Linhaça: Perspectiva de produção e usos na alimentação humana e animal, 2021
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Todo o conteúdo deste livro está... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Câncer e um termo geral que abrange um conjunto de mais de 100 doencas, e uma das principais caus... more Câncer e um termo geral que abrange um conjunto de mais de 100 doencas, e uma das principais causas de morte no mundo, portanto, e um problema de saude publica mundial. Objetivo: Investigar a exposicao a fatores de riscos, o estado nutricional e as caracteristicas socioeconomicas de individuos em tratamento oncologico. Tratou-se de um estudo de carater transversal, qualiquantitativo, realizado com 41 pacientes oncologicos. Os tipos de câncer mais encontrados foram de prostata, mama e intestino; o indice de massa corporal de sobrepeso foi prevalente com media de 25,76 Kg/m². Constatou-se elevada exposicao a fatores de riscos ocupacionais como: contato direto e/ou indireto com agrotoxicos e baixa adesao do uso de equipamentos de protecao individual. A populacao apresentou inadequacoes do estado nutricional, alem de estar submetida a diferentes fatores ocupacionais que propiciam o desenvolvimento ou recidiva do câncer. PALAVRAS-CHAVE : Câncer; Fatores Ocupacionais; Agrotoxico.
Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal, 2018
Insulin resistance acts as the link between different pathologies, such as obesity, dyslipidemia,... more Insulin resistance acts as the link between different pathologies, such as obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. In this context, the consumption of diets with a high glycemic index and glycemic load are associated with the development of these chronic noncomuncable diseases. Recently, children and adolescents are being affected by these diseases. This raises the questioning if controlling the glycemic index and glycemic load of the diet would be preventing the future development of these pathologies. This review discusses this controversial topic.
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 2017
A alimentação é uma necessidade básica e vital para a sobrevivência humana, e o desenvolvimento d... more A alimentação é uma necessidade básica e vital para a sobrevivência humana, e o desenvolvimento de produtos mais saudáveis é de grande importância. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um biscoito tipo cookie rico em β-glicana proveniente do farelo de aveia e avaliar sua aceitação, bem como sua viabilidade comercial. Foram elaboradas duas receitas de cookies: uma sem adição de β-glicana (padrão) e outra com adição de 3% (p/p) de β-glicana (teste) proveniente da substituição parcial da farinha branca por farelo de aveia. A análise sensorial das preparações foi realizada por 30 provadores não treinados e utilizou-se a escala hedônica de nove pontos para os atributos “Cor”, “Textura”, “Sabor” e “Impressão global”. Para o teste de intenção de compra foi utilizada uma escala estruturada de cinco pontos, variando de "certamente compraria" a "certamente não compraria”. Em relação à composição química, o cookie teste apresentou menor valor calórico (305,6...
Objective: To approach the use of hormones and antibiotics in the production of animal origin foo... more Objective: To approach the use of hormones and antibiotics in the production of animal origin food, mechanisms of action, toxicity, regulations in Brazil and worldwide and methods for residues detection in food. Data source: For this review, articles were searched using databases indexed in MEDLINE, LILACS, PUBMED and SciELO, using the key words: residues, antibiotics, hormones, meat, milk, eggs, in addition to their translations in Portuguese and Spanish. Data synthesis: We considered publications in the last 10 years, including 28 articles. Conclusions: The consumption of foods containing antibiotics and hormones residues is a problem to be considered, therefore, it is necessary to develop better methods of compounds detection and invest in food inspection.
Dentre os alimentos ricos em fibras, destaca-se a granola, que é um produto alimentar constituído... more Dentre os alimentos ricos em fibras, destaca-se a granola, que é um produto alimentar constituído por uma mistura de frutas secas, grãos de cereais e sementes oleaginosas, tais como amendoim e castanha-do-pará (GRANADA et al., 2003). Tal
PURPOSE: Evaluate the effect of flaxseed, olive and fish oil on the lipid profile, preservation o... more PURPOSE: Evaluate the effect of flaxseed, olive and fish oil on the lipid profile, preservation of villosities and lymphocyte migration in the intestinal mucosa of Wistar rats. METHODS: Thirty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups, which received the AIN-93M diet, with changes only to their lipid source: flaxseed, olive, fish, and soy oil (control group). The serum was separated for the biochemical parameter analysis. A histological evaluation was performed in the ileal portion. RESULTS: The group which was fed fish oil presented lower values when compared to the other treatments for Total Cholesterol, High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol (p<0.05). The animals treated with fish and olive oils presented better intestinal villosities preservation. Less deposition of lymphocytes was observed in the flaxseed group (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that flaxseed, olive and fish oils present different responses than soy oil for the intestin...
