Nyeri persalinan memiliki derajat yang paling tinggi diantara rasa nyeri yang lain sehingga banya... more Nyeri persalinan memiliki derajat yang paling tinggi diantara rasa nyeri yang lain sehingga banyak perempuan yang belum siap memiliki anak karena membayangkan rasa sakit yang akan dialami saat melahirkan. Nyeri persalinan adalah adanya kontraksi otot rahim yang menyebabkan pembukaan mulut rahim (serviks) sehingga timbul rasa sakit pada pinggang, daerah perut dan menjalar kearah paha. Ada beberapa cara dalam metode nonfarmakologi yang bisa menghilangkan rasa nyeri persalinan seperti dengankompres hangat. Tujuan dari asuhan ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari kompres airhangat terhadap nyeripersalinan kala I fase aktif di PMB Dince Safrina SST, Tahun 2021. Sampel pada asuhan ini adalah salah satu ibu bersalin di PMB Dince Safrina SST, dimana keadaan pada umumnya ibu nyeri dan janin baik – baik saja. Pengumpulan datadilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi. Hasil asuhan menunjukkan kompres air hangat yang dilakukan dengan botol di isi dengan air hangat dan di balut dengan handu...
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)
Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, an... more Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, and customs that are valid and have been around for a long time. The existence of local wisdom is a necessity because it was born and developed along with the birth of life and culture and is used as one of the main points in the development of education. However, in this technology era, local wisdom is at a point where it continues to exist and is able to face technological challenges or turn into a global culture. Through research with qualitative design and using participatory observation strategies conducted in the Kampung Dukuh of West Java, Indonesia for 3 years, it was concluded that the existence of local wisdom could be lost due to massive use of technology in all fields, especially in the social aspects where human interaction was guided by technology. However, on the other hand this research has proven that technology combined with local wisdom that aims to maintain the existence of both succeeded in increasing people's understanding of the values of local wisdom and the importance of this as the core of education that emphasizes values and norms. The implications of these brilliant results are expected to be able to motivate the next generation to be able to become good citizens of the world by prioritizing local wisdom values as one of the cores of Education.
Visual display is a technique that utilizes tools on the computer to explore and to present infor... more Visual display is a technique that utilizes tools on the computer to explore and to present information. There are some variation of visual display methods that have been developed and widely used in the needs of geovisualization and cartography such us Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP), Space Time Cube (STC), Self-Organize Map (SOM) and Cartogram. This research uses these methods includes definitions and functions, recommendations for using an application and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Applying the right visualization is based on the needs or goals of geovisualization because each visual display has unique characteristics.
The increasing issue of gender responsiveness to women's burdens as a result of COVID-19 has beco... more The increasing issue of gender responsiveness to women's burdens as a result of COVID-19 has become the background for the implementation of women-based community empowerment under the name "Patali Gumbira". The implementation of women's empowerment "Patali Gumbira" has become one of the issues to prepare women in adapting to the new habits of COVID-19. To build women's resilience based on social capital, their knowledge, experience, and aspirations in responding to the impact of COVID-19. In this study, the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) approach was used, which made women the center for critical, independent, and creative thinking. The findings in this study indicate that the empowerment of "Patali Gumbira" is a form of means of women's social resilience through a structured framework of education, advocacy, and economic systems utilizing social networks, one of which is strengthening the organization of PKK women in the village public sphere. This
LOYALITAS, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo". Partners loc... more The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo". Partners located in the Muneng Hamlet RT. 02 RW. 03 and RT. 04 RW. 03, Mayangan Village, Gumukman District, Jember Regency, East Java. They have a papaya-based food processing business, which is abundant in the village. The implementation team offers a solution to solve the Partner's problem, thereby affecting the increase in family income in particular and the village economy in general. The solution was, the Implementation Team bought a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer machine, which could be used to package the Candied Carica Papaya. The results of the implementation of this service are: 1) diversifying papaya processed products into Candied Carica Papaya, which is a fresh drink in a package that many children like to remember sweet, sour, and fresh when consumed in cold conditions; 2) provide a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer used to package drinks in a cup; 3) screen printi...
