Papers by Sisno Riyoko, SE. MM.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research/Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2024
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research/Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2024
Iqtishadia, Dec 9, 2023
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are urged to enhance their business operations in the rapidly... more Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are urged to enhance their business operations in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. The emphasis on entrepreneurial orientation has played a crucial role in both economic and societal development. Islamic values, which are rooted in fundamental religious principles, have significant potential to shape entrepreneurial behaviors. This research aims to provide a framework that enhances the performance of SMEs. The results of this research emphasize the significant role of Islamic values in amplifying entrepreneurial orientation. This research reveals that adopting Islamic principles has the potential to significantly improve the business performance of SMEs in Central Java. In addition, SMEs benefit from a significant boost in their performance by embracing Islamic values, such as proactiveness, a commitment to learning, and the willingness to take risks.
Jurnal Disprotek, 2014
Community Service activities is carried out with the aim to address the various problems faced by... more Community Service activities is carried out with the aim to address the various problems faced by entrepreneurs group partners of sculpture and carving art in Mulyoharjo as an effort to improve its productivity. Problems faced by the partners is not its ability how to use the internet so to maximize marketing process, but the ability of how to create a good design by computer program in order to create business management.To solve the problems faced by the entrepreneurs is giving them a training program of how to use internet as a media of marketing, grapic design training, business management training and mentoring their work. Internet training is conducted as an effort to enhance capability of internet as an effective way of marketing media. In other word, the training is meant to enhance their capability of how to make a good website. This training is conducted to give Graphic Design material using Corel Draw. The effort of management training was conducted to give motivation to all members with management business material. By this management business training it is hoped all members have a passion to work and develop their business by applying the concept of management much better. The result is the capability and skill of employee in art of sculpture and craft is growing more rapidly then the business will be developed and keep on thriving.
Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Mar 11, 2007
E-Mabis (Lhokseumawe), Feb 21, 2021
This study wanted to produce a model for developing marketing strategy based on Information Techn... more This study wanted to produce a model for developing marketing strategy based on Information Technology (IT) is a form of marketing strategy development model by taking into account and utilize Information Technology. The purpose of this study was to better efficiency at enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs through the use of Information Technology. Micro, Small and Medium cultivated IT base is expected will be increased competitiveness. Objective: 1) undescrebed conditions of SMEs that have used information technology. 2) completion of a development model of ITbased marketing strategies that can be applied practically. 3) application models empirically, and 4) unprovable floating model application of ITbased marketing strategy. To achieve these objectives do action research approach, is research activities continued with implementation. Therefore, the model-based marketing strategy information technology into solutions for marketing problems of SMEs and increasing competitiveness.
Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Mar 1, 2012
Abstract The study aims to find out, describing the identification and testing of the determinant... more Abstract The study aims to find out, describing the identification and testing of the determinant of competitiveness to improve company performance and competitiveness to test the influence of investment. The results showed that the multilevel determinants of competitiveness include the future companies ability to provide product according to market need, company policies, vision and mission of the company, production process, price and design, product development, expects demand growth, professional, production machine, Cooperation with overseas, research funding sources, andcooperation withuniversities. Testing the hypothesis of the independent variable of competitiveness on the dependent variable of investment concluded that the Ha received.Based on the result of research that the main determinants affecting the competitiveness of the extent to which companies can meet the market demand based on consumer demand. For that companies must improve their performance in addition