OBJETIVOS: O presente trabalho visou avaliar os efeitos do consumo dos óleos de amendoim, açafrão... more OBJETIVOS: O presente trabalho visou avaliar os efeitos do consumo dos óleos de amendoim, açafrão e oliva no perfil lipídico, composição corporal, metabolismo energético e ingestão alimentar em indivíduos eutróficos normolipidêmicos. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 32 indivíduos, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, tendo quatro mulheres e quatro homens em cada grupo, com idade entre 18 e 50 anos. Foi oferecido um milk shake aos voluntários no desjejum, veiculando uma quantidade equivalente a 30% da sua energia basal na forma de óleo (amendoim, açafrão ou oliva), por um período de oito semanas, exceto para o grupo-controle, que não recebeu o shake. Foram realizadas avaliações dos valores de colesterol total e frações, triacilgliceróis, composição corporal, taxa de metabolismo basal, termogênese induzida pela dieta e ingestão alimentar dos indivíduos nas semanas basal, 4ª e 8ª. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença significante no perfil lipídico e na saciedade, no entanto, o gru...
OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho procurou desenvolver um instrumento para obtenção de dados relativos ao ... more OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho procurou desenvolver um instrumento para obtenção de dados relativos ao consumo alimentar, de caráter qualitativo e quantitativo, para avaliar a ingestão dietética em estudos populacionais. MÉTODOS: Inicialmente foram coletados dados sobre a ingestão alimentar de uma amostra representativa de moradores da cidade de Viçosa (n=119). Para conhecer os alimentos mais consumidos e seus porcionamentos, foram utilizados os métodos recordatório de 24h e pesagem direta. A entrevista ocorreu no horário do almoço ou jantar, com pesagem de todos os alimentos constantes na refeição e de porções referidas como consumidas nas últimas 24h, usou-se também álbum fotográfico como auxiliar na estimativa do peso da porção. RESULTADOS: A partir dos 60 alimentos mais consumidos e dos porcionamentos identificados, foi desenvolvido um inquérito baseado no método Freqüência de Consumo Alimentar semi-quantitativo, com 65 itens e um álbum fotográfico de alimentos. Realizou-se um estudo ...
Peanuts and peanut butter are commonly consumed as a snack, meal component and ingredient in vari... more Peanuts and peanut butter are commonly consumed as a snack, meal component and ingredient in various commercial products. Their consumption is associated with reduced CVD risk and they pose little threat to positive energy balance. However, questions have arisen as to whether product form (e.g. whole nutv.butter) and processing properties (e.g. roasting and adding flavours) may compromise their positive health effects. The present study investigated the effects of peanut form and processing on two CVD risk factors: fasting plasma lipids and body weight. One hundred and eighteen adults (forty-seven males and seventy-one females; age 29·2 (sd8·4) years; BMI 30·0 (sd4·5) kg/m2) from Brazil, Ghana and the United States were randomised to consume 56 g of raw unsalted (n23), roasted unsalted (n24), roasted salted (n23) or honey roasted (n24) peanuts, or peanut butter (n24) daily for 4 weeks. Peanut form and processing did not differentially affect body weight or fasting plasma lipid respo...
We evaluated the effects of peanut oil intake on appetite, energy expenditure, body composition, ... more We evaluated the effects of peanut oil intake on appetite, energy expenditure, body composition, and lipid profile in lean and overweight adults. Methods: In a parallel-arm, long-term feeding trial, lean and overweight participants received a daily peanut oil load in a milk shake equivalent to 30% of their resting energy expenditure for 8 wk. Forty-eight adults (24 lean and 24 overweight, 12 male and 12 female in each group) completed the protocol. Anthropometric indices, appetite, dietary intake, energy expenditure, and plasma lipids were monitored. Results: Energy intake increased significantly in the overweight but not in the lean participants. A statistically significant body weight gain (median 2.35 kg) was also observed among the overweight subjects, although this corresponded to only 43% of the theoretical weight gain. Among overweight subjects, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased significantly and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased at week 4, but neither concentration was significantly different from baseline at week 8. Similar, but less marked, changes were observed in lean subjects. Resting energy expenditure was 5% greater (P Ͻ 0.01) in the overweight group, but no significant difference was observed in the lean subjects. No marked differences of appetite were observed over time in either group or between overweight and lean participants. Conclusion: These data indicate that ingestion of peanut oil elicits a weaker compensatory dietary response among overweight compared with lean individuals. Body weight increased, albeit less than theoretically predicted. The weaker effect of whole nuts on body weight reported in previous studies suggests components other than oil may be responsible.
