Syntax Idea
Health services are efforts to maintain health, improve and treat disease in individuals/groups o... more Health services are efforts to maintain health, improve and treat disease in individuals/groups of the wider community. In getting health services, you must follow the procedure first, which must follow the waiting time. Waiting time is the initial image of service. The waiting time used by patients to get health services starting from the place of registration, examination, taking drugs until completion and leaving health services. During the waiting time process, handling is needed so that the community does not have suggestions that the puskesmas service is very bad or it can be said that they do not follow the existing procedures. Inefficient waiting times lead to patient dissatisfaction. The main factors and benchmarks for the success of puskesmas services have an impact on the number of visits, satisfied patients tend to return. This study aims to see the relationship between registration time to completion in order to provide services as expected by the community.

The aim of the research was to determine the formulation of pumpkin flour and wheat flour for pro... more The aim of the research was to determine the formulation of pumpkin flour and wheat flour for producing the best of dough improvement and organoleptic properties of sweet bread. The research was carried out in a complete randomized block design, single factor with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The 8 formulations of pumpkin flour and wheat flour were: (F) consisted of F1 (0:100), F2 (5:95), F3 (10:90), F4 (15:85), F5 (20:80), F6 (25:75), F7 (30:70), and F8 (35:65). The results showed that F3 was the best formulation to produce sweet bread with a dough improvement 2.51% and organoleptic with score of color 4.07 (yellow), texture 3.43 (somewhat soft), taste 3.50 (sweet), flavor 3.00 (somewhat typical pumpkin), and overall acceptance 3.70 (like). The sweet bread of F3 contained moisture 18.90%, ash 1.18%, fat 8.63%, protein 9.47%, crude fiber 3.11%, and carbohydrate (by difference )58.71%. Keywords: Cucurbita maxima , pumpkin flour, sweet bread, wheat flour

- The research has done in Sukabumi with the mean to be analysis and check the effectively promot... more - The research has done in Sukabumi with the mean to be analysis and check the effectively promotion to know many variable which very effective and to know the impact of the promotion that been done by the private university in Sukabumi about the decision student to take the decision certainly which simultaneous and precision. Population take by the research is students to has been study in private University in Sukabumi, the method had and use to be analysis the data which become descriptive analysis and simultaneous examine and partial based the research examination of the effectiveness promotion with EPIC model, got the result that promotion with had be done in private university in Sukabumi enough effective variable emphaty, impact, and communication classified at effective. While persuasion variable include to linier scale enough effective. The result of dual linier regretion examination, simultaneous examination pointed that all of free variable influence significant to the bo...

Abstrak Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap konsumsi makanan atau minuman yang bermanfaat bagi kesehata... more Abstrak Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap konsumsi makanan atau minuman yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan semakin meningkat. Salah satu minuman yang dapat menyehatkan tubuh adalah produk hasil fermentasi susu berupa kefir. Kefir merupakan minuman probiotik hasil fermentasi susu oleh bakteri asam laktat dah khamir yang memiliki manfaat yang baik bagi kesehatan, terutama teradap saluran pencernaan. Pengolahan susu menjadi produk fermentasi jarang sekali dilakukan masyarakat terutama di pedaesaan, hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat mengenai cara dan metode pembuatan produk tersebut. Pemanfaatan susu kambing sebagai minuman oleh masyarakat belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Anggapan masyarakat terhadap bau prengus susu kambing membuat pemanfaatan susu kambing belum optimal. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang Penyuluhan Dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Kefir dari Susu Kambing Di Desa Sumber Rejo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan sudah dilaks...

Abstrak: Barium M-heksaferit (BaM) merupakan bahan magnet permanen yang tergolong hardmagnetic te... more Abstrak: Barium M-heksaferit (BaM) merupakan bahan magnet permanen yang tergolong hardmagnetic tetapi tidak sesuai untuk beberapa aplikasi, sehingga perlu dilakukan rekayasa untuk menurunkan sifat kemagnetannya menjadi softmagnetic. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh temperatur kalsinasi terhadap barium M-heksaferit didoping Zn menggunakan pengukuran FTIR. Proses sintesis barium M-heksaferit menggunakan metode kopresipitasi dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi dopannya 0,0; 0,3; 0,6; dan 0,9 serta memvariasikan temperatur kalsinasi 80oC, 400oC, 600oC dan 800oC. Setelah melakukan proses sintesis selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian sampel menggunakan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red). Penelitian ini telah berhasil melakukan sintesis dengan hasil berupa serbuk barium M-heksaferit berwarna coklat muda hingga coklat tua. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian FTIR didapatkan puncak-puncak pada bilangan gelombang 3447cm-1, 2345cm-1, 1615cm-1, 530cm-1, 470cm-1 masing-masing mengindikasikan a...