to these to support the competitiveness of the local government should make policies the support therealization of policy of competitiveness. Keywords : competitiveness, determinant of competitiveness, investment, furniture Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan, mengidentifikasi dan menguji penentu daya saing untuk memperbaiki kinerja dan daya saing perusahaan dan menguji pengaruhnya pada investasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penentu daya saing meliputi kemampuan perusahaan menyediakan produk sesuai kebutuhan pasar, kebijakan perusahaan, visi dan misi perusahaan, proses produksi, harga dan desain, pengembangan produk, harapan pertumbuhan permintaan, tenaga ahli, mesin produksi, kerjasama dengan perusahaan luar negeri, sumber pendanaan untuk penelitian, dan kerjasama dengan lembaga pendukung (perguruan tinggi). Hasil pengujian hipotesis dari model regresi dengan variabel independen daya saing dan variabel dependen investasi memperlihatkan bahwa daya saing berpengaruh terhadap investasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa faktor utama penentu daya saing adalah kemampuan perusahaan memenuhi kebutuhan pasar, maka perusahaan harus selalu berusaha untuk mengikuti trend yang berkembang. Sedangkan pemerintah daerah harus membuat kebijakan untuk mendukung saya saing industri mebel. Kata kunci : daya saing, penentu daya saing, investasi, industri mebel
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, May 31, 2022
Penelitian ini ingin menghasilkan penguji hipotesis tentang peran orientasi kewirausahaan dan ori... more Penelitian ini ingin menghasilkan penguji hipotesis tentang peran orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pembelajaran terhadap kinerja Bisnis UKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil dan menengah untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka dengan menguji variabel orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pembelajaran. Secara khusus untuk tujuan penelitian ini: 1) pengetahuan tentang peran orientasi kewirausahaan mencakup sikap proaktif, risk taking, dan orientasi pembelajaran terhadap kinerja bisnis UKM, 2) pelaksanaan hasilhasil penelitian di masyarakat. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, kami melakukan percobaan penyelidikan independen dan variabel dependen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 220 pelaku usaha yang bergerak di bidang batik atau tenun. Sampel penelitian meliputi sebanyak 220 pemilik usaha kecil dan menengah. Sampel diambil dari semua populasi yang didasarkan pada simple random sampling. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proaktif, risk taking, dan orientasi pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja bisnis UKM. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan teori kewirausahaan.
Jurnal Disprotek, 2011
Work load is job responsibility which charged upon by a somebody wich must able to of better purs... more Work load is job responsibility which charged upon by a somebody wich must able to of better pursuant to at one particular organization.Way of this relevant with opinion in doing something that a few or a lot of owned with by all organizational member is all employees and head with its habit wich the ugly e ither or in working and at work Anorogo and Widiyanti (1993) expressing that if ampkoyees assessed to show the possibility of perfomance do not however its have potency.Matter that wai might possibly be happened by if jo environment do not support and the work load too is high felt by employees that result stress work.To be able to reach ideal employees perfomence like that require environmental support support existence of good job ,correct wor load its portion and the satisfaction work employees in a organizational. Research to test hypothesis of the purpose of agreing or strengthening hypothesis on the chance of,what in the end can strenghthen theory of taken as stepping .This research population is employees BAPPEDA Regency Jepara amounting to 53 people.While technique analysis data used [by][is] by Regresi Linier Berganda Path Analysis. Writer suggestion which can submit [is] 1)Form side of work load of officer require to doof evaluation to division work load to officer,among other things by : (a). Giving work adapted for skilled and the education and also mounth education of each officer,(b). Job Description givenly an work one who precisely 2) Creating job environment supporting officer by: (a). Routinely is conducted by activity with for all officer is so that created harmonius (b).Workroom settlement matching with lay out completion of task in BAPPEDA 3) Creating satisfaction work officer BAPPEDA,among other things by : (a) .Giving separate compensation of result of job. (b).attitude oaf a head. : (c). Behave fair specially in giving that good moment in the case of education to all 4) To increase the officer perfomence ,factor of satisfaction work officer have to bbepaid attention to among other things : (a) Improve facility of supporter with computerization .(b) Give incentive for officer owning achievement more compared to other ,so that able to give motivation for other officer to increase its perfomence.
