Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) T... more Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) To explore the psychometric properties of a baseline disability questionnaire designed to collect patients' expectation. (2) To analyze relations between satisfaction with care and treatment success in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). (3) To determine the chances of being satisfied with the received care in absence of treatment success. Summary of Background Data. There is a lack of evidence on determinants of treatment satisfaction in patients with CLBP, specifically the role of patient's expectation of disability reduction after treatment. Methods. Treatment expectation was measured with questions inspired by the Pain Disability Index (PDI) at baseline. Treatment success was considered if disability at the end of therapy was lower than, or equal to pretreatment expectation. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on the new questionnaire. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze how much variance of satisfaction with care was explained by treatment success, pain disability at baseline, sex, age, duration of complaints, and pain intensity. The odds ratio of being satisfied when treatment was successful was calculated. Results. Six hundred nine patients were included. The factor structure of the PDI-expectancy had optimal fit with a one factor structure. There were low correlations between the expected and baseline disability, pain intensity, and duration of pain. Correlation between treatment success and satisfaction with care was low (x 2 ¼ 0.13; P < 0.01). Treatment success had a low contribution to satisfaction with care. Of all participating patients, 51.4% were satisfied with care even when treatment was not successful. The odds ratio for being satisfied was 2.42 when treatment was successful compared to when treatment was not successful. Conclusion. The PDI-expectancy is internally consistent. Pretreatment expectation contributes uniquely but slightly to satisfaction with care; patients whose treatment was considered successful have 1.38 to 4.24 times higher chance of being satisfied at the end of treatment. Even when treatment was not successful, 51.4% of the patients with CLBP are satisfied with care.
Een workshop waarbij aan de hand van een casus het evidence based handelen wordt besproken vanuit... more Een workshop waarbij aan de hand van een casus het evidence based handelen wordt besproken vanuit de ogen van docenten en vanuit de ogen van de revalidatiepraktijk
Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies... more Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies showed that Physical Therapists (PTs) who believe that specific activities might result in re-injuries are more likely to stimulate patients to stay inactive.
Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Risk and prognostic factors for non-specific musculoskel... more Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Risk and prognostic factors for non-specific musculoskeletal pain: A synthesis of evidence from systematic reviews classified into ICF dimensions Chapter 3 Factors associated with functional capacity test results in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: a systematic review Chapter 4 Factors that affect functional capacity in patients with musculoskeletal pain: a Delphi study among scientists, clinicians, and patients Chapter 5 Construct validity of functional capacity tests in healthy workers Chapter 6 Effect of physical therapist's attitude on lifting capacity
Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies... more Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies showed that Physical Therapists (PTs) who believe that specific activities might result in re-injuries are more likely to stimulate patients to stay inactive.
Pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat staat in onze samenleving op de eerste plaats van oorzaken voor zi... more Pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat staat in onze samenleving op de eerste plaats van oorzaken voor ziekteverzuim. Bij aspecifieke chronische lage rugpijn kunnen lichamelijke inspanningen op het werk zoals dynamische en statische functionele capaciteit verlaagd zijn en de aanleiding zijn voor ziekteverzuim. Volgens het promotieonderzoek van Sandra Jorna-Lakke is bij deze groep patienten aanvullend onderzoek nodig door middel van gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteitstesten.
The behavior of physical therapists during a lifting task: a qualitative analysis. A qualitative ... more The behavior of physical therapists during a lifting task: a qualitative analysis. A qualitative study of accessors verbal and nonverbal behavior during a lifting test..
Aim This study aims to investigate the additional value of elderly-therapist communication on the... more Aim This study aims to investigate the additional value of elderly-therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment to increase the physical activity level of elderly. Conclusion Although the level of evidence is low, in older adults, it is recommended to repeat easy tasks and improve elder adult’s confidence of performing physical activities above setting behavioral goals.
Vanaf 1 januari 2025 moet elk geregistreerd manueel therapeut een masterdiploma hebben gehaald. U... more Vanaf 1 januari 2025 moet elk geregistreerd manueel therapeut een masterdiploma hebben gehaald. Uit een enquete onder NVMT-leden zonder master blijkt dat op dit moment een meerderheid verwacht niet op tijd een master te hebben afgerond. De resultaten zijn voorgelegd aan de opleidingen, die suggesties doen voor het behalen van het masterniveau.
