Papers by Soledad Salvador
Two comparative studies of the findings were carried out to summarize each country's reports. The... more Two comparative studies of the findings were carried out to summarize each country's reports. The current report introduces information about the configuration of the care economy. The purpose is to identify the persisting challenges for public policy-making (economic and social) to contribute to gender equity.
Review of Economics of the Household
Este trabajo busca mostrar cómo se configura la oferta de servicios de cuidado en Uruguay y la di... more Este trabajo busca mostrar cómo se configura la oferta de servicios de cuidado en Uruguay y la distribución de tareas y responsabilidades en el hogar; analizar los objetivos de los cambios promovidos por la política pública; e identificar las necesidades de transformación aún pendientes

In this paper we estimate the impact of the minimum wage in the domestic work sector over wages, ... more In this paper we estimate the impact of the minimum wage in the domestic work sector over wages, unemployment, and formal-informal sector mobility for women in Uruguay. To achieve the objective, we apply a dual-economy density discontinuity design developed by Jales (2017) using National Household Survey crosssectional data from the period 2006 to 2016. We find significate effects of the MW over labour outcomes. Almost 20% of women increases their wages to reach the MW with little negative effects on employment in the domestic sector (3%). We also find undesired effects over formality, which seem to be offset by others labour policies implemented such as inspections and awareness campaigns. The main contribution of this paper is to generate new empirical evidence on minimum wage effects by using a recent and novel identification strategy with several advantages in the context of developing countries. Furthermore, this study contributes with the growing literature by focusing in a highly feminized and informalized sector. The findings will contribute to the improvement of labour policies based on evidence, both for the Uruguayan case and other Latin American countries.
Version ingles en la biblioteca: Restrictions and opportunities to promote women's economic e... more Version ingles en la biblioteca: Restrictions and opportunities to promote women's economic empowerment
Version ingles en la biblioteca: Gender traffic light of public policies that promote women's... more Version ingles en la biblioteca: Gender traffic light of public policies that promote women's economic empowerment
Library has Spanish version: Semaforo de genero de las politicas publicas que promueven el empode... more Library has Spanish version: Semaforo de genero de las politicas publicas que promueven el empoderamiento economico de las mujeres

En el caso de las personas que no trabajan de forma remunerada, se imputó como costo de oportunid... more En el caso de las personas que no trabajan de forma remunerada, se imputó como costo de oportunidad los ingresos por trabajo y por hora de una persona con características similares. Siguiendo a Hirway (2005) se consideró el ingreso promedio por hora según nivel educativo, sexo y edad. La base de datos utilizada es la Encuesta Continua de Hogares 2007. Los niveles educativos se desagregaron en: ß Sin instrucción ß Primaria incompleta ß Primaria completa ß Secundaria incompleta ß Secundaria completa ß Enseñanza técnica incompleta ß Enseñanza técnica completa ß Magisterio o profesorado incompleto ß Magisterio o profesorado completo ß Universidad o similar incompleta ß Universidad o similar completa ß Terciario no universitario incompleto ß Terciario no universitario completo ß Posgrado (maestría o doctorado) incompleto ß Posgrado (maestría o doctorado) completo Se conformaron los siguientes grupos de edad: ß Menor de 25 ß Entre 25 y 34 ß Entre 35 y 44 ß Entre 45 y 54 ß Entre 55 y 64 ß 65 y más
Ops Serie Informes Tecnicos Paho Technical Report Series, Dec 1, 2002
Este estudio aborda las discusiones conceptuales y las oportunidades y desafios institucionales p... more Este estudio aborda las discusiones conceptuales y las oportunidades y desafios institucionales para la construccion de una politica integrada de cuidados en El Salvador, realizando un diagnostico sociodemografico de las necesidades de cuidado para las distintas poblaciones destinatarias y planteando recomendaciones para contribuir al debate interinstitucional, actualmente en marcha, sobre esta politica en El Salvador.
Los Estados miembros y sus instituciones gubernamentales pueden reproducir esta obra sin autoriza... more Los Estados miembros y sus instituciones gubernamentales pueden reproducir esta obra sin autorización previa. Sólo se les solicita que mencionen la fuente e informen a las Naciones Unidas de tal reproducción. CEPAL-Serie Seminarios y conferencias N o 66 El desafío de un sistema nacional de cuidados para el Uruguay 5

Gender equality in the labor market remains a difficult challenge in Latin America and recent lit... more Gender equality in the labor market remains a difficult challenge in Latin America and recent literature shows that child penalties play an important role in explaining these gaps. While policies to address gaps related to parenthood were introduced in recent decades, evidence of its effects is still scarce. This paper presents comparable evidence on the adoption of family legislation in 15 Latin American countries and discusses its relationship with the evolution of the gender gaps in the labor market and the prevailing gender norms. We document that from 2000 to 2019 almost all countries increased the weeks covered by maternity, paternity, or parental leaves. Following a similar approach to that of Olivetti and Petrongolo (2017), we exploit the variations over time and control for country and year-fixed effects to study the relationship between the extension of family leaves and women's outcomes. We find that these policies are successful in increasing female employment and re...
Research Papers in Economics, 2021
Libros y Documentos Institucionales, 2013
Incluye Bibliografí
Library has Spanish version: Restricciones y oportunidades para promover el empoderamiento econom... more Library has Spanish version: Restricciones y oportunidades para promover el empoderamiento economico de las mujeres
Version anglaise dans la bibliotheque: Links between trade, gender and equity : an analysis of si... more Version anglaise dans la bibliotheque: Links between trade, gender and equity : an analysis of six Latin American countries
Papers by Soledad Salvador