Background: Maintaining cleanliness in postpartum mothers is very important because post partum i... more Background: Maintaining cleanliness in postpartum mothers is very important because post partum is very susceptible to infection. So mothers need to always keep their whole body clean, the clothes they wear and the cleanliness of their environment. One of the recommendations for postpartum mothers is to clean the genital area by using water every time you finish urinating. Cleaning starts from the area around the vulva from front to back, and then cleans the area around the anus. From the results of a preliminary study conducted at the Aulia Boyolali Maternity Home, the data for maternity women were 20 people with details of 15 perineal wounds, 2 without perineal wounds and 3 cesarean section wounds. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between postpartum mother's knowledge and perineal wound care at the Aulia Boyolali Maternity Home. Research Methods: This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional design. The sample of this study was postpartum m...
Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Health, And Technology
Introduction : An elderly woman will experience menopause. This condition must immediately get go... more Introduction : An elderly woman will experience menopause. This condition must immediately get good treatment so that the quality of life of these women is good or improved. For this reason, it is necessary to know the factors that affect the quality of life of post-menopausal women. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the quality of life of postmenopausal women. Method: Literature Review, by searching the Pubmed, ProQuest, Science Direct and Google scholar databases. Obtained 7 articles to be included in the review. Results: The factors that affect the quality of life of postmenopausal women are the use of hormonal supplements in the form of phytoestrogens, active in sexual activity, physical exercise, class activities and counseling. Conclusion: Good sexual activity will improve the quality of life of postmenopausal women, in addition to attending counseling classes, adding phytoestrogen supplements and using lubricants or liquid lubrican...
Upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bidang kesehatan terhadap masyarakat melekat pada setiap tenaga ke... more Upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bidang kesehatan terhadap masyarakat melekat pada setiap tenaga kesehatan yang diselenggarakan di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan. Dalam implementasi penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan tersebut juga harus didukung dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan terutama di tingkat Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar seperti Puskesmas. Fakta yang masih sering terjadi adalah adanya kekosongan obat-obatan dan alat-alat kesehatan di puskesmas, tetapi juga karena masih kurangnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap fasilitas yang mesti tersedia. Akibatnya hal ini akan memicu pengaruh pada mutu pelayanan yang akan diberikan di puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanggungjawab Kepala Puskesmas dalam memenuhi mutu pelayanan di puskesmas, dan mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi Puskesmas dalam menyesuaikan standar penyelenggaraan Puskesmas.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis yang berfokus pada sosiological...
To overcome aging caused by the increased production of free radicals, cells have protective mech... more To overcome aging caused by the increased production of free radicals, cells have protective mechanisms through endogenous antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH). SOD functions as a catalyst to convert free radical superoxide (*O2) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxygen (O2). H2O2 is changed into H2O by GSH with the help of glutathione peroxidase (GPX). The consumption of exogenous antioxidants from herbal plants has been passed for generations in Asian communities. One example of anti-aging medicines with herbal antioxidant properties is Centella asiatica (CA). The present study aimed to examine the effect of CA on SOD and GSH levels in a liver of aged Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. We divided aged rats into three groups: negative control (placebo), positive control (6 IU vitamin E), and treated (CA ethanolic extract 300 mg/kg of body weight). We also used young SD rats as comparison control. The treatment lasted for 28 days before the termination and liver extraction for examination using spectrophotometry. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The results showed an increase in liver SOD in aged SD rats in the treated group (9.72±3.4 U/mg) compared to the aged SD rats in negative control (8.36±2.59 U/mg) and decrease in liver GSH level (29.025±6.410 μM/mg to 35.495±12.809 μM/mg). However, the two comparisons showed statistical insignificance. In conclusion, the CA ethanolic extract of 300mg/kgBW for 28 days did not affect the liver SOD and GSH levels in the aged SD rats.