The International Journal of Business and Management, Jul 31, 2020
The Role of Human Capital on the Creativity and Performance of Managers of Small-Furniture Centra... more The Role of Human Capital on the Creativity and Performance of Managers of Small-Furniture Central Java Indonesian 1. Introduction The existence of personnel management in an organization plays a very important role. Therefore, the management of human resources that must be done must be effective, strong, and quality. Because there are differences between people in terms of knowledge and ignorance. Therefore, human knowledge and quality of human resources or labor play a major role in the development of sustainable communities as the most important and the most significant assets of an organization (Sargit et al., 2012). According to Bvars and Rue (2008), people's performance in certain situations is the result of a reciprocal relationship in doing business based on knowledge and understanding. Efforts that emanate from excitement imply that the amount of energy (mental or physical) a person has using in doing his job. Abilities are personality traits used in carrying out a job. The role of understanding implies the way that employees and managers believe in them to lead their efforts in doing their work. In the same way, Arthur (2003), in a study entitled learning from the impact of human capital management and performance management on employee efficiency 'provided that it is possible to be improved. Employee obedience using control strategies through rules and methods, limiting employee contributions, limited public education, low salaries and lack of rewards in comparison for all employees. According to dramatic changes in the environment of social organizations and increasing competition in the world today, which organizations tend to be more attractive, teach and more importantly, is to improve the quality of people's competence to perform now and future process. Human resource competencies that are built through knowledge, soft skills and characteristics of behavior and attitudes will encourage the realization of creativity. The encouragement of creativity an employee will be able to carry out his work better, which in turn will affect the performance improvement. The problem to be solved in this research is whether human capital has a significant influence on improving creativity and performance? 2. Literature Review 2.1. Human Resource Competence and Creativity Modern Growth Theory emphasizes the importance of human capital and even considers human capital as an effective parameter in economic improvement in society. Some human resource researchers believe that investing in people causes the economic efficiency of organizations and society. Qualification of efficient human resources is the key to the economic growth of society and it is important. An organization is very important in providing asset assistance for economic growth and development. Because of this, it was possible to compare it with the physical assets of the organization (Edralin, 2007). That is precisely what causes competence to be important in environmental competition. According to Here, Taheri and Sayyar (2008), stated that the most important organizational competencies are interpersonal competencies, intellectual competencies, human resource competencies, leading competencies, customer service competencies and others. Competence is related to many components such as feedback from performance tests, awards, work, choosing development plans and replacement learning plans. Competency-based assets in the field of human resources are related
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, Nov 1, 2016
Setelah melakukan penelitian dan percobaan maka didapatkan hasil penelitian pertama yang telah di... more Setelah melakukan penelitian dan percobaan maka didapatkan hasil penelitian pertama yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan Algoritma Neural Network Backpropagatioan dengan menggunakan data sebanyak 268 menunjungkan tingkat akurasi error prediksi pada waktu prediksi per 5 menit sebesar 0.758619403, bila menggunakan data sebanyak 2047 menunjukkan tingkat akurasi error prediksi sebesar 0.500161212 dan hasil penelitian kedua yang telah dilakukan menggunakan Algoritma Optimasi Adaboost pada proses trainning dan ditambah Neural Network Backpropagation pada proses learning menunjukkan tingkat akurasi error prediksi pada waktu prediksi per 5 menit menggunakan data sebanyak 268 sebesar 0.397014925, bila menggunakan data sebanyak 2047 menunjukkan tingkat akurasi error prediksi sebesar 0.099951148. Tahap awal dalam melakukan penelitian ini sampai dengan pengujian menggunakan perhitungan prediksi nilai akurasi error menggunakan rumus MSE (Mean Sequare Error) dengan menggunakan algoritma optimasi adaboost untuk memberikan jawaban atas permasalahan bahwa nilai akurasi error Algoritma Neural Network Backpropagation perlu direndahkan agar akurasi prediksi meningkat dan tahap kedua dilakukan uji coba menggunakan data yang lebih banyak dibandingan dengan tahap ke satu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Algoritma Neural Network memiliki akurasi yang lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan akurasi menggunakan metode optimasi adaboost pada proses trainning ditambah dengan Neural Network, ini dapat dilihat dengan rendahnya tingkat error MSE menggunakan metode adaboost + neural network dan dapat disimpukan pula bahwa dengan menggunakan jumlah data yang lebih banyak maka dapat menurunkan tingkat akurasi error MSE sehingga berhasil meningkatkan akurasi prediksi dalam bisnis forex trading.
Jembatan: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Nov 1, 2020
Technium Social Sciences Journal
Many studies on the connection between an entrepreneurial mindset and business performance were c... more Many studies on the connection between an entrepreneurial mindset and business performance were conducted in the preceding year. As a result, this study puts forth a fresh notion that sets it apart from the competition: the necessity of professional networks for reviving the link between entrepreneurial orientation and marketing efficiency. This study seeks to understand the relationships between three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation—being proactive, taking risks, and being innovative and the marketing success and thriving professional networks of Indonesian fashion SMEs. The process's output is the energization of professional networks based on a synthesis of the theories of dynamic marketing capabilities and achievement goals. A single informant survey of Fashion SMEs owners in the relevant domain using structural equation modeling (SEM) and a moderator test is the suggested methodology for testing the proposed model. While the study's statistical population incl...