2nd International Conference on Sociology Education, 2017
Modernity has become the new identity of human civilization. The hallmark of the new identity is ... more Modernity has become the new identity of human civilization. The hallmark of the new identity is the use of technology not only in terms of material life, but also tangible in the cultivation of values (immaterial). Local knowledge as a source of good values and are expected to be useful for human life, slowly has begun to shift from rapid growth in technology followed by proficiency in using it. Presence technology is essentially to facilitate human life. However, skill is not matched by the importance of awareness to defend the values of local wisdom has led to the gap between indigenous and modernity. The importance of raising awareness of the culture that holds many noble values in the modern era. Research on local wisdom is done in Kampung Dukuh, Garut Indonesia by using descriptive analytic method, to be able to decipher the issues examined analytically to detail through a qualitative approach. The results showed that raising awareness about the importance of local wisdom values within a culture in the modern era can not be done only from the community or indigenous peoples, but rather there must be outside of the role of indigenous peoples by means of combining modernity with traditional culture that holds many local wisdoms that is useful for human life.
Polyblend of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(e-caprolactone)(PCL) as coating of ibuprophen has b... more Polyblend of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(e-caprolactone)(PCL) as coating of ibuprophen has been prepared. The encapsulation of ibuprophen in this study was carried out by emulsification and ultrasonication technique. The PLA used was synthesized with an average molecule weight (Mv) 9463 g/mol. Nanocapsules obtained were ranged between 480 to 950 nm. The optimum sonication time in the formation of nanocapsules was 60 minute. The efficiency and the size of nanocapsules increased with the increasing of sonication time. The nanocapsules efficiency at sonication time 30, 45, and 60 minutes were 4.514, 9.724, and 5.987 % respectively. Keywords : Emulsification, Ultrasonication, Ibuprophen, Polyblend, Poly(lactic acid), Poly(e-caprolaktone)
Penelitian ini berawal dari fenomena yang ditemukan di kelas V MI Naelushibyan Cibiru Wetan Cileu... more Penelitian ini berawal dari fenomena yang ditemukan di kelas V MI Naelushibyan Cibiru Wetan Cileunyi Bandung, bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model active learning ditanggapi secara positif oleh siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan adanya antusias siswa ketika mengikuti pembelajaran. Tetapi di sisi lain diperoleh informasi bahwa minat belajar mereka masih kurang, hal ini terlihat dari kemauan belajar siswa rendah, yakni dari 32 siswa hanya 19 siswa yang berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Realitas Respons siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran active learning; (2) Realitas Minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS materi pokok peranan pejuang dan masyarakat dalam mempersiapkan dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia; (3) Realitas hubungan antara respons siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran active learning dengan minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS materi pokok peranan pejuang dan masyara...
Kasus peredaran sediaan farmasi tanpa ijin edar yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa bernama Dodik Dwi Pu... more Kasus peredaran sediaan farmasi tanpa ijin edar yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa bernama Dodik Dwi Putra alias Gendon, dalam putusan perkara No.06/Pid.Sus/2011/PN Malang terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah telah melanggar pasal 197 Undang-Undang No.36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan. Yang menjadi tujuan penulis adalah menganalisa penerapan pasal 197 KUHAP, proses pembuktian, pemenuhan unsur Pasal 197 UU No.36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan dan pertimbangan hakim dalam pemidanaan terdakwa. Metode penelitian hukum dengan menggunakan cara pendekatan yuridis normatif. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan adalah putusan No. 06/Pid.Sus/2011/PN Malang, bahan hukum skunder berupa peraturan undang-undangan yaitu : Undang-undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan, Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Peraturan Perintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 51 Tahun 2009 Tantang Pekerjaan Kefarmasian. Setelah dilakukan penelitian bahwa putusan cacat dalam hukum formiil maupun hukum materiel, tid...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2018), 2019
Various problem in society are believed to be the impact of weak family ties, not least about the... more Various problem in society are believed to be the impact of weak family ties, not least about the lack of understanding of family resilience until women choose to become single parents. The development of the women's field in the status of a wife becomes the central point of the Persatuan Islam Istri (PERSISTRI). A qualitative approach with interview and observation technique is carried out to the PERSIS group to find out whether there are attempts to accommodate women in divorce claim decision. Does the PERSISTRI group have preventive measure to develop family resilience, and are there repressive steps in rebuilding family resilience after the divorce? The result of the study show that women have a large share in strengthening the role and function of women themselves, both in the realm of family, society, and social society.
Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development, 2020
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksloprasi paradigma gerakan hijrah yang terjadi pada generasi mu... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksloprasi paradigma gerakan hijrah yang terjadi pada generasi muslim milenial di era digital melalui platform media sosial. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian fenomenologiyang dilakukan pada gerakan pemuda hijrah yang dikenal dengan nama Shift. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku hijrah, pendiri gerakan hijrah, juga keluarga dari pelaku hijrah. Penelitian ini dikaji melaluikonsep gerakan sosial sebagai salah satu perilaku kolektif, yang menjadikan gerakan hijrah pada generasi milenial menjadi fenomena baru dalam gerakan Islam di Indonesia yang menarik untuk dikaji. Temuan penelitian mencerminkan bahwa gerakan hijrah terjadi secara komunal melahirkan sebuah gerakan sosial berbasis keagamaan. Gerakan muslim milenial telah membangun identitas baru sebagai sebagai umat beragama yang taat pada aturan islam. Gerakan hijrah memiliki maksud menjadikan anak muda dekat dengan Al-Quran, shalat tepat waktu, giat mencari ilmu agama dan menebarkan syia...
Capital market literacy is presents to give knowledge and experience to students as young investo... more Capital market literacy is presents to give knowledge and experience to students as young investors with no experience in capital market investment products and transactions. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of capital market literacy to encourage students in making the right investment decisions. The unit analysis of this research was an active student of Widyatama University who has followed capital market school and become investors in the Indonesia capital market. This is preliminary research that only using simple statistical descriptive techniques about the number of students investors and their transaction values. The results showed that capital market literacy through capital market schools has an important role in increasing student investment interest and investment decisions which are reflected in the increasing trend of student investors and the value of their transactions in the capital market.
ABSTRAK “Pergerakan naik dan turunnya harga saham menjadi suatu fenomena yang sering terjadi pada... more ABSTRAK “Pergerakan naik dan turunnya harga saham menjadi suatu fenomena yang sering terjadi pada suatu perusahaan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Current Ratio (CR) dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas, dan Transportasi yang terdaftar Di BEI. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 72 perusahaan, dan sampel sebanyak 84 sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan nonprobability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data sekunder. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Uji Normalitas data, Korelasi Product Moment, Korelasi Ganda, Analisis Regresi Ganda, Koefisien Determinasi, Uji T (Parsial), Uji F (Simultan) dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial, current ratio (cr) tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, dan secara parsial bahwa debt to equity ratio (der) berpengaruh terhadap...
Diversity is a necessity that cannot be denied by anyone, diversity that is based on true differe... more Diversity is a necessity that cannot be denied by anyone, diversity that is based on true differences should be responded to with an attitude of tolerance and view that all differences are the nature of life. However, a handful of people in the name of religion actually see diversity as a threat that is very counter to their views so that with the frontal dare to call for war against these differences. Diversity and religious life is a concept that not only cares for fellow human beings but also respects and protects what God has created as a form of obedience. Seeing from a number of radical groups acting in the name of religion and carrying out extreme actions, this article seeks to reveal how Islamic organizations view the problem. By using a qualitative approach and phenomenology technique, which was carried out through in-depth interviews with 5 informants with the background of the organization's organizers it was found that there were three phases of a person behaving radically. But in this article more emphasis on the first phase, namely sensitivity, because this phase is seen as a channel for the formation of radical ideology in a person. Expected implications, social awareness can be formed that radicalism can actually be prevented from the beginning, with the right approach and method, as described in this article.
Data was collected through questionnaire method to 84 respondents who were the tenants of Mal Bin... more Data was collected through questionnaire method to 84 respondents who were the tenants of Mal Bintaro Jaya Xchange, South Tangerang, Indonesia obtained by using Simple Random sampling technique. SPSS program for Windows 22.0 was used to do the analysis of the data obtained analysis data both quantitative and qualitative. The result of the research shows that the quantitative analysis includes the validity test showing the value of rhitung>rtabel (0,215), reliability with cronbach's alpha> 0,60, normality of points following the diagonal line. Multiple linear regression through regression coefficient (R²) Adjusted R Square value of 81,4% indicated variation of purchasing decision which can be explained by service quality variable, product quality, promotion and location, where the remaining 18,6% is explained by other factors in beyond this study. Then from result of f test show ftabel value <0,05, then t test show t-table value <0,05. Based on the analysis that has b...
This writing explores the sociology of family, especially related to the roles of women in Sundan... more This writing explores the sociology of family, especially related to the roles of women in Sundanese societal family, by taking the case of the City of Bandung. By qualitative and survey approaches, the writer apprehends the matters by tracking to women’s job; the age of marriage and the right to choose the spouse; the view of women towards the roles of wife, husband, mother; and their views on jobs and domestic issues. The writer finds out that Sundanese women have got a new condition, like those of breadwinning roles, etc.
