Papers by Shivali Kashikar
Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) is a complex Mullerian and Wolffian ... more Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) is a complex Mullerian and Wolffian duct anomaly, which is difficult to diagnose before puberty. We present a rare case of a congenital syndrome known as OHVIRA in a 21-year-old female who came with complaints of intermittent type of lower abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, and oligomenorrhea with frequent visits to different hospitals without any radiological investigations done. Early magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) investigations helped her in diagnosing and managing this syndrome.
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign condition of tenosynovial proliferation ... more Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign condition of tenosynovial proliferation that mostly affects the knee joint. In this case report, we present a 39-year-old female with a ten-year history of gradual progression in the size of painful soft tissue swelling in her left knee. Our case report emphasizes the MRI's ability to provide detailed information on tendon sheath and synovium involvement, as well as extensive extra-articular involvement and hemosiderin deposition.
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML), an alternative term for Rosai-Dorfman di... more Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML), an alternative term for Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), is a rare benign idiopathic immune-related lymphoproliferative condition. The central nervous system (CNS) has been documented to be involved in RDD, although lymph nodes are the organs that are most frequently and primarily associated with the disease manifestation. Nonetheless, CNS involvement in RDD is rare and poorly understood. As a result, there is a lack of a solid basis for therapeutic approaches for CNS involvement in RDD. Here, we present a case of RDD with cerebral involvement, a rare presentation of RDD with atypical symptoms. A brief assessment of the radiographic appearance, histological findings, and the peculiar manifestations of the disease is provided.

Brazilian Dental Science
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex joints in the body and its harmoniou... more The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex joints in the body and its harmonious functioning is very important to maintain a normal masticatory system. The morphologic alterations and the asymmetrical position of the TMJ structures may lead the various clinicalsigns & symptoms. Morphology of the temporomandibular joint may be influenced by gender of patients, environmental factor and also food habits at various places. Objective: To evaluate the morphology of the temporomandibular joint using computed tomography, in order to determine the condyle shape, joint space and glenoid fossa roof thickness. Material and Methods: One hundred and six healthy patients (212 TMJs) who visited a private hospital (or the University’s Hospital) for CT brain scan were included to this cross-sectional study sample.The patients were aged between 20–50 years with an average age of 35.46 years. All the images were taken by positioning patients in supine position with 120kvp , 50ma,2.33m...

Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Background We report an interesting case of a primary isolated intraventricular and intracranial ... more Background We report an interesting case of a primary isolated intraventricular and intracranial hydatid cyst in 20-year-old female that mimicked bleeding cystic tumor presenting as intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus. Case presentation Patient presented with headache and giddiness for 1 month. On magnetic resonance imaging, there was multiloculated multi-cystic lesion in left lateral ventricle and adjacent left periventricular deep white matter. Lesion was causing compression of the body of the left lateral ventricle with temporal horn dilatation and midline shift of 17–18 mm toward right side. On investigation, it was diagnosed intracranial hydatid cyst with intraventricular extension. Patient underwent complete removal of cerebral hydatid cyst. Follow-up postoperative computed tomography scan done which revealed no residual hydatid cyst. Conclusion In this case, larvae of echinococcus might have passed through capillaries of liver and lungs and entered systemic circula...

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
BACKGROUND Developmental delay is defined as a significant delay in the infant's developmenta... more BACKGROUND Developmental delay is defined as a significant delay in the infant's developmental domains. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the best diagnostic tool to investigate such cases. Evaluation of a child with developmental delay is essential because it allows for early diagnosis and treatment and helps in counselling the parents regarding the outcome and to identify any possible risk of recurrence. METHODS The present study was conducted in AVBR Hospital, Sawangi, Wardha. This crosssectional descriptive study was conducted for magnetic resonance imaging assessment of brain in patients with developmental delay aged three months to 15 years. Males and females were both included in our study. The paediatrics department referred all patients with developmental delay or delayed milestones to the radiology department, where they underwent MRI brain with gadolinium contrast (Brivo MR 355 1.5 Tesla). A total of 104 patients was included in the present study. RESULTS In our pre...
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Feb 1, 2021
<p style="text-align: left;" align="center">MRI Assessment of Paediatric Developmental Delay</p>, Feb 22, 2021
Journal of critical reviews, 2019

Oman medical journal, 2014
An adolescent presented with headache and projectile vomiting and showed ataxia, dysarthia and ny... more An adolescent presented with headache and projectile vomiting and showed ataxia, dysarthia and nystagmus with normal cognition. A diagnosis of acute cerebellitis was made on the basis of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. He developed seizures and had a rapid downhill course with death at 48 hours after admission. Clinically, patients of acute cerebellitis present with fever, nausea, headache and altered sensorium with cerebellar symptoms. Inflammation of the cerebellum compresses the brain stem and induces mental alterations. It is a rare pathology developing due to an infectitious cause, post-infectitious or post vaccination etiology. Many times it is not possible to identify the causative agent. Cerebellitis can be mild where recovery occurs in few weeks and no abnormalities are seen on diagnostic imaging studies. On the other end, severe cases have focal neurological deficits, altered consciousness, raised intracranial pressure and abnormal neuroimaging...

