Stefania Isac
Titluri ştiinţifice şi ştiinţifico-didactice: doctor în pedagogie (2002), cercetător ştiinţific superior (2005), conferențiar universitar (2005).
Activitatea ştiinţifică şi didactică: profesoară de limba şi literatura română(R.Moldova; Mucacevo, Ujgorod, Ucraina); profesoară de limba şi literatura rusă(Moscova, Mucacevo(reg. Transcarpatică, Ucraina)); inspector la Ministerul Educaţiei din Ucraina, Ujgorod; şefă de catedră ELL a I,Ş.E.; conferențiar universitar, doctor în pedagogie la Departamentu Formare Continuă a I.Ș.E.; lector, prodecan la U.P.S. I. Creangă; cercetător științific superior, șefă de sector MFPC a IȘE; autor, coautor şi coordonator al multor documente științifico – didactice în științele educației preuniversitare și universitare.
Publicaţii: peste 50 de publicații: monografie, studii, ghid metodic, articole științifico-didactice. Este deţinătoarea Diplomei de onoare, Consiliul Republican al Sindicatelor Educației și Științei din R. Moldova, 02.XI.2006; Diploma de Recunoștință a Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 02.XI.2006; Diploma de onoare a ME al Republicii Moldova, 02.XII, 2009; Diploma de gradul I a Guvernului Republicii Moldova, 02.XI.2011.
Activitatea ştiinţifică şi didactică: profesoară de limba şi literatura română(R.Moldova; Mucacevo, Ujgorod, Ucraina); profesoară de limba şi literatura rusă(Moscova, Mucacevo(reg. Transcarpatică, Ucraina)); inspector la Ministerul Educaţiei din Ucraina, Ujgorod; şefă de catedră ELL a I,Ş.E.; conferențiar universitar, doctor în pedagogie la Departamentu Formare Continuă a I.Ș.E.; lector, prodecan la U.P.S. I. Creangă; cercetător științific superior, șefă de sector MFPC a IȘE; autor, coautor şi coordonator al multor documente științifico – didactice în științele educației preuniversitare și universitare.
Publicaţii: peste 50 de publicații: monografie, studii, ghid metodic, articole științifico-didactice. Este deţinătoarea Diplomei de onoare, Consiliul Republican al Sindicatelor Educației și Științei din R. Moldova, 02.XI.2006; Diploma de Recunoștință a Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 02.XI.2006; Diploma de onoare a ME al Republicii Moldova, 02.XII, 2009; Diploma de gradul I a Guvernului Republicii Moldova, 02.XI.2011.
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Papers by Stefania Isac
The educational management in the informed society means adequate efforts in terms of educational optimization in the context of the society based on its democratization which represents the social process situated at the limits of intersection between educational and political system which has to deal with school management activity improvement on all its levels.
The computerization of the educational process stimulates the activity of projecting, fulfillment and development of the education on the level of proper science communication competence in terms of: teacher’s competence in the role of information transmitter; the competence of the pedagogical communication channels which became public through informational technologies wide usage; pupil/ student competence- receiver “available to undertake much information, which requires and represents an interest regarding media products”. The adequate approach and implementation of the Educational Management in the context of computerization of the education may serve as a premise in order to a ministry to be able to evaluate educational politics in the context of actual economical and social objectives development to plan the suitable formation activities in such a way for teaching staff to obtain the necessary skills for the relevant objectives fulfillment.
The educational management in the informed society means adequate efforts in terms of educational optimization in the context of the society based on its democratization which represents the social process situated at the limits of intersection between educational and political system which has to deal with school management activity improvement on all its levels.
The computerization of the educational process stimulates the activity of projecting, fulfillment and development of the education on the level of proper science communication competence in terms of: teacher’s competence in the role of information transmitter; the competence of the pedagogical communication channels which became public through informational technologies wide usage; pupil/ student competence- receiver “available to undertake much information, which requires and represents an interest regarding media products”. The adequate approach and implementation of the Educational Management in the context of computerization of the education may serve as a premise in order to a ministry to be able to evaluate educational politics in the context of actual economical and social objectives development to plan the suitable formation activities in such a way for teaching staff to obtain the necessary skills for the relevant objectives fulfillment.