Papers by Sergio Santiago
La bio-disponibilité du phosphore particulaire des matières en suspension d'affluents du Léma... more La bio-disponibilité du phosphore particulaire des matières en suspension d'affluents du Léman a été déterminée par un biotest avec Scenedesmus communis, un biotest avec le phytoplancton naturel et une analyse des fractions chimiques du phosphore. La comparaison des biotests avec la monoculture et le phytoplancton indigène apparait valable dans le cas où les communautés algales sont de composition spécifique voisine. La bio-disponibilité des fractions chimiques du phosphore confirme une relation à court terme avec le phosphore inorganique non apatitique (PINA). La disponibilité à long terme est corrélée avec le phosphore total (PT) et le phosphore inorganique (PI), sans toutefois exclure le phosphore organique (PO)
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Jun 1, 2020
Revista Odontológica do Brasil Central, Mar 27, 2012

Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besi... more Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print-und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind.

Introduction: The knowledge about prevalence and distribution of oral problems in a population is... more Introduction: The knowledge about prevalence and distribution of oral problems in a population is obtained from epidemiological studies. Epidemiological studies performed in the state of Ceara, Brazil are rare and frequently have used different methodologies, making the comparison among them very difficult. Objective: The aim of this study was to present and discuss the main data of epidemiological studies related to the local situation. Methods: A literature review about oral disease epidemiology in the state of Ceara, Brazil was carried out in national databases, books, thesis, dissertations and monographs. Results: High levels of prevalence and severity for dental caries, pedriodontal diseases, dental-facial anomalies and oral cancer were found in Ceara state. Conclusion: There are few epidemiologic surveys in oral health in the state of Ceara, Brazil and the data demonstrate a poor situation of oral health, and the need of expanding researches and to use information on activitie...

A solucao de problemas esteticos na Odontologia restauradoratem se tornado um desafio cada vez ma... more A solucao de problemas esteticos na Odontologia restauradoratem se tornado um desafio cada vez maior devido ao elevado nivel de exigenciados pacientes, que buscam solucoes para resgatar a condicao de naturalidadedos dentes e sua compatibilidade com o tecido gengival, requisitos basicos daOdontologia estetica. Situacoes que antes passavam despercebidas, hoje sao prerequisitospara a aceitacao do trabalho restaurador. Neste caso e apresentado orelato da correcao estetica de incisivos laterais conoides, por meio do empregoda tecnica direta, com a utilizacao de resina composta, para a obtencao de umsorriso harmonico. To solve esthetic problems in the restorativeDentistry has become a bigger challengeas the requirement level of the patients, theysearch solutions to rescue the natural appearanceof teeth and your compatibility with the gengivaltissue, basic elements for Esthetic Dentistry.Situations left as less important in the past, innowadays must be considered in order to theacceptance ...

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2010
Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of direct resin composite rest... more Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of direct resin composite restorations (Tetric Ceram-TC) and indirect composite inlays (Targis-TG) after 12 months. Methods and Materials Seventy-six Class I and II restorations (44 direct and 32 indirect) were inserted in premolars and molars with carious lesions or deficient restorations in 30 healthy patients according to the manufacturer's instructions. Each restoration was evaluated at baseline and after 12 months according to the modified USPHS criteria for color match (CM), marginal discoloration (MD), secondary caries (SC), anatomic form (AF), surface texture (ST), marginal integrity (MI), and pulp sensitivity (PS). Data were analyzed by Fisher and McNemar Chisquare tests. Results No secondary caries and no pulpal sensitivity were observed after 12 months. However, significant changes in marginal discoloration (MD) criteria could be detected between baseline and one-year results for both materials (p<0...

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2008
Aim The aim of this study was to assess the clinical performance of two adhesive restorative syst... more Aim The aim of this study was to assess the clinical performance of two adhesive restorative systems (Single Bond/Filtek P-60 and Single Bond/Filtek Z-250) in posterior teeth using a modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) system. Methods and Materials A total of 70 restorations were placed in molars and premolars in 30 patients (14 females and 16 males; 18-40 years) by one operator. All restorations were directly evaluated by two examiners at baseline, six months, and 12 months using the following modified USPHS rating criteria: marginal integrity, marginal discoloration, surface texture, contour, postoperative sensitivity, and recurrent caries. Results At six and 12 months all restorations were available for evaluation of marginal discoloration, surface texture, contour, postoperative sensitivity, and recurrent caries that remained with 100% Alpha-ratings at recalls for both restorative systems. Marginal integrity for P-60 was scored as 94.3% and 91.4% Alpha at six an...

