Papers by Yelena Smirnova
Purpose-This paper explores Lean Six Sigma principles and the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, im... more Purpose-This paper explores Lean Six Sigma principles and the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) methodology to propose a new Lean Six Sigma 4.0 (LSS 4.0) framework for employee occupational exams and address the real-world issue of high-variability exams that may arise. Design/methodology/approach-This study uses mixed methods, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection. A detailed case study assesses the impact of LSS interventions on the exam management process and tests the applicability of the proposed LSS 4.0 framework for employee occupational exams. Findings-The results reveal that changing the health service supplier in the explored organization caused a substantial raise in occupational exams, leading to increased costs. By using syntactic interoperability, lean, six sigma and DMAIC approaches, improvements were identified, addressing process deviations and information requirements. Implementing corrective actions improved the exam process, reducing the number of exams and associated expenses. Research limitations/implications-It is important to acknowledge certain limitations, such as the specific context of the case study and the exclusion of certain exam categories. Practical implications-The practical implications of this research are substantial, providing organizations with valuable managerial insights into improving efficiency, reducing costs and ensuring regulatory compliance while managing occupational exams.
International Journal of Law and Management, 2024
Purpose: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was designed to address privacy challenges... more Purpose: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was designed to address privacy challenges posed by globalisation and rapid technological advancements; however, its implementation has also introduced new hurdles for companies. This systematic literature review aims to analyse and synthesise the existing literature that focuses on challenges of GDPR implementation in business enterprises, while also outlining the directions for future research. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology of this review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. It employs an extensive search strategy across Scopus and Web of Science databases, rigorously applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, yielding a detailed analysis of 16 selected studies that concentrate on GDPR implementation challenges in business organisations. Findings: The findings indicate a predominant use of conceptual study methodologies in prior research, often limited to specific countries and technology-driven sectors. There is also an inclination towards exploring GDPR challenges within SMEs, while larger enterprises remain comparatively unexplored. Additionally, further investigation is needed to understand the implications of emerging technologies on GDPR compliance. Originality: The originality of this review lies in its exclusive focus on analysing GDPR implementation challenges within the business context, coupled with a fresh categorization of these challenges into technical, legal, organizational, and regulatory dimensions. Research limitations: This study's limitations include reliance of the search strategy on two databases, potential exclusion of relevant research, limited existing literature on GDPR implementation challenges in business context, and possible influence of diverse methodologies and contexts of previous studies on generalisability of the findings.
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 2013
ABSTRACT Purpose – This study aims to examine and discuss the opportunities and barriers older em... more ABSTRACT Purpose – This study aims to examine and discuss the opportunities and barriers older employees face in the recruitment process in comparison with younger candidates. The paper aims to analyze Kazakhstani employer preferences in terms of the age of their employees. Design/methodology/approach – The study draws on an analysis of the existent literature, statistical data, and the observations and experiences of the authors. Findings – The results suggest that both younger and older employees in Kazakhstan face barriers in the recruitment process. While recent graduates lack experience and a knowledge level capable of meeting the requirements of businesses, older employees are heavily trained and less adaptable to change in the environment. Employers in Kazakhstan are more willing to hire young employees rather than older workers. The recruitment process is primarily based on personal contacts. Practical implications – By describing the barriers older employees face in the recruitment process, the paper appeals to the Kazakhstani Government to revise policies and develop new measures to safeguard older workers. In addition, given the inconsistency of higher education with business requirements, policy makers should revise strategies and controls in the higher education system. Originality/value – The paper fills the literature gap and analyses Kazakhstani employer preferences in recruiting older versus younger employees. The obstacles older employees face in the recruitment process are outlined and discussed.
Social Responsibility Journal, 2012
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to understand the attitudes of individuals towards corp... more Purpose – The purpose of this research is to understand the attitudes of individuals towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Kazakhstan and identify the benefits that CSR activities may bring to business and its stakeholders.
Design/methodology/approach – Theoretical underpinnings for the research are drawn from existent literature on CSR. A total of 120 questionnaires were collected, 68 percent of which were filled in online, the rest were answered manually by the respondents.
Findings – The results suggest that environmental friendliness, legal responsibility and stewardship principle are considered to be very important in Kazakhstan. The attitudes towards economic responsibility are significantly affected by age and working experience. The application of Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR identified that the hierarchy of responsibilities in Kazakhstan exists in the following order: legal, ethical, economic, and philanthropic. The primary payback of CSR is improved company image and reputation.
