Papers by Siti Nur Amanah

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2018
The decision to apply sustainable horticulture practices can be categorized as pro-environment be... more The decision to apply sustainable horticulture practices can be categorized as pro-environment behavior where motivation or needs are one of the determinants of behavior. The objective of this study was to analyze the factor and discover the farmer group compositions and motivation of farmers to adopt sustainable horticultural practices. The surveys involved 350 members of horticulture farmer groups in Yogyakarta Special Region Province, Indonesia. The results of second-order confirmatory factor analysis show the highest score of the underlying subs-construct of motivation construct is social needs (healthy family and group reference). The highest score of the underlying subs-construct of the level of sustainable horticulture practices (SHP) adoption are inputs (organic fertilizer and superior seeds). There are two clusters of SHP adoption and three clusters of motivation. This study provides information to make an effective strategy for extension education that makes farmers adopt ...

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2018
Efforts to increase the production of environmentally friendly farming can be well done by lookin... more Efforts to increase the production of environmentally friendly farming can be well done by looking at various input, process, and output variables. Various input in farming activities, both internal and external factors included: characteristics of farmers, innovation, counseling level, supporting factors, and capacity of farmer should support each other. To run these efforts properly, a conduction of a review of the relationship between the various variables were needed. The research was conducted in Sigi and Parigi Moutong Districts, Central Sulawesi Province. Determination of research location is done purposively in the rice production centers area included district, sub-district, village and farmer group. Total responden was 174 farmers. The method of analysis used Rank Spearman correlation test, with data processing tool used Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) software. The result showed that there was a significant and positive relationship between the characteris...

This study assessed the performance of extension services in efforts to maintain the food securit... more This study assessed the performance of extension services in efforts to maintain the food security of paddy-rice farmers households in Bondowoso, Indonesia. The farmers satisfaction with extension services is very closely related to the management of extension services that can be identified through feedback from farmers as users of extension services. This study was aimed to analyze the performance of extension services and promote the development strategies. The survey method was used to determine the level of innovation needs and availability of innovations through extension services as well as the level of farmer satisfaction with the performance of extension services. Data obtained from structured interviews with 200 respondents and the observation process. Data analysis used the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods. The results of the analysis showed that the innovation needs of rice farmers in maintaining production and productiv...

Masyarakat pesisir telah mengalami kerusakan sumber daya alam, perubahan iklim, dan risiko bencan... more Masyarakat pesisir telah mengalami kerusakan sumber daya alam, perubahan iklim, dan risiko bencana. Pemerintah, organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan lembaga lainnya telah mengembangkan berbagai program untuk memperbaiki kondisi wilayah pesisir. Salah satu programnya adalah Program Pengembangan Desa Pesisir Tangguh (PDPT) yang telah diluncurkan sejak tahun 2011. Pada tahun 2012, program ini dilaksanakan di 48 desa di 16 kabupaten. Keberhasilan program ini tergantung pada respon masyarakat termasuk sikap masyarakat. Penelitian tentang sikap masyarakat terhadap program ini, dilaksanakan di dua desa terpilih di Kabupaten Tangerang. Populasi berjumlah 200 yang merupakan masyarakat pemanfaat program. Responden dipilih secara stratified random sampling berdasarkan fokus kegiatan PDPT (bina sumber daya, bina infrastruktur dan lingkungan, Bina Usaha, dan bina Siaga bencana). Sampel penelitian sebanyak 60 responden yang diambil dari rumah tangga masyarakat pesisir. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesione...

Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian, 2018
Kapasitas petani mengelola padi sawah ramah lingkungan di sistem sawah irigasi teknis, menurut ka... more Kapasitas petani mengelola padi sawah ramah lingkungan di sistem sawah irigasi teknis, menurut karakteristik personal dan peluang pengembangannya, meliputi: kemampuan secara teknis inovasi teknologi, kemampuan menyusun rencana usahatani, kemampuan mengevaluasi, kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan, dan kemampuan bermitra sinergis. Kemampuan ini, merupakan wujud kapasitas tinggi yang dimiliki petani. Penelitian bertujuan: menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik petani dengan tingkat kapasitasnya mengelola sawah ramah lingkungan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap 174 petani. Analisis data dilakukan uji deskriptif, uji beda Mann Whitney dan uji Rank Spearman, menggunakan program Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) versi 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani Kabupaten Sigi dan Parigi Moutong berbeda baik karakteristik maupun kemampuan mengelola usahataninya. Terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada pendidikan non formal dan luas lahan. Tingkat ka...

Jurnal Penyuluhan, 2018
Rural areas in Indonesia vary in terms of socio-economics and cultural background, the landscape,... more Rural areas in Indonesia vary in terms of socio-economics and cultural background, the landscape, physical climate, the resources, and the accessibility to extension services. Rural extension services play an important role in facilitating community development from on-farm to off farm activities. Rural extension systems have to address the increased demand for the services and to nd innovative approaches and strategies to facilitate community in the era of globalization. The paper aims to analyse the current status of rural extension systems in Indonesia, to analyse the role of stakeholders involved in extension systems, and to formulate plan and actions to strengthen rural extension systems. Assessment of rural extension systems was conducted by using a logical framework analysis models involving representatives from rural community groups and resource persons. Stakeholder dialogues and group discussions were conducted to gather information and to discuss the issues on rural exten...

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2020
Narkoba, Sex Education, dan Bullying saat ini sedang tidak asing lagi dikalangan remaja millenial... more Narkoba, Sex Education, dan Bullying saat ini sedang tidak asing lagi dikalangan remaja millenial. Masalah pergaulan bebas yang semakin marak dikalangan remaja membuat semakin menipisnya generasi penerus bangsa saat ini. Penyalah gunaan narkoba saat ini pengedaran tidak hanya dilakukan orang dewasa akan tetapi dalam hal ini sudah merajalela dikalangan siswa/i bahkan anak sekolah dasar. Sex education sudah merajalela dengan adanya teknologi yang semakin berkembang sehingga dapat dengan mudah mengakses apa yang diinginkan, dampaknya yaitu semakin banyak pernikahan dini. dan bullying disekolah yang semakin marak membuat mental para remaja menurun. Melalui lembaga pengabdian ini untuk membantu para remaja khususnya siswa/i untuk menambah pengetahuan ilmu melalui pengadaan sosialisasi mengenail bahaya Narkoba, Sex Bebas, dan Bullying. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Aula SMKN 1 Ampelgading. Sosialisasi ini sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa/i untuk menambah wawasan tentang bahaya pergaulan bebas. Da...
Papers by Siti Nur Amanah