Papers by Stanislavas Dadelo
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2016
To maximize the effectiveness of a decision, it is necessary to support decision-making with inte... more To maximize the effectiveness of a decision, it is necessary to support decision-making with integrated methods. It can be assumed that subjective evaluation (considering only absolute values) is only remotely connected with the evaluation of real processes. Therefore, relying solely on these values in process management decision-making would be a mistake because this might lead to the lack of agreement between the criteria of the process. The absolute values of criteria are required for decision making, while the integrated criteria evaluation is necessary for making consistent decisions, taking into account the relative values of the criteria as well.
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2014
The article deals with the task of elite selection of private security personnel on the basis of ... more The article deals with the task of elite selection of private security personnel on the basis of objective and subjective criteria. One of the possible solutions of this multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem is creation of heuristics allowing to minimize discrepancy of ranks calculated for the objective and subjective criteria on the basis of the best security staff. The proposed heuristic combines interval points re-selection and random points generation methods. Two optimizing algorithms are proposed. It is shown how this method is applied for solving specific task of elite selection from security personnel.
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2015
In this study KEmeny Median Indicator Rank Accordance (KEMIRA) method is applied for solving pers... more In this study KEmeny Median Indicator Rank Accordance (KEMIRA) method is applied for solving personnel ranking and selection problem when there are two subgroups of evaluating criteria. Each stage of KEMIRA method illustrated with the examples. In the first stage Kemeny median method is applied to generalize experts’ opinions for setting criteria priorities. Medians were calculated for all experts opinions generalization and for experts majority opinions generalization. In the second stage criteria weights calculated and alternatives ranking accomplished simultaneously by Indicator Rank Accordance method. The obtained solutions compared with the results received in previous work of authors.

Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 2018
It is actual to elucidate the contribution of each factor to the professional competence of guard... more It is actual to elucidate the contribution of each factor to the professional competence of guards and the infl uence of these factors on their superior’s appraisal. Therefore we hypothesize that assessment of the contribution of the guard’s personal features into his professional competence and their infl uence on their appraisal by superiors will be helpful in staffi ng private security services and improving their working qualities. The object of the current study was the psychobiological and professional factors determining the professional competence of a security worker. The aim of the work was to establish the role of separate factors determining the professional competence of security workers, as well as to study the professional competence of security workers in formativeness of superior’s appraisal and psychobiological factors, qualitative indices and their analysis. The study subject was 118 security workers and their four direct superiors.Factor analysis applied for compete...

Expert Systems with Applications, 2014
Basketball is one of the most popular sports games in the world. Professional basketball has beco... more Basketball is one of the most popular sports games in the world. Professional basketball has become a significant contributor to global economics and business. Considerable funds attracted by the game motivate participants of the sporting process (players, coaches, club owners, administration and etc.) to strive for better athletic results, this way promoting internal and external rivalry. A large number of players and the desire of teams to attract better team members as well as improve the quality of the already available athletes, boost the use of assessment and rating processes. The most popular and widely used player rating systems are based on performance statistics, which reflect situational factors of the game. Most specialists believe that such systems lack objectivity. Meanwhile, the Authors suggest a systematic solution, i.e. an adjusted well-known TOPSIS method and principles for the design of the algorithm based on the method. As a consistent problem solving system, algorithms based on multi-criteria decision-making are regarded to be simple and clear, suitable to substantiate solutions as well as easily applied in practise. Methodologies used by the Authors will help ensuring a greater efficiency of player and team rating, more accurate prognoses of sports results, team formation, and optimisation of the training process considering individualism of team players and encouraging their versatility, i.e. conformity to general physical preparedness norms of the team. The suggested research methods could be used in other sports. Furthermore, these principles could be used in business management for team formation.