Research limitations/implications – As the concept of CSR is relatively new in Kazakhstan misunderstanding of CSR principles might have led to wrong perceptions and attitudes and distortion of the research results. The sample is not representative of the population as a whole and cannot be generalized.
Practical implications – The paper is a valuable contribution to the development and promotion of CSR principles in Kazakhstan which provides an insight into the current situation in the country. Managers and policy makers may revise their strategies and policies with the expectations of the general public.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to the limited scope of literature on the attitudes towards CSR in Kazakhstan.
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 2013
Purpose – This study aims to examine and discuss the opportunities and barriers older employees f... more Purpose – This study aims to examine and discuss the opportunities and barriers older employees face in the recruitment process in comparison with younger candidates. The paper aims to analyze Kazakhstani employer preferences in terms of the age of their employees.
Design/methodology/approach – The study draws on an analysis of the existent literature, statistical data, and the observations and experiences of the authors.
Findings – The results suggest that both younger and older employees in Kazakhstan face barriers in the recruitment process. While recent graduates lack experience and a knowledge level capable of meeting the requirements of businesses, older employees are heavily trained and less adaptable to change in the environment. Employers in Kazakhstan are more willing to hire young employees rather than older workers. The recruitment process is primarily based on personal contacts.
Practical implications – By describing the barriers older employees face in the recruitment process, the paper appeals to the Kazakhstani Government to revise policies and develop new measures to safeguard older workers. In addition, given the inconsistency of higher education with business requirements, policy makers should revise strategies and controls in the higher education system.
Originality/value – The paper fills the literature gap and analyses Kazakhstani employer preferences in recruiting older versus younger employees. The obstacles older employees face in the recruitment process are outlined and discussed.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2012
The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of business regulation environment... more The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of business regulation environments in Kazakhstan and Malaysia, identify which doing business indicators are ranked higher in Malaysia, and understand how Malaysian best doing business practices, if any, can be applied to Kazakhstan. The study is based on the analysis of the reports on Kazakhstan and Malaysia published by the Doing Business Project (World Bank). The economies were compared on ten indicators which constitute the ease of doing business index. Indicators having lower rank in Kazakhstan as compared to Malaysia were thoroughly studied. The following indicators were found to have lower rank in Kazakhstan: dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, getting credit, and trading across borders. The results suggest that the majority of the procedures are characterized by red tape and bureaucracy; some of the procedures are duplicated what leads to higher costs. Kazakhstan credit system lacks transparency. Limitations of the research are connected with the limitations of the Doing Business methodology. The data is limited in scope and is not representative of the regulation on businesses other than limited liability companies as well as regulation in other parts of the economy. Transactions described may not represent the full set of issues a business encounters. The guidelines on how to reduce time, decrease cost and lower red tape and bureaucracy for doing business in Kazakhstan were provided. The recommendations given may be taken into account by policy makers while revising their policies and designing reforms for the development and promotion of entrepreneurship in the country. The paper represents a practical guide for policy makers and satisfies the claim of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan to adopt Malaysian best practices. In addition, the paper contributes to the limited scope of literature on SMEs and doing business in Kazakhstan.
Вестник КазНУ (серия экономическая), 2013
В данной статье представлены результаты научного исследования, которое проводилось в г. Алматы (К... more В данной статье представлены результаты научного исследования, которое проводилось в г. Алматы (Казахстан), направленного на выявление отношения руководства компаний к трансферту знаний в телекоммуникационном секторе. Методом исследования являлся опрос в форме анкетирования. Всего в опросе приняли участие представители 28 телекоммуникационных фирм, что составило 54% выборки. Результаты выявили положительное отношение представителей компаний к трансферту знаний, так как сотрудничество с ВУЗами в области знаний дает компаниям возможность участвовать в совместных разработках новых продуктов или услуг, а также доступ к высококвалифицированным кадрам. Наиболее важными способами передачи знаний, по мнению телекоммуникационных компаний, являются профессиональные публикации и доклады, участие в конференциях и семинарах, а также личные контакты. Однако существует ряд причин, препятствующих обмену знаниями между ВУЗами и телекоммуникационными компаниями. Главным фактором является отсутствие государственной стимуляции компаний, занятых исследованиями и научно-практическими разработками совместно с университетами. Данное исследование, являющееся пилотным, служит опорной точкой для дальнейших работ в этой области.