Nyeri persalinan memiliki derajat yang paling tinggi diantara rasa nyeri yang lain sehingga banya... more Nyeri persalinan memiliki derajat yang paling tinggi diantara rasa nyeri yang lain sehingga banyak perempuan yang belum siap memiliki anak karena membayangkan rasa sakit yang akan dialami saat melahirkan. Nyeri persalinan adalah adanya kontraksi otot rahim yang menyebabkan pembukaan mulut rahim (serviks) sehingga timbul rasa sakit pada pinggang, daerah perut dan menjalar kearah paha. Ada beberapa cara dalam metode nonfarmakologi yang bisa menghilangkan rasa nyeri persalinan seperti dengankompres hangat. Tujuan dari asuhan ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari kompres airhangat terhadap nyeripersalinan kala I fase aktif di PMB Dince Safrina SST, Tahun 2021. Sampel pada asuhan ini adalah salah satu ibu bersalin di PMB Dince Safrina SST, dimana keadaan pada umumnya ibu nyeri dan janin baik – baik saja. Pengumpulan datadilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi. Hasil asuhan menunjukkan kompres air hangat yang dilakukan dengan botol di isi dengan air hangat dan di balut dengan handu...
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)
Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, an... more Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, and customs that are valid and have been around for a long time. The existence of local wisdom is a necessity because it was born and developed along with the birth of life and culture and is used as one of the main points in the development of education. However, in this technology era, local wisdom is at a point where it continues to exist and is able to face technological challenges or turn into a global culture. Through research with qualitative design and using participatory observation strategies conducted in the Kampung Dukuh of West Java, Indonesia for 3 years, it was concluded that the existence of local wisdom could be lost due to massive use of technology in all fields, especially in the social aspects where human interaction was guided by technology. However, on the other hand this research has proven that technology combined with local wisdom that aims to maintain the existence of both succeeded in increasing people's understanding of the values of local wisdom and the importance of this as the core of education that emphasizes values and norms. The implications of these brilliant results are expected to be able to motivate the next generation to be able to become good citizens of the world by prioritizing local wisdom values as one of the cores of Education.
Visual display is a technique that utilizes tools on the computer to explore and to present infor... more Visual display is a technique that utilizes tools on the computer to explore and to present information. There are some variation of visual display methods that have been developed and widely used in the needs of geovisualization and cartography such us Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP), Space Time Cube (STC), Self-Organize Map (SOM) and Cartogram. This research uses these methods includes definitions and functions, recommendations for using an application and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Applying the right visualization is based on the needs or goals of geovisualization because each visual display has unique characteristics.
The increasing issue of gender responsiveness to women's burdens as a result of COVID-19 has beco... more The increasing issue of gender responsiveness to women's burdens as a result of COVID-19 has become the background for the implementation of women-based community empowerment under the name "Patali Gumbira". The implementation of women's empowerment "Patali Gumbira" has become one of the issues to prepare women in adapting to the new habits of COVID-19. To build women's resilience based on social capital, their knowledge, experience, and aspirations in responding to the impact of COVID-19. In this study, the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) approach was used, which made women the center for critical, independent, and creative thinking. The findings in this study indicate that the empowerment of "Patali Gumbira" is a form of means of women's social resilience through a structured framework of education, advocacy, and economic systems utilizing social networks, one of which is strengthening the organization of PKK women in the village public sphere. This
LOYALITAS, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo". Partners loc... more The activity service aims to increase the productivity of the "Bolo Dewo". Partners located in the Muneng Hamlet RT. 02 RW. 03 and RT. 04 RW. 03, Mayangan Village, Gumukman District, Jember Regency, East Java. They have a papaya-based food processing business, which is abundant in the village. The implementation team offers a solution to solve the Partner's problem, thereby affecting the increase in family income in particular and the village economy in general. The solution was, the Implementation Team bought a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer machine, which could be used to package the Candied Carica Papaya. The results of the implementation of this service are: 1) diversifying papaya processed products into Candied Carica Papaya, which is a fresh drink in a package that many children like to remember sweet, sour, and fresh when consumed in cold conditions; 2) provide a set of tools in the form of a cup sealer used to package drinks in a cup; 3) screen printi...
