Papers by Suminar S Achmadi
*Buku ini hanya bisa dibaca & fotocopy di dalam perpustakaan / tidak dipinjamkan.**Silahkan h... more *Buku ini hanya bisa dibaca & fotocopy di dalam perpustakaan / tidak dipinjamkan.**Silahkan hubungi petugas untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Sep 8, 2022
Judul asli: Schaum's outlines of theory and problems of beginning chemistryx, 275 p. : il.; 28 c
Hayati Journal of Biosciences, Sep 1, 2005
Heavy metal utilization in industry and agriculture have caused an environmental problem to exist... more Heavy metal utilization in industry and agriculture have caused an environmental problem to existing life. Bioaccumulation is made up by a concentration of certain chemical compounds in living tissues. The objective of this research was to reveal the ability of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) of heavy metal Bradyrhizobium japonicum tolerant strains in accumulating heavy metals. The strains used were BDG 10, KDR 10, and KDR 15. The ability of each strains on heavy metal accumulation of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cd were quantitatively determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The result showed that each strains has its own capacity to accumulate heavy metals. Accumulation of Cu (0.100), Pb (0.320), and Cd (0.048) ppm/mg dry weight by KDR 10 seem higher than BDG 10 and KDR 15. The highest accumulation of Zn and Ni was shown by KDR 15 in which the value were 0.360 and 0.165 ppm/mg dry weight, respectively and the least accumulation of all heavy metal studied was shown by BDG 10.
Indonesian Journal of Biology, Jun 2, 2014
Hutan gambut di Indonesia memiliki biodiversitas yang khas dengan keragaman flora dan fauna sehin... more Hutan gambut di Indonesia memiliki biodiversitas yang khas dengan keragaman flora dan fauna sehingga menjadi sumber daya hayati yang sangat berharga. Luas lahan gambut di Indonesia diperkirakan mencapai 17-27 juta ha (Rieley et al. 1996). Sekitar 5,77 juta ha dari luasan tersebut terdapat di Kalimantan, dan Kalimantan Tengah merupakan daerah yang memiliki lahan gambut terluas, yaitu sekitar 3,01 juta hektar (Wahyunto et al. 2004). Salah satu potensi yang biasa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat disekitar kawasan tersebut adalah pemanfaatan tumbuhan hutan untuk bahan obat. Salah satu tumbuhan yang terdapat di dalam ekosistem hutan gambut ialah genus Tristaniopsis. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan dari genus Tristaniopsis
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the character of tannin Acacia mangium barks and to com... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the character of tannin Acacia mangium barks and to compare dimensional stability and strength of MDF prepared using tannin from A. mangium in combination with commerciai UF, PF resin systems The bark was water ...
Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research, 2015
Soursop leaves contain various compounds that have biological activity such as kaempferol as anti... more Soursop leaves contain various compounds that have biological activity such as kaempferol as anticancer. Twelve extraction techniques were performed to obtain the best extraction technique to get high kaempferol content on Soursop leaves extracts. The dried Soursop leaves powder was extracted with different solvent and different technique such as maceration, sonication, reflux, and soxhletation. The yield of extract, toxicity against Artemia salina larvae, total phenols, total flavonoids, total tannin, and thin layer chromatography profile of all extracts were determined. Total phenol and total flavonoids content were determined by spectroscopy, while total tannin content was determined by titration method. The results showed that the yields of extracts werevarying from 4.09-18.64%. All extracts were toxic since they showed LC 50 value less than 1000 ppm. Tannin content on the extracts was varying from 3.78-7.59%, phenolic content from 6.16-16.44%, and flavonoid content from 0.63-10.25%. The extract with high content of total phenols and total flavonoids, low of tannin content, and low spot intensity on thin layer chromatograph was selected for high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Sonication extraction of n-hexane residues was chosen as the best extraction technique for kaempferol isolation from the Soursop leaves with kaempferol content of 1.22%. In addition to high content of kaempferol, sonication was chosen due to the highest yield of extraction, the shortest extraction time and the least impurities.