peanut oil group (p<0.05). In conclusion, safflower oil elicited a stronger LDLlowering property ... more peanut oil group (p<0.05). In conclusion, safflower oil elicited a stronger LDLlowering property than peanut and olive oil, while olive oil, and to a lesser extent peanut oil, were more effective at reducing blood pressure. The weak and intermediate effects of the peanut oil on cholesterol and blood pressure relative to the other oils suggest a contribution of its MUFA composition as well as other constituents in whole peanuts. INTRODUCTION The role of lipids in the etiology and management of obesity and coronary heart disease (CHD) has been of concern for decades. 1,2 Until recently, lowfat, and often, very low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, were widely recommended to address these problems. However, there is strong support that moderate-fat diets can be effective as well, 3,4 or better. 5 In addition, moderate-fat diets that incorporate tree nuts and peanuts may generally promote healthy dietary practices. 6 Although classified with tree nuts, peanuts are legumes and grow underground. They are similar to tree nuts in form and fat content. Approximately 60% of the energy in nuts and peanuts is derived from fat, and greater than 75% of this fat is unsaturated. 7 Much of the health benefit attributed to nuts stems from the lipid-lowering effects 8 of their
logs were kept, and blood samples were collected. Results: The total energy intake of participant... more logs were kept, and blood samples were collected. Results: The total energy intake of participants in the active treatment groups increased significantly during the intervention weeks compared with baseline. The percentage of energy derived from fat also increased significantly, while that from carbohydrate decreased. No significant changes were observed in REE, TEF, or activity over the intervention. Body weight increased significantly by week 8 in all 3 intervention groups. Conclusion: The inclusion of oils rich in poly-or monounsaturated fatty acids in the diet did not elicit precise macronutrient or energy compensation.
Linhaça: Perspectiva de produção e usos na alimentação humana e animal, 2021
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Todo o conteúdo deste livro está... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Câncer e um termo geral que abrange um conjunto de mais de 100 doencas, e uma das principais caus... more Câncer e um termo geral que abrange um conjunto de mais de 100 doencas, e uma das principais causas de morte no mundo, portanto, e um problema de saude publica mundial. Objetivo: Investigar a exposicao a fatores de riscos, o estado nutricional e as caracteristicas socioeconomicas de individuos em tratamento oncologico. Tratou-se de um estudo de carater transversal, qualiquantitativo, realizado com 41 pacientes oncologicos. Os tipos de câncer mais encontrados foram de prostata, mama e intestino; o indice de massa corporal de sobrepeso foi prevalente com media de 25,76 Kg/m². Constatou-se elevada exposicao a fatores de riscos ocupacionais como: contato direto e/ou indireto com agrotoxicos e baixa adesao do uso de equipamentos de protecao individual. A populacao apresentou inadequacoes do estado nutricional, alem de estar submetida a diferentes fatores ocupacionais que propiciam o desenvolvimento ou recidiva do câncer. PALAVRAS-CHAVE : Câncer; Fatores Ocupacionais; Agrotoxico.
Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal, 2018
Insulin resistance acts as the link between different pathologies, such as obesity, dyslipidemia,... more Insulin resistance acts as the link between different pathologies, such as obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. In this context, the consumption of diets with a high glycemic index and glycemic load are associated with the development of these chronic noncomuncable diseases. Recently, children and adolescents are being affected by these diseases. This raises the questioning if controlling the glycemic index and glycemic load of the diet would be preventing the future development of these pathologies. This review discusses this controversial topic.
