Research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences, 2016
Cardiovascular infections (CVDs) are a gathering of disorders of the heart and veins. It incorpor... more Cardiovascular infections (CVDs) are a gathering of disorders of the heart and veins. It incorporates coronary illness, cerebrovascular infection, rheumatic coronary illness, profound vein thrombosis and embolism [1-3]. CVD is a class of infections that include the heart and veins. Cardiovascular sickness incorporates coronary supply route illnesses (CAD, for example, angina and myocardial dead tissue. Different CVDs are stroke, hypertensive coronary illness, cardiomyopathy, heart arrhythmia, valvular coronary illness, carditis, aortic aneurysms and venous thrombosis [4,5]. RISK FACTORS Risk factors include: Age, sexual orientation, tobacco use, physical dormancy, exorbitant liquor utilization, undesirable eating routine, weight, family history of cardiovascular ailment, raised circulatory strain (hypertension), raised glucose (diabetes mellitus), raised blood cholesterol, psychosocial elements, destitution and low instructive status, and air contamination [6-8]. Some of these danger elements, for example, age, sexual orientation or family history, hereditary, are unchanging; in any case, numerous vital cardiovascular danger elements are modifiable by way of life change, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes [2,9,10]. Some danger variables are more hazardous than others. For instance, smoking likely causes a more serious danger to wellbeing than heftiness does. Likewise, chance variables associate [11,12]. Along these lines, on the off chance that you have two or more hazard variables, your wellbeing danger is significantly more expanded than if you simply have one. For instance, an Oxford study observed that men matured 50 who smoke, have elevated cholesterol and have (hypertension), kick the bucket, by and large, 10 years sooner than men who don't have these danger components [8,13,14] .
Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the ... more Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the best possible learning experience. We investigate how such systems might be enriched by activities and indicators of social learning-an aspect of learning that focuses on the influences of learners' social context and interactions. In this paper we describe a pilot study aimed at exploring the potential for including social learning in an adaptive system. Our analysis of the social learning scale demonstrates its validity and usefulness for our ongoing work. Our qualitative analysis of students' learning demonstrates how social learning vary among students. We discuss how the rating scale results and observations of social learning can be integrated within a student model needed to drive an adaptive system. More generally, our work illustrates how theories of learning can contribute to the design of adaptive learning systems. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Computer supported cooperative work; • Applied computing → Interactive learning environments.
Page 1. 52 World Psychiatry (Ed Esp) 9:1 MÓDULO EDUCATIVO DE LA WPA Enfermedades físicas en pacie... more Page 1. 52 World Psychiatry (Ed Esp) 9:1 MÓDULO EDUCATIVO DE LA WPA Enfermedades físicas en pacientes con trastornos mentales graves. 1. Prevalencia, repercusión de los medicamentos y discrepancias en la asistencia sanitaria ...
Smart home devices have found their way through people's homes as well as hearts. One such smart ... more Smart home devices have found their way through people's homes as well as hearts. One such smart device is Amazon Alexa. Amazon Alexa is a voice-controlled application that is rapidly gaining popularity. Alexa was primarily used for checking weather forecasts, playing music, and controlling other devices [9].This paper tries to explore the extent to which people are aware of the privacy policies pertaining to the Amazon Alexa devices. We have evaluated behavioral change towards their interactions with the device post being aware of the adverse implications. Resulting knowledge will give researchers new avenues of research and interaction designers new insights into improving their systems. CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → User models; Human computer interaction (HCI).
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been accompanied by a large amoun... more The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been accompanied by a large amount of misleading and false information about the virus, especially on social media. During the pandemic social media gained special interest as it went on to become an important medium of communication. This made the information being relayed on these platforms especially critical. In our work, we aim to explore the percentage of fake news being spread on Twitter as well as measure the sentiment of the public at the same time. We further study how the sentiment of fear is present among the public. In addition to that we compare the rate of spread of the virus per day with the rate of spread of fake news on Twitter. Our study is useful in establishing the role of Twitter, and social media, during a crisis, and more specifically during crisis management.
Research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences, 2016
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) remain the greatest reason for deaths around the world. More than ... more Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) remain the greatest reason for deaths around the world. More than 17 million individuals has died suffering from CVDs consistently. More than 3 million of these deaths happened before the age of 60 and could have to a great extent been counteracted. The rate of unexpected losses from CVDs ranges from 4% in developed countries and 42% in under developed countries.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2021
Options for students to learn and connect with each other have diversified in recent years, with ... more Options for students to learn and connect with each other have diversified in recent years, with online resources and campuses playing an increasing role. Flexibility and comfort are becoming a priority as students choose when, where and how to pursue learning goals. Nonetheless, students want to feel sense of community with their peers and instructors; institutional bonds are in turn associated with enhanced learning. In this paper, we explore the feelings of community among students studying at a geographically distributed university. We seek to understand how the students understand community, the levels of community they feel and how their campus location may affect these feelings. In this paper, we present findings from both a survey and an interview study and consider the implications for tools that might promote community.
Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies, 2016
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. A... more Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being.
Mass spectrometry is a central analytical technique for protein research and for the study of bio... more Mass spectrometry is a central analytical technique for protein research and for the study of biomolecules in general. Driven by the need to identify, characterize, and quantify proteins at ever increasing sensitivity and in ever more complex samples, a wide range of new mass spectrometryâbased analytical platforms and experimental strategies have emerged
To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have analyzed a p... more To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have analyzed a popular YouTube channel owned by the author of this paper. It has thousands of subscribers, millions of views, and hundreds of video lectures. We have used our private YouTube analytics data to provide an in-depth study of YouTube educational videos. Our analysis provides valuable information that can have major technical and commercial implications in the field of education. We perform in-depth time-series analysis of the channel data to reveal the trend, seasonality and temporal pattern for the educational videos on YouTube. In our study, we find the relationship between video uploading activity, channel's age and its popularity. We use an entropy-based decision tree classifier to find the features that are most important for the popularity of videos. We show that video rank and number of views follow the Zipf distribution for educational videos. We observe a strong correlation between the geographical location of viewers and the location of industry the channel caters to. Besides, we also provide knowledge regarding the popular devices and operating systems used for viewing the educational videos, main traffic sources, playback locations, translation activity, and demography of viewers. Overall, we believe that the results presented in this paper are crucial in understanding YouTube EDU videos characteristics which can be utilized for making well-informed decisions for improving educational content and learning technologies.
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the ... more Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the best possible learning experience. We investigate how such systems might be enriched by activities and indicators of social learning-an aspect of learning that focuses on the influences of learners' social context and interactions. In this paper we describe a pilot study aimed at exploring the potential for including social learning in an adaptive system. Our analysis of the social learning scale demonstrates its validity and usefulness for our ongoing work. Our qualitative analysis of students' learning demonstrates how social learning vary among students. We discuss how the rating scale results and observations of social learning can be integrated within a student model needed to drive an adaptive system. More generally, our work illustrates how theories of learning can contribute to the design of adaptive learning systems. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Computer supported cooperative work; • Applied computing → Interactive learning environments.
Research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences, 2016
Cardiovascular infections (CVDs) are a gathering of disorders of the heart and veins. It incorpor... more Cardiovascular infections (CVDs) are a gathering of disorders of the heart and veins. It incorporates coronary illness, cerebrovascular infection, rheumatic coronary illness, profound vein thrombosis and embolism [1-3]. CVD is a class of infections that include the heart and veins. Cardiovascular sickness incorporates coronary supply route illnesses (CAD, for example, angina and myocardial dead tissue. Different CVDs are stroke, hypertensive coronary illness, cardiomyopathy, heart arrhythmia, valvular coronary illness, carditis, aortic aneurysms and venous thrombosis [4,5]. RISK FACTORS Risk factors include: Age, sexual orientation, tobacco use, physical dormancy, exorbitant liquor utilization, undesirable eating routine, weight, family history of cardiovascular ailment, raised circulatory strain (hypertension), raised glucose (diabetes mellitus), raised blood cholesterol, psychosocial elements, destitution and low instructive status, and air contamination [6-8]. Some of these danger elements, for example, age, sexual orientation or family history, hereditary, are unchanging; in any case, numerous vital cardiovascular danger elements are modifiable by way of life change, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes [2,9,10]. Some danger variables are more hazardous than others. For instance, smoking likely causes a more serious danger to wellbeing than heftiness does. Likewise, chance variables associate [11,12]. Along these lines, on the off chance that you have two or more hazard variables, your wellbeing danger is significantly more expanded than if you simply have one. For instance, an Oxford study observed that men matured 50 who smoke, have elevated cholesterol and have (hypertension), kick the bucket, by and large, 10 years sooner than men who don't have these danger components [8,13,14] .
Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the ... more Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the best possible learning experience. We investigate how such systems might be enriched by activities and indicators of social learning-an aspect of learning that focuses on the influences of learners' social context and interactions. In this paper we describe a pilot study aimed at exploring the potential for including social learning in an adaptive system. Our analysis of the social learning scale demonstrates its validity and usefulness for our ongoing work. Our qualitative analysis of students' learning demonstrates how social learning vary among students. We discuss how the rating scale results and observations of social learning can be integrated within a student model needed to drive an adaptive system. More generally, our work illustrates how theories of learning can contribute to the design of adaptive learning systems. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Computer supported cooperative work; • Applied computing → Interactive learning environments.
