Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is currently the golden standard for root canal irrigation. NaOCl at ... more Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is currently the golden standard for root canal irrigation. NaOCl at a concentration of 5.25% to 6% can eliminate E. faecalis, but this concentration can increase the risk of toxic effects. Cyanobacteria spirulina is known to produce several secondary metabolites that have antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiofilm power of Cyanobacteria spirulina against the biofilms of Enterococcus faecalis at concentrations of 60 mg/ml, 70 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, and 90 mg/ml. This research was a true experiment with a post-test only group design. The object of the research was divided into 6 groups. Group 1 was a negative control group, group 2 was a positive control group with 5% NaOCl, group 3, 4, 5, 6 were treatment groups given Cyanobacteria spirulina solution at a concentration of 60 mg/ml, 70 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, and 90 mg/ml, respectively. Optical density (OD) of bacteria was bound by sta...
Introduction. Factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy include incomplete cleaning and sh... more Introduction. Factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy include incomplete cleaning and shaping of root canals and unhermetic obturation. Endodontic failure can lead to periapical lesions. Apicoectomy is one of endodontic surgery treatment choice to preserving the tooth with endodontic treatment failure. Aim. The aim of this report was to show that in cases of failure of root canal treatment could be treat without extraction, however there was an alternative treatments such as apicoectomy that could be used to preserve the tooth and its function in the oral cavity.Case. A male 32 years old patient came to dentist with persistent pain on upper left first premolar. The tooth had been endodontically treated for ten years. Clinical examination tooth #24 had porcelain fused to metal on it, percussion test (+), bite test (+), pain on palpation. Radiographic examination showed that tooth #24 had fabricated post without gutta percha obturation on apical third. There was 3 mm round pe...
Pasak adalah suatu restorasi yang terbuat dari logam maupun non logam yang dimasukkan ke dalam sa... more Pasak adalah suatu restorasi yang terbuat dari logam maupun non logam yang dimasukkan ke dalam saluran akar untuk menambah retensi dan melanjutkan tekanan-tekanan yang diterima ke sepanjang akar dengan merata. Soft glass fiber post adalah jenis pasak lunak yang besifat fleksibel, belum terpolimerisasi sehingga dapat beradaptasi untuk membentuk saluran akar sebelum proses light curin. Soft glass fiber terdiri dari sistem monomer cross-linking Bis-GMA yang dapat meningkatkan penyusutan volumetrik. Glass fiber post merupakan pasak endodontik terbuat dari glass FRC, sifat biomekaniknya baik Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post sebagai pasak saluran akar. Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Post Test Only Control Group Design dengan sampel 20 gigi insisif sentral permanen rahang atas yang sudah dilakukan perawatan saluran akar. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok I di insersikan pasak soft glass fiber (Everstick ®) dan kelompok II di insersikan pasak glass fiber (Dentolic ITENA ®), setiap pasak disemen dengan RelyX TM U200 3M TM USA. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 10 sampel. Semua kelompok direndam larutan metilen biru 1% selama 24 jam, dibilas dengan air mengalir,dan dipotong menjadi bagian mesial-distal memakai carborundum disk. Setelah itu, kebocoran mikro diamati di bawah mikroskop dengan pembesaran 60x. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil: Hasil uji kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post adalah nilai p = 0.038 (p>0.05). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post. Kata kunci: Kebocoran mikro; soft glass fiber post; dan glass fiber post licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Background: Calcium is a material that is mostly contained in the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP... more Background: Calcium is a material that is mostly contained in the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP can be obtained from the hydrothermal process from the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP has a chemical composition that approximates the structure of bones and teeth. Objective:The microencapsulation technique aims to increase stability, reduce side effects and toxic effects of drugs, and prolong the release of ingredients. The encapsulation process is an attempt to inhibit the dissolution speed of Calcium to prevent tunnel defects. Methods: Anadara-granose shell powder was subjected to hydrothermal processing for 18 hours and sintering for 3 hours. The beta-TCP powder was dissolved with aquadest using a magnetic stirrer until it was homogeneous, Na-alginate was dissolved in aquadest until it was homogeneous with a magnetic stirrer then the two solutions were mixed and the CaCl2 solution was dropped. The sample was divided into 3 groups; Pure Beta-TCP(K-); 7 hours stirring (P1); 8 hours ...