The rising trend of average life expectancy increased the number of elderly populations. Aging co... more The rising trend of average life expectancy increased the number of elderly populations. Aging could increase the risk of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, through chronic inflammatory process. To inhibit aging, the consumption of herbal plants with anti-inflammatory activity such as Centella asiatica (CA) is preferred. This preliminary study aims to elucidate the effect of CA on heart interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels of aged Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Subjects were male SD rats, with aged rats divided into three groups: negative control (placebo), treatment (CA ethanolic extract of 300 mg/kg of body weight), and positive control (6 IU vitamin E); while young rats assigned to comparison control. After 28 days of treatment, all rats were terminated before the concentration of heart IL-10 was measured by ELISA. The obtained data were then analyzed using the Saphiro-Wilk test and one-way ANOVA test. Our result shows CA administration increased heart IL-10 concentration (16.33 ± 2.71 pg/mg in treatment group vs 10.81 ± 0.75 pg/mg in negative control), albeit statistically insignificant. In conclusion, CA ethanolic extract of 300 mg/kg of body weight for 28 days does not affect heart IL-10 levels in aged SD rats.
Propolis is a resinous substance extracted from the plants around the honeycomb, which can be use... more Propolis is a resinous substance extracted from the plants around the honeycomb, which can be used to construct, adjust and protect the bee colony. Propolis has been known to have various benefits as traditional medicine. It contains flavonoid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, cinnamic acid, and artepillin C, which may play a role in the immune system and promote lymphocyte proliferation. Thus, it is referred to as an immunomodulator. However, the use of liquid propolis as an active substance faces solubility problems. Propolis powder is present to overcome the limitations of the formulation of pharmaceutical preparations and can be developed as a traditional medicine with immunomodulatory activity. The purpose of this investigation was to see if propolis powder has any immunomodulatory effects using the phagocytosis macrophages method. The RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lines which had been cultured, were used in this study. Propolis samples at dosages of 100 g/ml, 50 g/ml, 25 g/ml, 12.5 g/ml, and 6.25 g/ml were used to determine the percentage of activity in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. According to the results of this study, giving propolis powder at a dosage of 12.5 g/ml resulted in the highest macrophage capacity for phagocytosis (31±3%). In other words, propolis powder at that concentration had the greatest stimulating impact or increased phagocytosis activity the most.
Pentingnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang peluang bisnis menjadi dasar agar bisnis yang di ban... more Pentingnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang peluang bisnis menjadi dasar agar bisnis yang di bangun menjadi sukses dan memiliki penghasilan yang baik. Edukasi perlu dilakukan agar bisnis yang dibangun dapat terarah dengan baik. begitu banyak peluang bisnis yang yang dapat dijadikan sumber penghasilan namun jika tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang baik akan mempengaruhi eberlangsungan bisnis tersebut. MP-ASI dapat dijadikan peluang bisnis karena memiliki segmentasi pasar yang tinggi sebab menjadi kebutuhan dasar bayi yang harus dipenuhi. Tingginya angka kelahiran menjadikan MP-ASI menjadi peluang bisnis yang menjanjikan sehingga diharapkan menjadi sumber ekonomi kelurga dan juga dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru, maka dari itu perlu diberikan edukasi tentang peluang bisnis MP-ASI kepada ibu rumah tangga di desa Waiara sehingga dapat memberikan pengetahuan serta pemahaman agar dapat menangkap peluang bisnis ini.Kata kunci: Peluang Bisnis, MP-ASI, Ibu Rumah Tangga
Wisata Situ Cinangsi yang lokasinya di JL. Raya Dago, Desa Cikuda, Parung Panjang Bogor. Wisata S... more Wisata Situ Cinangsi yang lokasinya di JL. Raya Dago, Desa Cikuda, Parung Panjang Bogor. Wisata Situ Cinangsi belum banyak di kenal oleh masyarakat di karenakan baru buka di bulan Februari 2021 oleh karena itu belum banyak pengunjung yang datang ke Wisata Situ Cinangsi, selain itu pemasaran Wisata Situ Cinangsi juga belum tertata dengan baik. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut di butuhkan sistem manajemen pemasaran yang bisa di akses dengan mudah oleh masyarakat. Atas dasar tersebut kami mengembangkan situ cinangsi, dengan adanya akun sosial media ini, diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam mempromosikan Wisata Situ Cinangsi. Sosialisasi adalah usaha memasukkan nilai-nilai kebudayaan terhadap individu sehingga individu tersebut menjadi bagian masyarakat. Proses sosialisasi merupakan pendidikan sepanjang hayat melalui pemahaman dan penerimaan individu atas peranannya di dalam suatu kelompok. Digital marketing merupakan salah satu media pemasaran yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati oleh m...