Экономика и Статистика, 2013
В данной статье рассмотрена взаимосвязь между структурой внутренних затрат на исследования и разр... more В данной статье рассмотрена взаимосвязь между структурой внутренних затрат на исследования и разработки и количеством патентных заявок. Была выявлена положительная связь между количеством патентных заявок и финансированием науки предпринимательским сектором.
Ветник КазНУ (Серия экономическая), 2014
В данной статье анализируется роль университетов в процессе трансферта знаний в контексте инновац... more В данной статье анализируется роль университетов в процессе трансферта знаний в контексте инновационного развития страны. В качестве основного метода исследования был использован анализ и синтез роли университетов в ряде стран. На основе сравнительного анализа были сделаны выводы относительно роли и функциях высших учебных заведений в развитых, развивающихся странах и в странах с переходной экономикой. Результаты исследования показали, что с ростом уровня развития страны меняется понимание роли и функции университетов. Чем выше уровень развития страны, тем комплекснее и шире роль вузов в процессе трансферта знаний и ускорении темпов роста инновационной составляющей экономики. Казахстан в последние годы выстраивает достаточно активную политику по развитию инновационной экономики на основе трансферта знаний между университетами и предприятиями. Университеты теперь рассматриваются не только как образовательные и исследовательские центры, но и как неотъемлемая часть национальной инновационной системы, активно взаимодействующая с предпринимательским сектором.
Проблемы науки, 2014
Создание инновационной инфраструктуры является важным этапом инновационного развития государства,... more Создание инновационной инфраструктуры является важным этапом инновационного развития государства, и состав элементов инновационной инфраструктуры зависит от страны, в которой она формируется. В данной статье рассматривается специфика инновационной инфраструктуры Республики Казахстан, и анализируются факторы, влияющие на эффективность её функционирования. Результаты исследования показывают, что элементы инновационной инфраструктуры Республики Казахстан изолированы друг от друга; в технопарках и конструкторских бюро имеется дефицит научных кадров; научно-исследовательская деятельность финансируется в недостаточной степени; технопарки не полностью выполняют функции, определенных при их создании.
Экономика и Статистика, 2014
В данной статье представлен анализ ключевых научных показателей и научно-технической политики раз... more В данной статье представлен анализ ключевых научных показателей и научно-технической политики развитых стран, являющихся лидерами в области взаимодействия между вузами и предприятиями. Выявлено, что уже на протяжении многих лет в этих странах существует культурная традиция взаимодействия высшего образования и предпринимательского сектора, которая стала результатом эффективной инновационной политики этих государств.
Экономика: Стратегия и практика, 2014
В данной статье представлены результаты научного исследования, направленного на выявление отношен... more В данной статье представлены результаты научного исследования, направленного на выявление отношения представителей Алматинских ВУЗов к трансферту знаний в телекоммуникационном секторе. Основным методом исследования был опрос в форме анкетирования. Результаты выявили положительное отношение представителей ВУЗов к трансферту знаний. Однако существует ряд причин, препятствующих обмену знаниями между ВУЗами и телекоммуникационными компаниями.
Вестник КазНУ (серия экономическая), 2015
Социальная ответственность бизнеса является важной составляющей устойчивого развития любой страны... more Социальная ответственность бизнеса является важной составляющей устойчивого развития любой страны. Страны Центральной Азии только начинают делать первые шаги в данном направлении. Целью данного исследования является изучение и выявление основных директив корпоративной социальной ответственности (КСО) в пяти Центральноазиатских странах: Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Таджикистане, Туркменистане и Узбекистане. В качестве основного метода исследования используется сравнительный анализ социальных инициатив по четырем категориям ответственности, предложенных А. Кэрроллом. По результатам исследования было выявлено, что концепция КСО в странах Центральной Азии еще продолжает формироваться, существует масса неясностей, связанная с трактовкой термина. Большинство компаний региона делают акцент на проведении разовых благотворительных акций, что говорит о доминирующей филантропической ответственности А. Кэрролла. Также, наблюдается недостаточное стимулирование КСО, а в некоторых странах полное его отсутствие.