People in Indonesia often consume food containing sucrose. If the sucrose consumed is in a large ... more People in Indonesia often consume food containing sucrose. If the sucrose consumed is in a large amount, it will decrease saliva’s pH and soon teeth destruction will happen. To avoid it, it is necessary to change sucrose consumption habit into another kind of sugar, namely sorbitol. Sorbitol is preferred to use, because it is cheaper and easier to get. Sorbitol is made from cassava, which is plentifully grown in Indonesia. Sorbitol is not good media for bacteria to grow. Because sorbitol has a diol, so it’s difficult to catalyst by glucosyltransferase enzyme, which is produced by bacteria Streptococcus mutans. The conclusion is that sorbitol is difficult to be fermented by Streptococcus mutans so it will not decrease saliva’s pH.
Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloratio... more Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloration can be caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. One of the factors that cause teeth discoloration is due to the trauma that causes the teeth to be non vital. One alternative treatment that becomes an option is internal bleaching. Case: 37-year-old female patient with # 11 and # 21 non vital post-endodontic treatments and color changes to blackish color especially on cervical parts. Case Management: Gutta percha point taking 2-3 mm below orifice using peeso reamer. Application of Glass Ionomer type 3 cement over gutta percha point as base. Etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 20 second was then washed etching and dried with cotton pellet. The bleaching superoxol material (30-35% Hydrogen Peroxide) was applied to the pulp chamber and then covered with cotton and Glass Ionomer type 2 cement to prevent leakage of bleaching material. Control is done once a week until the appropriate color of the tooth is obtained. Conclusion: Treatment that can be done to restore the color of the original tooth without making an excessive reduction to the dental crown is by internal bleaching.
ABSTRACTBackground: Streptococcus mutans in the most frequent microbiota that causes pulp necrosi... more ABSTRACTBackground: Streptococcus mutans in the most frequent microbiota that causes pulp necrosis because of caries. The microorganism that is colonized and embedded in the biofilm matrix is resistant to antimicrobials compared to planktonic cells. Root canal sterilization materials must have good biocompatibility with tissues. Nannochloropsis oculata is an algae that contains various compounds such as terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids that have potential as antibacterial and antioxidant and can be used as alternative to root canal sterilization. Method: This research was true experimental laboratory research with post-test only control group design. The antibacterial potential of Nannochloropsis oculata was tested using the biofilm method, divided into 5 groups. The control group was: K- (aquadest), K+ (calcium hydroxide), and the treatment group was given Nannochloropsis oculata: P1 (0.625%), P2 (1.25%), and P3 (2.5 %). Congo Red method test was to determine the formation of ...
Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloratio... more Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloration can be caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. One of the factors that cause teeth discoloration is due to the trauma that causes the teeth to be non vital. One alternative treatment that becomes an option is internal bleaching. Case: 37-year-old female patient with # 11 and # 21 non vital post-endodontic treatments and color changes to blackish color especially on cervical parts. Case Management: Gutta percha point taking 2-3 mm below orifice using peeso reamer. Application of Glass Ionomer type 3 cement over gutta percha point as base. Etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 20 second was then washed etching and dried with cotton pellet. The bleaching superoxol material (30-35% Hydrogen Peroxide) was applied to the pulp chamber and then covered with cotton and Glass Ionomer type 2 cement to prevent leakage of bleaching material. Control is done once a week until the appropriate color...
Background: Dental and oral diseases which are often found in children is dental caries. Streptoc... more Background: Dental and oral diseases which are often found in children is dental caries. Streptococcus mutans is the main cause of caries. Caries can be prevented by using a topical application of fluoride. The Anchovy (Stolephorus insularis) contains protein, vitamins (A, B1, C), and minerals (Fe, Ca, K, F). Calcium fluoride (CaF2) within the anchovy can inhibit the occurrence of dental caries. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial ability of anchovy extract (Stolephorus insularis) to Streptococcus mutans. Materials and Methods: This study was a laboratory experimental research with post test only control group design. Diffusion method were applied with 2 controls: negative control used DMSO 1%, positive control used NaF solution, and 3 concentrations of anchovy extract (Stolephorus insularis) 3%, 6%, and 12%, each group were composed of 6 samples. Antimicrobial was assessed by measuring the diameter of the clear zone around the discs contained the anc...