L'altération de la fonction mitochondriale, β-cellules pancréatiques, et l'homéostasie du... more L'altération de la fonction mitochondriale, β-cellules pancréatiques, et l'homéostasie du glucose de la descendance de rat de l'exerciceContexte. Il est connu que l'environnement gestationnel est reconnue comme un facteur essentiel pour le développement du fœtus et étroitement liée à l'état de santé dans la vie plus tard. Environnement inadéquat pour le fœtus tels que le stress oxydatif intra-utérine est très nocif pour le développement du fœtus. Par conséquent, un effort de prévention de surmonter ce problème est nécessaire en modifiant l'environnement autour de la gestation par l'exercice durant cette période.Objectifs. Le but de cette étude était de connaître le rôle des mitochondries dans la prévention du stress oxydatif pendant la grossesse, en augmentant système antioxydant et la fonction du pancréas et dans l'amélioration de l'homéostasie du glucose de l'enfant de la mère qui a été induite par l'exercice régulier d'intensité mod...
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Chapter 2 consists of definition about literature and the... more CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Chapter 2 consists of definition about literature and theories. The parts of this chapter are definition of Collocation, Grammatical Collocation, Lexical Collocation, and Novel. 2.1 Collocation Collocation is joining words, it comprises two words or more that consistently seem together. We cannot separate them because two or more words have fixed combination to make our English more natural. According to Nesselhauf (2005, as cited in Li, 2017), collocation refers to the tendency of two or more words that co-occur in discourse which are lexical or grammatical fixed to certain degree. For example, soft drink as a collocation, the word soft and smooth have same meaning. When we force word smooth with the word drink, they will be sound unnatural, because the word soft has fixedly collocated with the word drink. Therefore, Collocation helps to express written or spoken fluently and sound naturally, support Farrokh (2012). Moreover, Benson (2010) states that combinations, or collocations, can be divided into two groups: grammatical collocations and lexical collocations. Grammatical collocation is a phrase consisting of a central word noun, adjective, verb, and a preposition or grammatical structure such as an infinitive or clause. Grammatical collocations are divided into 8 types. For example, Grammatical Collocation type 4 (preposition + noun), "for a moment" as collocation which is the word "for" as preposition and the word "a moment" as
Kediri is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a high poverty rate. This study aims to design... more Kediri is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a high poverty rate. This study aims to design an integrated program in poverty reduction in Kediri City, the percentage of poor people in Kediri City in 2018 was 7.68 percent, a decrease of 0.81 percent compared to conditions in 2017, namely 8.49 percent, This percentage is still better because it is below the achievements of the Province of East Java and the national level. There have been many poverty reduction programs implemented by the Kediri municipal government. However, the program is still ineffective because: 1) there is no coordination between agencies in running the program, and 2) the program does not reflect the needs of the poor to live properly in urban areas. The research used qualitative methods and was carried out in agencies related to poverty alleviation programs in Kediri City, namely the Research and Development Planning Agency (Barenlitbang), Bapemas and KB, the Cooperative and UMKM Office, Disperindag, Heal...