Bij clienten met musculoskeletale pijn is de effectiviteit van zowel Manuele therapie als ook Fys... more Bij clienten met musculoskeletale pijn is de effectiviteit van zowel Manuele therapie als ook Fysiotherapie bewezen. Toch blijft het opmerkelijk dat er weinig verschil in effecten wordt gevonden tussen verschillende typen van therapie. Men zou kunnen concluderen dat dit veroorzaakt wordt door andere werkzame bestanddelen dan het type therapie zelf. Deze andere werkzame bestanddelen worden wel Common factors of niet-therapeutische factoren genoemd. Tijdens behandelingen wordt er verbaal en non-verbaal gecommuniceerd met de client met als doel bv. het opbouwen van een relatie, het stimuleren van actief gedrag van de client, de kennis te vergroten van de client, of het komen tot een gezamenlijke besluitvorming (shared decision making). Binnen de psychotherapie is er voldoende bewijs dat deze niet-therapeutische factoren effectief zijn op het eindresultaat van de behandeling. Ook tijdens de anamnese is bekend welke factoren de uitkomsten van de anamnese positief kunnen beinvloeden. Maar...
http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/early/2015/04/30/ptj.20130194 found online at: The online versi... more http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/early/2015/04/30/ptj.20130194 found online at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be Collections Therapeutic Exercise Cardiovascular/Pulmonary System: Other Acute Care in the following collection(s): This article, along with others on similar topics, appears E-mail alerts to receive free e-mail alerts here Sign up corrections and replace the original author manuscript. : edited and typeset versions of articles that incorporate any author Page proofs readers almost immediate access to accepted papers. PTJ accepted for publication but have not yet been copyedited or typeset. This allows : PDF versions of manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed and Author manuscripts publishes 2 types of Online First articles: PTJ ). PTJ ( Physical Therapy Online First articles are published online before they appear in a regular issue of
Gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteit testen worden uitgevoerd om te bepalen of een persoon z... more Gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteit testen worden uitgevoerd om te bepalen of een persoon zijn functionele capaciteit voldoende is om zijn werk uit te voeren. In dit promotie onderzoek werd ten eerste een review van reviews uitgevoerd naar risico en prognostische factoren voor musculoskeletale pijn. Ten tweede werd een overzicht van de literatuur beschreven van factoren die gerelateerd zijn met functionele capaciteit. Ten derde werd door middel van een Delphi onderzoek consensus bereikt tussen 33 onderzoekers, 21 clinici en 21 patienten over gerelateerde factoren van functionele capaciteit. Ten vierde werd een transversale studie uitgevoerd naar het construct functionele capaciteit bij 403 gezonde werknemers. Tot slot toonde een dubbelblinde Randomized Controlled Trial het effect aan van een kinesiofobe testleider op de functionele capaciteit van gezonde personen. Aanbevelingen voor de klinische praktijk en vervolgstudie werden beschreven.
The added value of therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment in older a... more The added value of therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment in older adults; a systematic review and meta-analysis, Patient Education and Counseling (2018),
Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2017
Objectives: To obtain consensus-based agreement on a classification system of adverse events (AE)... more Objectives: To obtain consensus-based agreement on a classification system of adverse events (AE) following cervical spinal manipulation. The classification system should be comprised of clear definitions, include patients' and clinicians' perspectives, and have an acceptable number of categories. Methods: Design: A three-round Delphi study. Participants: Thirty Dutch participants (medical specialists, manual therapists, and patients) participated in an online survey. Procedure: Participants inventoried AE and were asked about their preferences for either a three-or a fourcategory classification system. The identified AE were classified by two analysts following the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). Participants were asked to classify the severity for all AE in relation to the time duration. Results: Consensus occurred in a three-category classification system. There was strong consensus for 16 AE in all severities (no, minor, and major AE) and all three time durations [hours, days, weeks]. The 16 AE included anxiety, flushing, skin rash, fainting, dizziness, coma, altered sensation, muscle tenderness, pain, increased pain during movement, radiating pain, dislocation, fracture, transient ischemic attack, stroke, and death. Mild to strong consensus was reached for 13 AE. Discussion: A consensus-based classification system of AE is established which includes patients' and clinicians' perspectives and has three categories. The classification comprises a precise description of potential AE in accordance with internationally accepted classifications. After international validation, clinicians and researchers may use this AE classification system to report AE in clinical practice and research.
Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) T... more Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) To explore the psychometric properties of a baseline disability questionnaire designed to collect patients' expectation. (2) To analyze relations between satisfaction with care and treatment success in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). (3) To determine the chances of being satisfied with the received care in absence of treatment success. Summary of Background Data. There is a lack of evidence on determinants of treatment satisfaction in patients with CLBP, specifically the role of patient's expectation of disability reduction after treatment. Methods. Treatment expectation was measured with questions inspired by the Pain Disability Index (PDI) at baseline. Treatment success was considered if disability at the end of therapy was lower than, or equal to pretreatment expectation. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on the new questionnaire. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze how much variance of satisfaction with care was explained by treatment success, pain disability at baseline, sex, age, duration of complaints, and pain intensity. The odds ratio of being satisfied when treatment was successful was calculated. Results. Six hundred nine patients were included. The factor structure of the PDI-expectancy had optimal fit with a one factor structure. There were low correlations between the expected and baseline disability, pain intensity, and duration of pain. Correlation between treatment success and satisfaction with care was low (x 2 ¼ 0.13; P < 0.01). Treatment success had a low contribution to satisfaction with care. Of all participating patients, 51.4% were satisfied with care even when treatment was not successful. The odds ratio for being satisfied was 2.42 when treatment was successful compared to when treatment was not successful. Conclusion. The PDI-expectancy is internally consistent. Pretreatment expectation contributes uniquely but slightly to satisfaction with care; patients whose treatment was considered successful have 1.38 to 4.24 times higher chance of being satisfied at the end of treatment. Even when treatment was not successful, 51.4% of the patients with CLBP are satisfied with care.
Physical therapist's (PTs) recommendations to patients to avoid daily physical activity can b... more Physical therapist's (PTs) recommendations to patients to avoid daily physical activity can be influenced by a PT's kinesiophobic beliefs. Little is known about the amount of influence of PT's kinesiophobic beliefs on a patient's actual lifting capacity during a lifting test. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of PTs kinesiophobic beliefs on lifting capacity in healthy persons. The study was a blinded, randomized controlled study. Subjects (n=256; 105 male) were PT students who performed a lifting capacity test. Examiners (n=24) were selected from second year PT students. Subjects in Group A (n=124) were tested in the presence of an examiner with high scores on the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia for Health Care providers (TSK-HC); Group B (n=132) in the presence of an examiner with low scores on the TSK-HC. Mixed model analyses were performed on lifting capacity to test for possible (interacting) effects. Mean (SD) lifting capacity in Group A wa...
Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) T... more Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) To explore the psychometric properties of a baseline disability questionnaire designed to collect patients' expectation. (2) To analyze relations between satisfaction with care and treatment success in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). (3) To determine the chances of being satisfied with the received care in absence of treatment success. Summary of Background Data. There is a lack of evidence on determinants of treatment satisfaction in patients with CLBP, specifically the role of patient's expectation of disability reduction after treatment. Methods. Treatment expectation was measured with questions inspired by the Pain Disability Index (PDI) at baseline. Treatment success was considered if disability at the end of therapy was lower than, or equal to pretreatment expectation. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on the new questionnaire. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze how much variance of satisfaction with care was explained by treatment success, pain disability at baseline, sex, age, duration of complaints, and pain intensity. The odds ratio of being satisfied when treatment was successful was calculated. Results. Six hundred nine patients were included. The factor structure of the PDI-expectancy had optimal fit with a one factor structure. There were low correlations between the expected and baseline disability, pain intensity, and duration of pain. Correlation between treatment success and satisfaction with care was low (x 2 ¼ 0.13; P < 0.01). Treatment success had a low contribution to satisfaction with care. Of all participating patients, 51.4% were satisfied with care even when treatment was not successful. The odds ratio for being satisfied was 2.42 when treatment was successful compared to when treatment was not successful. Conclusion. The PDI-expectancy is internally consistent. Pretreatment expectation contributes uniquely but slightly to satisfaction with care; patients whose treatment was considered successful have 1.38 to 4.24 times higher chance of being satisfied at the end of treatment. Even when treatment was not successful, 51.4% of the patients with CLBP are satisfied with care.
Een workshop waarbij aan de hand van een casus het evidence based handelen wordt besproken vanuit... more Een workshop waarbij aan de hand van een casus het evidence based handelen wordt besproken vanuit de ogen van docenten en vanuit de ogen van de revalidatiepraktijk
Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies... more Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies showed that Physical Therapists (PTs) who believe that specific activities might result in re-injuries are more likely to stimulate patients to stay inactive.
Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Risk and prognostic factors for non-specific musculoskel... more Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Risk and prognostic factors for non-specific musculoskeletal pain: A synthesis of evidence from systematic reviews classified into ICF dimensions Chapter 3 Factors associated with functional capacity test results in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: a systematic review Chapter 4 Factors that affect functional capacity in patients with musculoskeletal pain: a Delphi study among scientists, clinicians, and patients Chapter 5 Construct validity of functional capacity tests in healthy workers Chapter 6 Effect of physical therapist's attitude on lifting capacity
Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies... more Patient-physiotherapist interactions may affect a person’s physical functioning. Previous studies showed that Physical Therapists (PTs) who believe that specific activities might result in re-injuries are more likely to stimulate patients to stay inactive.
Pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat staat in onze samenleving op de eerste plaats van oorzaken voor zi... more Pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat staat in onze samenleving op de eerste plaats van oorzaken voor ziekteverzuim. Bij aspecifieke chronische lage rugpijn kunnen lichamelijke inspanningen op het werk zoals dynamische en statische functionele capaciteit verlaagd zijn en de aanleiding zijn voor ziekteverzuim. Volgens het promotieonderzoek van Sandra Jorna-Lakke is bij deze groep patienten aanvullend onderzoek nodig door middel van gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteitstesten.
The behavior of physical therapists during a lifting task: a qualitative analysis. A qualitative ... more The behavior of physical therapists during a lifting task: a qualitative analysis. A qualitative study of accessors verbal and nonverbal behavior during a lifting test..
Aim This study aims to investigate the additional value of elderly-therapist communication on the... more Aim This study aims to investigate the additional value of elderly-therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment to increase the physical activity level of elderly. Conclusion Although the level of evidence is low, in older adults, it is recommended to repeat easy tasks and improve elder adult’s confidence of performing physical activities above setting behavioral goals.
Vanaf 1 januari 2025 moet elk geregistreerd manueel therapeut een masterdiploma hebben gehaald. U... more Vanaf 1 januari 2025 moet elk geregistreerd manueel therapeut een masterdiploma hebben gehaald. Uit een enquete onder NVMT-leden zonder master blijkt dat op dit moment een meerderheid verwacht niet op tijd een master te hebben afgerond. De resultaten zijn voorgelegd aan de opleidingen, die suggesties doen voor het behalen van het masterniveau.
Bij clienten met musculoskeletale pijn is de effectiviteit van zowel Manuele therapie als ook Fys... more Bij clienten met musculoskeletale pijn is de effectiviteit van zowel Manuele therapie als ook Fysiotherapie bewezen. Toch blijft het opmerkelijk dat er weinig verschil in effecten wordt gevonden tussen verschillende typen van therapie. Men zou kunnen concluderen dat dit veroorzaakt wordt door andere werkzame bestanddelen dan het type therapie zelf. Deze andere werkzame bestanddelen worden wel Common factors of niet-therapeutische factoren genoemd. Tijdens behandelingen wordt er verbaal en non-verbaal gecommuniceerd met de client met als doel bv. het opbouwen van een relatie, het stimuleren van actief gedrag van de client, de kennis te vergroten van de client, of het komen tot een gezamenlijke besluitvorming (shared decision making). Binnen de psychotherapie is er voldoende bewijs dat deze niet-therapeutische factoren effectief zijn op het eindresultaat van de behandeling. Ook tijdens de anamnese is bekend welke factoren de uitkomsten van de anamnese positief kunnen beinvloeden. Maar...
http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/early/2015/04/30/ptj.20130194 found online at: The online versi... more http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/early/2015/04/30/ptj.20130194 found online at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be Collections Therapeutic Exercise Cardiovascular/Pulmonary System: Other Acute Care in the following collection(s): This article, along with others on similar topics, appears E-mail alerts to receive free e-mail alerts here Sign up corrections and replace the original author manuscript. : edited and typeset versions of articles that incorporate any author Page proofs readers almost immediate access to accepted papers. PTJ accepted for publication but have not yet been copyedited or typeset. This allows : PDF versions of manuscripts that have been peer-reviewed and Author manuscripts publishes 2 types of Online First articles: PTJ ). PTJ ( Physical Therapy Online First articles are published online before they appear in a regular issue of
Gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteit testen worden uitgevoerd om te bepalen of een persoon z... more Gestandaardiseerde functionele capaciteit testen worden uitgevoerd om te bepalen of een persoon zijn functionele capaciteit voldoende is om zijn werk uit te voeren. In dit promotie onderzoek werd ten eerste een review van reviews uitgevoerd naar risico en prognostische factoren voor musculoskeletale pijn. Ten tweede werd een overzicht van de literatuur beschreven van factoren die gerelateerd zijn met functionele capaciteit. Ten derde werd door middel van een Delphi onderzoek consensus bereikt tussen 33 onderzoekers, 21 clinici en 21 patienten over gerelateerde factoren van functionele capaciteit. Ten vierde werd een transversale studie uitgevoerd naar het construct functionele capaciteit bij 403 gezonde werknemers. Tot slot toonde een dubbelblinde Randomized Controlled Trial het effect aan van een kinesiofobe testleider op de functionele capaciteit van gezonde personen. Aanbevelingen voor de klinische praktijk en vervolgstudie werden beschreven.
