Papers by Silvio Manglaviti
Corpus Christi is celebrated throughout the world where the universal Christian Church is present... more Corpus Christi is celebrated throughout the world where the universal Christian Church is present, with beautiful processions and floral displays. Just think, in Italy in Genzano, Spello; but we must remember that everything originates from that Bull Transiturus of Pope Urban IV given in Orvieto in 1264 and linked to the Miracle of Bolsena.
Sugano dominates the streets that go to Orvieto and towards Alfina. Inhabited since Etruscan time... more Sugano dominates the streets that go to Orvieto and towards Alfina. Inhabited since Etruscan times, it was then consolidated as a castrum in the Middle Ages. Originally indicated by the name of the feudal lord Patrignone and also called "castri Leonis", Sugano will be the castle of the Monaldeschi and can be seen depicted on the reliquary of the Corporal in the Cathedral of Orvieto , from 1338.
760 years ago, in 1264, with the Bull Transiturus, from Orvieto, Apostolic See, Pope Urban IV est... more 760 years ago, in 1264, with the Bull Transiturus, from Orvieto, Apostolic See, Pope Urban IV established and promulgated to the Christian universe the Eucharistic solemnity of Corpus Domini
Sugano. Dove Quando Perché, 2024
I want to try together with you to discover this place. Starting from historical, scientific docu... more I want to try together with you to discover this place. Starting from historical, scientific documents and listening to the Place itself; observe the memories, the stratified traces, through the portal of the Imagination. Starting from here, now. Because to experience any place, you have to go and look for it far away. Leafing through the book of the history of the place page after page, you can start by removing. First you remove what you see. And we proceed. Stratigraphically. Like an archaeological dig. You can also start from some element and reason, imagining; but always in the wake of intellectual honesty. Scientific contributions, documented, distinct from hypotheses; from suggestions and proposals.
The greatness of Orvieto throughout history is also due to its geographical position, on the main... more The greatness of Orvieto throughout history is also due to its geographical position, on the main ancient and medieval road routes, which allowed connections between the various centers through a dense network of roads. The Larth Path moves in this historical and cultural context, connecting - merging them together - places in space and time that are different and only apparently distant from each other. They are Common Places, that is, linked in and by a geographical and historical unicum, which is cultural: this is in fact Tuscia. Orvieto, with Bolsena and Bagnoregio, constitute the historical-cultural geographical bridge that unites Tuscia and Umbria, today Lazio, Tuscany and Umbria. Larth's Path is a magic circle, lord of the historical cultural rings described above in Middle-earth between History and Myth, Fantasy and Reality.
Ai piedi della Rupe di Orvieto un'antica fonte alimentata dal Pozzo di San Patrizio. San Zero.
Le Grandi Firme della Tuscia, 2022
Santa Pace, ancient medieval quarter in Orvieto, district and parish church already in the 11th c... more Santa Pace, ancient medieval quarter in Orvieto, district and parish church already in the 11th century. The cult of Peace, of Santa Pace in Orvieto could be a legacy of the Orvieto Byzantine season, between the periods in which the city was dominated by the Goths first and after by the Lombards.
Orvieto, about 100 km north of Rome, was built by the Etruscans on a massive rock of limited exte... more Orvieto, about 100 km north of Rome, was built by the Etruscans on a massive rock of limited extension, a relict left by the erosion of the Alfina tuffaceous plateau. The latter was produced in the Pleistocene by the magmatic activity of the "Vulsin Apparatus" in northern Latium. The bedrock of the Rock of Orvieto is composed of Plio-Pleistocene marine clays which, owing to their high erodibility, represent a sinking substratum, causing falls and topples which have affected the edges of the cliff since historical times. Along with the installation of a complex monitoring system of piezometers, inclinometers and extensometers stationed along all the cliff edge, stabilization works were carried out, consisting of nails, anchors (passive in the upper portion and active in the basal portion of the Rock), drain pipes and waterproofing works for avoiding water infiltration into the rocky mass.
Paper, 2022
L'Urbevetanus Ager, Montanea Orvietana dei conti Bulgarelli, di Parrano e Marsciano, è un unicum ... more L'Urbevetanus Ager, Montanea Orvietana dei conti Bulgarelli, di Parrano e Marsciano, è un unicum territoriale dalle caratteristiche ambientali naturali ed antropiche indistinte. L'articolazione e compartimentazione del territorio non hanno tuttavia impedito la diffusione di una vasta ragnatela viaria interna connessa alle principali direttrici storiche che ne lambiscono i confini ab immemorabile.
Alfina terra di confine tra Tuscia Patrimonio Umbria, 2021
The Alfina is a plateau, an ancient historical geographical area in Lazio and Umbria on the borde... more The Alfina is a plateau, an ancient historical geographical area in Lazio and Umbria on the border with Tuscany, between Lake Bolsena and the Paglia river, a tributary of the Tiber. It was formerly in Etruria (territory of Velzna / Volsinii) and then in Tuscia (from the Middle Ages under Urbs Vetus, Orvieto), until 1860.
Orvieto Luogo delle acque. Il reticolo idrografico superficiale del pianoro orvietano. I fossi ch... more Orvieto Luogo delle acque. Il reticolo idrografico superficiale del pianoro orvietano. I fossi che scorrevano e solcano il plateau fino al bordo delle rupi: salti e cascate; sorgenti e fonti. Una rapida anlisi dell'evoluzione idrogeomorfologica della mesa rupestre di Orvieto.
La storia della Tuscia. Antica Regione degli Etruschi. La Tuscia Longobarda e Orvietana. La Tusci... more La storia della Tuscia. Antica Regione degli Etruschi. La Tuscia Longobarda e Orvietana. La Tuscia Romana e Suburbicaria.
Il 18 ottobre 1263, dalla Sede Apostolica in Orvieto, papa Urbano IV a soli dieci anni dalla mort... more Il 18 ottobre 1263, dalla Sede Apostolica in Orvieto, papa Urbano IV a soli dieci anni dalla morte di Chiara e dalla conferma papale alla Forma di vita da lei stessa composta, promulgò una nuova Regola per dare unità giuridica alla pluriforme realtà dei monasteri che si erano sviluppati in Italia e in Europa ispirandosi all'esperienza di San Damiano. La Regola urbana di Chiara offre l'occasione per riflettere sul percorso istitutivo della solennità eucaristica del Corpus et Sanguis Domini istituito sempre da Urbano IV con Bolla Transiturus, l'anno successivo, 11 agosto 1264, sempre da Orvieto. Regola e Bolla, strumenti dottrinali e teologici promotori di pace, di scambio, di confronto nel contesto culturale e geopolitico medievale tra civiltà e visioni del mondo cristiana ed islamica.
Papers by Silvio Manglaviti