Jurnal Abdimas Ilmiah Citra Bakti
Pengkol Village is the center of the catering industry in Jepara district and is growing until no... more Pengkol Village is the center of the catering industry in Jepara district and is growing until now. The development of the catering industry is hampered by various problems that often arise, including packaging design, markets, equipment, capital and governance (management). Most catering entrepreneurs already feel comfortable with the current conditions even though they do not know whether they are profitable or not in running a business. Problems that exist in partners require carefulness and concrete actions to solve problems according to the priority needs of partners, so that problem solving is in accordance with the targets and outputs achieved. To solve the problems faced by partners, in this community service, catering entrepreneurs will get the facilitation of a Dough Developer Machine with automatic temperature control, an oven with automatic temperature and time control, a non-stick pan which is expected to be able to develop the productivity of entrepreneurs both in prod...
Proceedings of the 3rd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2021 (BIS-HSS 2021), 2023
Penelitian ini ingin menghasilkan penguji hipotesis tentang peran orientasi kewirausahaan dan ori... more Penelitian ini ingin menghasilkan penguji hipotesis tentang peran orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pembelajaran terhadap kinerja Bisnis UKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu usaha kecil untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka dengan menggunakan orientasi kewirausahaan dan orientasi pembelajaran. Secara khusus untuk tujuan penelitian ini: 1) pengetahuan tentang peran orientasi bisnis mencakup sikap proaktif, berani mengambil resiko, keberanian dan orientasi pembelajaran terhadap kinerja bisnis UKM, 2) pelaksanaan hasil-hasil penelitian di masyarakat. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, kami melakukan percobaan penyelidikan independen dan variabel dependen. Penelitian ini termasuk 250 pelaku usaha yang bergerak di bidang batik atau tenun. Sampel penelitian meliputi sebanyak 220 pemilik usaha kecil. Sampel diambil dari semua populasi yang didasarkan pada simple random sampling. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan pendekatan kua...
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 2022
Jumat Ekonomi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Mitra kelompok usaha Selera U desa Jobokuto adalah UKM diantara sekian ratus kelompok yang ada di... more Mitra kelompok usaha Selera U desa Jobokuto adalah UKM diantara sekian ratus kelompok yang ada di kabupaten Jepara uang berlokasi di daerah pesisir laut Jepara, kendala umum yang dirasakan yaitu tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat yang masih rendah, terutama dalam menghasilkan produk olahan ikan yang bermutu. Salah satu upaya untuk mempercepat pengembangan kelompok Selera U berdasarkan potensi yang dimilikiya yaitu peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan dalam produksi pangan dengan peran serta pelaksana Pengabdian kepada masyarakat UNISNU Jepara dalam skim Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah yang didanai oleh Kemenristekdikti pelaksanaan tahun kedua, yaitu dengan melaksanakan kegiatan workshop kepada kelompok Selera U, mulai dari 1. Workhsop penerapan protokol kesehatan terkait Covid 19 pada pengolahan produk olahan ikan, 2. Workshop Peran diversifikasi produk olahan ikan terhadap ketahanan pangan, 3. Workshop pengaruh pedagang terhadap minat beli konsumen, 4. Workshop pemanfaatan...
This research is designed to examine the influence of stores' environment and the sum of visi... more This research is designed to examine the influence of stores' environment and the sum of visitors to the sum of consumers. Data collecting technique in this research are using questioner and Likerts scale 5 points from not good until very good. Analysis tool in this research using SPSS program. Population in this research are all stores in Jepara region. The examples taken are 34 stores. Double linier regression analysis resulting a hypothesis that using 5% alpha rate, store's environment variable has positive and significant influence to the sum of visitors, the sum of visitors has positive and significant influence to the sum of buyers, while store's environment has negative influence to the sum of buyers Key words: Store's environment, the sum of visitors and the sum of buyers Abstraksi Pcnelitian ini menguji pengaruh lingkungan toko dan jumlah pengunjung toko terhadap jumlah pembeli. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini memakai kuesioner dan menggunakan s...
Papers by Sisno Riyoko, SE. MM.