La presentazione di una importnte opera collettiva che ricostruisce la storia del movimento valde... more La presentazione di una importnte opera collettiva che ricostruisce la storia del movimento valdese dalle origini medioevali fino ai giorni nostri
Il compito che mi è stato assegnato consiste nel ricostruire l'itinerario intellettuale di Sergio... more Il compito che mi è stato assegnato consiste nel ricostruire l'itinerario intellettuale di Sergio Caruso. Per quanto mi renda felice e soprattutto onorata, si tratta di una missione quasi impossibile 1. Il suo lascito intellettuale è infatti così estremamente ricco e variegato, eppure profondamente coeso, che non è certo impresa facile rendergli pienamente giustizia. Questa ricchezza e pluralità di direzioni di sviluppo ha una ragione ben specifica: la grande, serena libertà intellettuale che caratterizza tutta la sua opera. Sergio Caruso, infatti, non si è mai legato esclusivamente a un tema, a una scuola o a un autore. Certo, nell'arco pluridecennale della sua produzione ha avuto degli interlocutori privilegiati. Ricordando solo i più importanti, si possono citare la vicinanza originaria al marxismo critico e alla linea genealogica della scuola di Francoforte, ma soprattutto la conversazione continua e profonda con la galassia della moral philosophy anglosassone, e ancor più specificamente l'interesse per Adam Smith che accompagna infatti tutta la sua opera 2 , e si pone in certo senso alla radice anche della sua ricerca su John Selden. Ugualmente profondo è stato il suo dialogo con autori contemporanei quali Michael Walzer e Amartya Sen. Tuttavia, 1 Per un tentativo simile mi permetto di rimandare al mio Spini 2021. 2 La sua traduzione dell'Indagine sulla natura e le cause della ricchezza delle nazioni è stata più volte ripubblicata e aggiornata. Caruso 1973; 1995.
De la primera a la segunda modernidad La modernidad se caracteriza en gran parte por un proceso q... more De la primera a la segunda modernidad La modernidad se caracteriza en gran parte por un proceso que ha visto cómo la religión, o más generalmente la relación con la trascendencia, ha dejado espa-cio a una llamada a la razón ya la ciencia como instrumental capaz de ...
Rivista italiana di filosofia politica, Jan 25, 2023
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is well known as one among the protagonists of India's political history i... more Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is well known as one among the protagonists of India's political history in the 20th century, as he played a major role in the struggle against the caste system, and in designing a pluralist and egalitarian democracy. Ambedkar's intellectual legacy is a crucial tool for investigating the contradictions of the contemporary Indian political experience, and as such has much to offer to the international political-philosophical debate. This essay presents the main aspects of Ambedkar's thought, focusing on themes such as his non-majoritarian conception of democracy, the tension between universality and difference in political citizenship, social and political equality, as well as his reflection on religious identity. Ambedkar's intellectual profile will also be assessed in light of the ongoing debate on the status of a non-derivative Indian political thought.
Women and Migration(s) II draws together contributions from scholars and artists showcasing the b... more Women and Migration(s) II draws together contributions from scholars and artists showcasing the breadth of intersectional experiences of migration, from diaspora to internal displacement. Building on conversations initiated in Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History, this edited volume features a range of written styles, from memoir to artists’ statements to journalistic and critical essays. The collection shows how women’s experiences of migration have been articulated through art, film, poetry and even food. This varied approach aims to aid understanding of the lived experiences of home, loss, family, belonging, isolation, borders and identity—issues salient both in experiences of migration and in the epochal times in which we find ourselves today. These are stories of trauma and fear, but also stories of the strength, perseverance, hope and even joy of women surviving their own moments of disorientation, disenfranchisement and dislocation. This collection engages with c...
As other chapters in this book have amply demonstrated, globalization has considerably redrawn th... more As other chapters in this book have amply demonstrated, globalization has considerably redrawn the contours of the world political economy. Production, trade, investment and finance have acquired different dynamics, as have the regulatory frameworks that order them. What, in the meantime, has happened to the so-called ‘third sector’ that exists alongside markets and governance arrangements? Has civil society also ‘gone globa’? If so, what does this development imply for issues such as efficiency, democracy and social cohesion?
The study day, whose Proceedings are collected in this volume, was dedicated to a reflection on t... more The study day, whose Proceedings are collected in this volume, was dedicated to a reflection on the relationship between the Humanities and the public sphere. How can (or simply can) the artistic or literary criticism compare with the forms of social criticism? What is the relationship between academic research and \u201cearthly city\u201d; between philology and politics (in the broad sense)? Finally, how can we ensure that specialist research proves to be a specific mode of citizenship? We chose to focus on the relationship between art history and criticism and the public sphere, since we are convinced that the two worlds are now separated by a growing distance both in Italy and abroad. And that this distance does not benefit the one or the other - i.e. the fate of our democracy. We also investigated the gap that has arisen between formal and cultural opinion; between cultural theory and artistic practices. In reflecting on the current loss of authority of \u201ccontemporary art\u201d, we encouraged the speakers to keep an equidistant perspective from shrill complaints and unnecessary corporatism. \u201cThe risk\u201d, as properly pointed out by Giovanni Solimine in Senza Sapere (2014), \u201cis that an increasingly wide and deep gap may arise between education places, which often young people continue to attend reluctantly and without attributing them any function, and an \u2018implicit curriculum\u2019, based on the ideology of a self-education via the web\u201d. Little is left, in the current academic system and in the daily practice of those dealing with research, of that \u201cceterorum hominum caritas\u201d, which, according to Petrarch and early humanists, strengthened and made the studia humanitatis necessary. However, it does not seem possible - or desirable - to eradicate humanities research from the civil and pragmatic dimension of the origins. Therefore, the conference also involved scholars active in the \u201cthird mission\u201d of the research: scholars who also were columnists or maybe curators, directors of cultural magazines or collective blogs, or engaged in social. 80 If it seems important to try to reduce the distance between scientific institutions and the world \u201cout there\u201d, it is however necessary to do so in specific and well-balanced ways. And so, how do the philological toolbox and the critical theory cooperate, if they do? How important can we consider, in modern society, the observance of good argumentative practices, the education to a public use of emotions, and a constant, appropriate stimulation of written language
The presence of Muslims in the European public spheres has raised a hoist of debates concerning i... more The presence of Muslims in the European public spheres has raised a hoist of debates concerning issues of neutrality, tolerance, and secularism. All over Europe, Muslims are the target of specific forms of hostility, a phenomenon rising substantial questions about the real inclusivity of European democratic spaces. The category of ‘Islamophobia’ has emerged as a valid heuristic tool to identify specific processes of racialization of religion. However, its validity has been fiercely questioned, and the use of this term has been defined as a pretext to bar the way to any form of criticism and objection to Islam. This paper will use the case of Islamophobia to reflect on the new set of conflicts between freedom of religion and freedom of speech, in the perspective of constructing post secularist, pluralistic public spheres. This paper adopts gender as a privileged lens to identify the mechanisms of essentialization and reification at work in the case of Islam
Nel mio intervento vorrei proporre una lettura del Battista da un punto di vista forse un poco in... more Nel mio intervento vorrei proporre una lettura del Battista da un punto di vista forse un poco inusuale, che non sara quello teologico, ma piuttosto politico: sotto questo angolo di osservazione, la figura di Giovanni il Battista potrebbe essere definita sinteticamente come un esempio di "fede in pubblico". Giovanni e l'esatto contrario di Nicodemo, il cristiano notturno: vuole essere visto e vuole essere ascoltato. L'immagine biblica della vox clamantis in deserto rimanda al tema della testimonianza profetica e piu in generale ad una presa di parola pubblica, e per questo al piu ampio quadro della presenza dei /lle Cristiani/e nello spazio pubblico. Un tema questo che si intreccia con questioni brucianti, quali ad esempio il dovere di testimoniare, il rispetto del pluralismo della societa civile, il rapporto con il potere
La presentazione di una importnte opera collettiva che ricostruisce la storia del movimento valde... more La presentazione di una importnte opera collettiva che ricostruisce la storia del movimento valdese dalle origini medioevali fino ai giorni nostri
Il compito che mi è stato assegnato consiste nel ricostruire l'itinerario intellettuale di Sergio... more Il compito che mi è stato assegnato consiste nel ricostruire l'itinerario intellettuale di Sergio Caruso. Per quanto mi renda felice e soprattutto onorata, si tratta di una missione quasi impossibile 1. Il suo lascito intellettuale è infatti così estremamente ricco e variegato, eppure profondamente coeso, che non è certo impresa facile rendergli pienamente giustizia. Questa ricchezza e pluralità di direzioni di sviluppo ha una ragione ben specifica: la grande, serena libertà intellettuale che caratterizza tutta la sua opera. Sergio Caruso, infatti, non si è mai legato esclusivamente a un tema, a una scuola o a un autore. Certo, nell'arco pluridecennale della sua produzione ha avuto degli interlocutori privilegiati. Ricordando solo i più importanti, si possono citare la vicinanza originaria al marxismo critico e alla linea genealogica della scuola di Francoforte, ma soprattutto la conversazione continua e profonda con la galassia della moral philosophy anglosassone, e ancor più specificamente l'interesse per Adam Smith che accompagna infatti tutta la sua opera 2 , e si pone in certo senso alla radice anche della sua ricerca su John Selden. Ugualmente profondo è stato il suo dialogo con autori contemporanei quali Michael Walzer e Amartya Sen. Tuttavia, 1 Per un tentativo simile mi permetto di rimandare al mio Spini 2021. 2 La sua traduzione dell'Indagine sulla natura e le cause della ricchezza delle nazioni è stata più volte ripubblicata e aggiornata. Caruso 1973; 1995.
De la primera a la segunda modernidad La modernidad se caracteriza en gran parte por un proceso q... more De la primera a la segunda modernidad La modernidad se caracteriza en gran parte por un proceso que ha visto cómo la religión, o más generalmente la relación con la trascendencia, ha dejado espa-cio a una llamada a la razón ya la ciencia como instrumental capaz de ...
Rivista italiana di filosofia politica, Jan 25, 2023
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is well known as one among the protagonists of India's political history i... more Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is well known as one among the protagonists of India's political history in the 20th century, as he played a major role in the struggle against the caste system, and in designing a pluralist and egalitarian democracy. Ambedkar's intellectual legacy is a crucial tool for investigating the contradictions of the contemporary Indian political experience, and as such has much to offer to the international political-philosophical debate. This essay presents the main aspects of Ambedkar's thought, focusing on themes such as his non-majoritarian conception of democracy, the tension between universality and difference in political citizenship, social and political equality, as well as his reflection on religious identity. Ambedkar's intellectual profile will also be assessed in light of the ongoing debate on the status of a non-derivative Indian political thought.
Women and Migration(s) II draws together contributions from scholars and artists showcasing the b... more Women and Migration(s) II draws together contributions from scholars and artists showcasing the breadth of intersectional experiences of migration, from diaspora to internal displacement. Building on conversations initiated in Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History, this edited volume features a range of written styles, from memoir to artists’ statements to journalistic and critical essays. The collection shows how women’s experiences of migration have been articulated through art, film, poetry and even food. This varied approach aims to aid understanding of the lived experiences of home, loss, family, belonging, isolation, borders and identity—issues salient both in experiences of migration and in the epochal times in which we find ourselves today. These are stories of trauma and fear, but also stories of the strength, perseverance, hope and even joy of women surviving their own moments of disorientation, disenfranchisement and dislocation. This collection engages with c...
As other chapters in this book have amply demonstrated, globalization has considerably redrawn th... more As other chapters in this book have amply demonstrated, globalization has considerably redrawn the contours of the world political economy. Production, trade, investment and finance have acquired different dynamics, as have the regulatory frameworks that order them. What, in the meantime, has happened to the so-called ‘third sector’ that exists alongside markets and governance arrangements? Has civil society also ‘gone globa’? If so, what does this development imply for issues such as efficiency, democracy and social cohesion?
