Papers by Salman Al farisi
Internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam adalah suatu proses memasukan nilai-nilai agama ... more Internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam adalah suatu proses memasukan nilai-nilai agama secara penuh ke dalam hati, sehingga ruh dan jiwa bergerak berdasarkan ajaran Islam. Seperti halnya kegiatan ektrakulikuler FIS (Forum Islamic Student) di SMK Al Ghifari merupakan bentuk upaya internalisasi agar siswa dapat meningkatkan prilaku akhlaknya dengan baik. Namun kenyataan menunjukan masih banyak siswa yang tawuran, mabuk-mabukan di kelas pada saat jam istirahat, melakukan perkelahian dengan temannya, berprilaku tidak sopan kepada guru, pergaulan bebas dengan sesama teman, sering tidak masuk sekolah dan membolos pada jam sekolah. Maka perlu adanya wadah sebagai terobosan, yang diterapkan di sekolah tersebut baik di kelas atau di luar kelas. Tujuan penelitian ini, terfokus pada tujuan, proses, faktor pendukung penghambat dan hasil dari internalisasi nilai-nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk meningkatkan akhlak siswa melalui ektrakulikuler FIS (Forum Islamic Student). Teori dalam ...
Jurnal Syntax Transformation, 2020
Penelitian ini ialah pengembangan permainan voli takraw (voltak) yang bertujuna untuk mengatasi s... more Penelitian ini ialah pengembangan permainan voli takraw (voltak) yang bertujuna untuk mengatasi sarana dan prasarana serta memperkenalkan permainan sepak takraw. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D) Menurut Borg and Gall. Subyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah peserta didik SMK Mutira Hikmah kelas X, XI dan XII yang berjumlah 36 orang. Untuk hasil dari penelitian ini yang di peroleh dalam persentase uji skala kecil dengan nilai rata-rata 86.71 % dengan kategori sangat layak dan untuk uji skala besar dengan nilai rata-rata 97,00% dengan kategori sangat layak. Sehingga kesimpulan dari hasil persentase yang di peroleh makan permainan ini layak untuk di gunakan
As-Syar'i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga, 2022
The study examined "the concept of polygamy in the perspective of islamic law and law no. On... more The study examined "the concept of polygamy in the perspective of islamic law and law no. One year of 1974 and application to bogor city." More detailed deals with the application of polygamy in bogor city both in concepts and practices in the field. Islam strictly stresses that when it comes to polygamy and is concerned that it cannot be fair it is enough with one wife. These studies are being reviewed using qualitative research methods. The kind of approach the author USES is yuridis and normatif islamic law, an approach that reviews and analyzes the problem using principles and based on data of literature through library research. This study emphasizes aspects of juridical Islam and law, by looking at its regulatory regulations and their feeding, and by the islamic law that make its values an object of research. The concept of polygamy according to islamic law is explained in god's word letter a-nisa verse 3 and according to statute no. 1 of 1974 is explained in cha...
Al-Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 2022
Kecerdasan interpersonal adalah kemampuan manusia untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan manusia... more Kecerdasan interpersonal adalah kemampuan manusia untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan manusia sekitar. Fokus kajian artikel ini ialah membahas konsep pendidikan kecerdasan interpersonal remaja awal dalam perspektif Mahmud al-Mashri dalam buku beliau yang berjudul Adab al-Thifli al-Muslim Lishigor Walkibar. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa konsep pendidikan kecerdasan interpersonal menurut Mahmud al-Mishri menekankan pendidikan adab dengan priorotas pendidikan adab kepada orangtua, adab kepada guru, adab kepada teman, adab berbicara, adab bercanda dan adab bertemu dan berjabat tangan.