2nd International Conference on Sociology Education, 2017
Modernity has become the new identity of human civilization. The hallmark of the new identity is ... more Modernity has become the new identity of human civilization. The hallmark of the new identity is the use of technology not only in terms of material life, but also tangible in the cultivation of values (immaterial). Local knowledge as a source of good values and are expected to be useful for human life, slowly has begun to shift from rapid growth in technology followed by proficiency in using it. Presence technology is essentially to facilitate human life. However, skill is not matched by the importance of awareness to defend the values of local wisdom has led to the gap between indigenous and modernity. The importance of raising awareness of the culture that holds many noble values in the modern era. Research on local wisdom is done in Kampung Dukuh, Garut Indonesia by using descriptive analytic method, to be able to decipher the issues examined analytically to detail through a qualitative approach. The results showed that raising awareness about the importance of local wisdom values within a culture in the modern era can not be done only from the community or indigenous peoples, but rather there must be outside of the role of indigenous peoples by means of combining modernity with traditional culture that holds many local wisdoms that is useful for human life.
Polyblend of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(e-caprolactone)(PCL) as coating of ibuprophen has b... more Polyblend of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(e-caprolactone)(PCL) as coating of ibuprophen has been prepared. The encapsulation of ibuprophen in this study was carried out by emulsification and ultrasonication technique. The PLA used was synthesized with an average molecule weight (Mv) 9463 g/mol. Nanocapsules obtained were ranged between 480 to 950 nm. The optimum sonication time in the formation of nanocapsules was 60 minute. The efficiency and the size of nanocapsules increased with the increasing of sonication time. The nanocapsules efficiency at sonication time 30, 45, and 60 minutes were 4.514, 9.724, and 5.987 % respectively. Keywords : Emulsification, Ultrasonication, Ibuprophen, Polyblend, Poly(lactic acid), Poly(e-caprolaktone)
Penelitian ini berawal dari fenomena yang ditemukan di kelas V MI Naelushibyan Cibiru Wetan Cileu... more Penelitian ini berawal dari fenomena yang ditemukan di kelas V MI Naelushibyan Cibiru Wetan Cileunyi Bandung, bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model active learning ditanggapi secara positif oleh siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan adanya antusias siswa ketika mengikuti pembelajaran. Tetapi di sisi lain diperoleh informasi bahwa minat belajar mereka masih kurang, hal ini terlihat dari kemauan belajar siswa rendah, yakni dari 32 siswa hanya 19 siswa yang berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Realitas Respons siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran active learning; (2) Realitas Minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS materi pokok peranan pejuang dan masyarakat dalam mempersiapkan dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia; (3) Realitas hubungan antara respons siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran active learning dengan minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS materi pokok peranan pejuang dan masyara...
Kasus peredaran sediaan farmasi tanpa ijin edar yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa bernama Dodik Dwi Pu... more Kasus peredaran sediaan farmasi tanpa ijin edar yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa bernama Dodik Dwi Putra alias Gendon, dalam putusan perkara No.06/Pid.Sus/2011/PN Malang terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah telah melanggar pasal 197 Undang-Undang No.36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan. Yang menjadi tujuan penulis adalah menganalisa penerapan pasal 197 KUHAP, proses pembuktian, pemenuhan unsur Pasal 197 UU No.36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan dan pertimbangan hakim dalam pemidanaan terdakwa. Metode penelitian hukum dengan menggunakan cara pendekatan yuridis normatif. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan adalah putusan No. 06/Pid.Sus/2011/PN Malang, bahan hukum skunder berupa peraturan undang-undangan yaitu : Undang-undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan, Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Peraturan Perintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 51 Tahun 2009 Tantang Pekerjaan Kefarmasian. Setelah dilakukan penelitian bahwa putusan cacat dalam hukum formiil maupun hukum materiel, tid...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2018), 2019
Various problem in society are believed to be the impact of weak family ties, not least about the... more Various problem in society are believed to be the impact of weak family ties, not least about the lack of understanding of family resilience until women choose to become single parents. The development of the women's field in the status of a wife becomes the central point of the Persatuan Islam Istri (PERSISTRI). A qualitative approach with interview and observation technique is carried out to the PERSIS group to find out whether there are attempts to accommodate women in divorce claim decision. Does the PERSISTRI group have preventive measure to develop family resilience, and are there repressive steps in rebuilding family resilience after the divorce? The result of the study show that women have a large share in strengthening the role and function of women themselves, both in the realm of family, society, and social society.
Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development, 2020
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksloprasi paradigma gerakan hijrah yang terjadi pada generasi mu... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksloprasi paradigma gerakan hijrah yang terjadi pada generasi muslim milenial di era digital melalui platform media sosial. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian fenomenologiyang dilakukan pada gerakan pemuda hijrah yang dikenal dengan nama Shift. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku hijrah, pendiri gerakan hijrah, juga keluarga dari pelaku hijrah. Penelitian ini dikaji melaluikonsep gerakan sosial sebagai salah satu perilaku kolektif, yang menjadikan gerakan hijrah pada generasi milenial menjadi fenomena baru dalam gerakan Islam di Indonesia yang menarik untuk dikaji. Temuan penelitian mencerminkan bahwa gerakan hijrah terjadi secara komunal melahirkan sebuah gerakan sosial berbasis keagamaan. Gerakan muslim milenial telah membangun identitas baru sebagai sebagai umat beragama yang taat pada aturan islam. Gerakan hijrah memiliki maksud menjadikan anak muda dekat dengan Al-Quran, shalat tepat waktu, giat mencari ilmu agama dan menebarkan syia...
Capital market literacy is presents to give knowledge and experience to students as young investo... more Capital market literacy is presents to give knowledge and experience to students as young investors with no experience in capital market investment products and transactions. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of capital market literacy to encourage students in making the right investment decisions. The unit analysis of this research was an active student of Widyatama University who has followed capital market school and become investors in the Indonesia capital market. This is preliminary research that only using simple statistical descriptive techniques about the number of students investors and their transaction values. The results showed that capital market literacy through capital market schools has an important role in increasing student investment interest and investment decisions which are reflected in the increasing trend of student investors and the value of their transactions in the capital market.
ABSTRAK “Pergerakan naik dan turunnya harga saham menjadi suatu fenomena yang sering terjadi pada... more ABSTRAK “Pergerakan naik dan turunnya harga saham menjadi suatu fenomena yang sering terjadi pada suatu perusahaan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Current Ratio (CR) dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas, dan Transportasi yang terdaftar Di BEI. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 72 perusahaan, dan sampel sebanyak 84 sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan nonprobability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data sekunder. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu Uji Normalitas data, Korelasi Product Moment, Korelasi Ganda, Analisis Regresi Ganda, Koefisien Determinasi, Uji T (Parsial), Uji F (Simultan) dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial, current ratio (cr) tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, dan secara parsial bahwa debt to equity ratio (der) berpengaruh terhadap...
Diversity is a necessity that cannot be denied by anyone, diversity that is based on true differe... more Diversity is a necessity that cannot be denied by anyone, diversity that is based on true differences should be responded to with an attitude of tolerance and view that all differences are the nature of life. However, a handful of people in the name of religion actually see diversity as a threat that is very counter to their views so that with the frontal dare to call for war against these differences. Diversity and religious life is a concept that not only cares for fellow human beings but also respects and protects what God has created as a form of obedience. Seeing from a number of radical groups acting in the name of religion and carrying out extreme actions, this article seeks to reveal how Islamic organizations view the problem. By using a qualitative approach and phenomenology technique, which was carried out through in-depth interviews with 5 informants with the background of the organization's organizers it was found that there were three phases of a person behaving radically. But in this article more emphasis on the first phase, namely sensitivity, because this phase is seen as a channel for the formation of radical ideology in a person. Expected implications, social awareness can be formed that radicalism can actually be prevented from the beginning, with the right approach and method, as described in this article.
Data was collected through questionnaire method to 84 respondents who were the tenants of Mal Bin... more Data was collected through questionnaire method to 84 respondents who were the tenants of Mal Bintaro Jaya Xchange, South Tangerang, Indonesia obtained by using Simple Random sampling technique. SPSS program for Windows 22.0 was used to do the analysis of the data obtained analysis data both quantitative and qualitative. The result of the research shows that the quantitative analysis includes the validity test showing the value of rhitung>rtabel (0,215), reliability with cronbach's alpha> 0,60, normality of points following the diagonal line. Multiple linear regression through regression coefficient (R²) Adjusted R Square value of 81,4% indicated variation of purchasing decision which can be explained by service quality variable, product quality, promotion and location, where the remaining 18,6% is explained by other factors in beyond this study. Then from result of f test show ftabel value <0,05, then t test show t-table value <0,05. Based on the analysis that has b...
This writing explores the sociology of family, especially related to the roles of women in Sundan... more This writing explores the sociology of family, especially related to the roles of women in Sundanese societal family, by taking the case of the City of Bandung. By qualitative and survey approaches, the writer apprehends the matters by tracking to women’s job; the age of marriage and the right to choose the spouse; the view of women towards the roles of wife, husband, mother; and their views on jobs and domestic issues. The writer finds out that Sundanese women have got a new condition, like those of breadwinning roles, etc.
Papers by Siti Komariah