Papers by Seldag GUNES PESCHKE
Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları dergisi, Dec 15, 2017
Sciendo eBooks, Dec 31, 2021
Kadem kadın araştırmaları dergisi, Jul 27, 2018
Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 28, 2020
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2018
Teknolojinin geli mesiyle birlikte, hukukî düzenlemeler de toplumun ihtiyaçlar çerçevesinde geli... more Teknolojinin geli mesiyle birlikte, hukukî düzenlemeler de toplumun ihtiyaçlar çerçevesinde geli meye ve de i meye ba lam tr. Teknoloji ile hukukun etkile iminde, artk bir çok i lem online olarak internetten yaplabilmektedir. Ya ad mz dijital ça da, hukuksal geli meler de teknolojiyi izlemek zorundadr. Son yllarda, aile hukukuna ili kin baz i lemler de internet üzerinden online yaplmaya ba lanm-tr. Henüz Türkiye'de kabul edilmemekle birlikte, bunlarn en çarpc örneklerinden bir tanesi olan, online bo anma veya orijinal adyla "Digital Divorce" (dijital bo anma), Hollanda ve Birle ik Krallk'ta uygulamaya girmi tir. Dijital bo anma ile e lerin bir araya gelmeden ksa ve ucuz bir maliyetle sonuca ula mas amaçlanm tr. Bu tür bo anmalarda, e ler kendi rzasyla bo anmalarna hzl ve ucuz bir ekilde, fakat bir duru mada bir araya gelmeden karar verirler. Dijital bo anma ko ullar bu anlamda birçok ülkede halen kullanlan ve o ülkenin geleneklerine ve yasal düzenlemelerine göre baz farkllklar gösteren anla mal bo anma ko ullarna benzemektedir. Bu tebli de, Avrupa ülkelerinde
Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi
Legal knowledge has great importance in every step of production and management. During the proce... more Legal knowledge has great importance in every step of production and management. During the process of sustainable developments, a close relation between innovation process and law has to be considered. Every step of the innovation process and management depends on legal regulations. The engineers, producers, managers should be aware of law, to avoid problems in the future and not to make mistakes in the production and innovation process. To know the regulations help them in various ways. Accordingly, the knowledge about rights and obligations helps them to negotiate safely with the other parties. They know about the boundaries of their liabilities what they are working on. They keep the protection of their work especially on legal regulations. Additionally, during the production phase the protection of environment has to be considered. There are many international agreements which are signed by the States on environment, climate change, sustainability, waste management, renewable e...
Frontiers in Communication
IntroductionHigh levels of adoption and usage for the COVID Tracing Apps (CTA) among the populati... more IntroductionHigh levels of adoption and usage for the COVID Tracing Apps (CTA) among the population is a stipulated prerequisite for success of the implementation of these apps, aiming to mitigate the pandemic and track spreading of the virus more efficient and effectively. In the current study, the main objective was to investigate individuals' preferences in the intention to download a COVID-19 tracing app in a pilot-study in both the Netherlands and Turkey.MethodsWe conducted a discrete choice experimental study through an online survey in two countries (the Netherlands [N = 62] and Turkey [N = 83]), with four different attributes: (1) data protection (data protection vs. no information), (2) manufacturer (government vs. company), (3) reward (no reward vs. voucher as a reward) and (4) gaming (no gaming elements vs. gaming elements). Participants were recruited among a student population.ResultsThe results showed that data protection is one of the most important factors that s...
Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi
The COVID-19 pandemic is the first pandemic after smartphones penetrated society globally. Conseq... more The COVID-19 pandemic is the first pandemic after smartphones penetrated society globally. Consequently, there are not sufficient experiences and understanding of how to engage citizens in information and scientific processes that create public awareness and responsibilities according to scientific needs. For effective measures aiming to sustain the pandemic crisis, an efficient collaboration of academia, economy, culture-based, and media-based public and politics is crucial. With help of the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS) approach for assessment, COVID-19 tracking apps (CTAs) of different countries are analysed with help of a qualitative content analysis according to their reward mechanisms. The analysis includes correlation different rewards to voluntary participation. The MARS approach consists of engagement, functionality aesthetics and information quality. The protection of voluntariness is understood as the fundamental need for the ethical use of CTAs. Accordingly, pat...
