-clade sampling biases. We then map the > 20,000 RAD-seq loci back to a recently published oak genome and investigate genomic distribution of introgression and phylogenetic support across the phylogeny. Oak lineages have diversified among geographic regions, followed by ecological divergence within regions, in the Americas and Eurasia. Roughl...
Botanical Sciences
The floristic composition, structure, and texture of 1 ha of mesophytic mountain forest in Omilte... more The floristic composition, structure, and texture of 1 ha of mesophytic mountain forest in Omiltemi, Guerrero, is described. With 138 species of vascular plants in the plot, this forest is very rich, with epiphytes, trees and herbs comprising the most diverse growth forms. The geographic affinities of this forest are diverse; many elements are shared with the andean-mesoamerican regions, and others are present in the deciduous forests of eastern United States. The Omiltemi forest is similar to other communities from western Mexico, and many of the endemic elements of this region occur in Omiltemi. This forest is structurally dense, approximately 24 m high, without a well-defined stratification. The canopy is made up mainly by Carpinus caroliniana and Quercus uxoris; Pinus ayacahuite is an emergent tree. The understory is rich in small-statured tree species. The horizontal distributions of the trees were analyzed, and only two understory species had a clumped pattern. Density is 2,09...
... SUSANA VALENCIA AVALOS Y RAMIRO CRUZ DURÁN ... nov. Tipo: México. Guerrero: Municipio Arcelia... more ... SUSANA VALENCIA AVALOS Y RAMIRO CRUZ DURÁN ... nov. Tipo: México. Guerrero: Municipio Arcelia, cañada El Naranjo, 2.8 km al S del campamento minero de Campo Morado, 5 may 2006 (fl, fr inm), O. Alcántara y M. Paniagua 5801 (holotipo: FCME). (Fig. 1) ...
New Phytologist
Oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) are the dominant tree genus of North America in species number and bioma... more Oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae) are the dominant tree genus of North America in species number and biomass, and Mexico is a global center of oak diversity. Understanding the origins of oak diversity is key to understanding biodiversity of northern temperate forests. A phylogenetic study of biogeography, niche evolution and diversification patterns in Quercus was performed using 300 samples, 146 species. Next-generation sequencing data were generated using the restriction-site associated DNA (RAD-seq) method. A timecalibrated maximum likelihood phylogeny was inferred and analyzed with bioclimatic, soils, and leaf habit data to reconstruct the biogeographic and evolutionary history of the American oaks. Our highly resolved phylogeny demonstrates sympatric parallel diversification in climatic niche, leaf habit, and diversification rates. The two major American oak clades arose in what is now the boreal zone and radiated, in parallel, from eastern North America into Mexico and Central America. Oaks adapted rapidly to niche transitions. The Mexican oaks are particularly numerous, not because Mexico is a center of origin, but because of high rates of lineage diversification associated with high rates of evolution along moisture gradients and between the evergreen and deciduous leaf habits. Sympatric parallel diversification in the oaks has shaped the diversity of North American forests.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2016
Anales Del Instituto De Biologia Serie Botanica, 2002
Phytotaxa, 2015
A nomenclatural conflict between Quercus acutifolia and Q. conspersa is solved based on the thoro... more A nomenclatural conflict between Quercus acutifolia and Q. conspersa is solved based on the thorough revision of herbarium specimens, type specimens, original descriptions and field observations. Q. conspersa is proposed as a synonym of Q. acutifolia, as are the names Q. acutifolia ζ conspersa, Q. acutifolia β bonplandi, Q. acutifolia γ angustifolia, Q. acutifolia ε longifolia and Q. candolleana. In addition, Q. grahamii is recognized as the correct name for the taxon identified as Q. acutifolia. Q. conspersa is lectotypified and Q. conspersa f. caudata is neotypified here. Information on the distribution of Q. acutifolia and Q. grahamii and the main features used to distinguish them is also provided.
Papers by Susana Valencia Avalos