Papers by Sergio Cordero

The formal design, that which is not empirical, has a sequential and iterative structure,which en... more The formal design, that which is not empirical, has a sequential and iterative structure,which ensures the convergence of the process in functional outcomes. The objective of this paper is to apply the formal design techniques in the sizing of the most important organin a CNC router machine, which is the translation equipment. The classical design methodhas been adopted, which flow is divided into eight chronological steps, from which thestep that involves the manufacture or implementation of the machine is only excluded.
The translation´s equipment sizing has to be a great deal to a holistic design approach. It means that this organ depends on the other components of the machine, but after acertain point, in the detail design stage, the design philosophy is limited to the translationequipment sizing only.
The factor that highlights the differences between the stages of design, integrated andspecific stage is the dynamic behavior of the machine; in fact, such behavior is reflected inthe machining forces present in the material’s removal process.
The implementation of a special measuring machine that can determine the behavior of machining forces is crucial for the optimal sizing of the translation equipment. Otherwisethe design process would be based on merely theoretical concepts and in not necessarilyactual estimations. The concept of a measuring machine or a cutting process simulationmachine is implemented in a prototype machine, functional enough to measuring the forces. Once that machining forces are known, which are mentioned as 𝑭 vector, it can be sized in detail, not only the translation equipment CNC router machine, but also to the other organs. At this stage in which the design is specific, components and equipment aredetailed and dimensioned, those which are strictly necessary for the sizing of the translationequipment. The sizing results of such organ consist on an ordered set of criteria, parameters and components, which set together allows fulfilling in an efficient way, the function ofproviding motion to the CNC router machine chains.
In order to quantify the sizing problems and needs, comparative techniques are used insimilar machines and related specific applications. These same techniques are which areimplemented in the validation of the product, with the aim of evaluating whether the result meet the problems and needs established.
Thesis Chapters by Sergio Cordero
Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao curso de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, 2018
Os aços bifásicos oferecem vantagens técnicas e econômicas no setor automotivo, mas apresentam ba... more Os aços bifásicos oferecem vantagens técnicas e econômicas no setor automotivo, mas apresentam baixa soldabilidade. Este documento apresenta o desenvolvimento teórico e prático de uma ferramenta computacional para prever a evolução termomecânica no processo de soldagem Flash-Butt aplicado a aços DP600. A ferramenta é escalável e projetada para aplicações industriais diversas em soldagem eletromecânica. A abordagem matemática do problema de soldagem Flash-Butt é estruturada por meio de uma desagregação tecnológica, com uma solução apresentada de forma lógica, servindo como base informativa para futuras aplicações e problemas mais complexos. São propostas inovações teóricas e práticas com o objetivo de melhorar a tenacidade à fratura da solda, fundamentadas no modelo matemático desenvolvido.
Papers by Sergio Cordero
The translation´s equipment sizing has to be a great deal to a holistic design approach. It means that this organ depends on the other components of the machine, but after acertain point, in the detail design stage, the design philosophy is limited to the translationequipment sizing only.
The factor that highlights the differences between the stages of design, integrated andspecific stage is the dynamic behavior of the machine; in fact, such behavior is reflected inthe machining forces present in the material’s removal process.
The implementation of a special measuring machine that can determine the behavior of machining forces is crucial for the optimal sizing of the translation equipment. Otherwisethe design process would be based on merely theoretical concepts and in not necessarilyactual estimations. The concept of a measuring machine or a cutting process simulationmachine is implemented in a prototype machine, functional enough to measuring the forces. Once that machining forces are known, which are mentioned as 𝑭 vector, it can be sized in detail, not only the translation equipment CNC router machine, but also to the other organs. At this stage in which the design is specific, components and equipment aredetailed and dimensioned, those which are strictly necessary for the sizing of the translationequipment. The sizing results of such organ consist on an ordered set of criteria, parameters and components, which set together allows fulfilling in an efficient way, the function ofproviding motion to the CNC router machine chains.
In order to quantify the sizing problems and needs, comparative techniques are used insimilar machines and related specific applications. These same techniques are which areimplemented in the validation of the product, with the aim of evaluating whether the result meet the problems and needs established.
Thesis Chapters by Sergio Cordero
The translation´s equipment sizing has to be a great deal to a holistic design approach. It means that this organ depends on the other components of the machine, but after acertain point, in the detail design stage, the design philosophy is limited to the translationequipment sizing only.
The factor that highlights the differences between the stages of design, integrated andspecific stage is the dynamic behavior of the machine; in fact, such behavior is reflected inthe machining forces present in the material’s removal process.
The implementation of a special measuring machine that can determine the behavior of machining forces is crucial for the optimal sizing of the translation equipment. Otherwisethe design process would be based on merely theoretical concepts and in not necessarilyactual estimations. The concept of a measuring machine or a cutting process simulationmachine is implemented in a prototype machine, functional enough to measuring the forces. Once that machining forces are known, which are mentioned as 𝑭 vector, it can be sized in detail, not only the translation equipment CNC router machine, but also to the other organs. At this stage in which the design is specific, components and equipment aredetailed and dimensioned, those which are strictly necessary for the sizing of the translationequipment. The sizing results of such organ consist on an ordered set of criteria, parameters and components, which set together allows fulfilling in an efficient way, the function ofproviding motion to the CNC router machine chains.
In order to quantify the sizing problems and needs, comparative techniques are used insimilar machines and related specific applications. These same techniques are which areimplemented in the validation of the product, with the aim of evaluating whether the result meet the problems and needs established.