ILTEK : Jurnal Teknologi, 2020
Pagar sebagai akses keluar masuk ke dalam pekarangan atau rumah, umumnya pintu pagar dibuka secar... more Pagar sebagai akses keluar masuk ke dalam pekarangan atau rumah, umumnya pintu pagar dibuka secara manual. Namun, pada kondisi tertentu seperti pada saat hujan melakukan buka tutup pagar rumah dengan manual akan sangat repot. Tujuannya, merancang pagar menggunakan remote kontrol wireless RF315 dan mengaplikasikan software arduino uno dengan remote kontrol.. Metode penelitian ini berbasis arduino uno, yaitu mikrokontroler ATMega328p yang terkoneksi dengan remote control melalui radio frekuensi untuk menjalankan fungsi buka tutup pagar otomatis. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dilakukan ketika menekan tombol A dan C yang berfungsi sebagai menutup dan membuka pagar, lampu led menyala dan buzzer berbunyi kemudian pagar bergerak otomatis untuk menutup dan membuka sesuai perintah dari remote control. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah perancangan sistem kerja pintu pagar otomatis menggunakan remote control RF513 berhasil diselesaikan dengan kecepatan mnggunakan motor DC 12V, remote control RF315 d...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2020
This research succeeded in creating a thin layer of SnO2 and SnO2: In+Al through a synthesis proc... more This research succeeded in creating a thin layer of SnO2 and SnO2: In+Al through a synthesis process with the sol-gel spin-coating technique on a glass substrate. The manufacture of this thin layer uses the basic material SnCl2.2H2O, and the doping material InCl3.4H2O and AlCl3. This thin layer is made with variations in doping concentration, number of layers, and heating temperature. The results of the synthesis of SnO2: In+Al films show that the thin film formed is more transparent when the doping concentration and the number of layers is increased. Meanwhile, the thin layer that forms is increasingly not transparent when heated at higher temperatures

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2019
The purpose of this study is to describe the application of PBL to improve the representation abi... more The purpose of this study is to describe the application of PBL to improve the representation ability of class XI students. This classroom action research was carried out in 2 cycles, which were conducted from October to November 2018. The results of this study were the application of PBL models to mathematics learning that had improved students' mathematical representation skills, which were supported by increased achievement of teacher and student activities from cycles I to cycle. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penerapan PBL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa kelas XI. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober-November 2018. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan model PBL pada pembelajaran matematika telah meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan capaian kemampuan representasi matematis siswa secara klasikal dan aktivitas guru serta siswa mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II .

Pelita Masyarakat, 2021
Small and Medium Enterprises have a big enough role for the welfare of society. This sector is ab... more Small and Medium Enterprises have a big enough role for the welfare of society. This sector is able to absorb a large enough workforce and provide opportunities for SMEs to develop and compete with companies that tend to use large capital (capital intensive). The purpose of this activity is to improve aspects of marketing management that have an impact on increasing sales. The object of this activity is the clay pottery ceramics business in Wonosari Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency. The main problem for partners is that partners do not focus too much on marketing management, relying more on conventional marketing systems such as ordering goods, safekeeping at the nearest store, and selling in their own stores whose position is not too strategic, causing stagnant product sales. The proposed solution is to apply management and marketing techniques for partner products using internet media such as websites and social media. The output targets of this partnership p...

Pelita Masyarakat, 2021
Desa Namombelin merupakan bagian terkecil dari sistem pemerintahan administratif di Indonesia. Se... more Desa Namombelin merupakan bagian terkecil dari sistem pemerintahan administratif di Indonesia. Setiap desa memiliki tuntutan untuk mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi (TIK) dan sistem informasi dalam mendukung pengelolaan layanan data dan informasi desa, hal ini tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa Pasal 86. Permasalahan Desa Namobelin saat ini adalah sistem pelayanan data dan informasi desa masih dilakukan secara konvensional, belum memanfaatkan sistem informasi manajemen (SIM). Hal ini disebabkan karena perangkat desa belum menyadari pentingnya pemanfaatan SIM dalam menyelenggarakan pengelolaan layanan data dan informasi desa kepada masyarakat. Akibatnya distribusi informasi kepada masyarakat menjadi lambat, dan belum terwujudnya transparansi kegiatan desa. Meskipun saat ini kantor pelayanan administrasi desa telah dilengkapi dengan perangkat komputer dan infrastruktur jaringan kompute, akan tetapi belum digunakan untuk pelayanan kepada masyarakat se...