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (bakau) fruit has a great potency as a traditional medicine, but the safety... more Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (bakau) fruit has a great potency as a traditional medicine, but the safety has not known yet, therefore a test to determine the toxic effects of this fruit into living thing is needed. This research aimed to determine the acute toxicity effect of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza fruit extracts in rats based on Loomis criteria. This research was an experimental research laboratory with Post Test Only Control Group Design. Ten rats were divided into two groups. The control group was fed with a standard food while the treatment group was given Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (bakau) fruit extract at a dose of 5.000 mg/kg BB. After 24 hours, two groups were observed by calculating the number of the dead rats, if there was no dead rat, they were sacrificed for an autopsy for liver histopathological examination. The result of this research showed there was no dead rat during the treatment process . Histopathological examination of rat liver cells showed no necrosis, degeneration, inflam...
Kehidupan modern tampil dalam dua wajah yang antagonistik. Di satu pihak modernisme telah berhasi... more Kehidupan modern tampil dalam dua wajah yang antagonistik. Di satu pihak modernisme telah berhasil mewujudkan kemajuan yang spektakuler dalam bidang sain dan teknologi. Di sisi lain, ia telah menampilkan wajah kemanusiaan yang buram berupa manusia modern yang mengalami kesengsaraan ruhaniah. Masalah yang fundamental adalah pendidikan mengalami materialisasi tujuan. Keberhasilan pendidikan hanya berorientasi kuantitatif lulusan dan orientasi lapangan kerja. Akibatnya, krisis terbesar di dunia saat ini adalah krisis akhlak/karakter. Pendidikan akhlak yang seharusnya dapat membentuk output yang berakhlaqul karimah atau good character and smart, sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan itu sendiri, akan tetapi sampai saat ini belum bisa menyelesaikan persoalan akhlak bangsa yang semakin mengalami penurunan moral (dekadensi moral). Dalam pengembangan akhlak bisa dilakukan dengan cara menerapkan teori yang dikembangkan oleh tokoh-tokoh pendidikan karakter, seperti Miskaweih, Imam Al-Khozali, Nurch...
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Not only Zakat has dimension of ritual but also social dime... more Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Not only Zakat has dimension of ritual but also social dimension. Meaning that, paying zakat (almsgiving) is not seen only as religious ritual but also it could touch humanity aspect by empowering its potency to maximize public wealth. On the other hand, the research related to zakat in Islamic economics area is still under study, if compared to the study of Islamic banking sector. This study tries to review a number of research on zakat. The study uses descriptive statistical analysis based on selected 120 journal publications related to zakat, both national and international journal. The entire sample is derived from academic journal that have been published in the last six years, from 2010 to 2015. The research shows that research on zakat is still dominated by the discussion of zakat institution (28%), followed by management of zakat (22%), zakat distribution (19%) and poverty (19%). The last theme is about zakat collection (13%). Malaysia...
First Draft: February 5, 2016; Revision: April 22, 2016; Accepted: June 20, 2016 SMART Consulting... more First Draft: February 5, 2016; Revision: April 22, 2016; Accepted: June 20, 2016 SMART Consulting. Jl. Achmad Adnawijaya Km. 1, Bogor, West Java E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v8i2.2876 Abstract. The Efficiency of Zakah Institutions Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Although social based, but in its management the Zakah Institutions need to uphold professionalism, transparency and accountability. Most recently, in the measurement of the effectiveness of the management of zakah fund, known Zakah Core Principles concept. This study would try to measure the efficiency of 3 (three) Zakah Institutions with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Banxia Frontier Analyst 3.1 used in data calculation. The calculation of the level of Zakah Institutions efficiency in this study are relative, not absolute. The results show that there is 12 fully efficient Decision Making Unit (DMU) Zakah Institution (100% efficient) and 6 DMU inefficient. The mai...