The bark of mangrove trees (mainly Rhizophoraceae) in Indonesia contains large amounts of tannins... more The bark of mangrove trees (mainly Rhizophoraceae) in Indonesia contains large amounts of tannins. Use of this natural resource as adhesive for plywood and particleboard has not been fully investigated. Thus far, results have shown promise, depending on the kind of tannin, degree of pH, curing temperature and pressure, and level of PF in the glue mixture. In general, the gluability of tannin is acceptable, except for low water resistance. Variations in bonding strength due to type of tannins may be explained when the structure and reactions of these tannins have been identified and their properties evaluated.
Judul Asli: General Chemistry, Principles and modern application373 p. : il.; 24 cm
International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Mar 20, 2012
Biodiesel production results in glycerol production as the main by-product in biodiesel industry.... more Biodiesel production results in glycerol production as the main by-product in biodiesel industry.One of the utilizations of glycerol obtained from biodiesel production is as a cement grinding aid (CGA). Results showed that crude glycerol content was 40.19% whereas pure glycerol content was 82.15%. BSS value of the cement with CGA supplementation was higher than that of nonsupplemented cement (blank) indicating that CGA-supplemented cement had higher fineness than the non-supplemented one. It was also found that pure glycerol 95% and TEA 5% at 80ºC was the optimum CGA used to result in finest cement with BSS value of 4.836 cm2/g. Residue test showed that the smallest percent residue value (0.11%) was obtained in cement with supplementation of pure glycerol 95% and TEA 5%. Results of residue test confirmed those of BSS test showing that cement with supplementation of pure glycerol 95% and TEA 5% had the finest particle size. .
Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences, Apr 20, 2021
acı tatlandırıcı olarak kulanılması gibi farmasötik öneme sahiptir. Kinidin yoğun talep görmesine... more acı tatlandırıcı olarak kulanılması gibi farmasötik öneme sahiptir. Kinidin yoğun talep görmesine rağmen, kinidin kaynağı olan kına ağacı (C. calisaya) kabuğunun üretimi sınırlıdır. Kına ağacı fungal endofitlerinden, yani Aspergillus sydowii, Diaporthe sp., D. lithicola, Fusarium oxysporum ve F. solani'den kinidin üretimi, ağaç kabuğundaki kinidin içeriğinden daha düşüktür. Bu çalışmada bu mantarlardan kinidin üretimini arttırma denemesi yapılmıştır. Amaç: Bu araştırmada endofitik mantarların kinidin üretmesi için en uygun kültür koşullarınının bulunması amaçlanmaktadır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Kinidin farklı kültür koşullarında Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) ortamında fungal endofitlerin in vitro kültürlenmesi yoluyla üretilmiş, başlangıç ortamı olarak pH 6.2 veya 6.8'in kombinasyonları ışıklı / ışıksız olarak kullanılarak statik koşullarda oda sıcaklığında 21 gün süreyle inkübasyona tabi tutularak üretilmiştir. PDB ortamının değiştirici olmayan pH'ında doğal gün ışığı altında üretim kontrollü olarak kullanılmıştır. Kuluçka süresinin sonunda, misel kütlesi süzüntüden ayrılmıştır. Kurutulmuş biyokütle, ve kloroform ile ekstre edilmiş süzüntü tartılmıştır. Ekstredeki kinidin, HPLC kullanılarak kalitatif ve kantitif olarak analiz edilmiştir. BULGULAR: Kinidin üretimi, mantarlara bağlı olarak ortamın hem ışık hem de ilk pH'sından etkilenmiştir. Kinidin üretimindeki önemli artış, tüm mantarlardan optimum koşullarında kontrolünden yaklaşık 1.1-9.3 kat elde edilmiştir. Mantarların çoğunda kinidin üretimi, ekstrakt üretimi ile değil, biyokütle üretimi ile önemli ölçüde ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu beş mantardan, ilk pH 6.2 ve sürekli ışık inkübasyonu altında PDB ortamında kültürlenen F. solani, düşük biyokütle ile en yüksek kinidin konsantrasyonunu üretmiştir. TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Çalışılan tüm mantar endofitlerinin kinidin üretimi, kültür durumundan etkilenmiştir. F. solani, kinidin üretim ajanı olarak kullanılacak en muhtemel mantardır.
Papers by Suminar S Achmadi