Background: Corticosteroid has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, unfortunately long-term usege o... more Background: Corticosteroid has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, unfortunately long-term usege of corticosteroid drugs can suppressed immune system. This condition makes Candida albicans as an opportunistic phatogen caused Oral Candidiasis. Macrophages have an important role in the first defense against infection. Methanol extract of A.ilicifolius leaf has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory compounds to fight the growth of Candida albicans. Purpose: To determine the effect of methanol extract of A.ilicifolius leaf theraphy to the amount of macrophages in the healing pricess of oral candidiasis models with immunosuppressed conditions. Method: This study was true experimental with post test only control group design. Thirty-six strain wistar, 3 months old, and 250 grams of weight which were given dexamethason 0.5 mg and tetracycline 0.5mg for 7days, after Candida albican(ATCC10231) was induced for 2 weeks (3 times/week). Rats were divided into 6 groups: untreated(K-), nystatin(K+),
Kelemahan dari komposit konvensional adalah terjadinya shrinkage dan stress polimerisasi. Penggun... more Kelemahan dari komposit konvensional adalah terjadinya shrinkage dan stress polimerisasi. Penggunaan serat sebagai bahan pengisi pada resin komposit dapat menurunkan kontraksi polimerisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya serat sabut kelapa memiliki daya antibakteri yang cukup baik karena mengandung golongan senyawa metabolit sekunder yaitu tanin, flavonoid, dan polifenol. Selain itu juga memiliki beberapa senyawa, antara lain asam elagat, asam galat, epikatekin, dan katekin yang juga diperkirakan memiliki aktivitas sebagai anti bakteri. Serat sabut kelapa tidak dapat digunakan secara langsung dalam bentuk aslinya sehingga dibutuhkan modifikasi untuk membersihkan serat. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perbandingan daya antibakteri serat selulosa sabut kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) pada konsentrasi berbeda terhadap S. mutans. Metode: Jenis penelitian true experimental dengan desain penelitian posttest only control design. Ekstraksi serat selulosa dari sabut kelapa melalui proses bleaching kemudian sintesis selulosa menggunakan NaOH dan urea selanjutnya di nukleasi dengan etanol sebagai anti solvent organik dan dikeringkan dengan proses sublimasi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode sumur difusi dengan dua konsentrasi uji yaitu kelompok 1 menggunakan anti solvent etanol 70% dan, pada kelompok 2 menggunakan etanol 96%. Kontrol negatif menggunakan aquadest steril. Selanjutnya diamati dan diukur diameter zona hambat dengan jangka sorong. Data yang diperoleh diuji statistik menggunakan independent t-test. Hasil: Daya antibakteri kelompok sampel yang diberi perlakuan etanol 96% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok sampel etanol 70%. Hasil uji independent t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai p yang signifikan p=0,000<0,05, Simpulan: Serat sabut kelapa yang diberi etanol dengan konsentrasi 96% terbukti memiliki daya antibakteri yang lebih tinggi daripada yang diberi etanol dengan konsentrasi 70%. Kata kunci: daya antibakteri; serat sabut kelapa; Streptococcus mutans Comparison of the antibacterial power of coconut cellulose fiber (Cocos nucifera L.
Mobile banking yang sangat bermanfaat ternyata penerapannya kurang mendapat respon baik dari peng... more Mobile banking yang sangat bermanfaat ternyata penerapannya kurang mendapat respon baik dari penggunanya, sehingga menimbulkan ketertarikan untuk diteliti. Dengan menggunakan TAM (perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use) sebagai kerangka teori, penelitian ini juga menggunakan faktor perceived enjoyment, amount of information security and privacy dan quality of internet/SMS connection. Penyebaran kuesioner pada penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada pengguna mobile banking di 10 bank yang berada di Surabaya yang menyediakan layanan mobile banking. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan mobile banking dan bermanfaat untuk memberikan informasi tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan mobile banking oleh penggunanya dan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pihak manajemen bank untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan mobile banking. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala Likert dan Semantik berskala 5 yang disebarkan kepada 86 orang yang pernah menggunakan mobile banking dengan menggunakan teknik sampling aksidental. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah penerimaan pengguna mobile banking di 10 bank di Surabaya. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan alat bantu perangkat lunak (software) Lisrel 8.30. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, Amount of Information, Security and Privacy, dan Quality of Internet/SMS Connection tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penerimaan mobile banking.