Hiperglikemia merupakan keadaan peningkatan glukosa darah dari pada rentang kadar puasa normal 80... more Hiperglikemia merupakan keadaan peningkatan glukosa darah dari pada rentang kadar puasa normal 80 – 90 mg / dl darah, atau rentang non puasa sekitar 140 – 160 mg /100 ml darah(Corwin, 2001 ). Insulin adalah hormon yang mengendalikan gula darah. Tubuh menyerap mayoritas karbohidrat sebagai glukosa (gula darah). Dengan meningkatnya gula darah setelah makan, pankreas melepaskan insulin yang membantu membawa gula darah ke dalam sel untuk digunakan sebagai bahan bakar atau disimpan sebagai lemak apabila kelebihan. Tujuan studi kasus untuk mengetahui terapi insulin sebagai intervensi keperawatan untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah pada Ny. S dengan hiperglikemidi ruang 22 Rumah Sakit Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif, dilakukan di ruang 22 Rumah Sakit Dr. SAIFUL ANWAR MALANG pada tanggal 25 – 30 April 2011. Pengumpulan data di peroleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil dari subyek penelitian pada tanggal 25 ...
IS-Net merupakan pusat pengelolaan sistem atau teknologi informasi yang digunakan untuk membantu ... more IS-Net merupakan pusat pengelolaan sistem atau teknologi informasi yang digunakan untuk membantu mencapai tujuan akademik di jurusan Sistem Informasi (JSI) ITS dalam pengimplementasian Teknologi Informasi (TI). Pengimplementasian TI tersebut tidak serta merta berjalan dengan mulus namun sebaliknya pengimplementasiannya memiliki banyak hambatan, ancaman, serta risiko yang dapat merugikan organisasi baik dari segi finansial maupun non-finansial, bahkan pengimplementasiannya tidak berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan terutama di bagian keamanan fisik dan lingkungan. Maka dari itu, diperlukan pengelolaan risiko-risiko yang ada dan yang akan terjadi sehingga tujuan organisasi dalam pengimplementasian TI dapat tercapai. Sebelumnya telah ada peneliti lain yang melakukan pengidentifikasian, penilaian risiko di IS-NET serta memberikan kontrol terhadap risiko yang telah diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan standard ISO 27001 dan 27002, namun hal tersebut tidak menjamin bahwa kontrol yang telah...
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri yang dihasilkan oleh isolat bakteri as... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri yang dihasilkan oleh isolat bakteri asam laktat dari kefir susu sapi dan susu kedelai terhadap Escherichia coli. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat tahapan yaitu isolasi dan identifikasi BAL kefir, produksi zat antibakteri dari isolat, menguji daya hambat isolat antibakteri BAL terhadap Escherichia coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Keenam Isolat bakteri asam laktat dari kefir susu kedelai dan kefir susu sapi mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli dalam kondisi asam dan netral. Dalam kondisi asam luas zona
Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics, 2016
The Efficiency of Zakah Institutions Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Although social based, but ... more The Efficiency of Zakah Institutions Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Although social based, but in its management the Zakah Institutions need to uphold professionalism, transparency and accountability. Most recently, in the measurement of the effectiveness of the management of zakah fund, known Zakah Core Principles concept. This study would try to measure the efficiency of 3 (three) Zakah Institutions with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. Banxia Frontier Analyst 3.1 used in data calculation. The calculation of the level of Zakah Institutions efficiency in this study are relative, not absolute. The results show that there is 12 fully efficient Decision Making Unit (DMU) Zakah Institution (100% efficient) and 6 DMU inefficient. The main factor inefficiency Zakah Institution from 2007 to 2014 due to the distribution of zakah funds to ashnaf. It is still less than optimal. So it has not been able to resolve the problem of poverty.
In practice, waqf in Indonesia faces many hard problems, because commonly known as non-productive... more In practice, waqf in Indonesia faces many hard problems, because commonly known as non-productive waqf. Talking about waqf, it’s not only as religious rituality but also could touch humanity aspect by empowering its potency to maximize public wealth. On the other hand, the research related to waqf is still very lack, but it is very important to do. This study reviews on research around waqf. The study used descriptive statistical analysis based on 100 journal publications related to waqf, both national and international journal. The entire sample journal publications have published last 5 years from 2011 to 2015. Results show that the waqf research is still dominated by the discussion of non-cash waqf (62%) then the cash waqf (38%). This gives a general overview for researchers to produce better research related to cash waqf. In addition, comparison of quantitative research methods is still far less than the qualitative approach.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i1.3110
لسـانـنـا (LISANUNA): Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Pembelajarannya
Translation is an important part of students in learning Arabic, because it will help them in the... more Translation is an important part of students in learning Arabic, because it will help them in the learning process. But most of them face difficulties when trying to translate reading texts from Arabic to Indonesian. Difficulties of students in translation will hinder the way of achieve a goal of learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the difficulties of students in translating Arabic to Indonesian. The results of this study indicate that the difficulties faced by students include the form of translation difficulties themselves in the form of difficulties in choosing the meaning, form, and rules. And also includes several factors in the form of linguistic, non-linguistic, internal, and external factors.