A postnatal 24 year old postnatal female presented to the emergency department with low grade fev... more A postnatal 24 year old postnatal female presented to the emergency department with low grade fever, fatigue and backpain. Investigations revealed Sickle cell disease with haemoglobin of 5 g/dL and decreased hematocrit (29%). Haemoglobin electrophoresis showed Hb F- 38.3%, Hb S- 61.2% and Hb A2- 0.5%. White cell count was elevated and peripheral blood smear demonstrated target cells but no sickle shaped erythrocytes. Radiograph of the dorso-lumbar spine (Figure 1) showed diffuse ill defined mixed lytic-sclerotic lesions in vertebral bodies and destruction around the end plates. Computed tomography (Figure 2) confirmed the same. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) demonstrated extensive but patchy and geographic pattern of signal abnormalities in the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, heterogeneous on T1 and T2 weighted imaging. The lesions in L3 and L4 vertebrae showed an enhancing rim (Figure 3). The diagnosis of bone marrow necrosis (BMN) was confirmed by trephine biopsy of L4 vertebra whi...

International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences, 2016
Introduction: Seizures are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. It is importan... more Introduction: Seizures are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. It is important to establish the cause of seizures to appropriately manage such patients. The etiology of seizures is different in developing countries as compared to the developed world. Computed tomography (CT) scan is easily available, is less sensitive to patient motion, and does not generally require sedation. Also the cost is less as compared to MRI, and this makes it an important screening tool in developing countries like India. Aims: To determine the diagnostic ability of CT to determine the cause of seizures in children. Settings and design: A prospective analytical study. Materials and methods: Computed tomography scans of 84 children presenting with seizures during the period of September 2014 to August 2015 were analyzed. The study was done using 16-slice CT scan. Intravenous contrast was administered as needed. Uncooperative patients were sedated for the scan. Results: Out of 84 scans, 4...
International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences, 2016
Askin tumor is a rare malignant neoplasm in the thoracopulmonary region. Its diagnostic approach ... more Askin tumor is a rare malignant neoplasm in the thoracopulmonary region. Its diagnostic approach is complex and requires a multidisciplinary team. Given the rarity of this entity, we report a case of Askin's tumor.

Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2016
Atherosclerosis (i.e. hardening and thickening of arteries) causes vascular remodeling, obstructi... more Atherosclerosis (i.e. hardening and thickening of arteries) causes vascular remodeling, obstruction of lumen, abnormalities of blood flow and reduced oxygenation of target tissues. Manifestation of atherosclerosis in the form of either Myocardial Infarction or Stroke is the major cause of morbidity and mortality. This study evaluated extracranial carotid arteries of patients (>60 years) who presented with risk factors of atherosclerosis and determined the association of risk factors with carotid abnormalities. To evaluate the prevalence of atherosclerosis, haemodynamic and morphological changes that take place in extra cranial portion of carotid arteries in patients with risk factors of atherosclerosis (Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Smoking, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Hypercholesterolaemia) and determine the association of risk factors with carotid abnormalities. The prospective cross-sectional analytical study included the examination of Extracranial carotid arteries of...
Rawal Medical Journal, 2013
Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine, 2011
Acute eididymo-orchitis is the most common cause of intrascrotal inflammation, and retrograde asc... more Acute eididymo-orchitis is the most common cause of intrascrotal inflammation, and retrograde ascent of pathogens is the usual route of infection. Here we intend to present a case of young boy, not sexually active, suffering from acute epididymo-orchitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa presented with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Proper timely diagnosis of the primary cause and prompt treatment including support with non invasive ventilation lead to a favourable outcome in the same case.

Journal of Fetal Medicine, 2014
The authors aimed to establish the reference ranges of fetal nasal bone length (NBL) in the secon... more The authors aimed to establish the reference ranges of fetal nasal bone length (NBL) in the second trimester and evaluate the relationship between fetal NBL and biparietal diameter (BPD) at 17–22 weeks of gestation in the Indian population. The authors also determined the normal ranges of the fetal nasofrontal angle (NFA). Ultrasound examination was done in 486 singleton pregnancies at 17–22 weeks of gestation. The fetal NBL was measured in millimeters in a strict sagittal view of the fetal head. The NFA was also measured in this mid-sagittal profile. The authors present the normal range of fetal NBL. Mean NBL was found to increase linearly with advancing gestation and BPD. The NBL appears to be marginally longer in Indian fetuses than other Asian fetuses. The minimum, maximum, and mean NFA values were 112, 142, and 130 degrees. The authors present the normal range of NBL in the second trimester in the Indian population and identify its linear relationship with gestational age. The ...
Papers by Shivali Kashikar