Papers by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin

Educational research and innovation, Mar 5, 2019
How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

L’equipe francaise (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires, CRI) a participe aux deux cycles du... more L’equipe francaise (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires, CRI) a participe aux deux cycles du projet, le premier ayant porte sur une experience en cours de sciences et le second en cours de sciences sociales. L’experience n’a eu lieu que dans l’enseignement primaire et a principalement ete menee dans des etablissements publics, a l’exception d’un etablissement prive. La collecte de donnees s’est deroulee de novembre 2015 a juin 2017. Il convient de signaler que tant dans les classes du groupe experimental que dans celles du groupe de controle, les eleves avaient deja travaille au developpement de leurs competences en creativite et en coefficients de propension. Toutefois, seuls les enseignants du groupe experimental ont pu beneficier de l’acces aux ressources et referentiels de competences de l’OCDE. L’experience aupres des eleves s’est deroulee sur plusieurs mois lors du second semestre, a une frequence d’au moins une fois par semaine. C’est par le biais du programme francais d...
Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking, 2019
This chapter presents the most relevant effects of the OECD-CERI pilot project on students’ outco... more This chapter presents the most relevant effects of the OECD-CERI pilot project on students’ outcomes and discusses the validation of the survey instruments. Furthermore, it introduces the initial findings of a class-level analysis, with a special focus on the most successful classes and the characteristics of their teachers, students and adopted pedagogical activities. Finally, it discusses the lessons learnt from the pilot phase. These are laid out by main topic and provide suggestions on how the survey operations and instruments can be improved in sight of the validation phase.

Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking, 2019
The French La Main a la Pâte (Lamap) Team only undertook the first round of pedagogical intervent... more The French La Main a la Pâte (Lamap) Team only undertook the first round of pedagogical intervention and data collection, with data collection between December 2015 and January 2016. The pedagogical intervention was carried out in primary schools of the cities of Nancy, Troyes and Nogent sur Oise, in public schools exclusively. The foundation Lamap co-ordinated the local work, while the Laboratoire Adaptations Travail Individu (LATI, Paris Descartes University) collected the creativity data. All teachers participating in the project for the French (Lamap) team were focusing on science, and critical thinking was the focus of the intervention for this team. The intervention used Project Based Learning, the typical signature science pedagogy used by Lamap, with a strong emphasis on hands-on activities. See Chapter 3 for more detailed discussion on signature pedagogies.
Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking, 2019
This chapter discusses the undertakings and experiences of the different teams taking part in the... more This chapter discusses the undertakings and experiences of the different teams taking part in the OECD-CERI project with regard to the development of teachers’ ability to foster and assess creativity and critical thinking. Local team co-ordinators relied on three types of measures to design their professional development strategies: teacher training, individual follow-up, peer dialogue and collaboration. Seeking support from school and system leaders was also key to provide teachers with good conditions for professional learning. The extent to which teams relied on these measures varied as their relevance and effectiveness depended on the specificities of local contexts.
Fostering Students' Creativity and Critical Thinking, 2019
This chapter presents a framework to support teachers in the design of classroom activities that ... more This chapter presents a framework to support teachers in the design of classroom activities that nurture students’ creativity and critical thinking skills as part of the curriculum. Developed collaboratively by participants in the OECD-CERI project, the framework is composed of a portfolio of domain-general and domain-specific rubrics and a set of design criteria to guide teachers in the development of lesson plans that create opportunities for students to demonstrate their creativity and critical thinking while delivering subject content. Teachers across teams in 11 countries worked to adapt their usual teaching practice to this framework and to develop lesson plans in multiple subject areas. The chapter presents a selection of exemplar lesson plans across subject areas and concludes with some key insights.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.

How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of ou... more How will education reinvent itself to respond to the megatrends that are shaping the future of our societies and educate learners for their future, rather than our past? Governments cannot innovate in the classroom, but they can help build and communicate the case for change. They can also play a key role as platform and broker, as stimulator and enabler; they can focus resources, set a facilitative policy climate, and use accountability to allow innovation rather than compliance. To that effect, education policy makers need to develop proper innovation policies, better identify key agents of change, champion them, and find more effective approaches to scaling and disseminating innovation. This includes finding better ways to recognise, reward and give visibility to success, doing whatever is possible to make it easier for innovators to take risks, to encourage the emergence of new ideasbut also to monitor change in education systems and be able to link innovations with educational performance.
Educational Research and Innovation, 2014
Innovation in schools can incorporate changes to external relation practices whether aimed at inf... more Innovation in schools can incorporate changes to external relation practices whether aimed at informing parents on their child’s performance or to involve them in certain activities as well as for self-promotion purposes. The aim of innovation with regard to external relations could be, for example, to create a stronger and supportive sense of community between schools, parents and students as well as to promote the schools and extend their outreach to previously under served students.
Educational Research and Innovation, 2014
Innovation in instructional practices could incorporate changes in the extent to which students a... more Innovation in instructional practices could incorporate changes in the extent to which students apply their knowledge and skills to their real lives or to activities such as interpretation of data or reasoning. The aim of such innovation may be to encourage engagement and motivation by making lessons more salient or to encourage students’ critical thinking skills. A reduction in these practices may occur if teachers explore innovative alternatives or seek to spend the time on different activities.
Papers by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin