European journal of psychology of education, Jun 26, 2024
The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. Figure 1 artwork contains u... more The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. Figure 1 artwork contains unnecessary data. The correct figure image is shown below. The original article has been corrected.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2003
In the article we analyse Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence. The authors ha... more In the article we analyse Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence. The authors have defined it for the first time in the 90's, delimited its relation to the social intelligence and formed two tests for its measurement, which are unique published tests of their kind. The authors try to separate their approach towards the measurement of emotional intelligence from the self-report measures and from defining emotional intelligence as a set of personality traits. Besides the measurement of emotional intelligence with the tests of maximum performance, authors try to prove that correlation between emotional abilities indicate similar hierarchical structure as is characteristic for other kinds of intelligence. Since the first test for measuring the emotional intelligence was published in 1997 and there have been no other published tests of this kind yet, it is very difficult to evaluate its metric characteristics and the validity of the model. Anyhow, in defining and measuring the emotional intelligence researchers face similar problems as in social intelligence research.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2003
The main aim of the article is to show the connection between the comprehension and application o... more The main aim of the article is to show the connection between the comprehension and application of learning strategies in self-regulated learning in elementary school students. We would also like to show the connection between the comprehension and application of learning strategies and age, sex and school efficiency. The theoretical framework for the research is the four component model of self-regulative learning by B. Hofer, S. Yu and Pintrich (1998). We have focused on the first part of the model, which is about cognitive structure and cognitive strategies. The results of our research show that fifthgraderes use cognitive strategies before reading more often than seventhgraders. Girls use learning strategies more often than boys, particularly the strategies between and after reading. There are no significant differences in application of learning strategies between pupils with different school achievement. On the basis of the results of this research we also discuss possible educational implications.
Parents and teachers play a key role in developing students' self-regulated learning (SRL), w... more Parents and teachers play a key role in developing students' self-regulated learning (SRL), which is closely linked to academic achievement and acts as a protective factor for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Research has shown that authoritative parenting style, parental responsiveness, emotional warmth, behavioural control, and autonomy support are associated with better academic performance. In addition, studies have shown that the quality of the teacher-student relationship plays an important role in the development of SRL. However, there is limited research on the relationship between school and home environmental factors, student characteristics, and SRL, especially in primary school. The present study examined the relationship between parenting styles, teaching styles, student characteristics, and SRL. The sample included 328 ninth-grade students in Slovenian primary schools. SRL, parenting styles, and teaching styles were assessed using student self-reports. ...
lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
In our study we tested a model of the relationships among students’ perceived parenting styles, t... more In our study we tested a model of the relationships among students’ perceived parenting styles, their emotional control and peer bullying involvement, since family characteristics are understudied and unclear in comparison with individual and school factors of peer bullying. Our sample included 202 students from 7th and 8th grade from 14 lower secondary schools. The resulting model showed that the authoritative parenting style positively predicted emotional regulation and observation of bullying. The authoritarian parenting style positively predicted relational and physical bullying with teasing and observation of bullying, and negatively emotional control. Emotional control as a mediating variable negatively predicted all forms of involvement in peer bullying. The results indicate the importance of promoting self-regulation skills in adolescents. Some practical implications for parents and school staff are discussed.
Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of sui... more Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of suitable learning conditions, the motivation of students for active cooperation and peer learning, in the formation of classroom community, as well as independent and responsible personalities, can provide quality education. Teacher’s classroom management competencies largely determine the potential of achieving educational goals and helping pupils form integral personalities. Studies show that teachers lack competencies for classroom management and ensuring discipline in the classroom. In the article, we present the results of empirical study on students’ perceptions on teachers’ classroom management competencies in two different subjects, mathematics and Slovene language. A total of 907 students from elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia participated in the study. Differences in students’ assessments have been established in reference to school level and subject. Students’ response...
Proces opismenjevanja je pomeben proces v izobraževanju. Tradicionalni pouk je proces opismenejva... more Proces opismenjevanja je pomeben proces v izobraževanju. Tradicionalni pouk je proces opismenejvanja, kot razvoj blralnih in pisnih sposobnosti, omejeval na prvo leto šolanja. Sodobni proces pa vidi v opismenjevanju razvoj kognitivnih, metakognitivnih jezikovnih spoobnosti, ki omogočajo komunikacijo s svetom. Cilj opismenjevanja je doseči stopnjo funkcionalne pismenosti učencev. K tej pismenosti pa vodi strateško učenje, ki predpostavlja urjenje učencev v učnih/bralnih strategijah in samoregulacijskih mehanizmih pri učenju/branju. Didaktično ima sodobni pouk opismenjevanja v obliko komunikacijskega modela, ki predpostavlja sistematičen in fleksibilno uravnotežen razvoj jezikovnih kmunikacijskih sposobnosti. Opismenjevanje pojmuje kot razvijanje spretnosti in sposobnosti branja, pisanja, poslušanja in govorenja ter razvijanje sposobnosti spreminjanja in reguliranja teh procesov
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers found themselves in an unprecedented situatio... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers found themselves in an unprecedented situation where they faced both academic and psychosocial problems. In our study, we focused on some teacher characteristics that predict their perceived competence in meeting students' emotional needs during distance learning (PSCEN-DL) and thus contribute to students' well-being. In a sample of 645 Slovenian compulsory basic education teachers, the results of the regression analysis showed that teachers' resilience and their beliefs about the importance of focusing on psychosocial relationships when returning to school explained one-fourth of the variance in their PCSEN-DL. Results from a subsample of class teachers (n = 375) who were categorised into two extreme groups (low and high) in terms of their PCSEN-DL showed that teachers with high PCSEN-DL focused more on supporting, encouraging and relaxing students. Some practical implications about the importance of developing PCSEN i...
Self-regulated learning (SRL) plays an important role in successful learning with hypertexts. The... more Self-regulated learning (SRL) plays an important role in successful learning with hypertexts. The use of appropriate SRL strategies helps students acquire new knowledge more efficiently. We investigated the use of SRL strategies in individual learning from expository science hypertext, the correlations between different measures of self-regulation, and the differences in SRL between more and less successful students. A sample of 443 ninth graders from 15 different schools participated in the study. A variety of off- and online measures were used to measure SRL. Data were collected from student traces, questionnaires, tests scores, and notes. Low correlations between the off- and online measures of SRL suggest that they measure different aspects of SRL use in learning digital science texts. Student achievement in science positively correlated with their use of SRL strategies. Students with higher knowledge gains reported the higher use of deep cognitive strategies, higher motivation ...
E-gradiva in e-učbeniki si počasi utirajo pot v naše šole. Njihov pravi pomen se je pokazal tudi ... more E-gradiva in e-učbeniki si počasi utirajo pot v naše šole. Njihov pravi pomen se je pokazal tudi ob zadnji epidemiji, ko so bile šole zaprte, učenci pa večkrat prepuščeni sami sebi in angažiranosti svojih staršev. Za uspešno učenje z uporabo e-gradiv mora učenec uporabiti primerne strategije samoregulacije učenja, ki mu omogočajo, da doseže zastavljene učne cilje. Učencem s slabše razvitimi samoregulacijskimi spretnostmi lahko pri učenju pomaga umestitev učnih opor med vsebino obravnavane snovi. V članku je predstavljena pilotna raziskava na vzorcu 91 devetošolcev, v kateri smo preverjali delovanje učnih opor. V ta namen smo razvili e-učno okolje za prikaz učne enote z vstavljenimi različnimi vrstami učnih opor (kognitivne, metakognitivne in motivacijske), ki omogoča tudi beleženje aktivnosti učenca. Rezultati so pokazali, da so po ocenah učencev najboljša pomoč pri učenju kognitivne opore.