Экономика и статистика, 2015
В данной статье рассматривалась возможность применения «пирамиды» КСО А. Кэрролла в Казахстане, а... more В данной статье рассматривалась возможность применения «пирамиды» КСО А. Кэрролла в Казахстане, а также принципов благотворительности и администрирования Э. Кэрнеги и экологических обязательств К. Дэвиса и Р. Блумсторма. Результаты исследования показали, что казахстанская «пирамида» КСО имеет несколько другую иерархию, чем представлено в общепринятой модели, а принцип администрирования и экологические обязательства широко используются местными компаниями.
Science and Public Policy, 2016
Although developing economies are observed to possess some similar characteristics, interactions ... more Although developing economies are observed to possess some similar characteristics, interactions between academia and industry are expected to have unique attributes in each country. This paper explores the channels of knowledge transfer, obstacles to collaboration and benefits of university-industry interactions in Kazakhstani context. The study builds upon the analysis of data collected from surveys of 24 universities and 28 telecommunications firms. The results suggest some discrepancy between the modes of interactions used and the channels rated the most important. There are also significant differences in agents' perceptions of obstacles. Benefits associated with short-term production activities are priority-driven for firms.
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 2020
Purpose: This study aims to explore the perceptions and expectations of the undergraduate student... more Purpose: This study aims to explore the perceptions and expectations of the undergraduate students towards the teaching-research-practice nexus (TRPN) and propose a framework for the integration of nexus components at each undergraduate level. It also intends to identify whether students' views differ depending on their specialization, year of study, academic performance, and gender.
Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative analysis was employed to evaluate the views of 460 undergraduate students from faculties of education in the Southeast Anatolia region of Turkey. The data was collected through the survey with a five-point Likert scale. A t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for the analysis of data.
Findings: Significant differences in the perceptions and expectations of the undergraduate students in relation to the TRPN suggest a gap in their satisfaction with the present teaching approach. The factors influencing students' perceptions include specialization, year of study, and academic performance. Student expectations of the TRPN are affected by their specialization and GPA. The influence of gender was not confirmed.
Research limitations/implications: The lack of previous research on the TRPN creates a need for further development in this area of study. The sample limited to education faculty in one region precludes generalization of the findings beyond the study setting.
Practical implications: The present study provides preliminary information for education faculties on how to meet students' learning expectations through proportional integration of the TRPN components into the undergraduate curriculum.
Originality: The study contributes to the debate on the TRPN at the undergraduate level and proposes an original framework for linking teaching, research, and practice.
Books & Book Chapters by Yelena Smirnova
Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices, 2014
Innovation infrastructure is one of the key elements of a national innovation system, but the ver... more Innovation infrastructure is one of the key elements of a national innovation system, but the very creation of the innovation infrastructure does not guarantee a "boom" in innovations. Although the innovation infrastructure has been legislatively and physically shaped in Kazakhstan, most recent figures show that the innovation performance in the economy falls short of the expectations. Based on a legislative framework , this chapter introduces the concept of innovation infrastructure in Kazakhstan and elaborates on its elements and the way they interact with each other. In addition, supported by the previous studies, it attempts to measure the effectiveness of existing innovation infrastructure. The results of the study reveal that the innovation infrastructure of Kazakhstan is not effective. The ineffectiveness is primarily caused by an inadequate innovation policy which results in scanty linkages between the elements of infrastructure, in particular, between education institutions and industry. Kazakhstan's experience might prove useful to other countries which are in the process of building innovation infrastructures.
Настоящая монография отражает основные результаты научного исследования проведенного в рамках вып... more Настоящая монография отражает основные результаты научного исследования проведенного в рамках выполнения проекта 2224/ГФ4: «Механизм сокращения неформальной занятости и неофициального рынка труда в Республике Казахстан» по приоритету Интеллектуальный потенциал страны, разделу 5.1 Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования в области социальных и гуманитарных наук, подразделу 5.1.3 Актуальные проблемы социальных и общественно-гуманитарных наук, междисциплинарные исследования. Особая острота и актуальность в проведении данного исследования заключалась в том, что неофициальные рынки труда и неформальная занятость в определенных случаях связаны с теневой экономикой и их функционирование иногда тесно связано с криминальными действиями, недопоступлением налогов в бюджет страны и т.д. Лица, ищущие работу на неофициальном рынке труда и неформально занятые, лишены различных социальных гарантий. Недостаток научных и практических работ по сокращению неофициального рынка труда и неформальной занятости является одной из важных причин маргинализации определенных слоев общества, не только в Казахстане, но и в мире. Необходимость проведения научного исследования в русле сокращения неофициального рынка труда и занятости было обусловлено Посланиями Президента Республики Казахстан: «Стратегия «Казахстан-2050»: новый политический курс состоявшегося государства» и «Нұрлы жол – Путь в будущее».. Наряду с этим, важной причиной проведения данного исследования явились новые социально-экономические реалии сложившиеся в настоящий период и острой социальной значимостью проведения подобных исследований для Казахстана и мировой экономической науки Представленная коллективная монография содержит четыре самостоятельных раздела которые, несмотря на различные объекты исследования, объедены единым предметом и направлены на решение проблем сокращения неформальной занятости и неофициального рынка труда в Казахстане. Монография подготовлена следующим коллективом авторов: Татибеков Б.Л. раздел 1, Темирбекова – раздел 2, Смирнова Е.В. – раздел 3, Изекенова А.К. – раздел 4.
