In rising trends of Organic food products, it is very significant towards insight to be gained to... more In rising trends of Organic food products, it is very significant towards insight to be gained to understand the consumers " motive towards organic foods. This study aimed to explore the attitudinal factors influencing consumers " to purchase organic tea. A structured questionnaire using 5-point Likert scales were administered to 200 respondents by convenience method from selective organic stores and departmental store in Coimbatore. Data collected were analysed using descriptive analysis and exploratory factor analysis and Anova. The result showed health, food attributes, Consumers attitude, status and barriers as the most important factor influencing consumer " s preferences towards organic Tea. This finding would help stakeholders in the organic Tea industry to understand the underlying pattern of consumer motives leading to decision towards purchasing organic ea in Malaysia.
In rising trends of Organic food products, it is very significant towards insight to be gained to... more In rising trends of Organic food products, it is very significant towards insight to be gained to understand the consumers " motive towards organic foods. This study aimed to explore the attitudinal factors influencing consumers " to purchase organic tea. A structured questionnaire using 5-point Likert scales were administered to 200 respondents by convenience method from selective organic stores and departmental store in Coimbatore. Data collected were analysed using descriptive analysis and exploratory factor analysis and Anova. The result showed health, food attributes, Consumers attitude, status and barriers as the most important factor influencing consumer " s preferences towards organic Tea. This finding would help stakeholders in the organic Tea industry to understand the underlying pattern of consumer motives leading to decision towards purchasing organic ea in Malaysia.
Papers by Sathis Kumar