Background. Internal resorption is an unusual condition where the dentin and pulpal walls begin t... more Background. Internal resorption is an unusual condition where the dentin and pulpal walls begin to resorb centrally within the root canal. If the condition is discovered before perforation of the crown or root has occurred, root canal therapy may be carried out with the expectation of a fairly high success rate. ProRoot® MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) is used for creating an apical plug during apexification, repairing root perforations during root canal therapy and treating internal root resorption and can be used as both a root-end filling material and pulp-capping material. Case. A female patient, 15 years old with pulp necrosis in right upper first incisive with heavy discoloration at the tooth came to get orthodontic treatment. At radiographic view, there is radiolucency in the root canal. Case Management. Patient was treated with root canal therapy using MTA to fill the internal resorption in root canal. After one year examination, patient can be treated with orthodontics tre...
Introduction: The purpose of a restoration is to restore the shape, function, and phonetics and a... more Introduction: The purpose of a restoration is to restore the shape, function, and phonetics and aesthetics of damaged teeth. The disadvantage of direct composite restorations is the formation of dental anatomical structures that require operator skills so that they can optimally restore tooth occlusion. Case report: Case 1: A 21-year-old female patient with D4 caries, Site 1 size 2 on tooth number 37 and the patient's dental diagnosis was Reversible Pulpitis. The patient was treated with a composite restoration using the stamp technique. Case 2: A 50-year-old male the patient with D5 caries, Site 1 Size 2 on tooth number 46 and patient’s dental diagnosis was Irreversible Pulpitis. The patient was treated with a composite restoration using the pizza technique. Conclusion: Stamp technique is indicated for hidden caries in pits and fissures or proximal parts of the tooth with intact anatomical forms. The pizza technique can be used in caries with incomplete anatomical forms but req...
... p. 21937. 6. Houwink B. Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University ... more ... p. 21937. 6. Houwink B. Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press; 1993. h. 8891, 1903. 7. Tarigan R. Karies gigi. cetakan 3. Jakarta: Hipokrates; 1993. h. 1735. ... Biochemistry. California: The Benjamin/Cummings; 1990. p. 2135. 24. ...
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is currently the golden standard for root canal irrigation. NaOCl at ... more Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is currently the golden standard for root canal irrigation. NaOCl at a concentration of 5.25% to 6% can eliminate E. faecalis, but this concentration can increase the risk of toxic effects. Cyanobacteria spirulina is known to produce several secondary metabolites that have antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiofilm power of Cyanobacteria spirulina against the biofilms of Enterococcus faecalis at concentrations of 60 mg/ml, 70 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, and 90 mg/ml. This research was a true experiment with a post-test only group design. The object of the research was divided into 6 groups. Group 1 was a negative control group, group 2 was a positive control group with 5% NaOCl, group 3, 4, 5, 6 were treatment groups given Cyanobacteria spirulina solution at a concentration of 60 mg/ml, 70 mg/ml, 80 mg/ml, and 90 mg/ml, respectively. Optical density (OD) of bacteria was bound by sta...
Introduction. Factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy include incomplete cleaning and sh... more Introduction. Factors that cause failure of endodontic therapy include incomplete cleaning and shaping of root canals and unhermetic obturation. Endodontic failure can lead to periapical lesions. Apicoectomy is one of endodontic surgery treatment choice to preserving the tooth with endodontic treatment failure. Aim. The aim of this report was to show that in cases of failure of root canal treatment could be treat without extraction, however there was an alternative treatments such as apicoectomy that could be used to preserve the tooth and its function in the oral cavity.Case. A male 32 years old patient came to dentist with persistent pain on upper left first premolar. The tooth had been endodontically treated for ten years. Clinical examination tooth #24 had porcelain fused to metal on it, percussion test (+), bite test (+), pain on palpation. Radiographic examination showed that tooth #24 had fabricated post without gutta percha obturation on apical third. There was 3 mm round pe...