Rasa nyeri viseral yang dialami oleh ibu bersalin pada persalinan kala I disebabkan oleh adanya p... more Rasa nyeri viseral yang dialami oleh ibu bersalin pada persalinan kala I disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan serviks dan iskemia uterus. Pada kala I fase laten terjadi penipisan serviks, sedangkan pada kala I fase aktif dan transisi terjadi pembukaan serviks dan penurunan daerah terendah janin. Birthball (bola kelahiran) adalah terapi fisik atau latihan sederhana menggunakan bola yang jika dilakukan pada ibu inpartu kala I dapat membantu kemajuan persalinan dan mengurangi rasa nyeri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan birthball dalam mengurangi intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan desain pretest-postest group design yaitu dengan membandingkan 1 kelompok dengan 2 perlakuan yakni pretest dan postest berupa pengukuran efektivitas sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan birthball terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I pada kelompok tersebut. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin fisiologis kala ...
Background: Dermatotherapy is an important topic in Dermatology and Venereology module. The time ... more Background: Dermatotherapy is an important topic in Dermatology and Venereology module. The time allocated for dermatotherapy topic is limited, so that the development of learning method is needed to achieve the learning objectives. Blended learning is a combination of e-learning and face to face lecture session. This method is often used when there is less time available for lecturing and limited number of teachers. This learning method is expected to be more effective and efficient for the students and also the teachers. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of blended learning method used in dermatotherapy topic, and to identify the obstacle of using this method. Methods: This study is a cross sectional study, using quantitative and qualitative approach, involving 22 fifth-year medical students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia who enrolled in dermatology and venereology module. We collected data from questionnaire, pre and post-test, and feedback from ...
This research aims to categorise and describe students' errors in solving integral problems. ... more This research aims to categorise and describe students' errors in solving integral problems. This study was conducted on students of the second semester of mathematics education majoring in 40 students. Data retrieval is obtained by giving a test. The results of student work are grouped according to errors that appear from the results of the problem-solving. The categorization of student errors in solving integral problems obtained from this study are (1) errors in the selection of problem solving strategies, (2) errors in sampling, (3) error in integration is the addition of a constant (C) to the integral of course, and (4) errors in calculation because not careful.
Maternity is process of removing conception results (fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid) from ute... more Maternity is process of removing conception results (fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid) from uterus to outside world through the birth canal or other path with the help or by the mother's own strength. During maternity phase, all care, observation and examination should be recorded by midwives who help maternity process. The current method used by midwife in monitoring maternity process is partograph manually. Monitoring process is done by writing data of examination results into tables on the partograph. Then, to find out data of pregnant women normal examination or not, done by looking at standard data in partograph..Midwives also have difficulty in determining birth status of normal pregnant women or not. The research was conducted aimed at developing application of Decisian Support System to monitoring maternity processusing Suppor Vector Machine Method.This research consists of 2 (two) main points. The first is development of applications for data management of maternity m...
NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2018
Pendidikan karakter dimaknai sebagai pendidikan nilai, budi pekerti, pendidikan moral, pendidikan... more Pendidikan karakter dimaknai sebagai pendidikan nilai, budi pekerti, pendidikan moral, pendidikan watak yang tujuannya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan peserta didik untuk memberikan keputusan baik buruk, mewujudkan kebaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan sepenuh hati sebagai cita-cita luhur dalam dunia pendidikan. Oleh sebab itu, maka pendidikan karakter akan terlaksana jika selaras dengan sistem pendidikan nasional. Penyelengaraan pendidikan sistem pendidikan disebuah negara akan berbeda dengan negara lainnya, karena sistem pendidikan yang diselenggarakan diberbagai negara mempunyai ciri yang sesuai dengan latar belakang budaya masing-masing negara. Dalam pendidikan karakter harus melibatkan aspek seperti: kognitif, afektif, konatif, dan psikomotorik yang harus dikembangkan sebagai suatu keutuhan (holistik) dalam konteks kultural. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pendidikan ka...
