Papers by Simona Venclikova
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, 2016
Schizophrenia Research, 2008
Schizophrenia Research, Sep 1, 2013
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of rTMS not only on the general severity of negativ... more The aim of the study was to assess the effect of rTMS not only on the general severity of negative schizophrenia symptoms, but also particularly on their individual domains, such as affective flattening or blunting, alogia, avolition or apathy, anhedonia, and impaired attention. Methods: Forty schizophrenic male patients on stable antipsychotic medication with prominent negative symptoms were included in the study. They were divided into two groups: 23 were treated with active and 17 with placebo rTMS. Both treatments were similar, but placebo rTMS was administered using a purposebuilt sham coil. Stimulation was applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The stimulation frequency was 10 Hz; stimulation intensity was 110% of the individual motor threshold intensity. Each patient received 15 rTMS sessions on 15 consecutive working days (five working days "on" and two weekend days "off" design). Each daily session consisted of 20 applications of 10-second duration with 30-second intervals between sequences. The patients and raters were blind to condition of stimulation treatment. Results: The active rTMS led to a statistically significantly higher reduction of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) total score and of all domains of negative symptoms of schizophrenia. After Bonferroni adjustments for multiple testing, the statistical significance disappeared in alogia only. Conclusion: High-frequency rTMS stimulation over the left DLPFC at a high stimulation intensity with a sufficient number of applied stimulating pulses may represent an efficient augmentation of antipsychotics in alleviating the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Prezentovany výsledky ovlivněni kognitivnich funkci u pacientů s depresivni poruchou po lecbě pom... more Prezentovany výsledky ovlivněni kognitivnich funkci u pacientů s depresivni poruchou po lecbě pomoci repetitivni transkranialni magneticke stimulace
This conference abstract describes results of study focused on influence of rTMS on brain activit... more This conference abstract describes results of study focused on influence of rTMS on brain activity in patients with predominant negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
Clanek prezentuje výsledky studie srovnavajici ucinek rTMS a antidepresiv u pacientů s depresivni... more Clanek prezentuje výsledky studie srovnavajici ucinek rTMS a antidepresiv u pacientů s depresivni poruchou.
Ve třech kazuisitkach vysokofrekvencni rTMS prokazala potencial ovlivnit negativni přiznaky schiz... more Ve třech kazuisitkach vysokofrekvencni rTMS prokazala potencial ovlivnit negativni přiznaky schizofrenie.
Tato kazuistika popisuje psychicke nežadouci ucinky u dospěleho pacienta s ADHD stimulovaneho pom... more Tato kazuistika popisuje psychicke nežadouci ucinky u dospěleho pacienta s ADHD stimulovaneho pomoci vysokofrekvencni rTMS nad oblasti praveho dorsolateralniho prefrontalniho kortexu.
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, 2008
Publication treat of treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia using repetitive transcrania... more Publication treat of treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in a double blind study. Present concrete results in clinical patients.
Publikace zveřejňuje studii, provaděnou na nasi klinice, kde lecba negativnich přiznaků schizofre... more Publikace zveřejňuje studii, provaděnou na nasi klinice, kde lecba negativnich přiznaků schizofrenie pomoci repetitivni transkranialni magneticke stimulace v podminkach dvojitě zaslepene studie vedla k ustupu negativnich přiznaků schizofrenie.
Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging, Dec 1, 2012
The aim of the study was to assess the dynamics of neurological soft signs (NSS) over four years ... more The aim of the study was to assess the dynamics of neurological soft signs (NSS) over four years from the clinical onset of schizophrenia, depending on the clinical course of the disease, and to evaluate the relationship of NSS to symptomatic dimensions in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Sixty-eight patients with first-episode schizophrenia were included in the trial. The clinical status was assessed using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) at the same time as the neurological examination, at admission to the hospital for first-episode schizophrenia and at a checkup examination four years later. The assessment of NSS using the Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES) coincided with the assessment of the clinical condition of the patients. According to the Andreasen remission criterion of schizophrenia, after four years we found that 57% of patients' were remitters and 43% were nonremitters. During the monitoring period, in remitters total NES score and sensory integration/ sequencing of motor acts items of the NES decreased. In non-remitters, increase in the total NES score and the 'others' item of the NES was observed. A connection between the dynamics of NSS and the clinical course of schizophrenia, over the period of four years, and a relationship between NSS and negative schizophrenia symptoms was found.
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, 2017
Studie potvrdila, že i nemocne s chronickým průběhem schizofrenie je možne zaměstnat a udržet v p... more Studie potvrdila, že i nemocne s chronickým průběhem schizofrenie je možne zaměstnat a udržet v pracovně rehabilitacnim programu. Diky zapojeni do pracovně rehabilitacniho programu doslo u participantů ke zmirněni psychopatologických přiznaků nemoci. U ucastniků nedoslo ke zlepseni subjektivni kvality života.
Psychiatrie, 2007
Je odhadovano, že 50 až 80% pacientů se schizofrenii nevěři, že jsou skutecně nemocni. Pokud přip... more Je odhadovano, že 50 až 80% pacientů se schizofrenii nevěři, že jsou skutecně nemocni. Pokud připoustěji výskyt urcitých přiznaků, potom je větsinou přicitaji jiným přicinam než dusevni chorobě. Tato skutecnost ma zasadni dopad na postoje pacientů k lecbě. Mnoho pacientů totiž uživa předepsanou psychotropni medikaci ne pro sve přesvědceni, ale jen diky tomu, že na ně dohliži rodinni přislusnici. V minulých letech se problematikou nizkeho nahledu u schizofrenie zabývala řada výzkumných projektů. Dle soucasneho pohledu nahled souvisi s pěti dimenzemi onemocněni: vědomim dusevni poruchy, vědomim socialnich nasledků onemocněni, vědomim potřeby lecby, vědomim přiznaků a jejich přisouzeni urcite chorobě.
High frequency rTMS applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex led to the reduction of ... more High frequency rTMS applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex led to the reduction of negative symptoms severity in patients suffered from schizophrenia.
Papers by Simona Venclikova