Conference Presentations by Yelena Smirnova
The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference on Innovation and Development: Opportunities and Challenges in Globalization, 2012
In the era of globalization, innovation development became a crucial factor for economic success ... more In the era of globalization, innovation development became a crucial factor for economic success of any country. Kazakhstan is actively pursuing its industrial and innovation development strategy but the current policy does not lead to the targeted results. The paper looks at the innovation infrastructure as a part of Kazakhstan National Innovation System. The emphasis is made on the examination of innovation infrastructure elements. The study is mostly drawn on the analysis of existent literature, legislative documentation, telephone interview and expectations and experiences of the author. The findings reveal that the whole National Innovation System of Kazakhstan and, in particular, innovation infrastructure lacks an integrated approach. Universities should be assigned a greater role in the innovation infrastructure. It is offered to increase collaboration between universities and innovative SMEs through compulsory partnership agreements. Policy makers should revise the strategies, programs, and legal system to promote innovation activities and make the spirit and culture of innovations penetrate the nation. The paper serves as a thinking tool for the reappraisal of the effectiveness and efficiency of current innovation policy.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Collaboration between universities and private sector is a key to increase innovative performance... more Collaboration between universities and private sector is a key to increase innovative performance of an economy. Linkages between academia and industry may take different forms largely pending on the local context. In Kazakhstan direct partnerships between universities and business entities are rare and not very well developed. This paper studies the attitudes of telecommunications companies towards knowledge collaboration with universities and outlines the factors hindering university-industry collaboration. The discussion builds on data collected via self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with the representatives of 28 telecommunications companies. The findings reveal how these opinions depend on size and origin of businesses. This study makes a contribution by exploring this issue in the case of an emerging economy (Kazakhstan) and provides policy advice on the development of government strategies to foster such university-industry partnerships.
Papers by Yelena Smirnova
Design/methodology/approach – Theoretical underpinnings for the research are drawn from existent literature on CSR. A total of 120 questionnaires were collected, 68 percent of which were filled in online, the rest were answered manually by the respondents.
Findings – The results suggest that environmental friendliness, legal responsibility and stewardship principle are considered to be very important in Kazakhstan. The attitudes towards economic responsibility are significantly affected by age and working experience. The application of Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR identified that the hierarchy of responsibilities in Kazakhstan exists in the following order: legal, ethical, economic, and philanthropic. The primary payback of CSR is improved company image and reputation.
Research limitations/implications – As the concept of CSR is relatively new in Kazakhstan misunderstanding of CSR principles might have led to wrong perceptions and attitudes and distortion of the research results. The sample is not representative of the population as a whole and cannot be generalized.
Practical implications – The paper is a valuable contribution to the development and promotion of CSR principles in Kazakhstan which provides an insight into the current situation in the country. Managers and policy makers may revise their strategies and policies with the expectations of the general public.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to the limited scope of literature on the attitudes towards CSR in Kazakhstan.
Design/methodology/approach – The study draws on an analysis of the existent literature, statistical data, and the observations and experiences of the authors.
Findings – The results suggest that both younger and older employees in Kazakhstan face barriers in the recruitment process. While recent graduates lack experience and a knowledge level capable of meeting the requirements of businesses, older employees are heavily trained and less adaptable to change in the environment. Employers in Kazakhstan are more willing to hire young employees rather than older workers. The recruitment process is primarily based on personal contacts.