Background: Maintaining cleanliness in postpartum mothers is very important because post partum i... more Background: Maintaining cleanliness in postpartum mothers is very important because post partum is very susceptible to infection. So mothers need to always keep their whole body clean, the clothes they wear and the cleanliness of their environment. One of the recommendations for postpartum mothers is to clean the genital area by using water every time you finish urinating. Cleaning starts from the area around the vulva from front to back, and then cleans the area around the anus. From the results of a preliminary study conducted at the Aulia Boyolali Maternity Home, the data for maternity women were 20 people with details of 15 perineal wounds, 2 without perineal wounds and 3 cesarean section wounds. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between postpartum mother's knowledge and perineal wound care at the Aulia Boyolali Maternity Home. Research Methods: This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional design. The sample of this study was postpartum m...
Proceeding of International Conference on Science, Health, And Technology
Introduction : An elderly woman will experience menopause. This condition must immediately get go... more Introduction : An elderly woman will experience menopause. This condition must immediately get good treatment so that the quality of life of these women is good or improved. For this reason, it is necessary to know the factors that affect the quality of life of post-menopausal women. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the quality of life of postmenopausal women. Method: Literature Review, by searching the Pubmed, ProQuest, Science Direct and Google scholar databases. Obtained 7 articles to be included in the review. Results: The factors that affect the quality of life of postmenopausal women are the use of hormonal supplements in the form of phytoestrogens, active in sexual activity, physical exercise, class activities and counseling. Conclusion: Good sexual activity will improve the quality of life of postmenopausal women, in addition to attending counseling classes, adding phytoestrogen supplements and using lubricants or liquid lubrican...
Upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bidang kesehatan terhadap masyarakat melekat pada setiap tenaga ke... more Upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bidang kesehatan terhadap masyarakat melekat pada setiap tenaga kesehatan yang diselenggarakan di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan. Dalam implementasi penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan tersebut juga harus didukung dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan terutama di tingkat Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar seperti Puskesmas. Fakta yang masih sering terjadi adalah adanya kekosongan obat-obatan dan alat-alat kesehatan di puskesmas, tetapi juga karena masih kurangnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap fasilitas yang mesti tersedia. Akibatnya hal ini akan memicu pengaruh pada mutu pelayanan yang akan diberikan di puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tanggungjawab Kepala Puskesmas dalam memenuhi mutu pelayanan di puskesmas, dan mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi Puskesmas dalam menyesuaikan standar penyelenggaraan Puskesmas.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis yang berfokus pada sosiological...
To overcome aging caused by the increased production of free radicals, cells have protective mech... more To overcome aging caused by the increased production of free radicals, cells have protective mechanisms through endogenous antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH). SOD functions as a catalyst to convert free radical superoxide (*O2) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxygen (O2). H2O2 is changed into H2O by GSH with the help of glutathione peroxidase (GPX). The consumption of exogenous antioxidants from herbal plants has been passed for generations in Asian communities. One example of anti-aging medicines with herbal antioxidant properties is Centella asiatica (CA). The present study aimed to examine the effect of CA on SOD and GSH levels in a liver of aged Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. We divided aged rats into three groups: negative control (placebo), positive control (6 IU vitamin E), and treated (CA ethanolic extract 300 mg/kg of body weight). We also used young SD rats as comparison control. The treatment lasted for 28 days before the termination and liver extraction for examination using spectrophotometry. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The results showed an increase in liver SOD in aged SD rats in the treated group (9.72±3.4 U/mg) compared to the aged SD rats in negative control (8.36±2.59 U/mg) and decrease in liver GSH level (29.025±6.410 μM/mg to 35.495±12.809 μM/mg). However, the two comparisons showed statistical insignificance. In conclusion, the CA ethanolic extract of 300mg/kgBW for 28 days did not affect the liver SOD and GSH levels in the aged SD rats.