Povzetek: V prispevku prikazujemo izsledke raziskave o razlikah med učno zelo uspešnimi in učno m... more Povzetek: V prispevku prikazujemo izsledke raziskave o razlikah med učno zelo uspešnimi in učno manj uspešnimi učenci pri slovenščini, in sicer v njihovem metakognitivnem znanju o učinkovitih in manj učinkovitih učnih strategijah ter v dejanski uporabi različnih strategij pri delu za šolo. Na vzorcu 159 devetošolcev osnovne šole smo ugotovili, da med učno različno uspešnimi učenci obstajajo nekatere pomembne razlike v tem, kako učinkovite se jim zdijo izbrane strategije. Učno manj uspešni učenci so kot učinkovitejše označili manj ustrezne strategije in nasprotno. Pomembne razlike so se pokazale tudi pri uporabi strategij na metakognitivnem in motivacijskem področju ter pri samoučinkovitosti za regulacijo in motivacijo. Učenci z več metakognitivnega znanja so učinkovitejši pri regulaciji učenja, bolj se znajo motivirati za učenje in pri njem tudi daljši čas vztrajajo. Za učence z manj metakognitivnega znanja pa v pomembno večji meri drži, da evalvirajo proces učenja, ko ga končajo. Izsledki kažejo na pomen sistematičnega urjenja strategij pri učencih, pri čemer ima učitelj ključno vlogo.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences among secondary school students i... more The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences among secondary school students in cognitive and metacognitive processes in self-regulated learning (SRL) according to year of education, learning program, sex and achievement. Beside this, the autors were interested in the relationship between (meta)cognitive components of self-regulated learning. The theoretical framework of the research was the four-component model of self-regulated learning by Hofer, Yu and Pintrich (1998). The focus was on the first part of the model which is about cognitive structure and cognitive strategies.Metacognitive awareness inventory (Shraw and Sperling Dennison, 1994) and Cognitive strategies awareness questionnaire (Pečjak, 2000, in Peklaj and Pečjak, 2002) were applied. In a sample of 321 students, differences in perception of importance of cognitive strategies among students attending different grades (1st and 4th), students attending different learning programs, students of different ...
European journal of psychology of education, Jun 26, 2024
The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. Figure 1 artwork contains u... more The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. Figure 1 artwork contains unnecessary data. The correct figure image is shown below. The original article has been corrected.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2003
In the article we analyse Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence. The authors ha... more In the article we analyse Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence. The authors have defined it for the first time in the 90's, delimited its relation to the social intelligence and formed two tests for its measurement, which are unique published tests of their kind. The authors try to separate their approach towards the measurement of emotional intelligence from the self-report measures and from defining emotional intelligence as a set of personality traits. Besides the measurement of emotional intelligence with the tests of maximum performance, authors try to prove that correlation between emotional abilities indicate similar hierarchical structure as is characteristic for other kinds of intelligence. Since the first test for measuring the emotional intelligence was published in 1997 and there have been no other published tests of this kind yet, it is very difficult to evaluate its metric characteristics and the validity of the model. Anyhow, in defining and measuring the emotional intelligence researchers face similar problems as in social intelligence research.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2003
The main aim of the article is to show the connection between the comprehension and application o... more The main aim of the article is to show the connection between the comprehension and application of learning strategies in self-regulated learning in elementary school students. We would also like to show the connection between the comprehension and application of learning strategies and age, sex and school efficiency. The theoretical framework for the research is the four component model of self-regulative learning by B. Hofer, S. Yu and Pintrich (1998). We have focused on the first part of the model, which is about cognitive structure and cognitive strategies. The results of our research show that fifthgraderes use cognitive strategies before reading more often than seventhgraders. Girls use learning strategies more often than boys, particularly the strategies between and after reading. There are no significant differences in application of learning strategies between pupils with different school achievement. On the basis of the results of this research we also discuss possible educational implications.