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2021
ABSTRAKPerangkat pembelajaran merupakan bagian terpenting dalam proses pembelajaran, dimana pros... more ABSTRAKPerangkat pembelajaran merupakan bagian terpenting dalam proses pembelajaran, dimana proses pembelajaran berjalan efisien, efektif dan juga terstruktur karena adanya perangkat pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa perangkat pembelajaran model inkuiri terbimbing yang terdiri dari silabus, RPP, LKPD, instrument tes penguasaan konsep. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika yang valid, efektif, dan efisien dengan menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing pada materi alat-alat optik untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate. Perangkat yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah silabus, RPP, LKPD, dan instrumen tes penguasaan konsep. Kevalidan perangkat yang dikembangkan diperoleh berdasarkan penilaian angket dari enam validator yaitu tiga validator ahli dan ...

Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2020
Validity and reliability are the main topics in every research instruments. It is important how t... more Validity and reliability are the main topics in every research instruments. It is important how to create research instrument that is connected to the construct being measured. In this article, the authors tested the validity and reliability of Holland's career instrument Indonesian version. The participants involved are in the period of career preparation and choice, within an educational institution or a job, but has not yet had satisfaction with their career. The participants' age range from 15 to 27 years. The validity test is carried out using the conventional validity type, where the item is declared valid if the correlation coefficient is ≥ 0.3. The results showed 43 items were declared valid and 5 items were declared invalid while the reliability coefficient found is 0.906. Based on the results, Holland's career instrument Indonesian version in a good instrument to measure career preparation and career choice.

Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), 2020
The purpose of this paper is to determine the legal arrangements for providing structural legal a... more The purpose of this paper is to determine the legal arrangements for providing structural legal aid, what are the forms of litigation and non-litigation resolution, and how the obstacles are faced. The research is descriptive in nature, by describing the state of the subject and object, which can be people or institutions based on existing facts and uses a normative and empirical juridical approach, namely analyzing laws and regulations and conducting interviews with respondents. Data obtained through field research (field research). Based on the results of the research, the arrangements for providing structural legal aid by the Medan legal aid agency are Law No.16 of 2011 concerning legal aid and Government Regulation No. 42 of 2013 as the implementing regulation, and as for internal assistance, namely the standard operating procedures of the legal aid agency itself and other supporting laws. Field legal aid agencies resolve criminal cases in litigation and non-litigation terms. Li...

ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2020
ABSTRAKSintesis komposit mengggunakan campuran serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang denga... more ABSTRAKSintesis komposit mengggunakan campuran serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang dengan matrik Polyvinil Acetat (PVAc) telah berhasil dilakukan. Sampel tersebut dibuat dengan variasi komposisi fraksi volume serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang yaitu (0:100), (30:70), (40:60), (50:50), (60:40), (70:30) dan (100:0)%. Perbandingan fraksi volume campuran serat alami dan matrik polyvinyl Acetat (PVAc) yang dibuat yaitu (70:30)%. Pembuatan sampel diawali dengan pengambilan serat sabut kelapa dan buah ketapang, penjemuran dan pemotongan, kemudian pencampuran serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang dengan matriks PVAc, pencetakan komposit dengan alat cetak tekan dan penjemuran. Sampel yang sudah jadi selanjutnya diuji fisiknya dengan cara menentukan nilai massa jenis dan kadar air sampel untuk melihat kualitas sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan sampel telihat homogen, massa jenis sampel berkisar antara 0,52- 0,72 gram/cm3 dan nilai kadar air be...

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2020
This study aims to develop science learning tools with guided inquiry models assisted by real med... more This study aims to develop science learning tools with guided inquiry models assisted by real media to improve scientific creativity and science process skills of grade VIII students at SMP IT Male and SMP IT Female Mataram on light and optical equipment. The development of this tool adopts the development of Dick and Carey. The resulting products are in the form of learning tools in the form of syllabus, lesson plans, LKPD, scientific creativity instruments and science process skills. Before being used, the device was validated by four expert validators and the result was that the device developed was suitable for use in learning. To test the effectiveness of the device, scientific creativity and scientific process skills were tested. The results of the scientific creativity test obtained an average N-Gain of 0.4. This shows that the device developed is quite effective in increasing the scientific creativity of students in the two schools being the subject. The second effectiveness...