The added value of therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment in older a... more The added value of therapist communication on the effect of physical therapy treatment in older adults; a systematic review and meta-analysis, Patient Education and Counseling (2018),
Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2017
Objectives: To obtain consensus-based agreement on a classification system of adverse events (AE)... more Objectives: To obtain consensus-based agreement on a classification system of adverse events (AE) following cervical spinal manipulation. The classification system should be comprised of clear definitions, include patients' and clinicians' perspectives, and have an acceptable number of categories. Methods: Design: A three-round Delphi study. Participants: Thirty Dutch participants (medical specialists, manual therapists, and patients) participated in an online survey. Procedure: Participants inventoried AE and were asked about their preferences for either a three-or a fourcategory classification system. The identified AE were classified by two analysts following the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). Participants were asked to classify the severity for all AE in relation to the time duration. Results: Consensus occurred in a three-category classification system. There was strong consensus for 16 AE in all severities (no, minor, and major AE) and all three time durations [hours, days, weeks]. The 16 AE included anxiety, flushing, skin rash, fainting, dizziness, coma, altered sensation, muscle tenderness, pain, increased pain during movement, radiating pain, dislocation, fracture, transient ischemic attack, stroke, and death. Mild to strong consensus was reached for 13 AE. Discussion: A consensus-based classification system of AE is established which includes patients' and clinicians' perspectives and has three categories. The classification comprises a precise description of potential AE in accordance with internationally accepted classifications. After international validation, clinicians and researchers may use this AE classification system to report AE in clinical practice and research.
Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) T... more Spine Study Group Study Design. A prospective cohort study within care as usual. Objective. (1) To explore the psychometric properties of a baseline disability questionnaire designed to collect patients' expectation. (2) To analyze relations between satisfaction with care and treatment success in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). (3) To determine the chances of being satisfied with the received care in absence of treatment success. Summary of Background Data. There is a lack of evidence on determinants of treatment satisfaction in patients with CLBP, specifically the role of patient's expectation of disability reduction after treatment. Methods. Treatment expectation was measured with questions inspired by the Pain Disability Index (PDI) at baseline. Treatment success was considered if disability at the end of therapy was lower than, or equal to pretreatment expectation. An exploratory factor analysis was performed on the new questionnaire. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze how much variance of satisfaction with care was explained by treatment success, pain disability at baseline, sex, age, duration of complaints, and pain intensity. The odds ratio of being satisfied when treatment was successful was calculated. Results. Six hundred nine patients were included. The factor structure of the PDI-expectancy had optimal fit with a one factor structure. There were low correlations between the expected and baseline disability, pain intensity, and duration of pain. Correlation between treatment success and satisfaction with care was low (x 2 ¼ 0.13; P < 0.01). Treatment success had a low contribution to satisfaction with care. Of all participating patients, 51.4% were satisfied with care even when treatment was not successful. The odds ratio for being satisfied was 2.42 when treatment was successful compared to when treatment was not successful. Conclusion. The PDI-expectancy is internally consistent. Pretreatment expectation contributes uniquely but slightly to satisfaction with care; patients whose treatment was considered successful have 1.38 to 4.24 times higher chance of being satisfied at the end of treatment. Even when treatment was not successful, 51.4% of the patients with CLBP are satisfied with care.
Physical therapist's (PTs) recommendations to patients to avoid daily physical activity can b... more Physical therapist's (PTs) recommendations to patients to avoid daily physical activity can be influenced by a PT's kinesiophobic beliefs. Little is known about the amount of influence of PT's kinesiophobic beliefs on a patient's actual lifting capacity during a lifting test. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of PTs kinesiophobic beliefs on lifting capacity in healthy persons. The study was a blinded, randomized controlled study. Subjects (n=256; 105 male) were PT students who performed a lifting capacity test. Examiners (n=24) were selected from second year PT students. Subjects in Group A (n=124) were tested in the presence of an examiner with high scores on the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia for Health Care providers (TSK-HC); Group B (n=132) in the presence of an examiner with low scores on the TSK-HC. Mixed model analyses were performed on lifting capacity to test for possible (interacting) effects. Mean (SD) lifting capacity in Group A wa...
Papers by Sandra Lakke