Historias (México, D.F.), 2003
Automatic switch to control lighting is a tool that serves to activate (ON) or disable (OFF) ligh... more Automatic switch to control lighting is a tool that serves to activate (ON) or disable (OFF) lighting lamps at home, especially homes that are rarely occupied. In these devices have a digital clock is the reference to the setting to enable or disable the lights. Clock on the digital clock source is taken from the RTC (Real Time Clock). Display for setting a digital clock or lamp ON / OFF switch on the appliance, it uses four seven segment as hours and minutes, while the second uses two LED which paralleled. To set the digital clock settings, setting the lights ON and OFF the lamp settings using the keypad 4x3 matrix. This appliance-based microcontroller in which there is a program that controls the entire system. Programs that use artificial intelligence in the form of assembly language ASM 51.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dimensi metrik pada beberapa graf jembatan. Dimensi met... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh dimensi metrik pada beberapa graf jembatan. Dimensi metrik adalah kardinalitas minimum dari himpunan pembeda. Dimensi metrik dinotasikan dengan ���(
Proceedings of the International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts (INUSHARTS 2019), 2020
This study discusses the passion exhibited by instructors teaching French as a foreign language i... more This study discusses the passion exhibited by instructors teaching French as a foreign language in high schools in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). In the domain of psychology, passion is deemed to be the pivotal factor for successful classroom learning. Passion is closely correlated with motivation and the two attributes influence each other. However, the learning of French is not accorded due importance in the school curriculum and students are not adequately motivated to learn the language. The quality of French learning in schools is thus often below par. This study aims to identify the number of French teachers throughout the Jabodetabek area who display passion in their teaching practices and to describe their classroom pedagogies. It further intends to elucidate the factors that influence the passion and motivation of French instructors in high schools. This combined-method research initiative obtained data from 37 French teachers through questionnaires, self-reflection sheets, and semi-structured interviews. The collected data were subsequently processed using descriptive quantitative analysis and an independent samples t-test. The results did not identify the attribute of passion in any of the examined French teachers. However, three of the instructors came close to displaying all the qualities of teachers who are passionate about their profession. Unfortunately, these three instructors could not demonstrate learning effectiveness in their classrooms. Therefore, the investigation leads to the conclusion that there is a dire need for French teachers who are passionate about their work. The outcomes of this study also indicate several factors that influence the passion for teaching. Educational institutions must inculcate, develop, maintain, and integrate the characteristic of passion for the profession into the teacher education curriculum.
Kompetensi seorang perawat adalah sesuatu yang ditampilkan secara menyeluruh oleh seorang perawat... more Kompetensi seorang perawat adalah sesuatu yang ditampilkan secara menyeluruh oleh seorang perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan profesional kepada klien yang aman dan etis, mencakup pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan pertimbangan yang dipersyaratkan dalam situasi praktek. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat aplikasi try out uji kompetensi tenaga perawat berbasis Android menggunakan Ionic Framework, Sehingga aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan para calon tenaga perawat untuk berlatih ujian dan melihat seberapa kemampuan menjawab soal uji kompetensi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi try out uji kompetensi perawat yang dapat memudahkan calon perawat untuk latihan ujian kompetensi sebelum mengikuti uji kompetensi sesungguhnya. Kata kunci : Try Out, Uji Kompetensi, Perawat, Ionic Framework.
Papers by Salman Al farisi