Nowadays the rapidly advancing technologies and the ongoing changes in the socioeconomic and poli... more Nowadays the rapidly advancing technologies and the ongoing changes in the socioeconomic and political processes in societies have stipulated an increased attention to security issues. In its broadest sense, the notion of security affects each and every member of society. At the age when the majority of borders are open in the direct and indirect sense of the word, the possibilities of humans and technologies become increasingly limitless. However, these opportunities are often not directed positively, but are rather targeted at causing harm to others. In this case, we can talk about both: sensitive migration issues and acts of terror, as well as about human interrelationships in general. It is no secret that we feel at our best in an environment, which is comfortable to us. Thus, any larger or smaller disturbance creates a sense of alarm due to the feeling of threat to one’s own security as well as the desire to protect oneself. Security (being secure, protected against failures, fears, aggression) occupies a prominent second place in Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of the basic human needs, closely following such physiological needs as food, sleep, rest and others. Therefore, paying attention to even the tiniest potential threats is a priority for everyone and generating response taken at an individual level and organisational level. By starting already with the historical development of security throughout centuries and ending with cybersecurity, the book addresses issues related to individual security and the security of organisations. The articles provide an insight into the notion of security, its concepts in the global world, ethical issues of security, risk and quality management and leadership. They also address issues of physical guarding services, Schengen Area, fire safety, video surveillance and others. A separate chapter is devoted to security training as well as crime prevention, whistleblowers and cybersecurity. The book has been developed as part of the “Development of Society and Organisation Security Programmes 2017” project (Project No. NPHE-2017/10115) and has brought together authors from three institutions of higher learning - Turiba University (Latvia), Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania) and Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland). It aims to clarify various issues related to the security of individuals and organisations and targets everyone interested in gaining insight into various security-related issues from the perspective of scientists and practitioners of Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. However, it should be noted that those interested in in-depth studies of security would require further reading, since the book does not aim at becoming a comprehensive source of information on all subjects, but rather provides an insight, raises general awareness and understanding of the issues and hopes to generate interest for further studies. Each article can be read as a separate issue

Symmetry, 2021
This article presents the methodology and tools to evaluate the reliability of quantitative socio... more This article presents the methodology and tools to evaluate the reliability of quantitative sociological research data. The problem of filtering unreliable data is usually solved by statistical methods. This article proposes an improved method for filtering unreliable data. In this case, the statistical methods are not applied to the initial data but the value of the distance function between the two preferences. This allows for the disclosure of conflicting or erroneous data. Calculation of the distance between two preferences and prioritisation of life goals are based on binary relation theory, where the properties of symmetry (antisymmetry) are very important. The article presents a case study on 11 life goals evaluation and ranking by Lithuanian and China students. The study revealed that the China student data filtered at least twice as much as the Lithuanian student data, i.e., they are less reliable. The filtered data show that students of both countries ranked the most and t...

Creativity Studies, 2020
The emergence of the phenomenon of sports is closely associated with the processes of communicati... more The emergence of the phenomenon of sports is closely associated with the processes of communication. Sport is a social phenomenon, which solves a number of various tasks. The integrity and popularity of sport promoted the emergence and development of sport industry, integrating all human activities. The sport industry is changing with the changes in social and technological development. It is aimed at satisfying the needs of the society at various levels (i.e. personal, group, social, national and international levels). Sport helps to solve the tasks of personal growth. The analysis of sport and the basic elements of the sport industry allows for assessing the importance and determining the stages of the sport industry’s development. The phenomenon of sport and the associated industry needs a thorough study, including seemingly unrelated areas (i.e. education, physiology, psychology, law, economy, communication, culture, technologies, etc.).

Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, 2018
Research background and hypothesis. The sport result is mostly accounted for by the ... more Research background and hypothesis. The sport result is mostly accounted for by the technical and tactic preparation of SAMBO fighters. The establishment of the Sports and Combat SAMBO wrestling contest actions will allow identifying the essential differences between the ways of wrestling. Research aim was to examine the distribution of actions used by Lithuanian Sport and Combat SAMBO fighters exhibiting different sport skill levels at contests differing in terms of their level.Research methods. In 2012 we watched 46 Lithuanian higher school Sport SAMBO contest bouts and analysed 50 Lithuanian Sport SAMBO Championship bouts and 43 Combat SAMBO bouts. Research results. Actions performed at Sport SAMBO were relatively divided into: very important – throws by legs and throws by trunk; important – throws by arms and retention; of minor importance – painful arm locks and painful leg locks. Combat SAMBO wrestling actions were divided into: very important – throws by arms, ...

Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, Dec 21, 2010
Šiame darbe autorių anksčiau pasiūlytas diagnostinio testo modelis pritaikytas konstruojant testą... more Šiame darbe autorių anksčiau pasiūlytas diagnostinio testo modelis pritaikytas konstruojant testą, skirtą įvertinti pirmo kurso studentų vaikinų aerobinį pajėgumą. Atliktas pilotinis tyrimas, kuris rodo, kaip iš dvireikšmių diagnostinių operatorių sudaryti informatyviausią testą, pritaikytą duotai tiriamųjų grupei. Atliekama kalibravimo procedūrapagal esamus empirinius duomenis parenkami modelio parametrai, po to iš skirtingų diagnostinių operatorių išrenkamas tinkamiausias. Pagal siūlomą metodiką skaičiuojamas testo rezultato tikimybinis skirstinys ir testo teikiamos informacijos kiekis. Testo rezultatas-tiriamųjų norminis įvertinimas latentinio kintamojo (aerobinio pajėgumo VO2max) atžvilgiu. Didžiausio tikėtinumo metodu gaunamas maksimalaus deguonies sunaudojimo (VO2max) įvertis. Siūlomo mišraus modelio rezultatai yra tikslesni atliekant aerobinio pajėgumo norminį vertinimą. Raktiniai žodžiai: užduoties sprendimo teorija, diagnostinis operatorius, entropijos funkcija, maksimalus deguonies sunaudojimas, matematinis modeliavimas.

The present article purposed to determine how guards and respective executives appraised the infl... more The present article purposed to determine how guards and respective executives appraised the influence produced by various human qualities upon the efficiency of professional activity of a guard. The research was carried out at a private security guard service. The research involved 33 executives (group 1) and 102 guards (group 2) directly securing safety at enterprises and facilities. A survey was made by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a set of closed questions with a suggested range of quantitative responses. Qualities offered for appraisal were grouped by their character into the social, the mental, and the biological ones. The results showed that respondents made high demands on guard’s qualities offered for appraisal. Respondents thought that all suggested qualities were important for successful professional activities. However the qualities may be divided into the following six groups by their importance to professional activities: the essential, the ...

Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas studentų, įstojusių į VGTU pirmą kursą, požiūris į kūno kultūros pamokas... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas studentų, įstojusių į VGTU pirmą kursą, požiūris į kūno kultūros pamokas vyresnėse mokyklos klasėse. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 19–20 metų 606 studentai (326 merginos ir 280 vaikinų), įstoję į VGTU pirmą kursą 2009 m. rugsėjo mėn., tai yra apie 25 % visų pirmo kurso studentų. Taikytas anketinės apklausos raštu metodas. Tyrimas atskleidė nepakankamą kūno kultūros indėlį į Lietuvos mokyklų 9–12 klasių mokinių ugdymą. Dėl šios priežasties jaunimas, baigęs mokyklas, aukštesnėje studijų pakopoje yra nepakankamai motyvuotas, neturi pakankamai žinių ir įgūdžių toliau užsiiminėti kūno kultūra. Lietuvos mokyklų 9–12 klasėse kūno kultūros pamokos gana dažnai merginoms ir vaikinams vyksta kartu, nesilaikant pedagoginių ir fiziologinių reikalavimų, per pamoką mokinių skaičius gerokai viršija higienos normas, o tai daro neigiamą įtaką jaunimo kūno kultūros plėtrai. Tiktai pusei apklaustų merginų ir trečdaliui vaikinų mokytojas pamokas metodiškai taisyklingai vedė nuo pradžios...
Darbo tikslas - parengti teoriškai pagrįstą Lietuvos teisės akademijos (LTA) I kurso studentų sav... more Darbo tikslas - parengti teoriškai pagrįstą Lietuvos teisės akademijos (LTA) I kurso studentų savarankiško fizinio rengimosi sistemą, pritaikytą atskiriems studentų studijų ir motorinio aktyvumo etapams - studijoms, egzaminų sesijoms, praktikoms, atostogoms, bei patikrinti ją pedagoginius aspektu [...]The objective of the work was to prepare a theoretically grounded and tested by pedagogical experiment system of the physical self-training of the first year students of the Law Academy of Lithuania. The system is adapted to separate stages of student life motor actives and hypodynamics: studies, examinations sessions, practice periods and holidays. [...

Ilgalaikių tyrimų, nagrinėjančių studentų, skirtingais metais įstojusių į Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyk... more Ilgalaikių tyrimų, nagrinėjančių studentų, skirtingais metais įstojusių į Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų pirmą kursą, fizinį išsivystymą, parengtumą ir funkcinį pajėgumą, stokojama. Aktualu ilgesnį laiką tirti į pirmą kursą įstojusių student fizinio išsivystymo, parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo kaitą. Darome hipotetinę prielaidą, kad, kintant Lietuvos socialinėms ir ekonominėms sąlygoms, keičiantis studentų, įstojusių į Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto (VGTU) pirmą kursą, dvasinėms ir fizinėms vertybėms, nuosekliai kinta įstojusiųjų fizinio išsivystymo, parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodikliai. Iškėlėme tikslą – ištirti studentų, įstojusių į VGTU pirmą kursą skirtingais (2002 ir 2008) metais, fizinį išsivystymą, fizinį parengtumą, funkcinį pajėgumą bei atlikti gautų duomenų lyginamąją analizę. Tyrimo objektas: įstojusių į VGTU pirmą kursą studentų fizinis išsivystymas, fizinis parengtumas ir funkcinis pajėgumas. Buvo tiriami atsitiktine tvarka atrinkti VGTU pirmo kurso 19–20 me...