Parents and teachers play a key role in developing students' self-regulated learning (SRL), w... more Parents and teachers play a key role in developing students' self-regulated learning (SRL), which is closely linked to academic achievement and acts as a protective factor for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Research has shown that authoritative parenting style, parental responsiveness, emotional warmth, behavioural control, and autonomy support are associated with better academic performance. In addition, studies have shown that the quality of the teacher-student relationship plays an important role in the development of SRL. However, there is limited research on the relationship between school and home environmental factors, student characteristics, and SRL, especially in primary school. The present study examined the relationship between parenting styles, teaching styles, student characteristics, and SRL. The sample included 328 ninth-grade students in Slovenian primary schools. SRL, parenting styles, and teaching styles were assessed using student self-reports. ...
lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
In our study we tested a model of the relationships among students’ perceived parenting styles, t... more In our study we tested a model of the relationships among students’ perceived parenting styles, their emotional control and peer bullying involvement, since family characteristics are understudied and unclear in comparison with individual and school factors of peer bullying. Our sample included 202 students from 7th and 8th grade from 14 lower secondary schools. The resulting model showed that the authoritative parenting style positively predicted emotional regulation and observation of bullying. The authoritarian parenting style positively predicted relational and physical bullying with teasing and observation of bullying, and negatively emotional control. Emotional control as a mediating variable negatively predicted all forms of involvement in peer bullying. The results indicate the importance of promoting self-regulation skills in adolescents. Some practical implications for parents and school staff are discussed.
Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of sui... more Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of suitable learning conditions, the motivation of students for active cooperation and peer learning, in the formation of classroom community, as well as independent and responsible personalities, can provide quality education. Teacher’s classroom management competencies largely determine the potential of achieving educational goals and helping pupils form integral personalities. Studies show that teachers lack competencies for classroom management and ensuring discipline in the classroom. In the article, we present the results of empirical study on students’ perceptions on teachers’ classroom management competencies in two different subjects, mathematics and Slovene language. A total of 907 students from elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia participated in the study. Differences in students’ assessments have been established in reference to school level and subject. Students’ response...
Proces opismenjevanja je pomeben proces v izobraževanju. Tradicionalni pouk je proces opismenejva... more Proces opismenjevanja je pomeben proces v izobraževanju. Tradicionalni pouk je proces opismenejvanja, kot razvoj blralnih in pisnih sposobnosti, omejeval na prvo leto šolanja. Sodobni proces pa vidi v opismenjevanju razvoj kognitivnih, metakognitivnih jezikovnih spoobnosti, ki omogočajo komunikacijo s svetom. Cilj opismenjevanja je doseči stopnjo funkcionalne pismenosti učencev. K tej pismenosti pa vodi strateško učenje, ki predpostavlja urjenje učencev v učnih/bralnih strategijah in samoregulacijskih mehanizmih pri učenju/branju. Didaktično ima sodobni pouk opismenjevanja v obliko komunikacijskega modela, ki predpostavlja sistematičen in fleksibilno uravnotežen razvoj jezikovnih kmunikacijskih sposobnosti. Opismenjevanje pojmuje kot razvijanje spretnosti in sposobnosti branja, pisanja, poslušanja in govorenja ter razvijanje sposobnosti spreminjanja in reguliranja teh procesov
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers found themselves in an unprecedented situatio... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers found themselves in an unprecedented situation where they faced both academic and psychosocial problems. In our study, we focused on some teacher characteristics that predict their perceived competence in meeting students' emotional needs during distance learning (PSCEN-DL) and thus contribute to students' well-being. In a sample of 645 Slovenian compulsory basic education teachers, the results of the regression analysis showed that teachers' resilience and their beliefs about the importance of focusing on psychosocial relationships when returning to school explained one-fourth of the variance in their PCSEN-DL. Results from a subsample of class teachers (n = 375) who were categorised into two extreme groups (low and high) in terms of their PCSEN-DL showed that teachers with high PCSEN-DL focused more on supporting, encouraging and relaxing students. Some practical implications about the importance of developing PCSEN i...