Jurnal Vokasi Kesehatan, 2020
Jumlah ibu hamil HIV Posistif di Cilacap dari tahun 2016 mencapai 42 ibu. Ibu HIV posistif dihada... more Jumlah ibu hamil HIV Posistif di Cilacap dari tahun 2016 mencapai 42 ibu. Ibu HIV posistif dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yaitu pemberian ASI atau susu formula. Pemberian susu formula yang tidak sesuai standar menigkatkan kemungkinan tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan nutrisi anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pemenuhan nutrisi anak dengan ibu HIV positif pada enam bulan pertama di Kabupaten Cilacap melalui studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Cilacap dengan subjek penelitian adalah ibu HIV positif. Pengambilan data melalui cara wawancara. Analisis menggunakan model Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pilihan nutrisi yang diberikan pada anak dengan ibu HIV positif pada enam bulan pertama yaitu susu formula, kebutuhan nutrisi anak telah terpenuhi dengan baik tampak dari status gizi anak yang baik dan anak tidak pernah mengalami diare. Dukungan tenaga kesehatan dalam edukasi terkait perinsip-perinsip dalam pemberian susu formula masih cuku...

The present study was carried out to analyze the digital literacy for pre-service natural science... more The present study was carried out to analyze the digital literacy for pre-service natural science teachers through a workshop on optimizing the use of Microsoft office software. This study explored an experimental method with the one-group pretest-posttest design. The current research adopted 25 students as the pre-service natural science teachers in the Natural Sciences Study Program of the Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty of the Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University. The data were collected through providing instruments of multiple-choice tests on the pretest and posttest, questionnaire, and interview to measure the improvement of digital literacy. To analyze the data, a technique to calculate the mean score of the normalized gain (N-gain) was performed. The findings disclosed that the mean score of N-gain digital literacy for pre-service natural science teachers was 0.70 with the high category. Based on results obtained in this line of research, it is therefore concluded...

Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar, 2020
Ant (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) is one of the dominant groups of insects and has significant biolog... more Ant (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) is one of the dominant groups of insects and has significant biological and ecological properties. The presence of ants in coffee plantations plays an important role as it functions as a predator. The study aimed to investigate the effect of coffee plantation agroecosystem on the diversity and abundance of ant species. The study was conducted from February to June 2018 at Pakuwon Experimental Station. The coffee plants were divided into 4 groups, based on their locations and agroecosystems, where each group consisted of 4 observation plots. Ants sampling were taken from 15 sample plants in each plot. Observation was conducted on ants found in the stems, leaves, twigs and fruits of coffee plants. The ants were taken for 5 to 10 minutes from each plant. The differences in coffee agroecosystem were grouped based on location, altitude, coffee species, shade plant, and vegetation around the observation site. The study found 59 ant morphospecies with a tot...

Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 2020
Nowadays social responsibility is significant to investigate. It is because in the academic world... more Nowadays social responsibility is significant to investigate. It is because in the academic world there are a number of students having low social responsibility. This behavior is realized by unfair actions in groups, bullying or intimidation practice. Concerning this phenomenon, the current study aimed at analyzing the prediction of students’ social responsibility from the perspective of moral disengagement and incivility. This correlational study involved 636 students with a portion of 49.5% of male students and 50.5% of female students. They were selected using cluster sampling from two junior high schools in Central Java. After that, these students were asked to fill in a moral disengagement scale, and classroom incivility scale. The results showed that moral disengagement and incivility significantly predicted social responsibility (R=0.336, R2=0.113, F=6.079, and P<0.01). Specifically, the findings of this study confirmed that the aspects of Moral Justification and Dehumani...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2019
This research is an experimental study that aims to support the temperature and variation of dopi... more This research is an experimental study that aims to support the temperature and variation of doping in making thin films. The temperature variations at room temperature annealing, 50, 100, 150, and 200 o C, and doping variations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25%. The method used in this study is sol-gel spin coating. The results showed that thin films at low temperatures were more transparent than higher temperatures and the increase percentage doping causing thin films to be more transparent.