The rising trend of average life expectancy increased the number of elderly populations. Aging co... more The rising trend of average life expectancy increased the number of elderly populations. Aging could increase the risk of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, through chronic inflammatory process. To inhibit aging, the consumption of herbal plants with anti-inflammatory activity such as Centella asiatica (CA) is preferred. This preliminary study aims to elucidate the effect of CA on heart interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels of aged Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Subjects were male SD rats, with aged rats divided into three groups: negative control (placebo), treatment (CA ethanolic extract of 300 mg/kg of body weight), and positive control (6 IU vitamin E); while young rats assigned to comparison control. After 28 days of treatment, all rats were terminated before the concentration of heart IL-10 was measured by ELISA. The obtained data were then analyzed using the Saphiro-Wilk test and one-way ANOVA test. Our result shows CA administration increased heart IL-10 concentration (16.33 ± 2.71 pg/mg in treatment group vs 10.81 ± 0.75 pg/mg in negative control), albeit statistically insignificant. In conclusion, CA ethanolic extract of 300 mg/kg of body weight for 28 days does not affect heart IL-10 levels in aged SD rats.
Propolis is a resinous substance extracted from the plants around the honeycomb, which can be use... more Propolis is a resinous substance extracted from the plants around the honeycomb, which can be used to construct, adjust and protect the bee colony. Propolis has been known to have various benefits as traditional medicine. It contains flavonoid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, cinnamic acid, and artepillin C, which may play a role in the immune system and promote lymphocyte proliferation. Thus, it is referred to as an immunomodulator. However, the use of liquid propolis as an active substance faces solubility problems. Propolis powder is present to overcome the limitations of the formulation of pharmaceutical preparations and can be developed as a traditional medicine with immunomodulatory activity. The purpose of this investigation was to see if propolis powder has any immunomodulatory effects using the phagocytosis macrophages method. The RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lines which had been cultured, were used in this study. Propolis samples at dosages of 100 g/ml, 50 g/ml, 25 g/ml, 12.5 g/ml, and 6.25 g/ml were used to determine the percentage of activity in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. According to the results of this study, giving propolis powder at a dosage of 12.5 g/ml resulted in the highest macrophage capacity for phagocytosis (31±3%). In other words, propolis powder at that concentration had the greatest stimulating impact or increased phagocytosis activity the most.
Pentingnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang peluang bisnis menjadi dasar agar bisnis yang di ban... more Pentingnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang peluang bisnis menjadi dasar agar bisnis yang di bangun menjadi sukses dan memiliki penghasilan yang baik. Edukasi perlu dilakukan agar bisnis yang dibangun dapat terarah dengan baik. begitu banyak peluang bisnis yang yang dapat dijadikan sumber penghasilan namun jika tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang baik akan mempengaruhi eberlangsungan bisnis tersebut. MP-ASI dapat dijadikan peluang bisnis karena memiliki segmentasi pasar yang tinggi sebab menjadi kebutuhan dasar bayi yang harus dipenuhi. Tingginya angka kelahiran menjadikan MP-ASI menjadi peluang bisnis yang menjanjikan sehingga diharapkan menjadi sumber ekonomi kelurga dan juga dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru, maka dari itu perlu diberikan edukasi tentang peluang bisnis MP-ASI kepada ibu rumah tangga di desa Waiara sehingga dapat memberikan pengetahuan serta pemahaman agar dapat menangkap peluang bisnis ini.Kata kunci: Peluang Bisnis, MP-ASI, Ibu Rumah Tangga
Wisata Situ Cinangsi yang lokasinya di JL. Raya Dago, Desa Cikuda, Parung Panjang Bogor. Wisata S... more Wisata Situ Cinangsi yang lokasinya di JL. Raya Dago, Desa Cikuda, Parung Panjang Bogor. Wisata Situ Cinangsi belum banyak di kenal oleh masyarakat di karenakan baru buka di bulan Februari 2021 oleh karena itu belum banyak pengunjung yang datang ke Wisata Situ Cinangsi, selain itu pemasaran Wisata Situ Cinangsi juga belum tertata dengan baik. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut di butuhkan sistem manajemen pemasaran yang bisa di akses dengan mudah oleh masyarakat. Atas dasar tersebut kami mengembangkan situ cinangsi, dengan adanya akun sosial media ini, diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam mempromosikan Wisata Situ Cinangsi. Sosialisasi adalah usaha memasukkan nilai-nilai kebudayaan terhadap individu sehingga individu tersebut menjadi bagian masyarakat. Proses sosialisasi merupakan pendidikan sepanjang hayat melalui pemahaman dan penerimaan individu atas peranannya di dalam suatu kelompok. Digital marketing merupakan salah satu media pemasaran yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati oleh m...