Sosyal medya ve kisilik haklari arasinda siki bir iliski bulunmaktadir. Bir kisinin, kisisel veri... more Sosyal medya ve kisilik haklari arasinda siki bir iliski bulunmaktadir. Bir kisinin, kisisel verilerinin yaninda, kisilik haklarina dahil oldugu dusunulen, kisisel resimleri, sosyal aglari, online forumlarina yazdiklari veya twitter gibi mikro bloglari, kisisel verilerin korunmasi acisindan ciddi bir sorun teskil etmektedir. Web 2.0’in kullaniminin baslamasindan itibaren, online iletisim, ozel yasamin gizliliginin kulturel degisiminde merkezi bir unsur haline gelmistir. Medyatiklesen (mediatised) dunyada, medya iletisim kulturumuzun zamansal, mekansal ve sosyal etki sureci ve bunlarin baskisi noktasinda, iletisimin otesinde bir hayatin olmasi dusunulememektedir. Sosyal medya, medya iletisimindeki degisimi hizlandirmistir. Kulturlerin, ozel hayatin gizliligine iliskin degisimi iceren, medya kulturune dogru bir degisim icinde olduguna dair bircok isaret bulunmaktadir. Bu makale ile, Almanya’da ve Turkiye’de ozel hayatin gizliliginin korunmasina iliskin genel bir hukuki cerceve cizilme...
Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
Türk hukukunda kadının soyadına ilişkin düzenlemeler, 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunu’nda ve 2525 ... more Türk hukukunda kadının soyadına ilişkin düzenlemeler, 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunu’nda ve 2525 sayılı Soyadı Kanunu’nda yer almaktadır. TMK m. 187’ye göre, evlilik birliği içinde erkek, evlilikten önceki soyadını kullanmaya devam ederken; kadına bu hak tanınmamıştır. Bu durum, Anayasa’da yer alan eşitlik ilkesine aykırı görülerek birçok yargı kararına konu olmuştur. Konuyla ilgili ilk dava, 1995 yılında Ayten Ünal Tekeli tarafından açılmıştır. O dönemde yürürlükte olan 743 sayılı TMK m. 153 uyarınca, yerel mahkeme ve Yargıtay, Ünal Tekeli’nin evlilik öncesi soyadını tek başına kullanma talebini reddetmişlerdir. Anılan tarihte Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne bireysel başvuru hakkı olmadığı için, AİHM önüne gelen dava Ünal Tekeli’nin lehine sonuçlanmıştır. Bunu takip eden yıllarda kadının evlilik soyadına ilişkin gerek iç hukukta gerek AİHM’de pek çok dava açılmıştır. AİHM’e giden davalarda, kadının evlendikten sonra, sadece evlilik öncesi soyadını kullanma yönündeki talepleri, mahkeme tarafın...
Yıldırım Beyazıt hukuk dergisi, Aug 19, 2022
Principios Generales Del Derecho Antecedentes Historicos Y Horizonte Actual 2014 Isbn 978 84 9059 236 6 Pags 869 876, 2014
Journalism and Mass Communication, 2015
After the foundation of Turkish Republic in1923, Turkish Civil Code which was codificated from Sw... more After the foundation of Turkish Republic in1923, Turkish Civil Code which was codificated from Switzerland in 1926 was a new code for modern Turkey that aimed gender equality. Even if, there were some articles, contrary to the equality of men and women, they were ignored when they were compared with the reforms performed in favor of women. The surname of woman was one of the issues where there was gender discrimination. In the Civil Code of 1926, it was stated that the married woman must have taken her husband's surname after the official marriage and she had to use it through her marriage life. In 1997, there was an amendment in TCC Article 153 that the married woman had the right to register her maiden name in front of her husband's surname which was also accepted in the new TCC in Article 187 in 2002. As the equality of the spouses is neglected under Article 187, many women are trying to change the current situation, by lawsuits. In this article, the regulations about the surname, will be discussed under personality rights and identity, within the current legislation with some court decisions from the last years in favor of women.
Papers by Seldag GUNES PESCHKE