Page 1. 52 World Psychiatry (Ed Esp) 9:1 MÓDULO EDUCATIVO DE LA WPA Enfermedades físicas en pacie... more Page 1. 52 World Psychiatry (Ed Esp) 9:1 MÓDULO EDUCATIVO DE LA WPA Enfermedades físicas en pacientes con trastornos mentales graves. 1. Prevalencia, repercusión de los medicamentos y discrepancias en la asistencia sanitaria ...
Smart home devices have found their way through people's homes as well as hearts. One such smart ... more Smart home devices have found their way through people's homes as well as hearts. One such smart device is Amazon Alexa. Amazon Alexa is a voice-controlled application that is rapidly gaining popularity. Alexa was primarily used for checking weather forecasts, playing music, and controlling other devices [9].This paper tries to explore the extent to which people are aware of the privacy policies pertaining to the Amazon Alexa devices. We have evaluated behavioral change towards their interactions with the device post being aware of the adverse implications. Resulting knowledge will give researchers new avenues of research and interaction designers new insights into improving their systems. CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → User models; Human computer interaction (HCI).
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been accompanied by a large amoun... more The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been accompanied by a large amount of misleading and false information about the virus, especially on social media. During the pandemic social media gained special interest as it went on to become an important medium of communication. This made the information being relayed on these platforms especially critical. In our work, we aim to explore the percentage of fake news being spread on Twitter as well as measure the sentiment of the public at the same time. We further study how the sentiment of fear is present among the public. In addition to that we compare the rate of spread of the virus per day with the rate of spread of fake news on Twitter. Our study is useful in establishing the role of Twitter, and social media, during a crisis, and more specifically during crisis management.
Research and reviews: journal of nursing and health sciences, 2016
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) remain the greatest reason for deaths around the world. More than ... more Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) remain the greatest reason for deaths around the world. More than 17 million individuals has died suffering from CVDs consistently. More than 3 million of these deaths happened before the age of 60 and could have to a great extent been counteracted. The rate of unexpected losses from CVDs ranges from 4% in developed countries and 42% in under developed countries.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2021
Options for students to learn and connect with each other have diversified in recent years, with ... more Options for students to learn and connect with each other have diversified in recent years, with online resources and campuses playing an increasing role. Flexibility and comfort are becoming a priority as students choose when, where and how to pursue learning goals. Nonetheless, students want to feel sense of community with their peers and instructors; institutional bonds are in turn associated with enhanced learning. In this paper, we explore the feelings of community among students studying at a geographically distributed university. We seek to understand how the students understand community, the levels of community they feel and how their campus location may affect these feelings. In this paper, we present findings from both a survey and an interview study and consider the implications for tools that might promote community.
Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies, 2016
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. A... more Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being.
Mass spectrometry is a central analytical technique for protein research and for the study of bio... more Mass spectrometry is a central analytical technique for protein research and for the study of biomolecules in general. Driven by the need to identify, characterize, and quantify proteins at ever increasing sensitivity and in ever more complex samples, a wide range of new mass spectrometryâbased analytical platforms and experimental strategies have emerged
To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have analyzed a p... more To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have analyzed a popular YouTube channel owned by the author of this paper. It has thousands of subscribers, millions of views, and hundreds of video lectures. We have used our private YouTube analytics data to provide an in-depth study of YouTube educational videos. Our analysis provides valuable information that can have major technical and commercial implications in the field of education. We perform in-depth time-series analysis of the channel data to reveal the trend, seasonality and temporal pattern for the educational videos on YouTube. In our study, we find the relationship between video uploading activity, channel's age and its popularity. We use an entropy-based decision tree classifier to find the features that are most important for the popularity of videos. We show that video rank and number of views follow the Zipf distribution for educational videos. We observe a strong correlation between the geographical location of viewers and the location of industry the channel caters to. Besides, we also provide knowledge regarding the popular devices and operating systems used for viewing the educational videos, main traffic sources, playback locations, translation activity, and demography of viewers. Overall, we believe that the results presented in this paper are crucial in understanding YouTube EDU videos characteristics which can be utilized for making well-informed decisions for improving educational content and learning technologies.
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the ... more Adaptive learning systems aim to emulate how skilled educators seek to provide every student the best possible learning experience. We investigate how such systems might be enriched by activities and indicators of social learning-an aspect of learning that focuses on the influences of learners' social context and interactions. In this paper we describe a pilot study aimed at exploring the potential for including social learning in an adaptive system. Our analysis of the social learning scale demonstrates its validity and usefulness for our ongoing work. Our qualitative analysis of students' learning demonstrates how social learning vary among students. We discuss how the rating scale results and observations of social learning can be integrated within a student model needed to drive an adaptive system. More generally, our work illustrates how theories of learning can contribute to the design of adaptive learning systems. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Computer supported cooperative work; • Applied computing → Interactive learning environments.
Papers by Sanjana Gautam