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 2017
A alimentação é uma necessidade básica e vital para a sobrevivência humana, e o desenvolvimento d... more A alimentação é uma necessidade básica e vital para a sobrevivência humana, e o desenvolvimento de produtos mais saudáveis é de grande importância. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um biscoito tipo cookie rico em β-glicana proveniente do farelo de aveia e avaliar sua aceitação, bem como sua viabilidade comercial. Foram elaboradas duas receitas de cookies: uma sem adição de β-glicana (padrão) e outra com adição de 3% (p/p) de β-glicana (teste) proveniente da substituição parcial da farinha branca por farelo de aveia. A análise sensorial das preparações foi realizada por 30 provadores não treinados e utilizou-se a escala hedônica de nove pontos para os atributos “Cor”, “Textura”, “Sabor” e “Impressão global”. Para o teste de intenção de compra foi utilizada uma escala estruturada de cinco pontos, variando de "certamente compraria" a "certamente não compraria”. Em relação à composição química, o cookie teste apresentou menor valor calórico (305,6...
Objective: To approach the use of hormones and antibiotics in the production of animal origin foo... more Objective: To approach the use of hormones and antibiotics in the production of animal origin food, mechanisms of action, toxicity, regulations in Brazil and worldwide and methods for residues detection in food. Data source: For this review, articles were searched using databases indexed in MEDLINE, LILACS, PUBMED and SciELO, using the key words: residues, antibiotics, hormones, meat, milk, eggs, in addition to their translations in Portuguese and Spanish. Data synthesis: We considered publications in the last 10 years, including 28 articles. Conclusions: The consumption of foods containing antibiotics and hormones residues is a problem to be considered, therefore, it is necessary to develop better methods of compounds detection and invest in food inspection.
Dentre os alimentos ricos em fibras, destaca-se a granola, que é um produto alimentar constituído... more Dentre os alimentos ricos em fibras, destaca-se a granola, que é um produto alimentar constituído por uma mistura de frutas secas, grãos de cereais e sementes oleaginosas, tais como amendoim e castanha-do-pará (GRANADA et al., 2003). Tal
PURPOSE: Evaluate the effect of flaxseed, olive and fish oil on the lipid profile, preservation o... more PURPOSE: Evaluate the effect of flaxseed, olive and fish oil on the lipid profile, preservation of villosities and lymphocyte migration in the intestinal mucosa of Wistar rats. METHODS: Thirty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups, which received the AIN-93M diet, with changes only to their lipid source: flaxseed, olive, fish, and soy oil (control group). The serum was separated for the biochemical parameter analysis. A histological evaluation was performed in the ileal portion. RESULTS: The group which was fed fish oil presented lower values when compared to the other treatments for Total Cholesterol, High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol (p<0.05). The animals treated with fish and olive oils presented better intestinal villosities preservation. Less deposition of lymphocytes was observed in the flaxseed group (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that flaxseed, olive and fish oils present different responses than soy oil for the intestin...
OBJETIVOS: O presente trabalho visou avaliar os efeitos do consumo dos óleos de amendoim, açafrão... more OBJETIVOS: O presente trabalho visou avaliar os efeitos do consumo dos óleos de amendoim, açafrão e oliva no perfil lipídico, composição corporal, metabolismo energético e ingestão alimentar em indivíduos eutróficos normolipidêmicos. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 32 indivíduos, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, tendo quatro mulheres e quatro homens em cada grupo, com idade entre 18 e 50 anos. Foi oferecido um milk shake aos voluntários no desjejum, veiculando uma quantidade equivalente a 30% da sua energia basal na forma de óleo (amendoim, açafrão ou oliva), por um período de oito semanas, exceto para o grupo-controle, que não recebeu o shake. Foram realizadas avaliações dos valores de colesterol total e frações, triacilgliceróis, composição corporal, taxa de metabolismo basal, termogênese induzida pela dieta e ingestão alimentar dos indivíduos nas semanas basal, 4ª e 8ª. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença significante no perfil lipídico e na saciedade, no entanto, o gru...
OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho procurou desenvolver um instrumento para obtenção de dados relativos ao ... more OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho procurou desenvolver um instrumento para obtenção de dados relativos ao consumo alimentar, de caráter qualitativo e quantitativo, para avaliar a ingestão dietética em estudos populacionais. MÉTODOS: Inicialmente foram coletados dados sobre a ingestão alimentar de uma amostra representativa de moradores da cidade de Viçosa (n=119). Para conhecer os alimentos mais consumidos e seus porcionamentos, foram utilizados os métodos recordatório de 24h e pesagem direta. A entrevista ocorreu no horário do almoço ou jantar, com pesagem de todos os alimentos constantes na refeição e de porções referidas como consumidas nas últimas 24h, usou-se também álbum fotográfico como auxiliar na estimativa do peso da porção. RESULTADOS: A partir dos 60 alimentos mais consumidos e dos porcionamentos identificados, foi desenvolvido um inquérito baseado no método Freqüência de Consumo Alimentar semi-quantitativo, com 65 itens e um álbum fotográfico de alimentos. Realizou-se um estudo ...