Pasak adalah suatu restorasi yang terbuat dari logam maupun non logam yang dimasukkan ke dalam sa... more Pasak adalah suatu restorasi yang terbuat dari logam maupun non logam yang dimasukkan ke dalam saluran akar untuk menambah retensi dan melanjutkan tekanan-tekanan yang diterima ke sepanjang akar dengan merata. Soft glass fiber post adalah jenis pasak lunak yang besifat fleksibel, belum terpolimerisasi sehingga dapat beradaptasi untuk membentuk saluran akar sebelum proses light curin. Soft glass fiber terdiri dari sistem monomer cross-linking Bis-GMA yang dapat meningkatkan penyusutan volumetrik. Glass fiber post merupakan pasak endodontik terbuat dari glass FRC, sifat biomekaniknya baik Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post sebagai pasak saluran akar. Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Post Test Only Control Group Design dengan sampel 20 gigi insisif sentral permanen rahang atas yang sudah dilakukan perawatan saluran akar. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok I di insersikan pasak soft glass fiber (Everstick ®) dan kelompok II di insersikan pasak glass fiber (Dentolic ITENA ®), setiap pasak disemen dengan RelyX TM U200 3M TM USA. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 10 sampel. Semua kelompok direndam larutan metilen biru 1% selama 24 jam, dibilas dengan air mengalir,dan dipotong menjadi bagian mesial-distal memakai carborundum disk. Setelah itu, kebocoran mikro diamati di bawah mikroskop dengan pembesaran 60x. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil: Hasil uji kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post adalah nilai p = 0.038 (p>0.05). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kebocoran mikro soft glass fiber post dan glass fiber post. Kata kunci: Kebocoran mikro; soft glass fiber post; dan glass fiber post licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Background: Calcium is a material that is mostly contained in the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP... more Background: Calcium is a material that is mostly contained in the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP can be obtained from the hydrothermal process from the Anadara-granose shell. Beta-TCP has a chemical composition that approximates the structure of bones and teeth. Objective:The microencapsulation technique aims to increase stability, reduce side effects and toxic effects of drugs, and prolong the release of ingredients. The encapsulation process is an attempt to inhibit the dissolution speed of Calcium to prevent tunnel defects. Methods: Anadara-granose shell powder was subjected to hydrothermal processing for 18 hours and sintering for 3 hours. The beta-TCP powder was dissolved with aquadest using a magnetic stirrer until it was homogeneous, Na-alginate was dissolved in aquadest until it was homogeneous with a magnetic stirrer then the two solutions were mixed and the CaCl2 solution was dropped. The sample was divided into 3 groups; Pure Beta-TCP(K-); 7 hours stirring (P1); 8 hours ...
People in Indonesia often consume food containing sucrose. If the sucrose consumed is in a large ... more People in Indonesia often consume food containing sucrose. If the sucrose consumed is in a large amount, it will decrease saliva’s pH and soon teeth destruction will happen. To avoid it, it is necessary to change sucrose consumption habit into another kind of sugar, namely sorbitol. Sorbitol is preferred to use, because it is cheaper and easier to get. Sorbitol is made from cassava, which is plentifully grown in Indonesia. Sorbitol is not good media for bacteria to grow. Because sorbitol has a diol, so it’s difficult to catalyst by glucosyltransferase enzyme, which is produced by bacteria Streptococcus mutans. The conclusion is that sorbitol is difficult to be fermented by Streptococcus mutans so it will not decrease saliva’s pH.
Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloratio... more Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloration can be caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. One of the factors that cause teeth discoloration is due to the trauma that causes the teeth to be non vital. One alternative treatment that becomes an option is internal bleaching. Case: 37-year-old female patient with # 11 and # 21 non vital post-endodontic treatments and color changes to blackish color especially on cervical parts. Case Management: Gutta percha point taking 2-3 mm below orifice using peeso reamer. Application of Glass Ionomer type 3 cement over gutta percha point as base. Etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 20 second was then washed etching and dried with cotton pellet. The bleaching superoxol material (30-35% Hydrogen Peroxide) was applied to the pulp chamber and then covered with cotton and Glass Ionomer type 2 cement to prevent leakage of bleaching material. Control is done once a week until the appropriate color of the tooth is obtained. Conclusion: Treatment that can be done to restore the color of the original tooth without making an excessive reduction to the dental crown is by internal bleaching.
ABSTRACTBackground: Streptococcus mutans in the most frequent microbiota that causes pulp necrosi... more ABSTRACTBackground: Streptococcus mutans in the most frequent microbiota that causes pulp necrosis because of caries. The microorganism that is colonized and embedded in the biofilm matrix is resistant to antimicrobials compared to planktonic cells. Root canal sterilization materials must have good biocompatibility with tissues. Nannochloropsis oculata is an algae that contains various compounds such as terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids that have potential as antibacterial and antioxidant and can be used as alternative to root canal sterilization. Method: This research was true experimental laboratory research with post-test only control group design. The antibacterial potential of Nannochloropsis oculata was tested using the biofilm method, divided into 5 groups. The control group was: K- (aquadest), K+ (calcium hydroxide), and the treatment group was given Nannochloropsis oculata: P1 (0.625%), P2 (1.25%), and P3 (2.5 %). Congo Red method test was to determine the formation of ...
Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloratio... more Background: In general, everyone likes white teeth as a symbol of beauty and health. Discoloration can be caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. One of the factors that cause teeth discoloration is due to the trauma that causes the teeth to be non vital. One alternative treatment that becomes an option is internal bleaching. Case: 37-year-old female patient with # 11 and # 21 non vital post-endodontic treatments and color changes to blackish color especially on cervical parts. Case Management: Gutta percha point taking 2-3 mm below orifice using peeso reamer. Application of Glass Ionomer type 3 cement over gutta percha point as base. Etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 20 second was then washed etching and dried with cotton pellet. The bleaching superoxol material (30-35% Hydrogen Peroxide) was applied to the pulp chamber and then covered with cotton and Glass Ionomer type 2 cement to prevent leakage of bleaching material. Control is done once a week until the appropriate color...
Background: Dental and oral diseases which are often found in children is dental caries. Streptoc... more Background: Dental and oral diseases which are often found in children is dental caries. Streptococcus mutans is the main cause of caries. Caries can be prevented by using a topical application of fluoride. The Anchovy (Stolephorus insularis) contains protein, vitamins (A, B1, C), and minerals (Fe, Ca, K, F). Calcium fluoride (CaF2) within the anchovy can inhibit the occurrence of dental caries. Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial ability of anchovy extract (Stolephorus insularis) to Streptococcus mutans. Materials and Methods: This study was a laboratory experimental research with post test only control group design. Diffusion method were applied with 2 controls: negative control used DMSO 1%, positive control used NaF solution, and 3 concentrations of anchovy extract (Stolephorus insularis) 3%, 6%, and 12%, each group were composed of 6 samples. Antimicrobial was assessed by measuring the diameter of the clear zone around the discs contained the anc...
Background: Corticosteroid has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, unfortunately long-term usege o... more Background: Corticosteroid has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, unfortunately long-term usege of corticosteroid drugs can suppressed immune system. This condition makes Candida albicans as an opportunistic phatogen caused Oral Candidiasis. Macrophages have an important role in the first defense against infection. Methanol extract of A.ilicifolius leaf has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory compounds to fight the growth of Candida albicans. Purpose: To determine the effect of methanol extract of A.ilicifolius leaf theraphy to the amount of macrophages in the healing pricess of oral candidiasis models with immunosuppressed conditions. Method: This study was true experimental with post test only control group design. Thirty-six strain wistar, 3 months old, and 250 grams of weight which were given dexamethason 0.5 mg and tetracycline 0.5mg for 7days, after Candida albican(ATCC10231) was induced for 2 weeks (3 times/week). Rats were divided into 6 groups: untreated(K-), nystatin(K+),
Kelemahan dari komposit konvensional adalah terjadinya shrinkage dan stress polimerisasi. Penggun... more Kelemahan dari komposit konvensional adalah terjadinya shrinkage dan stress polimerisasi. Penggunaan serat sebagai bahan pengisi pada resin komposit dapat menurunkan kontraksi polimerisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya serat sabut kelapa memiliki daya antibakteri yang cukup baik karena mengandung golongan senyawa metabolit sekunder yaitu tanin, flavonoid, dan polifenol. Selain itu juga memiliki beberapa senyawa, antara lain asam elagat, asam galat, epikatekin, dan katekin yang juga diperkirakan memiliki aktivitas sebagai anti bakteri. Serat sabut kelapa tidak dapat digunakan secara langsung dalam bentuk aslinya sehingga dibutuhkan modifikasi untuk membersihkan serat. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perbandingan daya antibakteri serat selulosa sabut kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) pada konsentrasi berbeda terhadap S. mutans. Metode: Jenis penelitian true experimental dengan desain penelitian posttest only control design. Ekstraksi serat selulosa dari sabut kelapa melalui proses bleaching kemudian sintesis selulosa menggunakan NaOH dan urea selanjutnya di nukleasi dengan etanol sebagai anti solvent organik dan dikeringkan dengan proses sublimasi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode sumur difusi dengan dua konsentrasi uji yaitu kelompok 1 menggunakan anti solvent etanol 70% dan, pada kelompok 2 menggunakan etanol 96%. Kontrol negatif menggunakan aquadest steril. Selanjutnya diamati dan diukur diameter zona hambat dengan jangka sorong. Data yang diperoleh diuji statistik menggunakan independent t-test. Hasil: Daya antibakteri kelompok sampel yang diberi perlakuan etanol 96% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok sampel etanol 70%. Hasil uji independent t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai p yang signifikan p=0,000<0,05, Simpulan: Serat sabut kelapa yang diberi etanol dengan konsentrasi 96% terbukti memiliki daya antibakteri yang lebih tinggi daripada yang diberi etanol dengan konsentrasi 70%. Kata kunci: daya antibakteri; serat sabut kelapa; Streptococcus mutans Comparison of the antibacterial power of coconut cellulose fiber (Cocos nucifera L.