Practical implications – By describing the barriers older employees face in the recruitment process, the paper appeals to the Kazakhstani Government to revise policies and develop new measures to safeguard older workers. In addition, given the inconsistency of higher education with business requirements, policy makers should revise strategies and controls in the higher education system.
Originality/value – The paper fills the literature gap and analyses Kazakhstani employer preferences in recruiting older versus younger employees. The obstacles older employees face in the recruitment process are outlined and discussed.
Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative analysis was employed to evaluate the views of 460 undergraduate students from faculties of education in the Southeast Anatolia region of Turkey. The data was collected through the survey with a five-point Likert scale. A t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for the analysis of data.
Findings: Significant differences in the perceptions and expectations of the undergraduate students in relation to the TRPN suggest a gap in their satisfaction with the present teaching approach. The factors influencing students' perceptions include specialization, year of study, and academic performance. Student expectations of the TRPN are affected by their specialization and GPA. The influence of gender was not confirmed.
Research limitations/implications: The lack of previous research on the TRPN creates a need for further development in this area of study. The sample limited to education faculty in one region precludes generalization of the findings beyond the study setting.
Practical implications: The present study provides preliminary information for education faculties on how to meet students' learning expectations through proportional integration of the TRPN components into the undergraduate curriculum.
Originality: The study contributes to the debate on the TRPN at the undergraduate level and proposes an original framework for linking teaching, research, and practice.
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Design/methodology/approach – Theoretical underpinnings for the research are drawn from existent literature on CSR. A total of 120 questionnaires were collected, 68 percent of which were filled in online, the rest were answered manually by the respondents.
Findings – The results suggest that environmental friendliness, legal responsibility and stewardship principle are considered to be very important in Kazakhstan. The attitudes towards economic responsibility are significantly affected by age and working experience. The application of Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR identified that the hierarchy of responsibilities in Kazakhstan exists in the following order: legal, ethical, economic, and philanthropic. The primary payback of CSR is improved company image and reputation.
Research limitations/implications – As the concept of CSR is relatively new in Kazakhstan misunderstanding of CSR principles might have led to wrong perceptions and attitudes and distortion of the research results. The sample is not representative of the population as a whole and cannot be generalized.
Practical implications – The paper is a valuable contribution to the development and promotion of CSR principles in Kazakhstan which provides an insight into the current situation in the country. Managers and policy makers may revise their strategies and policies with the expectations of the general public.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to the limited scope of literature on the attitudes towards CSR in Kazakhstan.
Design/methodology/approach – The study draws on an analysis of the existent literature, statistical data, and the observations and experiences of the authors.
Findings – The results suggest that both younger and older employees in Kazakhstan face barriers in the recruitment process. While recent graduates lack experience and a knowledge level capable of meeting the requirements of businesses, older employees are heavily trained and less adaptable to change in the environment. Employers in Kazakhstan are more willing to hire young employees rather than older workers. The recruitment process is primarily based on personal contacts.
Practical implications – By describing the barriers older employees face in the recruitment process, the paper appeals to the Kazakhstani Government to revise policies and develop new measures to safeguard older workers. In addition, given the inconsistency of higher education with business requirements, policy makers should revise strategies and controls in the higher education system.
Originality/value – The paper fills the literature gap and analyses Kazakhstani employer preferences in recruiting older versus younger employees. The obstacles older employees face in the recruitment process are outlined and discussed.
Design/methodology/approach: Quantitative analysis was employed to evaluate the views of 460 undergraduate students from faculties of education in the Southeast Anatolia region of Turkey. The data was collected through the survey with a five-point Likert scale. A t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for the analysis of data.
Findings: Significant differences in the perceptions and expectations of the undergraduate students in relation to the TRPN suggest a gap in their satisfaction with the present teaching approach. The factors influencing students' perceptions include specialization, year of study, and academic performance. Student expectations of the TRPN are affected by their specialization and GPA. The influence of gender was not confirmed.
Research limitations/implications: The lack of previous research on the TRPN creates a need for further development in this area of study. The sample limited to education faculty in one region precludes generalization of the findings beyond the study setting.
Practical implications: The present study provides preliminary information for education faculties on how to meet students' learning expectations through proportional integration of the TRPN components into the undergraduate curriculum.
Originality: The study contributes to the debate on the TRPN at the undergraduate level and proposes an original framework for linking teaching, research, and practice.