The study day, whose Proceedings are collected in this volume, was dedicated to a reflection on t... more The study day, whose Proceedings are collected in this volume, was dedicated to a reflection on the relationship between the Humanities and the public sphere. How can (or simply can) the artistic or literary criticism compare with the forms of social criticism? What is the relationship between academic research and \u201cearthly city\u201d; between philology and politics (in the broad sense)? Finally, how can we ensure that specialist research proves to be a specific mode of citizenship? We chose to focus on the relationship between art history and criticism and the public sphere, since we are convinced that the two worlds are now separated by a growing distance both in Italy and abroad. And that this distance does not benefit the one or the other - i.e. the fate of our democracy. We also investigated the gap that has arisen between formal and cultural opinion; between cultural theory and artistic practices. In reflecting on the current loss of authority of \u201ccontemporary art\u201d, we encouraged the speakers to keep an equidistant perspective from shrill complaints and unnecessary corporatism. \u201cThe risk\u201d, as properly pointed out by Giovanni Solimine in Senza Sapere (2014), \u201cis that an increasingly wide and deep gap may arise between education places, which often young people continue to attend reluctantly and without attributing them any function, and an \u2018implicit curriculum\u2019, based on the ideology of a self-education via the web\u201d. Little is left, in the current academic system and in the daily practice of those dealing with research, of that \u201cceterorum hominum caritas\u201d, which, according to Petrarch and early humanists, strengthened and made the studia humanitatis necessary. However, it does not seem possible - or desirable - to eradicate humanities research from the civil and pragmatic dimension of the origins. Therefore, the conference also involved scholars active in the \u201cthird mission\u201d of the research: scholars who also were columnists or maybe curators, directors of cultural magazines or collective blogs, or engaged in social. 80 If it seems important to try to reduce the distance between scientific institutions and the world \u201cout there\u201d, it is however necessary to do so in specific and well-balanced ways. And so, how do the philological toolbox and the critical theory cooperate, if they do? How important can we consider, in modern society, the observance of good argumentative practices, the education to a public use of emotions, and a constant, appropriate stimulation of written language
The presence of Muslims in the European public spheres has raised a hoist of debates concerning i... more The presence of Muslims in the European public spheres has raised a hoist of debates concerning issues of neutrality, tolerance, and secularism. All over Europe, Muslims are the target of specific forms of hostility, a phenomenon rising substantial questions about the real inclusivity of European democratic spaces. The category of ‘Islamophobia’ has emerged as a valid heuristic tool to identify specific processes of racialization of religion. However, its validity has been fiercely questioned, and the use of this term has been defined as a pretext to bar the way to any form of criticism and objection to Islam. This paper will use the case of Islamophobia to reflect on the new set of conflicts between freedom of religion and freedom of speech, in the perspective of constructing post secularist, pluralistic public spheres. This paper adopts gender as a privileged lens to identify the mechanisms of essentialization and reification at work in the case of Islam
Nel mio intervento vorrei proporre una lettura del Battista da un punto di vista forse un poco in... more Nel mio intervento vorrei proporre una lettura del Battista da un punto di vista forse un poco inusuale, che non sara quello teologico, ma piuttosto politico: sotto questo angolo di osservazione, la figura di Giovanni il Battista potrebbe essere definita sinteticamente come un esempio di "fede in pubblico". Giovanni e l'esatto contrario di Nicodemo, il cristiano notturno: vuole essere visto e vuole essere ascoltato. L'immagine biblica della vox clamantis in deserto rimanda al tema della testimonianza profetica e piu in generale ad una presa di parola pubblica, e per questo al piu ampio quadro della presenza dei /lle Cristiani/e nello spazio pubblico. Un tema questo che si intreccia con questioni brucianti, quali ad esempio il dovere di testimoniare, il rispetto del pluralismo della societa civile, il rapporto con il potere
Papers by Debora Spini