Mobile banking yang sangat bermanfaat ternyata penerapannya kurang mendapat respon baik dari peng... more Mobile banking yang sangat bermanfaat ternyata penerapannya kurang mendapat respon baik dari penggunanya, sehingga menimbulkan ketertarikan untuk diteliti. Dengan menggunakan TAM (perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use) sebagai kerangka teori, penelitian ini juga menggunakan faktor perceived enjoyment, amount of information security and privacy dan quality of internet/SMS connection. Penyebaran kuesioner pada penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada pengguna mobile banking di 10 bank yang berada di Surabaya yang menyediakan layanan mobile banking. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan mobile banking dan bermanfaat untuk memberikan informasi tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan mobile banking oleh penggunanya dan dapat menjadi masukan bagi pihak manajemen bank untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan mobile banking. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala Likert dan Semantik berskala 5 yang disebarkan kepada 86 orang yang pernah menggunakan mobile banking dengan menggunakan teknik sampling aksidental. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah penerimaan pengguna mobile banking di 10 bank di Surabaya. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan alat bantu perangkat lunak (software) Lisrel 8.30. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, Amount of Information, Security and Privacy, dan Quality of Internet/SMS Connection tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penerimaan mobile banking.
Background. Internal resorption is an unusual condition where the dentin and pulpal walls begin t... more Background. Internal resorption is an unusual condition where the dentin and pulpal walls begin to resorb centrally within the root canal. If the condition is discovered before perforation of the crown or root has occurred, root canal therapy may be carried out with the expectation of a fairly high success rate. ProRoot® MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) is used for creating an apical plug during apexification, repairing root perforations during root canal therapy and treating internal root resorption and can be used as both a root-end filling material and pulp-capping material. Case. A female patient, 15 years old with pulp necrosis in right upper first incisive with heavy discoloration at the tooth came to get orthodontic treatment. At radiographic view, there is radiolucency in the root canal. Case Management. Patient was treated with root canal therapy using MTA to fill the internal resorption in root canal. After one year examination, patient can be treated with orthodontics tre...
Introduction: The purpose of a restoration is to restore the shape, function, and phonetics and a... more Introduction: The purpose of a restoration is to restore the shape, function, and phonetics and aesthetics of damaged teeth. The disadvantage of direct composite restorations is the formation of dental anatomical structures that require operator skills so that they can optimally restore tooth occlusion. Case report: Case 1: A 21-year-old female patient with D4 caries, Site 1 size 2 on tooth number 37 and the patient's dental diagnosis was Reversible Pulpitis. The patient was treated with a composite restoration using the stamp technique. Case 2: A 50-year-old male the patient with D5 caries, Site 1 Size 2 on tooth number 46 and patient’s dental diagnosis was Irreversible Pulpitis. The patient was treated with a composite restoration using the pizza technique. Conclusion: Stamp technique is indicated for hidden caries in pits and fissures or proximal parts of the tooth with intact anatomical forms. The pizza technique can be used in caries with incomplete anatomical forms but req...
... p. 21937. 6. Houwink B. Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University ... more ... p. 21937. 6. Houwink B. Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press; 1993. h. 8891, 1903. 7. Tarigan R. Karies gigi. cetakan 3. Jakarta: Hipokrates; 1993. h. 1735. ... Biochemistry. California: The Benjamin/Cummings; 1990. p. 2135. 24. ...
Papers by Diana Soesilo