Research background and hypothesis. The sport result is mostly accounted for by the technical and... more Research background and hypothesis. The sport result is mostly accounted for by the technical and tactic preparation of SAMBO fighters. The establishment of the Sports and Combat SAMBO wrestling contest actions will allow identifying the essential differences between the ways of wrestling. Research aim was to examine the distribution of actions used by Lithuanian Sport and Combat SAMBO fighters exhibiting different sport skill levels at contests differing in terms of their level. Research methods. In 2012 we watched 46 Lithuanian higher school Sport SAMBO contest bouts and analysed 50 Lithuanian Sport SAMBO Championship bouts and 43 Combat SAMBO bouts. Research results. Actions performed at Sport SAMBO were relatively divided into: very important – throws by legs and throws by trunk; important – throws by arms and retention; of minor importance – painful arm locks and painful leg locks. Combat SAMBO wrestling actions were divided into: very important – throws by arms, retention and ...

In order to create an effective and health conscious education system, it is relevant to investig... more In order to create an effective and health conscious education system, it is relevant to investigate attitudes of students who have chosen and have not chosen physical education (PE) module. The aim is to find out students’ attitude towards PE and reveal their distinctive features. Study subject: 20–22 years old students (boys). Group 1 (n = 348) was formed of students, who chose PE module, group 2 (n = 224) – did not choose the module. The research was focused on students’ PE studies, discipline assessment, and relationship with it. The study was carried out in 2012/13 academic years, the second semester. The study applied the questionnaire method of writing. Students who chose PE module, enjoyed physical training more than those who did not choose it. Students, who chose PE module, had revealed that the positive evaluations of PE were largely influenced by good teachers, good sports facilities, and equipment. The greatest role in shaping attitudes towards PE went to the teacher. M...

Inquiry into healthy or less healthy students and health changes exhibited by them over a number ... more Inquiry into healthy or less healthy students and health changes exhibited by them over a number of academic years has not been fully accomplished. So, it is urgent to study the distribution of freshmen by health condition and health changes over several years. In order to optimize physical training and avoid mistakes in the process of physical training, it is necessary to perform permanent supervision and analysis of health condition exhibited by academic youth. These measures may form the basis for improvement in the area of students’ physical stir–up. We have set ourselves the following aim – to analyze periodically the condition of health demonstrated by first–year students enrolled at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, and to carry out the comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative findings. Data on the condition of health of freshmen (19–20 years) at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University was collected and generalized. Our inquiry showed that the condition of he...

It is becoming urgent to research the factors influencing guards’ professional competence. The st... more It is becoming urgent to research the factors influencing guards’ professional competence. The study subject: 118 guards employed at a private security service company and their 4 direct superiors. The study object: psychobiological and professional factors influencing guards’ professional competence. The study goal: to research the professional competence of guards, and the level of informativeness provided by superiors’ assessment and psychobiological indicators. The research into security guards and the assessment of quantitative criteria by objective research methods (internal assessment) and quantitative subjective methods (superiors’ assessment, observation, survey) with the application of factor analysis technique revealed that the guards’ professional competence assessment given by the greater part of superiors was not informative and reliable. Only the assessment of guards’ motor and fighting skills by superiors come closer to the objective criteria of internal assessment. ...

Mathematics, 2020
Innovative solutions and techniques in the sports industry are commonly used and tested in real c... more Innovative solutions and techniques in the sports industry are commonly used and tested in real conditions. Elite athletes have to achieve their peak performance before the main competition of the year, which is the World Championship, and every fourth year before the Olympic Games, when the main competition of athletes takes place. The present study aims to analyze and evaluate the ability of elite kayakers to achieve the best form at the right times, with the Olympic Games taking the greatest importance. Target values for multiple measures of conditioning are compared to target values set by experts. A weighted least squares metric with weights varied by time period is developed as a measure of fulfillment of the athletes’ conditioning plans. The novelty of the paper is the idea of using linear combination of polynomials and trigonometric functions for approximating the target functions and application of the proposed methodology for the optimization and evaluation of athletic tra...
Papers by Stanislavas Dadelo