L'altération de la fonction mitochondriale, β-cellules pancréatiques, et l'homéostasie du... more L'altération de la fonction mitochondriale, β-cellules pancréatiques, et l'homéostasie du glucose de la descendance de rat de l'exerciceContexte. Il est connu que l'environnement gestationnel est reconnue comme un facteur essentiel pour le développement du fœtus et étroitement liée à l'état de santé dans la vie plus tard. Environnement inadéquat pour le fœtus tels que le stress oxydatif intra-utérine est très nocif pour le développement du fœtus. Par conséquent, un effort de prévention de surmonter ce problème est nécessaire en modifiant l'environnement autour de la gestation par l'exercice durant cette période.Objectifs. Le but de cette étude était de connaître le rôle des mitochondries dans la prévention du stress oxydatif pendant la grossesse, en augmentant système antioxydant et la fonction du pancréas et dans l'amélioration de l'homéostasie du glucose de l'enfant de la mère qui a été induite par l'exercice régulier d'intensité mod...
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Chapter 2 consists of definition about literature and the... more CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Chapter 2 consists of definition about literature and theories. The parts of this chapter are definition of Collocation, Grammatical Collocation, Lexical Collocation, and Novel. 2.1 Collocation Collocation is joining words, it comprises two words or more that consistently seem together. We cannot separate them because two or more words have fixed combination to make our English more natural. According to Nesselhauf (2005, as cited in Li, 2017), collocation refers to the tendency of two or more words that co-occur in discourse which are lexical or grammatical fixed to certain degree. For example, soft drink as a collocation, the word soft and smooth have same meaning. When we force word smooth with the word drink, they will be sound unnatural, because the word soft has fixedly collocated with the word drink. Therefore, Collocation helps to express written or spoken fluently and sound naturally, support Farrokh (2012). Moreover, Benson (2010) states that combinations, or collocations, can be divided into two groups: grammatical collocations and lexical collocations. Grammatical collocation is a phrase consisting of a central word noun, adjective, verb, and a preposition or grammatical structure such as an infinitive or clause. Grammatical collocations are divided into 8 types. For example, Grammatical Collocation type 4 (preposition + noun), "for a moment" as collocation which is the word "for" as preposition and the word "a moment" as
Kediri is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a high poverty rate. This study aims to design... more Kediri is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a high poverty rate. This study aims to design an integrated program in poverty reduction in Kediri City, the percentage of poor people in Kediri City in 2018 was 7.68 percent, a decrease of 0.81 percent compared to conditions in 2017, namely 8.49 percent, This percentage is still better because it is below the achievements of the Province of East Java and the national level. There have been many poverty reduction programs implemented by the Kediri municipal government. However, the program is still ineffective because: 1) there is no coordination between agencies in running the program, and 2) the program does not reflect the needs of the poor to live properly in urban areas. The research used qualitative methods and was carried out in agencies related to poverty alleviation programs in Kediri City, namely the Research and Development Planning Agency (Barenlitbang), Bapemas and KB, the Cooperative and UMKM Office, Disperindag, Heal...