Self-regulated learning (SRL) plays an important role in successful learning with hypertexts. The... more Self-regulated learning (SRL) plays an important role in successful learning with hypertexts. The use of appropriate SRL strategies helps students acquire new knowledge more efficiently. We investigated the use of SRL strategies in individual learning from expository science hypertext, the correlations between different measures of self-regulation, and the differences in SRL between more and less successful students. A sample of 443 ninth graders from 15 different schools participated in the study. A variety of off- and online measures were used to measure SRL. Data were collected from student traces, questionnaires, tests scores, and notes. Low correlations between the off- and online measures of SRL suggest that they measure different aspects of SRL use in learning digital science texts. Student achievement in science positively correlated with their use of SRL strategies. Students with higher knowledge gains reported the higher use of deep cognitive strategies, higher motivation ...
E-gradiva in e-učbeniki si počasi utirajo pot v naše šole. Njihov pravi pomen se je pokazal tudi ... more E-gradiva in e-učbeniki si počasi utirajo pot v naše šole. Njihov pravi pomen se je pokazal tudi ob zadnji epidemiji, ko so bile šole zaprte, učenci pa večkrat prepuščeni sami sebi in angažiranosti svojih staršev. Za uspešno učenje z uporabo e-gradiv mora učenec uporabiti primerne strategije samoregulacije učenja, ki mu omogočajo, da doseže zastavljene učne cilje. Učencem s slabše razvitimi samoregulacijskimi spretnostmi lahko pri učenju pomaga umestitev učnih opor med vsebino obravnavane snovi. V članku je predstavljena pilotna raziskava na vzorcu 91 devetošolcev, v kateri smo preverjali delovanje učnih opor. V ta namen smo razvili e-učno okolje za prikaz učne enote z vstavljenimi različnimi vrstami učnih opor (kognitivne, metakognitivne in motivacijske), ki omogoča tudi beleženje aktivnosti učenca. Rezultati so pokazali, da so po ocenah učencev najboljša pomoč pri učenju kognitivne opore.
Povzetek: V prispevku prikazujemo izsledke raziskave o razlikah med učno zelo uspešnimi in učno m... more Povzetek: V prispevku prikazujemo izsledke raziskave o razlikah med učno zelo uspešnimi in učno manj uspešnimi učenci pri slovenščini, in sicer v njihovem metakognitivnem znanju o učinkovitih in manj učinkovitih učnih strategijah ter v dejanski uporabi različnih strategij pri delu za šolo. Na vzorcu 159 devetošolcev osnovne šole smo ugotovili, da med učno različno uspešnimi učenci obstajajo nekatere pomembne razlike v tem, kako učinkovite se jim zdijo izbrane strategije. Učno manj uspešni učenci so kot učinkovitejše označili manj ustrezne strategije in nasprotno. Pomembne razlike so se pokazale tudi pri uporabi strategij na metakognitivnem in motivacijskem področju ter pri samoučinkovitosti za regulacijo in motivacijo. Učenci z več metakognitivnega znanja so učinkovitejši pri regulaciji učenja, bolj se znajo motivirati za učenje in pri njem tudi daljši čas vztrajajo. Za učence z manj metakognitivnega znanja pa v pomembno večji meri drži, da evalvirajo proces učenja, ko ga končajo. Izsledki kažejo na pomen sistematičnega urjenja strategij pri učencih, pri čemer ima učitelj ključno vlogo.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences among secondary school students i... more The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences among secondary school students in cognitive and metacognitive processes in self-regulated learning (SRL) according to year of education, learning program, sex and achievement. Beside this, the autors were interested in the relationship between (meta)cognitive components of self-regulated learning. The theoretical framework of the research was the four-component model of self-regulated learning by Hofer, Yu and Pintrich (1998). The focus was on the first part of the model which is about cognitive structure and cognitive strategies.Metacognitive awareness inventory (Shraw and Sperling Dennison, 1994) and Cognitive strategies awareness questionnaire (Pečjak, 2000, in Peklaj and Pečjak, 2002) were applied. In a sample of 321 students, differences in perception of importance of cognitive strategies among students attending different grades (1st and 4th), students attending different learning programs, students of different ...
Papers by Sonja Pečjak