Brazilian oral research, Jan 24, 2018
This research explored the potential of Camellia sinensis-derived teas and active compounds to be... more This research explored the potential of Camellia sinensis-derived teas and active compounds to be used as treatments to prevent dentin wear. Human root dentin slabs were randomly assigned to 5 groups (n = 10) as follows: distilled water (DW, control), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), theaflavin gallate derivatives (TF), commercial green tea (GT), and commercial black tea (BT). The samples were submitted to a pellicle formation and an erosive cycling model (5x/day, demineralization using 0.01 M hydrochloric acid/60 s) followed by remineralization (human stimulated saliva/60 min) for three days. The samples were treated for 5 min using the test group solutions between the erosive cycles. Dentin changes were assessed with profilometry analysis and FT-Raman spectroscopy. The data regarding wear were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). EGCG, TF derivatives, and both regular teas significantly suppressed erosive dentin loss (38-47%, p < 0.05). No obvious cha...

Brazilian Dental Journal, 2011
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two desensitizing agents in the reduction o... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two desensitizing agents in the reduction of dentin hypersensitivity in a randomized, double-blind, split-mouth clinical trial. Seventy-seven teeth from 13 patients that presented some degree of sensitivity to probing and/or air stimulation were treated with one of the following desensitizing agents: Oxa-Gel (G1), Sensi Kill (G2) and placebo gel (G3 - control). According to paired t-test, all treatments, even the placebo gel, were capable of reducing sensitivity scores for both stimuli. Analysis of data by ANOVA and Tukey's test (?=0.05) showed that the sensitivity scores were significantly lower only for Sensi Kill in comparison to the other products (Oxa-Gel and placebo), when air stimulus was applied. It may be concluded that treatment with Sensi Kill presented a slightly better performance in reducing dentin hypersensitivity when compared to the other desensitizing agent.

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics, 2016
The aim of this investigation was to give insights into the impact of carbohydrate-electrolyte dr... more The aim of this investigation was to give insights into the impact of carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks on the likely capacity of enamel surface dissolution and the influence of human saliva exposure as a biological protective factor. Materials and Methods: The pH, titratable acidity (TA) to pH 7.0, and buffer capacity (β) of common beverages ingested by patients under physical activity were analyzed. Then, we randomly distributed 50 specimens of human enamel into 5 groups. Processed and natural coconut water served as controls for testing three carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks. In all specimens, we measured surface microhardness (Knoop hardness numbers) and enamel loss (profilometry, µm) for baseline and after simulated intake cycling exposure model. We also prepared areas of specimens to be exposed to human saliva overnight prior to the simulated intake cycling exposure. The cycles were performed by alternated immersions in beverages and artificial saliva. ANOVA two-way and Tukey HDS tests were used. Results: The range of pH, TA, and β were 2.85-4.81, 8.33-46.66 mM/L and 3.48-10.25 mM/L × pH, respectively. The highest capacity of enamel surface dissolution was found for commercially available sports drinks for all variables. Single time human saliva exposure failed to significantly promote protective effect for the acidic attack of beverages. Conclusions: In this study, carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks usually consumed during endurance training may have a greater capacity of dissolution of enamel surface depending on their physicochemical proprieties associated with pH and titratable acidity.

Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 2012
In the present study, we assessed phonological priming during a visual lexical decision task (LDT... more In the present study, we assessed phonological priming during a visual lexical decision task (LDT) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). This study was performed because phonological deficiencies have been reported in patients with PD, and such processes are critical predictors of reading performance. We tested for phonological priming effects using homonyms (zarjento-SARGENTO), where the prime differed from the target orthographically but with complete phonological overlap, and rhymes (cadera-MADERA), where the last two syllables of both the prime and the target are identical. Both types of priming were compared to the non-rhyme baseline condition (mercader-CUCHILLA) to assess the size of the priming effect. The results indicated that patients with PD exhibited a smaller phonological priming effect than controls in the homophonic condition. Patients with PD also displayed a lower percentage of correct responses and longer Reaction Times (RTs) than controls on both rhyme and homophone pairings. No group differences were found in the non-rhyme experimental condition. We concluded that phonological processing in patients with PD is important for lexical access during visual word recognition.

Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 2016
Clinical evaluations as fundamental method to prove the efficiency of restorative materials. This... more Clinical evaluations as fundamental method to prove the efficiency of restorative materials. This study evaluated the clinical performance of restorative systems during 2 years of clinical service. This study assessed the clinical performance of restorative systems (Filtek Z250 and P60), during 2 years of clinical service, using the US Public Health Service system. The randomized and double-blind study comprising thirty volunteers. The restorations were evaluated at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 months. It was used the following criteria: marginal discoloration (MD), marginal integrity (MI), superficial texture (ST), wear (W), postoperative sensitivity (PS) and recurrent caries (RC). Statistic analysis was performed using Fisher&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s and McNemar&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s exact tests and Pearsons&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s Chi-square in a significance level of 5%. The results at baseline and 24 months for Group I were: MD - 100, 100%; MI - 100, 88.6%; ST - 100, 94.3%; W - 100, 94.3%; PS - 100, 100%; RC - 100, 100%, of alpha scores; Group II: MD - 100, 97.1%; MI - 100, 91.4%; ST - 100, 94.3%; W - 100, 91.4%; PS - 100, 100%; RC - 100, 100%, of alpha scores. It was observed no statistical difference in the evaluated criteria and period. After 24 months of evaluation, both restorative systems exhibited acceptable clinical performance.

Brazilian oral research, 2016
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of green tea as a protective measure on eroded d... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of green tea as a protective measure on eroded dentin. Disks of human coronary dentin were selected based on surface hardness and randomly assigned to 3 groups (n = 10): DW - distilled water, CHX - 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate, and GT - green tea. The disks were allowed to acquire pellicle for 2 hours and were then subjected to 3 cycles per day of demineralization (C6H8O7 0.05 M, pH 3.75, 60 s), treatment (DW or CHX or GT, 5 min) and remineralization (artificial saliva, 60 min) over a period of 3 days. Changes in the dentin were determined by loss of surface hardness (%SHL) and mechanical profilometry analysis at the end of each day. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test for %SHL and profilometry (p < 0.05). Significant reductions in dentin hardness loss were observed only for the CHX group when compared to the DW group (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the CHX and GT g...
This paper presents the concepts surrounding the development and the using of free software, focu... more This paper presents the concepts surrounding the development and the using of free software, focusing on its legal aspects. The practices for imple-menting the free software movement principles are heavily based on the copy-right law, wich is mainly used to assert the users freedoms as stated by the Free Software Foudation. Resumo. Este artigo apresenta os conceitos que envolvem o desenvolvimento e a utiliza ao de software livre, com foco em seus aspectos legais. As práticas para implementa ao dos ideais do movimento do software livre são fortemente embasadas na lei de direito autoral, sendo esta muitas vezes utilizada de modo a garantir as liberdades dos usuários como definidas pela Free Software Foun-dation.

The journal of adhesive dentistry
This study tested the hypothesis that the tensile strength of enamel varies according to prismati... more This study tested the hypothesis that the tensile strength of enamel varies according to prismatic orientation. Eight extracted, caries-free human third molars were thoroughly cleaned with pumice and water. The entire enamel surface was conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid for 30 s, air dried, and bonded with Single Bond adhesive system. Several layers of composite (Z-100) were incrementally applied to the crown to build up a "cube-like" resin structure approximately 5 mm thick covering the entire crown of the teeth. The teeth were stored for 24 h in water at 37 degrees C, and then the crown was serially, vertically sectioned in a mesio-distal direction to obtain several slices approximately 0.7 mm thick. The slices were sectioned into halves, and each half was gently trimmed from both sides with a diamond bur to reduce the cross-sectional area to a "neck" located in enamel, either on the external slope or functional slope of the cusps. The specimens were trimmed...
Papers by Sergio Santiago