Rasa nyeri viseral yang dialami oleh ibu bersalin pada persalinan kala I disebabkan oleh adanya p... more Rasa nyeri viseral yang dialami oleh ibu bersalin pada persalinan kala I disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan serviks dan iskemia uterus. Pada kala I fase laten terjadi penipisan serviks, sedangkan pada kala I fase aktif dan transisi terjadi pembukaan serviks dan penurunan daerah terendah janin. Birthball (bola kelahiran) adalah terapi fisik atau latihan sederhana menggunakan bola yang jika dilakukan pada ibu inpartu kala I dapat membantu kemajuan persalinan dan mengurangi rasa nyeri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan birthball dalam mengurangi intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan desain pretest-postest group design yaitu dengan membandingkan 1 kelompok dengan 2 perlakuan yakni pretest dan postest berupa pengukuran efektivitas sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan birthball terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I pada kelompok tersebut. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin fisiologis kala ...
Background: Dermatotherapy is an important topic in Dermatology and Venereology module. The time ... more Background: Dermatotherapy is an important topic in Dermatology and Venereology module. The time allocated for dermatotherapy topic is limited, so that the development of learning method is needed to achieve the learning objectives. Blended learning is a combination of e-learning and face to face lecture session. This method is often used when there is less time available for lecturing and limited number of teachers. This learning method is expected to be more effective and efficient for the students and also the teachers. This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of blended learning method used in dermatotherapy topic, and to identify the obstacle of using this method. Methods: This study is a cross sectional study, using quantitative and qualitative approach, involving 22 fifth-year medical students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia who enrolled in dermatology and venereology module. We collected data from questionnaire, pre and post-test, and feedback from ...
This research aims to categorise and describe students' errors in solving integral problems. ... more This research aims to categorise and describe students' errors in solving integral problems. This study was conducted on students of the second semester of mathematics education majoring in 40 students. Data retrieval is obtained by giving a test. The results of student work are grouped according to errors that appear from the results of the problem-solving. The categorization of student errors in solving integral problems obtained from this study are (1) errors in the selection of problem solving strategies, (2) errors in sampling, (3) error in integration is the addition of a constant (C) to the integral of course, and (4) errors in calculation because not careful.
Maternity is process of removing conception results (fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid) from ute... more Maternity is process of removing conception results (fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid) from uterus to outside world through the birth canal or other path with the help or by the mother's own strength. During maternity phase, all care, observation and examination should be recorded by midwives who help maternity process. The current method used by midwife in monitoring maternity process is partograph manually. Monitoring process is done by writing data of examination results into tables on the partograph. Then, to find out data of pregnant women normal examination or not, done by looking at standard data in partograph..Midwives also have difficulty in determining birth status of normal pregnant women or not. The research was conducted aimed at developing application of Decisian Support System to monitoring maternity processusing Suppor Vector Machine Method.This research consists of 2 (two) main points. The first is development of applications for data management of maternity m...
NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2018
Pendidikan karakter dimaknai sebagai pendidikan nilai, budi pekerti, pendidikan moral, pendidikan... more Pendidikan karakter dimaknai sebagai pendidikan nilai, budi pekerti, pendidikan moral, pendidikan watak yang tujuannya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan peserta didik untuk memberikan keputusan baik buruk, mewujudkan kebaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan sepenuh hati sebagai cita-cita luhur dalam dunia pendidikan. Oleh sebab itu, maka pendidikan karakter akan terlaksana jika selaras dengan sistem pendidikan nasional. Penyelengaraan pendidikan sistem pendidikan disebuah negara akan berbeda dengan negara lainnya, karena sistem pendidikan yang diselenggarakan diberbagai negara mempunyai ciri yang sesuai dengan latar belakang budaya masing-masing negara. Dalam pendidikan karakter harus melibatkan aspek seperti: kognitif, afektif, konatif, dan psikomotorik yang harus dikembangkan sebagai suatu keutuhan (holistik) dalam konteks kultural. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pendidikan ka...
Papers by Siti Farida