Peanuts and peanut butter are commonly consumed as a snack, meal component and ingredient in vari... more Peanuts and peanut butter are commonly consumed as a snack, meal component and ingredient in various commercial products. Their consumption is associated with reduced CVD risk and they pose little threat to positive energy balance. However, questions have arisen as to whether product form (e.g. whole nutv.butter) and processing properties (e.g. roasting and adding flavours) may compromise their positive health effects. The present study investigated the effects of peanut form and processing on two CVD risk factors: fasting plasma lipids and body weight. One hundred and eighteen adults (forty-seven males and seventy-one females; age 29·2 (sd8·4) years; BMI 30·0 (sd4·5) kg/m2) from Brazil, Ghana and the United States were randomised to consume 56 g of raw unsalted (n23), roasted unsalted (n24), roasted salted (n23) or honey roasted (n24) peanuts, or peanut butter (n24) daily for 4 weeks. Peanut form and processing did not differentially affect body weight or fasting plasma lipid respo...
We evaluated the effects of peanut oil intake on appetite, energy expenditure, body composition, ... more We evaluated the effects of peanut oil intake on appetite, energy expenditure, body composition, and lipid profile in lean and overweight adults. Methods: In a parallel-arm, long-term feeding trial, lean and overweight participants received a daily peanut oil load in a milk shake equivalent to 30% of their resting energy expenditure for 8 wk. Forty-eight adults (24 lean and 24 overweight, 12 male and 12 female in each group) completed the protocol. Anthropometric indices, appetite, dietary intake, energy expenditure, and plasma lipids were monitored. Results: Energy intake increased significantly in the overweight but not in the lean participants. A statistically significant body weight gain (median 2.35 kg) was also observed among the overweight subjects, although this corresponded to only 43% of the theoretical weight gain. Among overweight subjects, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased significantly and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased at week 4, but neither concentration was significantly different from baseline at week 8. Similar, but less marked, changes were observed in lean subjects. Resting energy expenditure was 5% greater (P Ͻ 0.01) in the overweight group, but no significant difference was observed in the lean subjects. No marked differences of appetite were observed over time in either group or between overweight and lean participants. Conclusion: These data indicate that ingestion of peanut oil elicits a weaker compensatory dietary response among overweight compared with lean individuals. Body weight increased, albeit less than theoretically predicted. The weaker effect of whole nuts on body weight reported in previous studies suggests components other than oil may be responsible.
peanut oil group (p<0.05). In conclusion, safflower oil elicited a stronger LDLlowering property ... more peanut oil group (p<0.05). In conclusion, safflower oil elicited a stronger LDLlowering property than peanut and olive oil, while olive oil, and to a lesser extent peanut oil, were more effective at reducing blood pressure. The weak and intermediate effects of the peanut oil on cholesterol and blood pressure relative to the other oils suggest a contribution of its MUFA composition as well as other constituents in whole peanuts. INTRODUCTION The role of lipids in the etiology and management of obesity and coronary heart disease (CHD) has been of concern for decades. 1,2 Until recently, lowfat, and often, very low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, were widely recommended to address these problems. However, there is strong support that moderate-fat diets can be effective as well, 3,4 or better. 5 In addition, moderate-fat diets that incorporate tree nuts and peanuts may generally promote healthy dietary practices. 6 Although classified with tree nuts, peanuts are legumes and grow underground. They are similar to tree nuts in form and fat content. Approximately 60% of the energy in nuts and peanuts is derived from fat, and greater than 75% of this fat is unsaturated. 7 Much of the health benefit attributed to nuts stems from the lipid-lowering effects 8 of their
logs were kept, and blood samples were collected. Results: The total energy intake of participant... more logs were kept, and blood samples were collected. Results: The total energy intake of participants in the active treatment groups increased significantly during the intervention weeks compared with baseline. The percentage of energy derived from fat also increased significantly, while that from carbohydrate decreased. No significant changes were observed in REE, TEF, or activity over the intervention. Body weight increased significantly by week 8 in all 3 intervention groups. Conclusion: The inclusion of oils rich in poly-or monounsaturated fatty acids in the diet did not elicit precise macronutrient or energy compensation.
Papers by Regiane Sales